Look, somebody halfway normal, and a woman, too, cares for Gordon Snot, they thought, maybe she’ll teach him hankythings, bless, he’s been too busy, you see, ruining everything, the horrible fucking bastard, hearing his father’s dreadful sermonising I-Know-Besting voice in his head, telling him how very fucking clever he is; nae wonder he was far too busy to wipe his nose on a hanky and not throw phones at staff or burn all the money and give the gold away. But now he’s married and that’ll make him a much better incompetent bullying fuckwit; nothing like a woman to bring out the best in a chap. Sarah will tell him that he’s not really a stone mad, immature, snot-eating lunatic up to his neck in all kinds of shit; fuck, no, it’s the others. He’s not really insane, a delusional freak, madly lusting for power, convinced that only he can save the nation - the world, even - from itself. He’s not really smarting, still, over some imaginary betrayal by some imaginary friend, he’s not really consumed, eaten from the inside out by his hatred of the empty-headed poltroon, Blair and his greedy doxy, Imelda, the one with her fat ankles squeezed into fashion boots and her mouth like Portsmouth harbour. No, he’s just a normal, cuddly, big man. A hero, really. It’s what carers do; calm and sedate and nourish the self-esteem of their client. Not much good, though, Sarah, at winning elections. Perhaps she, too, now, is gobbling happy pills to ward off the evil truth that yes, after all, she did marry a nutter, and none of her supposed PR skills could alter that fact, not in the public’s eyes, now not, alas, even in her own; we do not know.
Maybe if he’d gone for a floozy, it might have been different; imagine Gordon Brown, the bloated, snot-eating, nail-bitten boy-man coming bowling out of Downing Street with a sexbomb on his arm, a pouting, lipsticked bimbo in spike heels, someone like the frog dwarf’s bicyclette Parisienne, wossname, Karla, somebody whose appearance just announced, in neon capital letters, that she was only good for fucking and what more could you want than that; a showbiz harlot reeking of the boudoir, and not some wretchedly worthy, blue-stocking, Home Counties amazon, Hell-bent upon rearing this mad old bastard’s spawn. Yes, I’m just like any other normal, young parent - he never actually said it like that, he said parent of young children, which implied the same thing, the same normalcy - and we just like to do family things together; look, I even have a sports jacket. It is the right thing to wear.

We are not here, though, to bury Kennedy but to rhapsodise, in tones of darkness and cruelty, scorn and ridicule, maybe one last time, over this malformed, ill-reared, bad-mannered, scrofulous freak, Brown. A grotesque, snivelling, cowardly, blame-shifting apology for a man, even by the dismal standards of contemporary politicians, Gordon Brown lost his long-presumed leadership of Labour when the Party voted overwhelmingly for Blair; the early indications having shown 36% in favour of Blair, just 9% for Brown, he had no option but to withdraw from the election, in which Tony and Imelda romped home to beggar the nation, ultimately ignite World War Three and secure for themselves the fantastic fortune to which they felt entitled. Typically, though, the horrible fucking bastard, Brown, growling and hectoring, would not accept the democratic verdict of the majority of his party, demanding of the feeble, skittish, grinning Blair that he guarantee to step aside, soon, so that he, Brown, the real leader, rejected, as he was, by the party electorate but never mind that, could take over the job he felt was his destiny.
Mad as a fucking hatter from the start of Ruin’s parliamentary dominion, Brown was able to bully all in his malevolent orbit, having colleagues (such as Harriet Soursister and Dame Frank Field) removed or sidelined when they failed to heed his threatening voice. By establishing a separate Ministry of Leader-in-Waiting, in which he was able to withold from his prime minister, the First Lord of the Treasury, any and all information regarding budgetary matters. The useless popinjay, Blair, was generally too concerned with his world image, too busy touching up his twennyfourseven make-up to trouble Brown overmuch, happy playing Foreign Secretary to Brown’s domestic prime minister. Madeupnewsandfilth joked about this travesty of government, about this constitutional outrage, government by tittle-tattle, encouraging the Prudence-of-No-More-Boom-And-Bust’s Ruinous posturing until it became a running national joke that the prime minister couldn’t sack his Chancellor, that neither prime minister nor cabinet but Chancellor decided government policy. Such is the power of MediaMinster to belittle and cheapen our national discourse that nobody cared, and the same gang was voted into power three times, nearly four. Such is the power of Murdoch’s madeupnewsandfilth that the poxy imprimatur of some cheap slag like Trevor Kavanagh or Kelvin McCunt is enough to install governments or depose them. All those now damning Brown and Blair for their economic infelicity once endlessly applauded their vision, their prudence, their mad shepherding of Ruin, through our streets, into our kitchens and bedrooms; all of those, but not we, here.

