And just when we thought 2016 things couldn't get worse, they do.
Australian bankers, financiers, luvvies and politicians were today reeling in shock, tweeting and comforting each other after the terrible news that a whole bleedin' ton of cocaine had been seized by the rozzers.
An Aussie rozzer guards part of the seized richman's drug drug, estimated to have a street value of at least five hundred billion trillion Aussie dollars.
Strewth, they cried out in anguish, sniffing and rubbing their noses. How we gonna have a proper New Year's do. Stone me, cobber, what's the bleedin' world comin' to? Don't these bastards know that it's Charlie makes the world go round? An' now all the coke's gone walkabout how's things supposed to function round 'ere? The whole fuckin' place is gonna be like a dog's bleedin' breakfast. Imagine New Year's Eve, and none a yer mates's got a line or two to do in the khazi; fuck me, the markets is gonna go right down the pan.
Australian bankers, financiers, luvvies and politicians were today reeling in shock, tweeting and comforting each other after the terrible news that a whole bleedin' ton of cocaine had been seized by the rozzers.

An Aussie rozzer guards part of the seized richman's drug drug, estimated to have a street value of at least five hundred billion trillion Aussie dollars.
Strewth, they cried out in anguish, sniffing and rubbing their noses. How we gonna have a proper New Year's do. Stone me, cobber, what's the bleedin' world comin' to? Don't these bastards know that it's Charlie makes the world go round? An' now all the coke's gone walkabout how's things supposed to function round 'ere? The whole fuckin' place is gonna be like a dog's bleedin' breakfast. Imagine New Year's Eve, and none a yer mates's got a line or two to do in the khazi; fuck me, the markets is gonna go right down the pan.
Support came from all over the world.
Famous British cokehead and porno-cook, Nigella Lawson tweeted:
Oh, Sweethearts, How truly
awful. Better send the servants out to score for you. Like I do.
Famous young parent and role model Lady Sir Elton John tweeted:
My darlings, this year has just been too, too awful. And now this.
I can lend you some servants, to go out and take the risk. All you have 2 do is call.
I can lend you some servants, to go out and take the risk. All you have 2 do is call.
And former UK prime minister, David Fuck-It-Up, tweeted:
What rich people do is entirely private and no business of the police's, um, wosssaname, yes, business.
And quite proply, in my judgement.
Our fawts'n'prayers R with Australia's rich junkies,
at this difficult time.
Is that too many wotsanames, characters?
Our fawts'n'prayers R with Australia's rich junkies,
at this difficult time.
Is that too many wotsanames, characters?