Mr Tiny Speaker, I would just like to inform the 'Ouse that it's not my cock that I was talking about, earlier, but Old Bill's cock, on which, I understand, Mrs Postman Number Two has been doing a First Class delivery service. All the rest of my earlier remarks are true. I won't be making any further comments. About anybody's cock.
Apart from that it's a right old to-do, when even an 'Ome Seckatry can't leave his missus alone with the police without them taking liberties. I think they should all be held in custody for ninety days and then deported.
Hev Yew Gotta Loight, Boy?
I think Johnson will be in the Sundays. The story about him has been running around inside Labour since the election.
Still, he looked very cheerful this morning...
I really don't a monkey's about his private life,in his public life he is a tosser,I think that covers it.
I'd like to know why he has resigned, though. Some normally astute people seem to be suggesting that his wife's love life is a good reason for his actions. No it isn't, not even in normal jobs, let alone politics.
There's no reason for him to resign because of what somebody else did. It's strange that it is out because an injunction would have kept the story in its box. The papers aren't even very keen on it because it is dreary; wife plays away is sad, but it has no political implications.
The question remains: what did Balls have on Johnson which was so bad that he jumped before he was pushed?
This is Balls making sure Johnson still has something to lose and therefore he has resigned to protect what ever that is.
Ms WoR: I know its implausible, almost laughable maybe, but perhaps Johnson is genuinely hurt by his wife's hanky panky, and he's had a gut full? Of all the gargoyles Johnson seems to be one who's almost human.
Of course Ball's is evil, that is taken for granted.
A source spoke to a Sunday Times hack this eve.
Hack confirmed Johnson has been on the extra-marital shag.
When it breaks, all eyes on Ed Balls and his team of back stabbers....
Mr I, this just in from a contact who knows the coppers well - don't think its public. He has a good hit rate.
Two officers given 163 disciplinary forms.... a DC and a PC, both connected with Mrs Johnson.
It is fishy, why would he resign over this, posturing, gabshite egomaniac as he is? One would think the worst that would happen is some public sympathy for the wretch; it must be a mixture of him being totally unsuitable for the job, there being something else in his personal life and a bit of a coup against Ed Squarehead.
Is 163 the number of a form, mr yaic, or the numbe of forms issued to two plods? Is it suggested that she was banging two of them?
Two forms, both called 163, I hear.
Perhaps there's a PC SpitRoast as well.
One suspects that Sunday will see the clues gently alluded to.
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