Good evening and this is Huw Welshman with the Fake Fake News News. That's like, well, it's like Fake News about Fake News - the Fake Fake News News.
And tonight's Fake Fake News Alert relates to a groundless story circulating widely, although not here, obviously, at the PBC, where we deal only in facts, facts as defined by the LGBTQ Coalitio Against Anything Normal, by the rump of NewLabour and by Mr Nick Clegg.
Although I must say that he did make a bit of a cunt of himself, yesterday, did Nick, look you, isn't it, having a William Hague moment, he was, in the House of Commons.
T'trouble with you lot, 'ere, at't Tory confrunce, like,
is that you're all right old.
The mutant child and the future Lord Miscarriages speaks his mind.
Christ on a fucking rope, just look a his horrid, spiteful, I-Know-Best little face.
You're all old, you lot, on the front bench.
And we, the young people, we wanna stay wotsanameing, in Europe.
And 73% of young voters - he meant 73% of young people who voted, did Nick - 73% of young people voted to stay in Europe, you should listen to them, proclaimed Nick, before raising the old grandchildren spectre -what will they think of us?
I don't give a fuck, Nick, and nor does anyone in their right minds.
I'll be dead, they can think what they want.
I don't give a fuck, Nick, and nor does anyone in their right minds.
I'll be dead, they can think what they want.
It is an interesting thought, that one, that the younger you are the more important, the more weighted should be your vote - that because a tiny handful of younger people voted to Remain the legislators should ignore the democratically expressed view of seventeen million grown-ups; but then, the man's an utter cunt, Clegg, everybody knows that.
And the other thing about Nick's 73% figure is that actually only 36% of young people - 18-24 years old - bothered to vote at all in the EU referendum, so what Cleggy is saying is that 28% of young people, not 73%, voted to stay in the EU, and the rest of the young people, by default, voted to leave.
Bit of a Fake News story itself, that.
Bit like the pledge not to raise student fees,
not to raise VAT,
not to instigate a top-down fuck-up of the NHS,
bit like the Coalition Govament, in fact,
one big Fake News story -
George Osborne's Fake News strategy of blaming disabled people for the bankers' crimes.
Cunts, all of them.
And since people seem to be marching at the drop of a fucking hat, why aren't they marching about this cunt, Osborne, not even waiting five minutes before showering himself with retrospective bankers' bribes.Makes a changhe from sperm, I suppose
But that Clegg, Jesus fucking wept; I report on some right cunts here, on this show,
but he's in a class of his own.
I tell you what, look you, isn't it, let's just see what he and Susan Farron have to say about the kicking they get off that gay bloke, from UKIP, up in Stoke, see what they say then about young people, and about the dogshooters, all eight of them, being the official opposition.

Dunno about you, viewers, but I saw the apparently brilliant lawyer, Mrs Clegg, or, to give her her proper name Senora Miriam Gonzalez SantaMaria Domingo Teresa Paella Tortillos de los Liberales Democratos Molesteros Des Infantes on the Andy Neil Show and she made a right cunt of herself, too, thick as two short planks, if you ask me, isn't it.
Mrs de los Cleggos, Liz Harpy, Dame Michaela and some showbiz junky waster discuss the issues of the day, what's good for us, and what really needs to happen.
And doing it at our expense.
And while we're on the subject of expense, just how many fucking railway programmes can there be; is there no limit to the number of vehicles which the PBC can create for this useless, gibbering peacock, Portillo? Looks like we're going to be paying him until he drops dead; great railway journeys on the fucking Moon, I shouldn't wonder.
Mrs Clegg, anyway, spoke entitlementista English like a Somali beggar, she did, Miriam.
I mean, I know she's a Dago and everything, but even so.
If we Welsh can manage it then why not her?

Students, disabled people, old people?
Fuck 'em all.
Two efugees from Truth and |Decency,
making better life, no?
But no, Mr Clegg, the right honourable pledge-maker, and his gobby doxy, that isn't the real Fake Fake News Story. No, not by a long way.
This is it, the Fake News that winners of the coveted Best Parents In The World Award,
Gerry and Cilla McCann,
have suffered a setback in the Dago Supreme Court of Justice,
where a bunch of corrupt Portugeezers have ruled,
perversely in the view of MediaMinster,
that it is actually OK to speak the truth
about the brave Gerry and his fragrant partner in sorrow, Cilla.
And isn't she beautiful, even in adversity?
Far too beautiful to be guilty of anything,
if by beautiful you mean repulsive,
ugly as fucking Sin.
The both of them, look you,
one as poisonous looking as the other.

