Tuesday, 4 January 2011


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For anyone who hasn't already seen it, this is a strange, beautiful and haunting movie.  I don't pretend to understand it, although I suspect it's arty in all the wrong ways;  visually, however, it is a feast of Old Masterisms, every frame is composed as if  it were an undiscovered  Vermeer.  I could watch it with the sound turned down;  if you have some quiet time to spare, this will enhance it, if you are a paintings ignoramus, like what I am, it sheds a little of the light, lost now, to years of rock and roll and other rubbish.


PT Barnum said...

I've always been profoundly reluctant to watch that film, acclaimed as it may be. Vermeer's paintings for me exist in a space of mystery, moments of time in transitory silence, stillness on the verge of movement. I don't want anyone else to give me an interpretation for fear of losing that incandescent experience. I spend my time asking 'Why?' about all sorts of things and Vermeer just makes me want to look and look some more. Maybe with the sound turned down it would be ok!

mongoose said...

I know nowt about paintings - though it is very beautiful - but it is a fine, gentle film for the most part. The odd hanging and disaster being around every corner notwithstanding. I'd have watched it again if I had but known.

call me ishmael said...

You need to stay tuned, mr m, although it was a last minute announcement on my part.

Aye, mr ptb, too right there was an example of that very same critic-pollution just before the film, the Beeb's latest talking head, some over exposed, double barelled wanker, somebody something-something, who wanted to "understand" or maybe it was "explore" Vermeer's psychology, and to help us, he was circling, on an orange Dutch bicycle, the camera, pontificating, televisually, like a proper cunt, marauding through the Rijksmuseum like a vandal om amphetamine, the Assyrian came down like a wolf on the fold, motormouthing at the Delft StreetScene, adding nothing. A tricky balance, teevee arts criticism, Waldemar Jabberwocky's Baroque series excellent this prat, tonight just a male version of the grunting, transsexual hunchback Kirsty Aren't-I-Clever Wark.

The film, though, is as mr m enthuses, fine and delicate, transluscent, do try it sometime.

mongoose said...

You would like it, Mr PtB. it will not subtract. It's on iWotsit, I expect. A couple of hours of unexpected TV gentleness.

call me ishmael said...

Waldemar Jabberwocky's Baroque series excellent, this prat, tonight, just a male version of the grunting, transsexual hunchback, Kirsty Aren't-I-Clever Wark.

black hole sunset said...

It doesn't seem to be on iBeeb but it's listed as being on again at 11:30pm, this saturday. Will watch it at the earliest opportunity, thanks for the suggestion.

PT Barnum said...

I shall take the recommendation, Mr Mongoose and Mr Ish, and watch the repeat.

A mere 36 known paintings by Vermeer is all he left (though the art money men are forever after 'discovering' an unknown one). And there is nothing to compare from his own time (or since). It's one thing for the critic gabshites to verbally wank a frenzy over Raphael and Titian, but to apply their lame 'analysis' to someone who elevated the mundane and domestic to the level of transcendent creation is just vulgar.

mongoose said...

Strangely, I have it all wrong. I have not seen this film. Oops!

There was a film about the ownership of a painting as it passed down the years. Dutch painter - a lost Vermeer, I thought but am now not sure. The painting is the only constant thing and the world goes on around it. I had hallucinated the connection. It is because of staying up all night watching the slaughter of the Aussie lambs. It begins to take its toll on the senses. Still it is almost over. Anyway, I shall tune in and watch on Saturday.

mongoose said...

Damn it! Forgot. Missed the first half-hour now...