Friday, 9 April 2010


It's not mr red despot spotter or mr fucking delicious or mr dalailamadingdong or mr atlas shrugged but it is mr gary elsby of Stoke, from the days before Col. von Fawkes's Pizza House ran with blood and share prices.  He is considering standing as unofficial SnotParty candidate in Stoke, where the locals have been frozen-out by some Mandelsteinian creep being parachuted-in.
Ms Lilith first posted this link to his interview on the World at One, where he appears about fifteen minutes into the programme, trashing the undemocratic nature of the Snots and the BananaMunching inbred Millipedes who have taken over his beloved Labour Party, his is a crie de couer which must be going up all over the country, could we but hear it.  Given his acknowledgement of the betrayal of Labour by the current party it is difficult to see why he is still in it, why he hasn't swam for shore and curious that  it is only when he is personally slighted that he rebels, Worth a listen. He speaks better than he writes but then old comrades will know that's not saying very much..

1 comment:

mrs narcolept said...

I wish Stanislav could be on the radio, mr ishmael. Thought for the Day, perhaps.