That's right, that's today's real Fake News story which you won't hear about in the Mainstream Media, simply because it cannot possibly be true.
No decent court in the real world could fail to award Gerry and Cilla unlimited damages against anyone who questions their - it must be said, utterly incredible - account of events ten years ago, in Portugal.
The facts of the matter, viewers, are that in 'phoning the PBC's Kirsty Crow,
No, no, by contacting me ii Edinburgh, before contacting the local plods to report their kid missing, Gerry'n'Cilla did entirely the right thing, what any media-savvy arsehole would do; get your retaliation in first.
long before they notified the police about their daughter's apparent disappearance, and by reporting it, without any evidence - as did Kirsty and the PBC - as an abduction, Dr and Dr McCann were only doing what any good parent would do - protecting themselves from honest inquiry. And by failing to cover their recent reversal in the Portuguese Supreme Court, that is exactly what we, responsible journalists at the PBC are also doing.
I mean, doesn't the Portuguese Supreme Court realise that - what with it being the tenth anniversary of their notoriety - the McCanns certainly don't need to be mistreated in this way, having courts rule against them.

And you wouldn't expect anything less from us, would you, isn't it?
But what the Fake News story alleges, is that there was this copper, right, called Alfonso or some shit greaseball name like that,

and what he did, right, isn't it, was write a whole fucking book, actually tormenting the McCanns,
yes, like this, below

by basically saying that he didn't believe a fucking word they'd said, that their
behaviour was shockingly bad and that their story had more holes in it than a bastard colander, look you.
Anyway, first off, they took him to court, like they do everybody, and were awarded half a million pounds in damages, which was all well and good and a piece of Real News.
But now some irresponsible people are saying that he, Alfonso, then took them to the Portugues Supreme Court which overturned the first, proper, decision, and substitued a second, improper one which should not be reported on because it could never happen, even though it has.
The upshot of the Court Ruling That Never Happened is that Gerry'n'Cilla now face a legal bill of over half a million pounds - not to mention becoming open season targets, again - whereas the Fighting Fund, which they set-up to cover their own living and legal expenses, is down, now, to just three hundred thousand pounds. So, as the Fake News story goes, not only has the Court rejected their claim but they might also forfeit their, what would you call it, ill-gotten gains.
So, viewers, you know what needs to happen.
Yes, right first time, the great caring British public needs to put its hand in its pocket in order to help these poor unfortunates, who have never done anything wrong, help them stay in their modest little home, praying for the return of their little girl, Wotsaname, and touring the world telling lies and threatening people with libel actions.
It is true that successive govaments - ie taxpayers - from Snotty through Cameron and Askey, have helped-out the McCanns to the tune of over thirteen fucking million pounds, ten million of it spent by holidaying plods from the Met, pissing about in Portugal. But that doesn't mean we shouildn't have another national whip-round to help these poor people maintain their public profile as cruelly wronged innocents, even though they are not.
Yes, that bit is a bit rich, the Met, with a clear-up rate of less than seven per cent and an enviable record of shooting dead innocent citizens,
that crew of fucking gangsters breezing over to Portugal and lording it over the Dago filth,
like they were all Sherlock fucking Holmes.
But that sort of inversion, if you will, of reality, it's what makes the news, here, at the PBC, what it is. I mean, if the greatest investigative news gathering service in the world can't spot a thirty-year, serial child sex abuser working right in its own building, well,
you must conclude that, actually, it's good for fuck all.
Still, when the dust settled, the Corporation did manage to lay all the blame for thousands of criminal offences, squarely where it rightly belonged, on Tony Blackburn.
So there it is, don't believe any Fake News stories, we, here in Lord Tony Hall's spiritual home of paedophilia, have set the record straight, once again, about Gerry'n'Cilla McCann, who are entirely innocent of everything, ever. It was Donald Trump, working with the Russians and a hard core of Brexiteers and transphobics who abducted little Wostername - I tend to forget the kid's name, because it's not really about her, is it, her parents being the real victims here.
And the other thing about Nick's 73% figure is that actually only 36% of young people - 18-24 years old - bothered to vote at all in the EU referendum, so what Cleggy is saying is that 28% of young people, not 73%, voted to stay in the EU, and the rest of the young people, by default, voted to leave.
Bit of a Fake News story itself, that.
Bit like the pledge not to raise student fees,
not to raise VAT,
not to instigate a top-down fuck-up of the NHS,
bit like the Coalition Govament, in fact,
one big Fake News story -
George Osborne's Fake News strategy of blaming disabled people for the bankers' crimes.
Cunts, all of them.
And since people seem to be marching at the drop of a fucking hat, why aren't they marching about this cunt, Osborne, not even waiting five minutes before showering himself with retrospective bankers' bribes.Makes a changhe from sperm, I suppose
But that Clegg, Jesus fucking wept; I report on some right cunts here, on this show,
but he's in a class of his own.
I tell you what, look you, isn't it, let's just see what he and Susan Farron have to say about the kicking they get off that gay bloke, from UKIP, up in Stoke, see what they say then about young people, and about the dogshooters, all eight of them, being the official opposition.

