This utterly beautiful, 12 mile long bridge, the longest bridge in Europe, comprises a pair of parallel bridges, one for a four-lane road and one for a double-track railway. It cost $3.7 billion. Construction of the bridge started in February 2016. It was opened for vehicular traffic in 2018, the first scheduled passenger train crossed the bridge in December 2019 and it was opened for freight trains in June 2020. Such a feat of civil engineering should have achieved the status of a wonder of the modern world, just as the Faro Islands undersea roundabout, part of the 6.8 mile tunnel network connecting Streymoy and Eysturoy, should be so regarded.

I like bridges more than tunnels, though. A soaring testimony to humankind's best abilities, conquering challenges and gravity, requiring deep understanding of stresses, materials and weather conditions, knowledge gained painfully over millennia - don't we all remember from our Latin lessons stories of Roman soldiers breaking step in order not to tear bridges apart with the vibrations of their marching feet, and the salutary sight of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse in 1940?
I think it was my dad taught me to appreciate bridges. A Clerk of Works, with a trade background in building, stone masonry and brick work, he would draw my attention to the built environment and especially to bridges. He reckoned that Yorkshire had the best motorway bridges in Britain. He would have loved the new Edinburgh bridge - the Queensferry Crosssing:

A bridge is the most amazing testimony to human ingenuity - real clever monkey stuff. So I found the images of that beautiful 12 mile long bridge being destroyed to be heart rending.
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Kerch bridge destruction |
Ukrainians were reported as being "cock a hoop" at the destruction. Which leads one to the conclusion that the world's future is in the hands of destructive toddlers.
In reprisal, Russian missiles were fired into the Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzia.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy denounced the attack as ‘absolute evil’. Oh, come on, Vlod, what did you expect?
Is there anyway back from this? Is there anywhere safe from this?
I've long seen the relationship between Ukraine and Russia as a parallel with the relationship between Scotland and England. Ukrainians and Scots seem similarly emotional, maudlin and hyper-nationalistic. Both are client states to their larger, more powerful neighbours. Both have border areas - the Donbas in Ukraine and the Borders in Scotland, where the language, accent and culture of the larger neighbour prevails. The populations of both border areas are subject to discrimination by the majority population. Western Ukrainians hate Russia, Central Belt and northern Scots hate England.
Both Ukraine and Scotland have massive problems with alcohol and drugs. The National Institute of Drug Abuse states: "Substance abuse has been of epidemic proportions for the last 15 years in Ukraine. .. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is estimated to be responsible for about nine percent of the total disease burden within Ukraine. Drug addiction in the Ukraine has its peculiarities. While in the majority of countries drug consumption is an individual matter, it has a group character in the Ukraine. Opium poppy straw extract continues to be the main drug of choice. Marijuana is growing in popularity among young people and use of synthetic drugs is appearing with increasing frequency."
The Scottish Government's website states: "Scotland has a troubled relationship with both alcohol and drug use. Since the 1980s, we have seen substantially increased alcohol consumption, and consequently, high levels of alcohol-related harm. In 2018, Scots bought enough alcohol for (all) adults to drink 19 units of alcohol per week. That is equivalent to nearly 40 bottles of vodka or around 100 bottles of wine in one year. It means that, on average, every adult in Scotland is drinking 36% more than the UK-wide lower-risk guidelines of 14 units per week. The number of people using illegal drugs (is) in the range of 55,800 to 58,900. Problem drug use is defined as the problematic use of opioids (including illicit and prescribed methadone use), and/or the illicit use of benzodiazepines. It also implies routine and prolonged use as opposed to recreational and occasional use. Higher-risk drinking causes around 686 hospital admissions and 22 deaths a week. In total, there were over 1,136 alcohol-specific deaths and 1,187 drug-related deaths in Scotland in 2018."
Both Ukraine and Scotland have ambitions for self-determination yet both want to immediately subsume their independence within a larger economic bloc: Ukraine has its European and NATO ambitions, Scotland is desperate to scramble back into Europe.
Volodymyr Sturgeon has declared her intent of holding an independence referendum in October 2023, whatever the Supreme Court rules next week on the legality of such a move. Should she sail ahead and pronounce a Unilateral Declaration of Independence next year, and invite Europe to become England's northern shared-border neighbour, what will be England's response? Would England follow Russia's example and attempt to reinstate the union of the nations by force? One would hope not.
"The United Kingdom – at least until now* – has been considered a voluntary union of countries. Scotland is a nation, not a region of a unitary state. In line with the principle of self-determination, therefore, the people of Scotland have the right to determine our own future – in the words of the Claim of Right for Scotland, to choose the form of government best suited to our needs, including whether or not to become an independent country."
