Mr Smith is currently struggling with 'technical issues'.
More later.
The chronicles of Ruin, continued. Call me Ishmael said....intelligence is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do. Anonymous said... When I don't know what to do,I come here. 10 September 2009 22:59
So sorry to hear that. Is Mrs Smith a geek? It is always handy to have one in the family.
just took a peek at herr bahnhofvorsteher fawkes' site; the guido fawkes blog has evidently now become a dump for all manner of unseemly and unsightly trash, including liberal quantities of grass-cuttings and other assorted garden-clippings which have been inappropriately disposed of by a mr charles e hardwidge.
my god, the acute sociophobia exhibited by the frenzied mob of conservatives who comment on guido fawkes is enough to drive the most politically apathetic individual to go out and fraudulently complete 10000 postal votes in favour of new labour.
Guido's site is now pretty much a dog turd on the bowling green of the blogosphere.
I will take your word for it, gentlemen. I stopped going there at the time of the PizzaFest. Just can't stand the smell of blood; should, however, I encounter anyone who tells me that the slaughter of children is good for this country I will make unto him the sign of Ruin, invite him to fuck off to his mythical Ireland and punch him hard in the face, just, in the nature of a Godspeed, so there's no misunderstanding.
Alas, Ms Lilith, the lady of the house confines herself to more traditional duties and as Mr Tony McNutter used to say, quite properly so. It is a strategy I would commend to all newly bethrothed, desirous of a fruitful and lasting union. I am surprised, moreover, that you are not more busy with your trusseau the better to beguile the gentleman kind enough to make you his bride.
A girl needs a break from sewing silk and feathers sometimes, y'know.
Rab C. Nesbitt said...
Guido's site is now pretty much a dog turd on the bowling green of the blogosphere
Yours being the dogs arsehole, I presume.
Dear Mr Cess Pit
At least here you are free to make that observation, unmoderated.
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