This was posted by a commenter on the Simon Heffer Comment on Coulson, at the Filth-O-Grap. Anyone know anything?
15 minutes ago
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Latest from Egypt. Twitter reports that workers at Heathrow have spotted Mubarak's wife arriving. There is speculation about whether she has brought any tonnage of gold with her.
update from the Guardian.
Tens of thousands rioting all across Egypt.
• US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said Mubarak's government is stable despite the demonstrations. Mubarak is an important US partner in the Middle East. Which is what they used to say about the late Mr Saddam Hussein, before his unfortunate necktie party.

Photograph: Mazen Mahdi/EPA
We will make big donation to your - remind me again - your Clinton Foundation.....
Yes, the Clinton Foundation, and we'll keep sending you people to torture for us.
OK, Bismillah, Oh - and just a reminder for your own safety - we stone carpetmunchers to death.
Allah akhbar, Mr President, God is great.
But not as great as money, eh, bitch?
From SIFY News:
From SIFY News:
I suppose this has to do with Tunisian events. If it is true, it is quite big news.
Wouldn't it be nice, mr WW, if the domino effect, like in one of those Guinness adverts, spread all around the world, across the Med to Silvio's Italy, to Spain and Portugal, to fascist Russia, to Ireland, and to here? I will go searching through cyberspace for more news.
If Mubarak is doing a runner it won't be Heathrow, unless he's in transit.
The Cote-d'Azure is the usual spot, and the French Govt are quite obliging, for the usual fee.
She could have just popped it in an easy to use envelope!
Didn't Mubarak - ex-head of Air Force - get the gig after Sadat was unfortunately topped - on the orders of "senior military officers"? The old bastard has run Egypt with a rod of iron for near 30 years. There is not a palm tree high enough. Unfortunately, I predict that he will die peacefully in his bed.
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