Renewing Democracy through Independence, published by the Scottish Government, July 2022
* my italics.
I wouldn't be bothered, but I live in Scotland, I'm employed here, I own property here, my pension is lodged here. I was born in Yorkshire, and spent much of my adult life in the Midlands. Mr Ishmael was born in Belfast and spent much of his adult life in the Midlands. When we moved to Scotland it was in the same spirit that we had moved between Yorkshire, Belfast and the Midlands - different parts of the United Kingdom. We had no intention of migrating to a foreign country and I don't want to live in a foreign country. Despite her implacable determination to reinvent Scotland as a foreign country, Sturgeon does not carry a mandate from the people who live in Scotland. The latest monthly polling averages on Scottish independence show ‘No’ campaigners to have a lead of around 5% over ‘Yes’ campaigners. Excluding those who declare themselves to be undecided (currently around 5% of the electorate) the latest polling places the ‘No’ side at 53% and the ‘Yes’ side at 47%. You wouldn't know that to listen to her. SNP conference is on at the moment. The best you can say for it is that it isn't the omni-shambles that was the Conservative conference.
It is worth reminding ourselves of mr ishmael's thoughts about Gnasher, Independence and the SNP, back on the 30th November 2014. The referendum question put to people living in Scotland on the 18th September 2014 was: "Should Scotland be an independent country?" It yielded 55.3% voting against independence whilst 44.7% voted in favour. The turn out was 84.6%.
likes Gnasher Sturgeon. Men don't like her. Obviously. Who among us
could like anyone who did what she did, did that thing, the thing that's
the reason she's called Gnasher. Women don't like her.
Those wee jackets. Always the same. Lifeless.
Couture managerialiste.

That wee haircut.
That horrid wee frowny mouth.

That tinny, wee, reproving Fishwifey voice,
unshutupable, smugly I-Know-Besting; harsh and ear-bleedingly discordant.
That voice, Fuck me, Jesus, if Benjy NetanNazi wanted to end his woes with Palestine all he need do is invite Gnasher to Tel Aviv and beam her on telly to Gaza, speaking some of her Scottish Truths and see the Palestinian population, in millions, hurling itself despairingly into the Mediterranean.
Gnasher's voice, not Gordon Snot's, won the Referendum for we Togetherists. Now the silly tribesmen bastards have put her in charge.
That's how clever they are, like she was a Queen in triumph, instead of a loser, the SNP, a caravanserai of misanthropes and fuckwits her loyal liegemen.
Yet if you polled Scotland, asking whose voice the nation preferred, Gnasher's or Thatcher's, it would be a close-run thing which Whisky Maggie would probably win. Tribesmen, though, think that because they adore the skriking wee rodent, Gnasher, everybody must, still don't understand the difference between a minority and a majority, think that arithmetic is a form of cheating, that numbers mean whatever Salmond-Sturgeon say they mean;
That voice, Fuck me, Jesus, if Benjy NetanNazi wanted to end his woes with Palestine all he need do is invite Gnasher to Tel Aviv and beam her on telly to Gaza, speaking some of her Scottish Truths and see the Palestinian population, in millions, hurling itself despairingly into the Mediterranean.
Gnasher's voice, not Gordon Snot's, won the Referendum for we Togetherists. Now the silly tribesmen bastards have put her in charge.

That's how clever they are, like she was a Queen in triumph, instead of a loser, the SNP, a caravanserai of misanthropes and fuckwits her loyal liegemen.
Yet if you polled Scotland, asking whose voice the nation preferred, Gnasher's or Thatcher's, it would be a close-run thing which Whisky Maggie would probably win. Tribesmen, though, think that because they adore the skriking wee rodent, Gnasher, everybody must, still don't understand the difference between a minority and a majority, think that arithmetic is a form of cheating, that numbers mean whatever Salmond-Sturgeon say they mean;

well, if you think a majority trumps a minority it just goes to show
how wedded you are to Project Fear, isn't that right, wee girl?
Aye, Daddy, so it is.
What a pair of freaks.
If one ever sought proof of the adage that politics is showbusiness for ugly people, look no further. If they weren't so blindingly, willfully, proudly stupid, you could feel sorry for them.
