Counting Orange men..."
My mother bounced me on her knee to this and other Belfast streetsongs. I vaguely remember that
Eamon de Valera,
then president of Eire, the Free State, the Twenty-Six Counties, Southern Ireland, was a bogeyman to we Prods, in the Six Counties, but I didn't know why until recently. I had thought it was just historical Mick-Prod antagonism. But it was much worse than that.
Eamon de Valera,

At Bangor Grammar School, much less at King Edwards, they didn't teach you Irish history, fuck no, so there are huge gaps in my knowledge of .....no, it's worse than that, worse than huge gaps, I know fuck all about Irish history, even though, like Col von Fawkes, I have a Paddy passport - I just couldn't deal with the bastards at the Peterborough Passport Office, one day; fuck you lot, I thought, I'll get an Irish one, and I did, in about half an hour at Buckingham Palace Road's Irish Embassy. But citizen or not, when it comes to Irish history, I'm as much of a scholar as Father Dougal. Is that right, Ted, God? Now what sort of an eejit'd be believin' in that?
Bloated and Christmas fatigued, the other day, I was watching Nazi Collaborators on the World War Two Channel - the one that thinks all of history happened between 1939 and 1945 - and they were doing Ireland. Jesus, what a fucking carry-on. There were trenchcoated Nazi fuckpigs running about all over the South; there were plots to help a Nazi invasion of Ulster, the IRA was bombing mainland UK, whilst flying in and out of Berlin begging money and guns; de Valera refused us access to Southern Irish ports with massive consequent losses of allied shipping and lives and it was only the arrival of forty thousand GIs in Ulster which made it safe from that IRA-assisted Nazi invasion. And all the while, nice Mr O'Hitler was flaying alive and roasting and gassing and poisoning, well, everybody really, but the Jews in particular, taking Europe right into the wicked heart of Sin. Tens of thousands neckshot into ditches, men women and children; millions enslaved, starved and gassed. And Paddy's loving it. They didn't call it a war, they called it an Emergency. Land of Saints and Scholars, y'see, so it is.
Oh, it's right that lots of decent Irishmen enlisted, fought and died but the political caste, the predecessors of this cunt Cowen, who's just beggared his nation, and the traditional heroes of Marty Kneecaps, were actively pro-Nazi.
Oh, it's right that lots of decent Irishmen enlisted, fought and died but the political caste, the predecessors of this cunt Cowen, who's just beggared his nation, and the traditional heroes of Marty Kneecaps, were actively pro-Nazi.
DeValera's mates in govament were much in favour of the Holocaust, this is from an extensive piece at www.victims.org.uk
When in the Dail in 1943, Oliver J. Flanagan praised Hitler for ridding Germany of Jews claiming, "I doubt very much if they are human!", he was not challenged by any other member. Later in a speech to the Dail he said "There is one thing that Germany did and that was to rout the Jews out of their country. Until we rout the Jews out of this country it does not matter a hair's breadth what orders you make. Where the bees are there is honey, and where the Jews are there is money." Flanagan was soon to join Fine Gael and remained a T.D. for them until 1987 briefly becoming Minister for Defence in the late 1970's. In 2004 Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny T.D. eulogised the memory of the nazi monster on the resignation of his son from politics "Charlie Flanagan continued the long tradition of service given by his late father Oliver J. to the people of Laois/Offaly in exemplary fashion." An exemplary Jew hater indeed! J.J. Walsh T.D. who had been a minister in the Cosgrave government was another high ranking anti-Semite who described Irish Jews as a "gang of parasites".
Anti-Semitism and praise for fascism was also rife within the Roman Catholic hierarchy. The main body organising support for Franco was the Irish Christian Front (I.C.F.) a broad based pressure group which , in the early months of the Spanish civil war organised massive demonstrations and had, initially at least, more widespread support than the Blueshirts. The Front's founders were Patrick Belton, who was formerly a T.D. for both Fianna Fail and Fine Gael as well as being an ex-Blueshirt, and Alexander McCabe, formerly elected for both Sinn Fein (pre-1922) and Cumann Na nGaedheal and later to be a member of Eoin O'Duffy's pro-nazi People's National Party. At one I.C.F. rally in Cork in September 1936 40,000 people assembled to hear Monsignor Patrick Sexton, Roman Catholic Dean of Cork, blame the Spanish civil war on "a gang of murderous Jews in Moscow". Beside him stood Alfred O'Rahilly, the future president of the University College of Cork, and Douglas Hyde, the future president of the Irish state who up until introduction of the Euro has his head on the Irish £50 note.
