Sunday, 9 August 2009


We still have insurmountable problems due to Messrs AVANTI, licensed by Lord Alec Salmond of the One True Parliament and specialists in not providing broadband to remote areas and charging a very great deal, a techie flies in from England to-morrow.

In the meantime, some music.


caesars wife said...

wow this bloke would make "roll out the barrel" unmissable wonderful stanislav . Thankyou

Might be amusing , attended mass today (havent been for some time) it was very good .We were informed of note from the bishop !:Concerning the sharing of the peace during mass
in the light of our knowledge that the Swine Flu virus is transported through physical contact The Bishop strongly urges parishes to suspend the Sharing of the peace through shaking of hands or embracing during the period of this pandemic until further notice .Whilst realising that this is a sensative issue requiring pastoral care he feels priority must be given to keeping our congregations as safe as possible.
And so far no volunteer to be cordinator of "flu friends" in the parish .

best bit was stanislav no one took any notice and warmly exchanged the peace as they ever would .

call me ishmael said...

A lovely story, thanks, mr caesar's wife.

Although I know the symphony I hadn't heard this until last night; I wept all the way through.