If one ever sought proof of the adage that politics is showbusiness for ugly people, look no further. If they weren't so blindingly, willfully, proudly stupid, you could feel sorry for them.
don't like Gnasher because her look is so sterile, managed, asexual,
looks like the only time she ever handled a cock she was so disgusted
that she nearly bit it off. Which, so it is said, is what she did,
although in a fit of dwarfish See-You-Jimmy hetero-jealousy rather than
from any innate radical carpetmunchingism. Most of the women in the
Scottish parliament resemble women, whereas Gnasher looks and sounds
like an android, an angry android.
Gnasher has never worked, been in the Tribesmen's party since she was sixteen; think of all the things which we abhor in the current careerist political shit-fest and Gnasher is all of them, a non-stop gabshite,

looks like a construct, chilled to just above freezing-point. Women don't like her because, like the dear, departed Alec Salmond and his Mrs, she has nae bairns;
that may be because he or she cannot conceive but most would bet good money that as far as the mad wee bitch is concerned it is an informed career choice. Women don't like her because at her Inauguration everybody had to cheer her Mum and Dad. Round of applause for the First Minister's Mum and Dad, eh? Women don't like her because she's never done anything else, for a living. She claims to have been a lawyer but the cleaners in MediaRood and MediaMinster probably claim to be lawyers, too; everybody in politics claims to be a fucking lawyer.
Gnasher has never worked, been in the Tribesmen's party since she was sixteen; think of all the things which we abhor in the current careerist political shit-fest and Gnasher is all of them, a non-stop gabshite,

looks like a construct, chilled to just above freezing-point. Women don't like her because, like the dear, departed Alec Salmond and his Mrs, she has nae bairns;
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Aye, we'll jus' borra theses weans, pretend we're normal folks, d'ye ken. |
that may be because he or she cannot conceive but most would bet good money that as far as the mad wee bitch is concerned it is an informed career choice. Women don't like her because at her Inauguration everybody had to cheer her Mum and Dad. Round of applause for the First Minister's Mum and Dad, eh? Women don't like her because she's never done anything else, for a living. She claims to have been a lawyer but the cleaners in MediaRood and MediaMinster probably claim to be lawyers, too; everybody in politics claims to be a fucking lawyer.
inaugural speech wasn't about the values of public service, no,
Gnasher's speech
was all about Gnasher, how great she is. Women don't like that. Oh, of
course it can be seen to be part of a pro-equality agenda but it is one
to which only
the fuckwits in meeja adhere. Women don't like that, their
particularised objections being hijacked by more powerful women. And
women don't
like it that whilst they struggle with sharply declining wages not only
does Gnasher draw two public salaries and pensions
but she is married, if that's the word, to the administrative head, the CEO, of the Tribesmen's party.
won't like that, won't like
the fact that between them, Mr and Mrs Gnasher own the SNP, are
Scotland's Royal Family. A normal family, a family without kids, and
two six-figure salaries.
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Mr. and Mrs. SNP |
inaugural speech wasn't about public service, it was all about her own
personal ambition, about how, having stuck her pointed, angry wee head
through the glass ceiling she is automatically a great role model; but,
as mr verge says, the only people who believe in role models are those
who see themselves as role models. But
Gnasher's achievement has been to disappoint and now and for evermore
she is destined to disappoint. Further disappointment to fervent YesEnPee-ers, is that Nicola Sturgeon will prove to be an
interruption to the fervency of their collective and now
never-to-be-completed hand-job; Referendum lost, orgasm denied; the SNP,
now the party of national erectile dysfunction.
they have been wanking themselves silly, the Yessers, fantasizing
hither and yon about a fancifully bogus historical destiny, just about
to come. Almost there. And then there's a knock on the door, Nicola
Sturgeon, offering the same fantasy, encouraging all to start all over
again, her sour, pinched wee face, talking dirty, baby.

now has nothing left to give away in electoral bribes, not even that
Get Out Of Poll-Tax Free Card. Alec stole even that from her; under
Gnasher, people will have to start paying for stuff, maybe even
demanding that council tax goes up, so's workers can have a pay rise -
y'know, that economics thingy, in which the SNP claim such expertise.
I live, there is a legislative anomaly, on the outer isles vehicles
may be driven without a current MOT, shockingly poorly-paid care
workers cannot afford to purchase a roadworthy car in which to visit
vulnerable people in their homes so the council, cash-strapped by the
Salmond-Sturgeon council tax freeze, permits and thus encourages its
employees to travel, on official business, in dangerous vehicles,
because they don't get paid enough, because of the SNP council tax
freeze. SNP dummies,
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The dizzy heights of SNP activism |
in inner-cities, inebriate and hysterical, don't, of course, give a
fuck about this electoral betrayal because it leaves them more money to spend on body art, piercings and drinks and come to-morrow, come Independence, they'll all be put in charge of hospital departments, run universities
and be Ambassadors, in Ibiza and posh, foreign places like that, once
all they English basturds've been kicked-out. And the traitors who
voted No, voted against the sovereign will of a noisy, anti-democratic
minority, they'll just disappear.