Just as Imelda before her had her own interests - paid best friends, freebies and whining - so Sarah had hers. She was big in BGLT, Gordon’s Sarah, friend to the priding heterophobes, the bisexual, gay, lettuce and tomato Thought Police hungry for a harmless old-fashioned normo to abuse, Ruin’s bullyboys and girls, let loose on society to insist that sodomy and bondage and coprophilia are the very will of God, opposition to them the work of the New AntiChrist. Sarah carved out a niche for herself; no little woman, bare-foot and pregnant, she. No, right out there she was, at the very rim of sexual liberation’s merry arsehole; how comfortable she looked, there with the five-o’clock-shadow drag queens, the resilient old queers, waltzing their miserable, annual Exhibitionists’ Waltz.

Anointed as First Lady in much the same desperate, last-throw-of-the-dice manner as Peter Mandelson was brought in as Joint PM, she, too, failed to stop the unstoppable rot, and her public appearances, like Mandy’s, served only to floodlight Gordon’s Feet of Snot, or is it Stone, it doesn’t matter, he never had an emissary up to the task. All his messengers wound up with their ears cut off; all his wine was water, all his pearls were clay.
Sarah’s folly, then, which she shall ever rue, was to imagine that she could refine, by dint of her sluggish personal charm, transmute, with a twirl of her skirt, alchemise his coarse, base metal into something precious. Sic transit gloria mundi; and now she joins him in miserable rejection, in defiant but irredeemable has-beenery. And serve her fucking well right.
Sarah’s desserts are - fairly - of interest. It seems likely that in see- king to normalise such a horrible fucking bastard she will have made accommodations far outside those usually accepted in matrimony but will have anticipated far greater rewards, one of which, we must assume, was a lengthier term in Downing Street, and a departure less humiliating - parading her children, as though in rebuke to an ungracious electorate, was another of those needless, stagey, counter-productive gestures in which Snotty seemed to delight, beating his retreat, as it were, en famille, for the first time publicly, the manner of his going as crass and blood-curdling as his Let-The-Work-Of-Change-Begin arrival. It seems likely that Sarah, a powerful, PR career woman, would have agreed to, maybe even devised Brown’s ghastly stratagems; she was in any event at his side, we are told, throughout his premiership, joining him enthusiastically on platforms, cheerleading, praise-singing him, as had no previous prime minsiterial spouses; not even the shameless, sticky-fingered, jumped-up, shrew-faced Glenys ever led her wind-bagging
Some speak of the future
My love she speaks softly
She knows there’s no success like failure
And that failure’s no success at all*
Who knows what the future holds. Now that the Project is well and truly over, she might prefer to be anywhere else than where she is today, nursing Snotty’s wounded vanity, all the way from here to the cemetery. Whether the Browns are sundered by the chill winds of blighted ambition or joined together in holy deadlock, we, here in Ishmaelia, equal opportunities enthusiasts from way back, cordially wish a good, virulent pox on the both of them.
* Bob Dylan,
a departure less humiliating - parading her children,
Good point. He could have got them out hours, days, earlier, even with the cameras watching. She should have done it with or without his consent. They could just have pretended to be going to a kiddies' thing, sleepover or similar and stayed out. There was never any need for them to be part of the humiliation, except if he wanted the poor little sods to share his suffering by him hiding behind them.
In the early days refusing to discuss the child except for the bare information, was one of the few things he got right. He only did that because he was trying to be in contrast to Blair. At some point he abandoned the lone shred of sense he ever had and stuck his own children on the bonfire.
For conniving at this Sarah can be fairly castigated. She is their mother and supposed to be a PR, so she knew what she was doing.
Looking back, I can hardly believe all this happened. Never mind Shakespeare, not even Roger Corman would touch it.
Amen, Brother Ishmael, Amen.
It is, as Mrs WOAR says, scarcely believable that a man, who appeared to have climbed inside some stranger's body and who viscerally struggled with the most elementary of ordinary human behaviours (walking, smiling), could succeed in his ambition to bring Ruin down on our national and individual heads. At what point could a small child have pointed at this lumbering, naked Emperor-manque and spoken the truth to prevent his idiocy and malice becoming the way of the political world?