Dunno about you, viewers, but I saw the apparently brilliant lawyer, Mrs Clegg, or, to give her her proper name Senora Miriam Gonzalez SantaMaria Domingo Teresa Paella Tortillos de los Liberales Democratos Molesteros Des Infantes on the Andy Neil Show and she made a right cunt of herself, too, thick as two short planks, if you ask me, isn't it.
And doing it at our expense.
And while we're on the subject of expense, just how many fucking railway programmes can there be; is there no limit to the number of vehicles which the PBC can create for this useless, gibbering peacock, Portillo? Looks like we're going to be paying him until he drops dead; great railway journeys on the fucking Moon, I shouldn't wonder.
Mrs Clegg, anyway, spoke entitlementista English like a Somali beggar, she did, Miriam.
I mean, I know she's a Dago and everything, but even so.
If we Welsh can manage it then why not her?

Students, disabled people, old people?
Fuck 'em all.
Two efugees from Truth and |Decency,
making better life, no?
But no, Mr Clegg, the right honourable pledge-maker, and his gobby doxy, that isn't the real Fake Fake News Story. No, not by a long way.
This is it, the Fake News that winners of the coveted Best Parents In The World Award,

Gerry and Cilla McCann,
have suffered a setback in the Dago Supreme Court of Justice,
where a bunch of corrupt Portugeezers have ruled,

perversely in the view of MediaMinster,
that it is actually OK to speak the truth

about the brave Gerry and his fragrant partner in sorrow, Cilla.

And isn't she beautiful, even in adversity?
Far too beautiful to be guilty of anything,
if by beautiful you mean repulsive,
ugly as fucking Sin.
The both of them, look you,
one as poisonous looking as the other.

That's right, that's today's real Fake News story which you won't hear about in the Mainstream Media, simply because it cannot possibly be true.
No decent court in the real world could fail to award Gerry and Cilla unlimited damages against anyone who questions their - it must be said, utterly incredible - account of events ten years ago, in Portugal.
The facts of the matter, viewers, are that in 'phoning the PBC's Kirsty Crow,

No, no, by contacting me ii Edinburgh, before contacting the local plods to report their kid missing, Gerry'n'Cilla did entirely the right thing, what any media-savvy arsehole would do; get your retaliation in first.
long before they notified the police about their daughter's apparent disappearance, and by reporting it, without any evidence - as did Kirsty and the PBC - as an abduction, Dr and Dr McCann were only doing what any good parent would do - protecting themselves from honest inquiry. And by failing to cover their recent reversal in the Portuguese Supreme Court, that is exactly what we, responsible journalists at the PBC are also doing.
I mean, doesn't the Portuguese Supreme Court realise that - what with it being the tenth anniversary of their notoriety - the McCanns certainly don't need to be mistreated in this way, having courts rule against them.