Sadly for Gnasher, even though up to forty million people have joined the SNP, before we know it, their subscriptions'll be due again and her new core vote doesn't do bill-paying, why should it, when all of its oil money goes to England? Maybe Sturgeon's Scottish Executive will devise some means to fine the No voters the total amount which it costs this rising tide of Yes-voting SNP members to join, well, to join the SNP, it cannot be right, in this exciting climate of undemocracy to expect a minority sovereign nation to pay its own political subs, now, can it?
Sadly for Gnasher, even though up to forty million people have joined the SNP, before we know it, their subscriptions'll be due again and her new core vote doesn't do bill-paying, why should it, when all of its oil money goes to England? Maybe Sturgeon's Scottish Executive will devise some means to fine the No voters the total amount which it costs this rising tide of Yes-voting SNP members to join, well, to join the SNP, it cannot be right, in this exciting climate of undemocracy to expect a minority sovereign nation to pay its own political subs, now, can it?
Gnasher, having bribed and bought a membership, she must now find
regular treats to pop into its decayed mouth, lest it desert politics
once more, for Smack and tonic wine; Gnasher must generate an excitement
equal to that of the lost referendum, the provision of which can only
come from another referendum, something which nobody in their right mind
would tolerate.
for Sturgeon, the Holyrood Chalice is long poisoned; Alec has cast
her as Gordon Brown to his Tony Blair. And legged it, leaving her to
dodge all the chickens' vengeful homecoming. As it did with Gordon,
ambition has blinded Gnasher to the obvious truth - after Alec, she can
only disappoint. Scottish NHS is beginning to unravel in resignations
and scandals; the SNP-frozen council tax has resulted in tens of
thousands of sackings, demotions, pay-cuts and the withdrawal of many
vital services, the absence of which now results in vulnerable people
squatting in hospital A&E departments. Oil prices, despite Alec's
instructions to the fossil fuel world, are falling and deflation
threatens the European economy with a potentially fatal contraction.
Most importantly, it was not just the alcoholic, illiterate,
cross-dressing, wife-beating, child-molesting, ginger, tattooed NED and
his grandchildren who were galvanised by the referendum, it was also the
ordinary Scots, those diffident and self-effacing souls who pay their
bills and their taxes, cultured and respectful, industrious,
conscientious and public spirited, the un-noisy ones have now seen,
close-up, how disreputable and dishonest is the Salmond-Sturgeon
Project, have seen how, despite insistence that in the event of a Yes
vote, one vote would carry the day but in the event of No, half a
million votes do not, have seen Gnasher's grubby little tantrums,
attempting to turn her unquestionable Defeat into glorious Victory,

Nicola Sturgeon sounds like an angry wee fart, squeaking and whistling
indignantly its malodorous complaint, sickeningly unwholesome,
polluting first the room and eventually the nation; the Highlands, the
Lowlands and the Road to the Isles.

whom she attempts thus to short-change will be as unimpressed now by
her wee suit, her wee ambition, her wee haircut and her wee vision as
they were in September and they will harry her as they never did
Salmond. And that's not to even think about those in the parliamentary
SNP - a formerly socialist party - now miffed by Gnasher's unchallenged,
nepotistic Coronation. And women, Scottish women, many of
whom are English, will see her off.
The Tribesmen for their part, already having licked Sinn Fein's scrotum,
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Aye, we are a small community, we murderers, bigots and First Ministers, but the main thing is that we hold London's feet to the Fire. |
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Alec, was that really you, with those big boys? Whit're you like? |
may easily chose to form company with however many Greens sandal their way into parliament.
Prophetic stuff - SNP in bed with the Greens, for example, the inevitability of a second referendum and on and on until the electorate come up with the right answer - but sadly, Gnasher is still here, eight years later, and described by Laura Kuenssberg as the most successful politician of her generation. No, really?

Covid News.
Pay no attention to Joe Biden, speaking to the Detroit Auto Show last month: " The pandemic is over". No, it is not. 1 in 50 of UK residents is currently suffering from Covid. During the first 8 months of 2022, the WHO estimates that that more than 1 million people has died from Covid-19. And now, we in the global north are approaching flu season again.