For all the sense that this was a man 'ripp'd untimely from his mother's womb', a half-finished thing, he would never warrant a Macbeth. He is more a Caliban, the product of a wicked parent-master, turned vicious in his turn, prey to his basest appetites, grasping after shiny baubles, determined to laud over all those who demean him. And now Caliban Brown skulks on a tiny island of his own manufacture, convinced that the land he surveys is of milk and honey and justice.
I guess each of these fake political parties have their kindergartens, their training ground - exchange a grubby, vicious, hectoring, fuck you Jimmy union classroom for an Etonian, Oxbridge, my daddy's richer than your dad, who is this fucking Oik classroom and compare & contrast. No doubt the same cabalistic cunts emerge, or submerge to their positions of 'cock sucker in chief' but just don't let the other fucks know.
I caught an episode of the supposed comedy 'the news quiz' this aft and Jeremy Hardy wittered on about 'this isn't the government that people voted for'. But, surely that's contemptible bollox. the people voted for exactly what they got, namely, they're all a bunch of fucks so no zeitgeist, no 'momentum', no over riding sense of sol-yoo-shuns expressed by any of them so pick a team, pick a colour, what the fuck does it matter, anyway?
To imply that the co-alition has less authority than a majority party is to assume that the voters trusted their politicians in the first place. Sure, i'd like to see the Libs have more balls in standing up to the Tories but what do I care? Maybe the Libs are just doing what all politicians do and are making sure that funding goes to their constits and keeping any shit from their back.
I'm not sure any of them have a fucking (moral) bone in their body - just a dick to use in a dutch oven for gayers to circle the wagons and bum themselves rigid. This Comprehensive spending review thing may be bad news but it's just a different layer of cock suckers. I accidently had a scrap with this Director of Kiddies services and I only realized afterwards when I was getting bollocked from the Chief Legal twat that she wasn't even playing the same game let alone in the same league. If some kids died but her department had deniability then 'ker-fucking-ching'.
But yeah, equal opps enthusiasts, fuck em all.
Cheers Mr Ishmael, quality.
A hereditary ruler knows that his power is an accident of birth, to be justified in deed at every step: his title is the beginning of his authority, not the end.
An elected ruler, by contrast, takes his election as licence to do whatever the fuck he wants, for if "the people", not history, is the highest court of appeal no one has valid grounds for objecting to anything he does.
The fundamentals of your world view therefore inevitably lead to what you here decry: it is precisely by the dilution of fake power amongst the idiot many that we concentrate real power in the criminal few.
But, as a demon to frighten the voters, he is actually serving a useful purpose for once in his miserable existence.
Recent arrival to your site Ishmael.
Lost in admiration.
Tour-de-force Mr I.
There are many whose collaboration, or silence whilst the crimes were being commited, caused the infliction of the Blair/Brown disaster - not just the unlovely Mrs Brown. No doubt all driven by motives of personal gain.
The body politic is now so rotten that its hard to see any way back. Its devil-take-the-hindmost - hard lines if you don't have the luck to be ahead of the pack.
Anal sodomy? For a really big surprise, google The First Scandal Adam and Eve. Then click once or twice to get the surprise, which will be...too much work?
Can't bear the News Quiz, mr dtp, Toskvig's cackling at her own "jokes" and Hardy playing the licensed Fool, this, like most of the Radio Four output, is a flush long busted, comforting in a way to people of a certain age but viewed with a no-nonsense, critical eye, say, for instance, that of mr the dyers garden, actually dreadful tedious rubbish - there are folks, aren't there, who consider Have I Got Stale News For You to be fiercely satirical, Merton's tiresome, bogus absurdism wildly inventive and Hislop's funny but not very faces comic genius. It's all shit, Hardy, like Hislop and maybe, even - a propos mr TDG's observation - like your correspondent, all riding Ruin's runaway train, entertaining their audiences to the best of their ability as they charge towards the dynamited bridge.
Aren't we old friends, mr caratacus, from stanislavia? No need, here, for admiration. Nothing happens but for the readership - no audience=no entertainment; anathema, that, to entrenched luvviedom and to skymadeupnewsandfilth but entrenched here, an article of faith, the speaking baton passes itself around but whoever holds it, this is a collective voice. Most of the time.
Do you suppose Naomi Campbell and Sarah Brown are still best friends?
Now you mention it, Lilith, probably all the best friends are, um, busy with other projects.
Imelda Blair has the best idea, advertise for best friends and put them on the payroll, that way you can always sack them if they diss you.
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