Just cos he got booed? After all, they didn't care about any of the rest of it - the promiscuity, the unplanned parenthood, the unplanned speeches, the gold wallpaper and the aspersions on John Lewis, the chumminess, the annoying dog, the annoying wife, the annoying advisers, the unnecessary and useless Lockdown, Partygate, the proxy war on Russia, the Northern Ireland Protocol - Fucking Brexit, for fuck's sake - nope, the Tories did not give two hoots about any of that - as long as his personal popularity would secure their jobs for another term and keep out the worthy, staid, plodding Starmer and his little friend with the ginger growler. It's a lot like the Wrong but Wromantic Cavaliers v. the Right but Repulsive Roundheads.
But hey, it's a democracy, they are busy muttering out of the sides of their mouths and the settled will of the people has been expressed not through the ballot box but through a thorough Jubilee booing.... vox populi vox dei, as the Big Dog might mumble.
Here's a few of the endearing Boris moments we have cherished over the last couple of years......
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"The triple pillar of the world transformed into a strumpet's fool.". |


You know where you are with the Tories:

Fuck me, is that "Rylan" in the penultimate photo?
No, mrs i, they're not going to do it. The Remoaners are about to moan their last moan. Even Bojo will then understand that the dragon has to be slain.
20 mins to the result. Do I go to golf, or wait?
I think he will scrape through, but he's finished. It always happens. I hate to even think it, but we could be seeing Tank Girl as PM. Then God help Britain.
That's what the commentators have been saying all day, mr mike - anything over 130 votes of no confidence he can't survive. Well, there were 148 unconfident Tory MPs - he's won, and for lesser men and women the knowledge that a third of the Tory MPS would rather have Jeremy Cunt or Truss the Belligerent Tank Girl would see him out in a matter of months. But this is Bo-Jo the Ho-Ho we're talking about and his cold dead fingers would have to be prised from the levers of power before he leaves Number 10.
He'll be embarking on another charm offensive to convince the unconfident that he will save their jobs at the next election - and it will probably work. Well, look what he's got away with so far.
I see what you mean, mr verge - "Rylan" the male Barbie doll, probably a good chum of Barbie's boyfriend Ken. But no - Boris is dressed up in his best "soup and fish" to go out with his walking bank account, the good Baron Evgeny Lebedev, who just happens to look like Dracula.
You were right, mr mongoose, as ever. Praise God fasting that Boris has survived the Remainer machinations.
Mrs I: 211 voted for him. That's the payroll vote - all the various office holders who get paid extra for doing bugger all. Now its out in the open, a lot of that number will melt away as they start kissing the ring of the next boss in the hope of continued perks and freebies.
He's a dead man walking and the troops will become very difficult to handle. Tank Girl will start a war with Russia, which will last all of 15 minutes.
's badly damaged though, mrs i. I think though that isn't the normal thinks-can-only get-worse moment. I think the suqadrons were ruthlessly managed and can only get thinner. He needs to put a bit of stick about. Zap some - all remoaners - none else - and have them all looking at their bank accounts. Cancel the NIP and let the buggers squeal. Abolish VAT on domestic fuel. Make childcare tax-deductible... The polls would rebound in a heartbeat.
I can't be having Kier. My heart wouldn't last out.
Oh God, mr mike. Tank Girl?? Say it ain't so.
The problem, mr mongoose, is he doesn't have any money to play with. The debt pile is enormous; there is worry about sterling weakening; inflation is in double digits; interest rates must rise; energy and food shortages are coming. Thinks are really getting worse. Russia hasn't really retaliated yet - if she cuts off energy to the EU and UK (don't be fooled for a moment that the UK is not a big importer of Russia energy) then its literally light out.
If I were BoJo, I would be looking for the exit and then writing articles in the Filth-o-graph laying the blame on Tank Girl.
All true, mr mike, but nobody has any money. They all spent it last year on furlough. So in the absence of anybody having any money, the ones who didn't furlough get a slight edge. There aren't enough of them to make any difference and so we have inflation to destroy the value of government debt. It's got feck all to do with anything other than ruinous international complicity in groupthink. The long march through the institutions wasn't meant to turn the West towards the left; it was meant to destroy the West economically. Which thing is what I can see out of my window any day I care to look.
The future is dark and violent.
oh, dear, oh dear...
the conservatives have tried to push boris out the front door, but for the good of the country, the useless fat cunt's got stuck half-way.
yes, i agree, mr mongooose, the last thing this great island of opportunity needs is for snobby cia-suckled remainers to run around shitting not only on the working classes, but also on the very ideal of democracy itself, and given our primed minister's great personal sacrifice in repelling the brutal class-war barrage of brussels-oppression, it would, i therefore feel, now seem rather indelicate, or even perhaps churlish, to mention that - despite his pathetic, hollow, and frankly psychopathic, insistence upon posing as this country's one-and-only possible saviour from an unprecedented triple-headed catastrophe - it is in fact he, the indispensable mr bugger-up johnson himself, who remains the sole author of the economic crisis, the health crisis, and also the - british bio-weapon-fuelled - crisis in ukraine.
anyone for munchausen's by proxy?
Messers ultrapox and mongoose: if my memory serves me right, BoJo was a remainer, then a leaver, then a remainer, then eventually a luke warm leaver once he eventually saw which way the tide was running. To give credit to BoJo for Brexit is a historical travesty, factually wrong; without Farage there would have been no Brexit. BoJo is a closet remainer. The longer he clings on, the worse it will get.
Here, Down Under, in our elections, I just voted Labor (sic - our spelling) for the first time in my life. Not because I want them in power, but because the incumbent (Morrisson) had to be kicked out. We may have to endure a period of shit, but we cannot reward shit. I think it was Mrs Thatcher who said after her first victory, and coming to blows with the civil service: "with you lot I don't know if I am being fucked or buggered".
Indeed, mr mike, but as the Great Orange One discovered, the deep state is very deep indeed. Brexit was always going to kill the PM that delivered it. This was completely foreseen. But if the bad faith of the EU was not understood by anyone before the vote, thier behaviour since the vote should make clear to everyone that the EU is a bad thing in itself. It's a ruinous club for the mediocre. It's a lead weight around the neck of every european swimmer. Bojo should know this now and therefore his previous lack of conviction should have been replaced with a simple fork in the road. Beat them and be known for it in the history books or let them beat me and be known for nothing.
But we live in Great Green Covidia now, don't we? Nothing on political show is in good faith. Dark parody it is now, all of it. Where is there a chance of light and some clean air, free from the Death Cultists?
Fuck knows. Though, as we've said before, the small observances matter.
neo-imperialism: the insatiable institution
whether it be the one in the economy, the health-system, or ukraine, bollox-it johnson is the creator of all the crises from which he now pretends to be our saviour - and as a consequence, no bugger wants his job until he has been forced to take responsibility for them.
yes indeed, messrs mike and mongoose, bullingdon bovver-boy johnson has always lived by servicing the neo-imperialist establishment - and now he will surely die from his psychotic dependence upon this genocide-hungry institution.
the author of economic catastrophe, clinical decadence, and bio-warfare in the ukraine will soon become the author of his own destruction.
when, out of power-addiction's vanity, british nazis - such as cokehead-kommandant johnson - elect to help ukrainian nazis fight russian nazis, a wicked whirlpool of self-annihilation is inevitably generated into which it is best not to get drawn.
how long before our blauer feuersturmführer reaps the whirlwind which he has so selfishly sown?
kindly censored by youtube: operation gomorrah - bombing of hamburg
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