Caption Contest Winner
Thank you for a flurry of entries, which much enlivened our discourse. I enjoyed all of them, and was particularly intrigued to note that mr verge has a rival for his Filthster Laureate title - mr anonymous proffered for our amusement the term front bottom, which is even more risible than ginger growler (which I had hoped someone would apply to the belligerent Mrs Truss.)
Book Group
I'm currently reading The Wood Age by Roland Ennos - a history of humanity, its evolution and civilisations through the lens of trees and their wood. Here's a little fact that the joiners, carpenters and painters amongst us will find interesting.
Wheel design reached a peak in the chariots of the Homeric Greeks, with only four spokes, allowing the rims to flex slightly as they turned, thus giving a bit of suspension. However, the weight of the chariot caused the wheels to be bent out of shape, so Achilles had to either turn his chariot upside down at the end of a hard day's heroing, or remove the wheels overnight. The addition of iron tires reinforced the wheel, but when the wood dried out, joints loosened and tires could spring off. To prevent this, farmers often left their carts standing in shallow water to keep the wood wet and swollen and keep the joints taut, which is why the hay wain in John Constable's famous painting is standing in the river Stour.
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The Haywain. John Constable |
Your surname reveals the trade of your forbears: here you go, all names/trades involved in the working of wood and making of charcoal:
Carpenter, Wright, Wheelwright, Shipwright, Wainwright, Bodger, Bowyer, Fletcher, Turner, Bowler, Cooper, Sawyer, Forester, Collier, Mason, Miller, Glazier, Potter, Smith.
Now Available
Should you need something to cheer you up, look no further than Ishmael’s Blues - which is now published, in both paperback and hardback editions; both editions are immediately available from lulu.com. The paperback is also listed on amazon. Honest Not Invent and Vent Stack, the first two books in the sequence, are also available from Lulu and Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, it would be nice if you could give a review on their website.
Ishmaelites wishing to buy a copy from lulu should follow these steps :
Unless you’ve done this already, please register an account first, at lulu.com. This is advisable because otherwise paypal seems to think it's ok to charge in dollars, and they then apply their own conversion rate, which might put the price up slightly for a UK buyer. Once the new account is set up, follow one of the links below (to either paperback or hardback) or type "Ishmael’s Blues" into the Lulu Bookstore search box. Click on the “show explicit content” tab, give the age verification box a date of birth such as 1 January 1960, and proceed.
The book’s full title is "Ishmael’s Blues – further Chronicles of Ruin", and the cover you'll see is red with white titles and a picture of blogdog Buster retiring from the fray, cat gloating from a safe distance. The cover is the same for both editions.
Link for Hardcover : https://tinyurl.com/je7nddfr
Link for Paperback : https://tinyurl.com/3jurrzux
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With the 15% voucher, PB (including delivery to a UK address) should be £16.84; HB £27.04.
Should you need something to cheer you up, look no further than Ishmael’s Blues - which is now published, in both paperback and hardback editions; both editions are immediately available from lulu.com. The paperback is also listed on amazon. Honest Not Invent and Vent Stack, the first two books in the sequence, are also available from Lulu and Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, it would be nice if you could give a review on their website.
Ishmaelites wishing to buy a copy from lulu should follow these steps :
Unless you’ve done this already, please register an account first, at lulu.com. This is advisable because otherwise paypal seems to think it's ok to charge in dollars, and they then apply their own conversion rate, which might put the price up slightly for a UK buyer. Once the new account is set up, follow one of the links below (to either paperback or hardback) or type "Ishmael’s Blues" into the Lulu Bookstore search box. Click on the “show explicit content” tab, give the age verification box a date of birth such as 1 January 1960, and proceed.
The book’s full title is "Ishmael’s Blues – further Chronicles of Ruin", and the cover you'll see is red with white titles and a picture of blogdog Buster retiring from the fray, cat gloating from a safe distance. The cover is the same for both editions.
Link for Hardcover : https://tinyurl.com/je7nddfr
Link for Paperback : https://tinyurl.com/3jurrzux
At checkout, try WELCOME15 in the coupon box, which (for the moment) takes 15% off the price before postage. If this code has expired by the time you reach this point, try a google search for "Lulu.com voucher code" and see what comes up.
With the 15% voucher, PB (including delivery to a UK address) should be £16.84; HB £27.04.
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I didn't want to go so I didn't go and I don't care, Laura |
The Jocks, eh? Such a miserable bunch of I-know-best whiners. They send their very best down to London to preach and moan among the English. It's a bit like the left and Right, the Jocks and the Tommies. The jocks hate the English as the Left hates the Right but the English and the Tories just look back bemused at the daftness of it all. It must be a good part of why there is so much one-way anger.