This track record of democratically elected and clerical Jew-baiting was certainly foundation for the fact that only 30 European Jews fleeing persecution were given asylum before the war, none during it, and only a handful afterwards, and that there was consistent government opposition to granting any asylum. Even a year after the close of war, with the memory of the concentration camps fresh in the Irish public's consciousness, the Department of Justice was still vehemently opposed to Jews entering Ireland. In August 1946, the Minister of Justice refused to admit 100 Jewish orphans found at the Bergen-Belsen death camp.
On the death of the wee Nazi dictator, de Valera visited the German Embassy and signed the book of condolence. It is clear that de Valera was sympathetic to the Nazi slaughter of Jews, and still willing to be open about it when it was also clear that there would be no comeback for Nazi Germany and no united Ireland on the back of an axis victory and the bayonets of the SS. It is interesting to note that de Valera's visit was publicly applauded in the Irish press by Irish republican supporting literary gem, George Bernard Shaw.
In an earlier manifestation of Berlusconi-ism, or Murdochism, de Valera was a press baron, owning much of the Irish media, distorting the truth, in his favour. A real witches brew, Irish politiocs, the IRA in and out of the corridors of power, its former leader, deValera, renouncing violence as glibly, as hypocritically as do Adams and Kneecaps, whilst, in concert with the noncing monsignors, supporting the vilest regime in history. O'Duffy below, is typical of the bold fenian men.
In an earlier manifestation of Berlusconi-ism, or Murdochism, de Valera was a press baron, owning much of the Irish media, distorting the truth, in his favour. A real witches brew, Irish politiocs, the IRA in and out of the corridors of power, its former leader, deValera, renouncing violence as glibly, as hypocritically as do Adams and Kneecaps, whilst, in concert with the noncing monsignors, supporting the vilest regime in history. O'Duffy below, is typical of the bold fenian men.
Eoin O'Duffy
Eoin O'Duffy rose to prominence as Chief of Staff of the IRA at the time of the Civil War and was commander of the Monaghan brigade and later IRA Chief of Staff. At this time, as pro-treaty he split with de Valera. As the first Chief Commissioner of the Garda Siochana (Irish police force), Eoin O'Duffy turned himself into Ireland's answer to Mussolini being leader of the 100000 strong fascist Blueshirts movement (Army Comrades Association) which he renamed the National Guard. This organisation echoed Hitler's SA movement and based its marches, flags and salutes (Hail, O'Duffy) on those in use in Nazi Germany.

O'Duffy and his Irish Fascists.
After the Hitler War, even Uncle Sam tried his best to keep Paddy out of the United Nations and did so for seven years.
I know that we're best pals, now, with An-gula Merkel's Germany and we don't talk about the war, same is true for the Wops and the Japs. But at least in the cases of the Axis powers there have been attempts at prosecution and punishment, German and Nip generals were strung-up, the Wops, themselves, topped their former hero, Mussolini but no retribution has been directed at Dublin.
Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Sinn Fein have all been unrepentantly fiercely anti-semitic and pro-Nazi; the Irish state has steadfastly refused to prosecute the legions of Roman Catholic beasts in black and most significantly, at any time in the last forty years the Gardai could have annihilated the Provisional IRA but didn't
Why is there no justice for the little Jewish children, beaten, bayoneted buried alive, for the youngsters blown to bits in the Tavern In The Town and the Mulberry Bush, for the squaddies eviscerated at Warrenpoint, for generations buggered for Christ whilst the gangsters at PaddyBank are supported in their financial terrorism by Paddy manque, Mr George Bullingdon-Spunkface, chancellor of the UK exchequer, who insists, bless his poisonoous little mind, that Paddy is our best friend.
I know that we're best pals, now, with An-gula Merkel's Germany and we don't talk about the war, same is true for the Wops and the Japs. But at least in the cases of the Axis powers there have been attempts at prosecution and punishment, German and Nip generals were strung-up, the Wops, themselves, topped their former hero, Mussolini but no retribution has been directed at Dublin.
Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Sinn Fein have all been unrepentantly fiercely anti-semitic and pro-Nazi; the Irish state has steadfastly refused to prosecute the legions of Roman Catholic beasts in black and most significantly, at any time in the last forty years the Gardai could have annihilated the Provisional IRA but didn't
Why is there no justice for the little Jewish children, beaten, bayoneted buried alive, for the youngsters blown to bits in the Tavern In The Town and the Mulberry Bush, for the squaddies eviscerated at Warrenpoint, for generations buggered for Christ whilst the gangsters at PaddyBank are supported in their financial terrorism by Paddy manque, Mr George Bullingdon-Spunkface, chancellor of the UK exchequer, who insists, bless his poisonoous little mind, that Paddy is our best friend.
Ah, Mr Ishmael, I, of course, know more Irish history than I have tears to shed. The whole sorry, sodden, waterless country is a tuneless hymn to ignorance and the cancer of bigotry. Why, no sooner had the dumb fuckers got the Brits to agree to feck off - but not yet - ssshhh - a few years and we'll be gone - than they had a wee civil war to slaughter a few more of their kin. The mighty gaels being the men who God made mad because all their wars are merry and all their songs are sad.
Devalera BTW was cursed by my father unto his dying day - because of the civil war and the splitting of the south. Up to the day, the entire south were united in a single cause. After it, they were sundered in the South and allowed the Brits to carry on as before in the North.
The depraved behaviour during WWII was the cause of the only time I saw my father run from an argument. A friend mentioned the Nazi-pandering and so ashamed was my da that he was unable to just sit there and say "Yes, the fuckers did that". And he but born a year or three and not remotely responsible. I think that he ran from the room unable to bear the shame of it. "Dev" is short btw for "Devilish Bastard".
The Irish, I think, are little different to the Scottish but with water in between. They hate the Brits - by which they mean the English - because of envy and sloth.
Fuck me, I call the IRA National Socialists but they really are fucking Nazis.
Why aren't the grievance mob all over the Emerald Isle, demanding penance and Jewish memorials?
I spend a lot of time in Germany with senior industrialists and engineers. I regard it as a badge of bride to bring the war up as soon as possible, as subtly as possible.
I once asked a senior bloke at Porsche if Stuttgart was modern because it was re-built after the war. He went off on one, complaining that there was no need for the extent of bombing the Allies carried out.
Today, most Germans feel they can complain about the 1000 plane raids.
Did you know that Ferdinand Piech - boss of the VW supervisory board - is one of Hitler's godsons?
When he was boss of VW he built the 'glass factory' in Dresden supposedly to built VW Phaeton cars. But it was actually two fingers up at the Allies for the Dresden raids.
One of the Porsche family also complained in an interview a couple of years ago that the treatment of Ferdinand Porsche (Piech's grandfather) by the allies after the war was unfair and the spell in jail broke his health.
And who designed Tiger tanks and sorted military production during the war, do you think?
Clowns. But fatally-undermined by their Anglophilia...
Just thought.
Perhaps Mr O'Fawkes' support for Israel is some kind of penance, though the Palastinian's capacity for self-pity and self-destruction matches only that of the Irish.
Guido's - or is it now Paul's - support for Israel is unlikely to be penance for anything, a less penitient character is difficult to imagine and given, anyway, that he thinks that history consists of the collected wisdoms of Kelvin McKenzie, Larry Lamb and Richard Littlecock, he is unlikely to be aware of his bogus homeland's recent glorious history, mr yaic. Interesting stuff about Herman the German.
Thanks for that, mr mongoose. Being an indecisive mixture of Irish, English and Scottish, for sure, and, at a guess, much else besides, I do pity the poor immigrant, who wishes he were to have stayed home but at the same time I am heartily glad that my father took me from Ulster whilst I was still an infant; rather an itinerant, around this mainland, who eats but is not satisfied, than a rooted, well-settled bigot, back across the water, where Michael Stone is my second cousin, on my mother's side, as is one of the more inventive Shankill Butchers.
The Republican-Nazi shit I didn't know about in any detail until recently and it does, in a strange way, shed some light on the conduct of Kneecaps & Co, they actually are fucking Nazis.
Happy new year folks.
