Monday 20 June 2022

Caption Contest: these foreigners; well really



Anonymous said...

"Can you really play the Great Game with those funny little cocks?"

"Think I've forgotten the words but hum it for us first and we'll give it a bash."


or : "Future historian exhumes telling photograph that proves choking your chicken in public was no bar to high office in the Last Days of Ruin."

Mike said...

"Volodymyr, my dear fellow, these are the new wonder weapons we promised. The idea is that they look like chickens and you scatter them in the fields. They are made of Plaster of Paris, and my friend Emanuel assures me that Paris makes very strong plaster. So when a Russian tank run over one it will break the tracks, thus delivering victory."

arms for blow-jobs said...

ukrainian secret service agent gives boris big cock

pecking order said...

sorry loddy: it's guests first

arms for chicks said...

boris bonk-it:

fuck me, it's a fiendish long way to come score a line, lodgo...

but you see, since partygate, i've had some domestic supply-issues

vlod the rod:

no worries, blo-jo: back in number ten, you can take a snort out of it without anyone suspecting a thing

arms for handjobs said...

i know, horrific:

just stick your hand down his trousers and think of multiple rocket-launchers

arms for puff-pastries said...

i'm honoured and humbled, guys...

and d'you know, i've even had a cake named after me?

boris jugscan said...

hey chaps, why worry about stag-flation, when we can have stag-parties?

Anonymous said...

Thankyou, gentlemen, but I would prefer a Big Mac.

boris the back-seat warrior said...

err, yes guys...well, the president and i have convened today's pop-up bullshitting-op in order to expound upon our cunning plan to play chicken with the russian army...

obviously, however, we won't taking part in the fun and games personally - just the plebs

boris the back-seat warrior said...

err, yes guys...well, the president and i have convened today's pop-up bullshitting-op in order to expound upon our cunning plan to play chicken with the russian army...

obviously, however, we won't taking part in the fun and games personally - since in any properly functioning democracy, that's a privilege reserved just for the plebs

boris the back-seat warrior said...

err, yes guys...well, the president and i have convened today's pop-up bullshitting-op in order to expound upon our cunning plan to play chicken with the russian army...

obviously, however, we won't taking part in the fun and games personally - they're just for the plebs

dress-down doomsday said...

katryna, my dear...never trust a man whose name rhymes with doris

boris bonk-it said...

ah, the chicks have been top-notch here in kiev...

roll-on rwanda...

far-right fundraiser said...

i look forward to addressing the cream of the british bourgeoisie at its
torchlight-rally in glastonbury