Mrs Fish has long been a sour old puss, and the recent popping of Madge's clogs on Scottish soil has driven a stake through the heart of any progress for her this side of the next election. She has to hope for a hung parliament so that she can bamboozle the Luvvies and the Dogshooters into a PR or referendum mis-step. So much shouting, so much corruption and cheating, and for what? Oh dear.
Mr Achilles' chariot, mrs i, maybe fell prey to what we phantom engineers call "creep". Many a structure when under prolonged and stationary load will give, will move, will yield. Not fast and cataclysmically but slowly and gently. We had a door here years ago which had been lashed together by some nameless scally out of spare floorboards. It twisted and bent as it dried and was an inch or more out of flat within the month. I got a bit of three-by-two and affixed it good and hard to the other side bending the door flat again. And left it like that - "in purgatory" - for a decade. The flat door worked now but it had a long stick attached to it. It yielded gently and now released from its torment, it is as flat as a flat thing. You can do it to cupped floorboards too. Find a suitable spot in the high part above a support timber, countersink a hole and put a long screw in it. Tighten it a turn each Christmas and the board will eventually flatten itself down. Cut yourself a plug out of a bit of scrap and glue it into the hole and only you will ever know what has gone on.
I hope you are right, mr mongoose, about the effect of the QE2's death in Scotland on bolstering Unionist sympathies. Gnasher shows no sign of anything other than unassailable confidence, though. We'll see what the Supreme Court comes back with and how the SNP respond to the judgement.
On matters woodworking, mr ishmael used to be driven to the brink of despair by the quality of the wood supplied by the local Jewson's. The lengths of wood were (and probably still are) bowed. He would try all the tricks he could think of to attempt to restore them to straightness. Steamed them, blocked them, cramped them to straight things, but all to no avail. He was of the belief that Mainland Jewson's sent up the rubbish wood to Orkney Jewson's, but earlier this year I found out the real reason from an acquaintance who, when he lived in England, used to build kitchens and tables, but couldn't do it in Orkney on account of the bowed wood. The local practice is to store it outside, on blocks set in from the edges, so that the ends of the lengths protrude beyond the blocks. The combination of a very wet climate with the weight of the other lengths bearing down created a banana effect.
You'll like the book, by the way - full of fascinating wood-related stuff.
Jewson's are, mrs i, both crap and expensive. The timber is as mr i found it - filth and all over the place. All that working soft stuff is uniformly trash for the most part and they sell no decent stuff. For softwood projects, it is better to buy raw timber and finish it thyself.
Down here we have a timber recycling place - wonderful stuff some of it - and I just the other week found a length of dark red hardwood to save mrs m's wedding present bench (from her late mother). I think they charged me eight or nine quid for something that grew thousands of miles from here. Said bench is now about 50% unoriginal timer but it stands yet, and it makes her happy to sit on her mum's bench of the summer and read her electric book.
Interesting parallel between Ukraine and Scotland. However, one important difference
Ukraine (as it exists today) was created by the Soviet Union, Lenin to be precise. To make Ukraine a reasonable country, Russian lands were donated in the east; Polish, Hungarian and Romanian lands were donated in the West. None of this was really an issue in Soviet times, as Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union and on friendly terms. In fact, Ukraine was highly prosperous - with abundant food, energy resources and major advanced manufacturing (the Antonov aircraft design and manufacturing, and advanced jet engines and turbines, in particular).
At the break up of the Soviet Union, Ukraine (and many other states) suddenly became independent countries. It was a problem for ethnic Russians in those states because they were suddenly without Russian citizenship. Initially, at least, those states were generally friendly with Russia. However, gradually, the West (the US) tried to turn those states against Russia by installing pro-US governments. Georgia is an example where the US turned the government and even trained and equipped the Georgian army to fight against Russia. In the Georgian war in 2008 it was assumed in the West that the Georgian army was a match for Russia (at that stage the Russian army was in disarray recovering from the Western pillage of Russia in the 1990s and early 2000s). It can as a big shock when the Georgian army was defeated in only a few days.
