Yesterday, the sub-sea internet cable from Orkney to Shetland was cut, causing internet outage to the Shetland Isles. This was a few days after the sub-sea internet cable from Shetland to the Faroe Isles was similarly cut. What a coincidence, we cry! A very rare juxtaposition of events, declared officialdom. Caused by fishing vessels dragging their anchor cables across the heavily-armoured sub-sea cables. That's alright, then, we reply. We understand. Accidents do happen. Lightning does strike twice in the same place.
Until Rear Admiral Chris Parry (ret'd), C.B.E., former Director Operational Capability in the Ministry of Defence and former Commander Amphibious Task Group, spilled the beans on Radio Orkney this morning. Radio Orkney is great - everything from a swan flew into the windscreen of the school bus in Burray to Mrs. Flett, a wifey from Birsay, won the best in show marmalade and dahlia award to yes, didn't you know, we're at war with Russia.
Rear Admiral Chris scoffed at the suggestion of the phantasm fishing fleet with dodgy anchors. Ho ho, he said, these sub-sea internet cables are like, armoured, man, armature built to withstand the stresses of the North Sea. Some random anchor isn't going to slice them in half. And beside, satellite images don't show any boats in the vicinity of either event. Nah, he went on, its the Russians. They've got specialised undersea cable attack vessels. They were doing it to the Scandies a while back, but they dropped depth charges on 'em, so they've fucked off to Britain.
But why, manfully asked the Radio Orkney interviewer, aware he'd either got the scoop of the year or a loony by the tail, would the Russians want to cut the internet cables of Shetland and the Faroe Isles?
Because they don't like us, confided Rear Admiral Chris. They don't like our support for Ukraine. Britain is supplying drone weaponry to Ukraine manufactured in Northern Ireland. Why wouldn't Russia chip away at Britain, exploiting weaknesses, picking off easy targets, creating pockets of isolation, costing resources and man hours to fix the damage? We need to adopt a Scandie defence strategy, drop some depth charges and coat them cables with concrete.

So, if you don't hear from me for a while, it will be because they pesky Rooskies have sliced the Orkney sub-sea cable.
We need a North Sea Fleet, parked up in Scapa Flow, just as in the First and Second World Wars. Handy for defending Britain's Island Counties and positioned to keep an eye on the North and Baltic Seas. Bit of a threat, like.

Then there's the electricity sub-sea cables. You know all that green-speak about Orkney being self-sufficient in electricity? That we generate more than we could ever use if we left the lights and heating on 24/7, ran washing machines and dryers continuously? Fucking rubbish. The electricity is generated on the Island Counties, sent down the cables to the National Grid, then sent back up again to be sold in expensive little units, just like for the rest of you. If the Russian cable cutters get busy on those sub-sea cables it really will be a long dark winter.
This is where all that gung-ho gets you.

Wait until the lovely offshore windmills start falling over.
Couldn't be them Rooskies, Mrs I.
Haven't you noticed: the new rules of military logic are that you blow up your own infrastructure.
Ah, sarcasm, mr mike.
We'll go with the Phantasm Fucking Flying Fishing Fleet, then.
Russia commemorates Comrade Truss
It's like being schooled by somebody who just has a better understanding of something. All of a sudden everything is obvious. How stupid we've been. How many hostages to fortune have been offered. And I'm not talking about the useless fecking Tories!
We're an archipelago. We need to have stuff within our wall of silver sea. Energy, manufacturing, security. And the ability to reproduce all this under pressure. And we don't. We don't have any of that. And so awfully educated are our children that they have no way of starting to set that right. They're all gluing themselves to their phones - or to the road - or designing new sexualities and genders for themselves. How about these for your pronouns of choice, baby? "Idiot" and "FUCKING IDIOT!!"
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