And you wouldn't expect anything less from us, would you, isn't it?
But what the Fake News story alleges, is that there was this copper, right, called Alfonso or some shit greaseball name like that,

and what he did, right, isn't it, was write a whole fucking book, actually tormenting the McCanns,
yes, like this, below

by basically saying that he didn't believe a fucking word they'd said, that their
behaviour was shockingly bad and that their story had more holes in it than a bastard colander, look you.
Anyway, first off, they took him to court, like they do everybody, and were awarded half a million pounds in damages, which was all well and good and a piece of Real News.
But now some irresponsible people are saying that he, Alfonso, then took them to the Portugues Supreme Court which overturned the first, proper, decision, and substitued a second, improper one which should not be reported on because it could never happen, even though it has.
The upshot of the Court Ruling That Never Happened is that Gerry'n'Cilla now face a legal bill of over half a million pounds - not to mention becoming open season targets, again - whereas the Fighting Fund, which they set-up to cover their own living and legal expenses, is down, now, to just three hundred thousand pounds. So, as the Fake News story goes, not only has the Court rejected their claim but they might also forfeit their, what would you call it, ill-gotten gains.
So, viewers, you know what needs to happen.
Yes, right first time, the great caring British public needs to put its hand in its pocket in order to help these poor unfortunates, who have never done anything wrong, help them stay in their modest little home, praying for the return of their little girl, Wotsaname, and touring the world telling lies and threatening people with libel actions.

It is true that successive govaments - ie taxpayers - from Snotty through Cameron and Askey, have helped-out the McCanns to the tune of over thirteen fucking million pounds, ten million of it spent by holidaying plods from the Met, pissing about in Portugal. But that doesn't mean we shouildn't have another national whip-round to help these poor people maintain their public profile as cruelly wronged innocents, even though they are not.

Yes, that bit is a bit rich, the Met, with a clear-up rate of less than seven per cent and an enviable record of shooting dead innocent citizens,

that crew of fucking gangsters breezing over to Portugal and lording it over the Dago filth,

like they were all Sherlock fucking Holmes.
But that sort of inversion, if you will, of reality, it's what makes the news, here, at the PBC, what it is. I mean, if the greatest investigative news gathering service in the world can't spot a thirty-year, serial child sex abuser working right in its own building, well,
you must conclude that, actually, it's good for fuck all.
Still, when the dust settled, the Corporation did manage to lay all the blame for thousands of criminal offences, squarely where it rightly belonged, on Tony Blackburn.
So there it is, don't believe any Fake News stories, we, here in Lord Tony Hall's spiritual home of paedophilia, have set the record straight, once again, about Gerry'n'Cilla McCann, who are entirely innocent of everything, ever. It was Donald Trump, working with the Russians and a hard core of Brexiteers and transphobics who abducted little Wostername - I tend to forget the kid's name, because it's not really about her, is it, her parents being the real victims here.
Later, on Newsnight, Evan Giggler will be examining the new movement which has arisen after the terrible events at the Louvre, in Paris, as thousands of people march through London's streets, wearing tee-shirts with le motto de jour:
Je Suis Un Musee.
and former chancellor, Junky George Osborne will be explaining why museums, art galleries and libraries everywhere should be closed down and their contents given to rich people.
On Fake News stations you can learn how Romanians have taken to the streets and overturned their government's plans to go easy on corrupt public officials,
yes, plans to do what happened here, at the time of the MPs' widespread expenses frauds. Seems like the Gippo govament wanted to pardon everybody - ie themselves - and let them keep the money and probably give them a thirty per cent pay rise, as happened here, in MediaMinster.
The people, though, weren't having it and promised their govament a Caesescu moment
unless it backed down.
Fancy that viewers, a nation holding its govament to account, pure fantasy, eh?
It's Jayne Tits now for you, with the sport
or maybe the weather,
or maybe all the latest news and gossip from Hollywood.
Real News.
It's what we do.
yes, plans to do what happened here, at the time of the MPs' widespread expenses frauds. Seems like the Gippo govament wanted to pardon everybody - ie themselves - and let them keep the money and probably give them a thirty per cent pay rise, as happened here, in MediaMinster.
The people, though, weren't having it and promised their govament a Caesescu moment

unless it backed down.
Fancy that viewers, a nation holding its govament to account, pure fantasy, eh?

It's Jayne Tits now for you, with the sport
or maybe the weather,
or maybe all the latest news and gossip from Hollywood.
Real News.
It's what we do.
Accept nothing less.