In the case of Ukraine, the legitimate elected Government was overthrown in 2014 by a US inspired coup and US puppet leaders installed. They were made to take a very anti-Russian position. The ethnic Russians in Crimea and the Donbass rejected this and declared independence. Crimea (which has a special independent status, and even housed 25,000 Russian troops in and around the Russian naval base) held a referendum to join the Russian Federation and was duly incorporated. The Donbass republics declared independence from Ukraine, but at that point were told not to apply for Russian membership. This resulted in war between the Donbass republics and Ukraine. In 2015 the Ukraine army were surrounded at Debalseve(with unofficial Russian help - the "little green men") and about to be annihilated; Merkel intervened and The Minsk accords were agreed and a tentative ceasefire put in place. However, Minsk was never implemented and the Ukraine army continued sporadically to shell the Donbass.
Fast forward to today. Over the intervening 8 years the Ukraine army has been trained and equipped by the US and NATO and is the second largest army in Europe. And the hostilities towards ethnic Russian have escalated. 14,000 people in the Donbass have been killed in that period. At the beginning of this year, a Ukrainian force of over 100,000 was poised to invade the Donbass. This is why Russia pre-emptively struck on 24th Feb - the Russian army of today being a totally more powerful beast than that of even 10 years ago.
Although the fighting is in Ukraine, this is an existential fight between the old US imperial order and the rising East. Thus, only 10% of Russian forces have been committed to Ukraine, the rest held in reserve for the US and NATO. This is also why the economies of the West are being destroyed. Truly a tectonic shift in the world order is underway.
This very long history lesson is by way of saying that whilst there are some similar characteristics between Scotland and Ukraine, its the latter which will be remembered when the history is written.
Here endeth the lesson.
PS: the Kerch bridge is up and running within 24 hours. The railway tracks are unaffected. Of the 2 road carriageways, one is unaffected and now in use. The other carriageway is damaged, but not the key structures. The actual road lanes (2 sections of which are destroyed) are of modular design, and it is relatively easy to put 2 new sections on the concrete pylons - estimated to take 1 month approx.
The key infrastructure damage of the last week or so was the Russian jamming of Musk's (ie the Pentagon) Starlink network over Ukraine. This has left the Ukraine army without communications. You won't read about this in Western media.
What is the endgame, mr mike? Where are we going?
Mr mongoose: I highly recommend watching Putin's speech of last week; it spells it out clearly where we are headed. Also, I recommend reading the speech as well, because the full impact will then be even clearer.
This is a turning point in history.
First: there is no way the West can challenge Russia militarily - either conventionally or in nuclear terms. In terms of nuclear, which would of course be devastating for the world, Russia would survive by virtue of its huge size and advanced air defence systems; the West would not. I read a chilling analysis last week - Paris is 200 seconds from hypersonic obliteration; London is 202 seconds. And remember Europe, the UK, and even the US have no anti-missile defences.
Second: given that a military solution for the West is not possible, then we consider the economic war instigated by the West. This has turned out to be a disaster for the West, and even has surprised Russia. It has shown that the fake Western paper economies are worthless as compared to the resource rich, and manufacturing power-houses of the East. Also, as Putin's speech makes clear, the cultural decadence of the West is its downfall.
The only answer is for the West to rapidly come to its senses and make peace with Russia and the East and accept their secondary place in the world. This is unlikely, given the intellectual pygmies that inhabit the political space in the West. Its an irony that as the East rises from it slumbers the West has never been so poorly served politically.
Thus, in the immediate term the West is headed for blackouts, hyperinflation and de-industrialisation as businesses can no longer survive without energy and raw materials. The financial house of cards will crash, as will the political systems and so-called democracies. Just look at the UK. 3-day weeks, strikes, Truss hanging by a thread.
You may think I am being over-sensational; but I suggest you re-consider in 12 months time.
Mr Ishmael was prophetic with his trilogy on the Chronicles of Ruin. It will come to pass.
Well, we woke this morning, mr mike, to an example. If it's going to be a destruction of infrastructure contest, guess who is going to win, Mr Z?
yes, mr mongoose, it appears that mr putin's been keeping his powder dry...
in contrast to mr z and the washington white boys - who've just about snorted all theirs
As it says at the top of the blog: Call me Ishmael said....intelligence is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do. Anonymous said... When I don't know what to do, I come here.
Thank you, mr mike - that was a very helpful history of Ukraine. I hadn't realised that it is such a patchwork nation, and so new. I had lazily assumed that it was historically a part of Russia, rather than being bits of this and that. And thank you for the links - I read the speech this morning, and then watched Putin delivering it. My word, but the man has presence - could you imagine any of our politicians being able to deliver such a speech? And the little ceremony of the signing was rather moving - the four newest members seemed so eager and happy. And Putin managed his pen beautifully - no temper tantrums, unlike Charles the Unpleasant.
