a letter obtained by author Andrew Gimson; Johnson’s Latin master at Eton, a Mr
Hammond, said : "Boris really has adopted a disgracefully cavalier
attitude to his classical studies. He sometimes seems affronted when criticised
for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility, and surprised at the
same time that he was not appointed Captain of the school for the next half. I
think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an
exception, one who should be free of the network of obligation that binds
everyone else." Sourced by editor mr verge.

The most fun thing this week in politics was the SNP up in arms against Boris Johnson for body shaming
Ian Blackford, he who keeps himself well informed through his
expensive newspaper habit - in financial year 2018/19 spending over
£1000 on newspapers, part of his eye-watering total expenses claim of
£256,780.73. Blackford doubtless learned his free-spending ways during
his previous employment as an investment banker at Deutsche Bank. Poor
little deluded Ian Blackford believes the SNP will return to their
former trading position in Europe once they have thrown off the shackles
of the Union. Anyway, there he was at PMQs on Wednesday, in his bright
blue three-piece suit and brown shoes - clearly no-one has told him that
Brown in Town simply won't do;
in the general cake-related banter at Boris' expense, to which a goaded
Boris jovially responded "I don't know who's been eating more cake?"
And the SNP then wet themselves in rushing to Fatty Blackford's defence.
thought it was ok for one Fat Boy to address another Fat Boy in these
terms: as in: "Yo, Nigger." The real issue, of course, is not who ate
more pies, but the inescapable fact that Fatty Blackford is unpardonably
ugly. Not his fault, he's a proud son of an unprepossessing race.
Whilst Boris then laid low for the rest of the week, Languid Jacob,
as a turtle, already not short of a bob or two and, on the accession
of his wife Helena, mother of his six children, to her inheritance,
looking to have an estimated net worth in excess of £100 million, took
up the cudgel on Boris' behalf. Thusly: "Churchill
always had new ideas. Johnson is good at thinking things others aren't
thinking and not just going along politely with conventional thought.
I'm not comparing him to Churchill, I'm just saying that the politicians
who succeed are the ones with a willingness to make decisions and to
then persuade people." The MP for North East Somerset said Johnson was
an 'exceptional leader' who 'unlocked' the country when others refused
to do so, and claimed, in the teeth of all precedent to the contrary,
that there would be a general election if Johnson went. He thinks that's
a disincentive.
Speaking on the Sophie Show this morning,
Ed Davie threw in his contribution to the CakeGate Scandal, accusing
the Metropolitan Police of supporting the Prime Minister by requiring
the suppression of most of Sue Grey's report. In order not to muck up
the Met's investigation. Which they weren't going to do. But are now.
Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats since 2020, was lucky enough
to be Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change from 2012 to 2015
in CallMeDave's unelected coalition government, and, no doubt, would
like another go if only Cake Johnson can be unseated. But really, to
suggest that Dick is up Johnson's cake-hole - the very idea. Separation
of Powers: Parliament,
the Executive and the Courts, each having their distinct and largely
exclusive domain. Parliament has a legally unchallengeable right to make
whatever laws it thinks right. The executive carries on the
administration of the country in accordance with the powers conferred on
it by law. The courts interpret the laws and see that they are obeyed.That's the British Way. |
This does not happen. Separation of Powers.
we're talking about the Sophie Show, Scary Tank-Girl Truss made a
chilling appearance. An ardent Boris supporter, with no desire
whatsoever to have the top job herself - well, that's what she says; she
is distracting the nation from CakeGate by sort-of declaring war on
Russia. Cold-eyed, stone-faced, untelegenic - no, not Putin, Tank-Girl,
invented a new category of foreign aid. Used to be that aid was a
friendly kind of word - medicines, food, water, that sort of thing. Now
it is Lethal Aid. The Americans have been at it ever since they decided
to have a foreign policy, and now Liz Tank tells us that Britain is
unashamedly at it - providing Ukraine with arms, munitions, anti-tank
weaponry, training 2000 Ukrainian troops and doubling up the British
armed forces presence in Estonia.
Tank Truss: We will make it clear to Vladimir Putin that should he invade Ukraine there will be severe consequences. He has nowhere to hide.
Headgirl Sophie, bullied but valiant: But will British troops be fighting in Ukraine?