My old dear has got into that family history shit over the last few years and has visited 'the homestead' over at Garrafraun a couple of times; 1 horse village, really. We've all been raised Catholic and certainly republican but not militant. The phrase that sort of pings out from my Grandad was that he could never say DeValera's name but just called him 'the devil'.
From what I hear of gramps (died when I was 4 - unfortunate) he wasn't one to mince his words. I've got this thing in my head that he actively fucked over Michael Collins, too.
As has often been noted, here in Ishmaelia, they have more in common with each other than with the people. Take a perfectly principled position and fuck it to high heaven. Cunts, utter utter cunts.
It's the 1 thing that Tony Blair did right even if it did cost £100 billion, fuck it. I think we all know where the money went if they can't even sort out the fucking water supply; cuntitude through the generations. Popular today as it's ever been!
I was much more up to date with the history of that era thanks to my dear Dad who fucking hated De Velera, the Irish Free State and the rest of the fucking murderous bastards.
He fucking hated them. He hated them even more - my brother found all the letters sent back home post 1935 - for raising him to hate the English. When, in his own words, all he'd been shown since he arrived was kindness by the English. Raised of course to fucking hate unconditionally. Fucking horrible people the Irish political class. All they have is their hate. As entrenched and as hereditry as any British landowner ever was.
If your Fine Gail father had murdered a policeman on the steps of a church in 1919 or 1920 then he was a fucking hero and by God he became a government minister. And so did his son and his grandson in their turn.
Irish politics, if such a thing were possible, is even more corrupt than Scottish politics.
Fucking thieves and gangsters is all they are.
Lions led by donkeys all over again.
Cunt would have been shot too but for not wanting to upset the yanks. Him having an American mother and all.
Look into how the yanks were, during 1860's and 1870's, allowing the brave Fenian men to amass an army on the border with Canada with a view to opening a second front with the 'British Empire'.
Fucking raids of thousands Mr Ishmael. Just like during 'The Troubles' when the fuckers would retreat over the border and operate with impunity from the Republic.
While my (catholic) dad was in England during the war building factories in Castle Bromwich and working down the mines at night and using whatever spare cash he had to buy war-bonds, the Irish Republic had a German Embassy in Dublin with a cast of about 2,000 bristling with fucking listening devices.
After being lectured as recently as 2005 by some fuck-witted distant relative about how Ireland's economic miracle was a result of 'Education, education and education' and most emphatically not, you stupid Englishman, property speculation, massive pyramid borrowing and 10% corporation tax I am most definitely against George Osborne investing a fucking cent propping up the smug cunts comedy economy a second longer.
They (in Ireland) seem determined to prove that the way to get yourself out of a problem caused by insane amounts of borrowing is.... to borrow more. It looks like they're going to be emulating 1930's German for a little while longer yet.
We did it for O-level, mr jgm2 - "European nationalism". Every bastard who ever donned a black-, blue- or green-fucking-shirt is a gangster-thief-bigot in the making and should be mown down the first day. Germans? There's no such fucking thing as a German - made up nationalist bollocks from the first day. It is a short walk from being a proud pretend German bastard to not being a Jew, and let's gas the lot of them. And now even they have forgotten their lessons, forgotten their J-word and made up Israel. Hearing but not seeing. You wouldn't be surprised to see them gassing Palestinians in the name of efficiency. It is the only Solution. The Final vile irony of it would make even Dev weep. If he had time to spare after counting his money, that is.
We hate the Jews because they are not German the Serbs because they aren't Croats - the Prods because they are not good honest, one Holy Roman kiddie-fiddling Apostolic drunken Guinness-wog Catholics. "But, sure, Bridey, wasn't that nice Mr Parnell a Proddy?" "He was but weesht about that now, will you, please."
And my lot were all at it. Hiding behind hedges taking pot-shots at the Tans. "Got another one in the back today, Father." "My bonny patriotic lad!" And sure, wasn't the Big Fellow a brave son of Cork, so he was. Murderous fucking monster. The only good deed the Dev ever did was to have him done in. Fine Gael, the Irish family; Fianna Fail, Soldiers of Destiny; SinnFein, We Ourselves; Ein Reich, Ein Fucking Volk. Hang the freakin' lot of them. McGuinness first.
... or else, put it all behind us, and start again.
What do you mean?
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