I'm glad the bridge has turned out to be fixable. Probably can't say the same for Ukraine's infrastructure after the latest bombing. Looks like you were right about Putin having held back so far.
I have watched that also, mrs i and mr mike. He didn't sound to me to be at death's door nor to be short of a mission.
And the other thing, in the quiet of the night, when paypal can't hear us, and Queer Starmer can't bully us to kneel, and the BBC is silent, none of us want infant children sexualised, conditioned or otherwise groomed, and twenty years ago we'd have stoned the bastards who did such in the street. Likewise women and gay folk. We've spent my entire life trying to give equal treatment to them and now nobody is brave enough even to tell me what a woman is. Gays are now just G in a risible acronym that gets, longer every day. Jesus, if mad, bad Vlad stood for parliament, I might vote for the loon.
It is, I am afraid, all too familiar. We are become lazy and decadent and stupid and cowardly. We need to burn some shit down.
Mrs I: I don't think that video caught it (I saw it in another video) but Chechen hard-man Ramzan Kadyrov teared-up during Putin's speech.
Another name to look out for is General Surovikin the newly appointed overall commander of Russian operations in Ukraine. He has a very high reputation for large scale combined arms operations. He is a veteran of the Chechen war and commanded Russian forces in Syria. It is reported that he has been given carte blanche to use all available means short of nuclear. So something very big is brewing.
I agree, mr mongoose - supposedly dying from terminal cancer, according to media sources in the west, Putin cut a very sprightly figure, skipping up onto the dais, then delivering a lengthy speech word-perfect. He was also able to find his way around the dais after the speech, unlike Biden, who frequently needs a helping hand. And there was nothing to disagree with in his speech - it was all dreadfully true. Made you want to sign up.
Putin's audience had themselves well under control - no coughing, shuffling or yawning, and I did notice some surreptitious wiping of eyes, mr. mike - gosh, it made me want to be part of Rus, so it is not surprising that those sons and daughters of the Motherland who had kept the flame alive were moved to tears.
D'you ever think that we're on the wrong side?
I think, mr mike, that Belarus is about to join the fun and games. The Suwalki Gap was the talk of the chaps on the radio at lunchtime. (But I think that's Lithuania rather than Ukraine - it's not a easy subject for talk radio.)
It is noticeable that the triumphalism has calmed down a bit today. Except that is for some dork from CCHQ who was wheeled out to say that the Rooskies had run out of men and ammo. This wisdom imparted to us the day after 80-100 missiles had rained down on the poor bloody Ukies' heads.
Mr mongoose: there is a report of a 1000 man Russian HQ team in Belarus, so this looks serious. The Belarussian army regularly trains with Russia and is very good. Plus, Lukashenko owes his life to Putin when the West tried to colour-revolution him last year. This could be a blocking force in case NATO gets stupid ideas. But it is reported that the Ukies have blown up bridges at the border and mined roads expecting something - nothing that would stop a serious attack, however.
Worrying reports emerging that British "intelligence" was behind the bridge thingy, and the Yanks were very quick to distance themselves from it.
So there is a mad little bit of territory to the west by the Baltic that is cut off. Might be Belarus, might be Russia, used to be Germany/Poland. Perhaps that is Belarus's bunce for helping out? There is going to be a new N-S line. Maybe from Kaliningrad to Odessa (or thereabouts that is defensible).
Ugliness to come this winter.
Well might you arrange quotation marks around British "intelligence" mr mike - If instigating what Putin has described as an act of terrorism causing Russia to dramatically escalate operations in Ukraine is the best we can do intellectually, then we're definitely doomed. Of course, intelligence no longer means being intelligent - another word that has slithered off to mean something entirely different. It now means spying. Did you know that sophisticated used to mean "mixed with a foreign substance, impure" and sinister simply meant left-handed?
Mr mongoose: Col McGreggor sums up where the Ukraine thing is, correctly on most counts as usual.
Thanks, mr mike, I hadn't seen anything from the Colonel for a while. Perhaps he has been hounded out of the mainstream and into the shadows.
The notion, of course, that the Rooskies could run out of soldiers in a few months on a limited front like this was absurd. That they plan a winter offensive that suits them and nobody else is almost just commonsense. I guess that MBV gets to choose his eventual ceasefire line - as he probably was always going to, and that is the secret we do not know.
Your point from back before before that they set great store by Odessa hasn't really been acted upon. Perhaps they plan to take it when the major fighting is done - to avoid damage and irreversible loss. That sounds frighteningly civilised and sensible. Everything, in fact, MVB's Rooskies are meant not to be.
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