Tank Truss: It is very unlikely British troops will fight alongside Ukrainian troops.
Sophie: What the fuck has any of this to do with us? (I'm paraphrasing
here, you understand. This is the question she should have asked.)
Truss: If Russia invades Ukraine, it will be terrible. Terrible for
Democracy, terrible for Europe and terrible for Russia itself because it
will be a Quagmire.
Sophie: What the fuck????
Tank Truss: Putin is a threat to freedom and democracy in Europe. He will create a Quagmire.
Again, Foreign Secretary, what the fuck??? Are you raving mad? Are there no lengths you
will not go to in defending Boris Johnson against CakeGate?
Truss: I am travelling to Ukraine and to Moscow, to make it clear that
it will be a Quagmire should Putin go ahead with this invasion.
Sophie: Like that's going to put the wind up him?
Tank Truss: The Prime Minister is travelling to Eastern Europe.
What, trying to look like he's a credible Prime Minister and that we've
forgotten all about the investigation into him personally breaking the
law that he forced into place?
Truss: The Prime Minister apologised. I was there in the House. I saw
him apologise. (so there). The Metropolitan Police are Independent. It's
a matter for Sue Grey. I'm not answering hypothetical questions.
There's a threat on the European Border.
Sophie: Are you barking mad, Foreign Secretary? How do you propose discommoding Putin?
Truss: Europe has been dependent on Russian Gas for too long. We must
reduce that dependency. We will target any interest that has an impact
on the Russian Government. We will go after the Russian interests
bankrolling the Russian regime. We have seized £1billion of illicit
Sophie: So you will be reducing the financial ties between the Russian Oligarchs and the ruling Conservatives?
bloody terrifying. You couldn't make it up. I didn't make it up.
Verbatim transcript of the Foreign Secretary's World-Domination remarks
to Sophie Raworth on The Sunday Show.
My dog barked at her.
god for the downright decency of Rory Stewart, also on the telly this
morning, but not on poor Sophie's show. A former Conservative
politician, he stood against Johnson in the 2019 conservative leadership
election, because he considered Johnson to be a terrible person. He's
another Old Etonian, but his very existence demonstrates that, against
all odds and most evidence, a courageous, decent and principled human
being can emerge from a public school education. In 2000, he took leave
from the Foreign Office to walk across Asia, walking across much of
Iran, Pakistan, the Indian and Nepali Himalayas, finishing with a 36 day
solo walk across Afghanistan, staying in village houses every night.
His book about that walk, The Places In Between, was reviewed by mr
March 2010.
So when Rory Stewart tells us that
people in Afghanistan are selling their organs and their children to
themselves, that we were involved in that country for 20 years before
suddenly abandoning it and voluntarily handing it over to the Taliban
for no good reason, his remarks carry weight. Perhaps we should learn
that our foreign policy of I-Know-Best interventionism is deluded and
not allow Tank-Girl Truss to play with people's lives, property and
livelihoods, at any time, but particularly not when this country has
driven itself yet again into financial crisis with its Covid Fear
Initiative and poor people are, yet again, feeling the squeeze in order
to protect the rich from the cold winds of hardship. Stewart told
us that with every delay to the Sue Grey Report, Boris Johnson is
riding it out, and the opportunity to appoint a leader who is a serious
person is diminishing. After years of inviting London to be a money
laundering centre for Oligarchs, pricing ordinary folk out of the
housing market, the Conservative regime is now taking action, whipping
up a war against Russia in order to distract from Boris and his
can buy a three-bed terrace house in Walthamstowe, London, for
£650,000, sharing your square mile with 124,882 other people. What does
£650,000 buy in your neighbourhood?
In mine, you can buy Woodwick
House, a substantial country house of stature and significance set in
mature gardens and woodland, an historic eight bedroom property, with a Doocot, a stream, and a
bluebell wood, which
enjoys a sea view through a tree lined avenue. And still have £80 grand change.
And there's only another 23,000 people in your square mile. A three-bed terrace will cost you £175,000. But the Oligarchs aren't interested in Orkney. Thank God.
Should you wish to read the thoughts of mr ishmael and his young friend stanislav, there are two anthologies available, edited by mr verge: Honest Not Invent
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Quagmire: (1)a soft, boggy area of land (2) an awkward, complex or hazardous situation.