Friday 1 July 2022

For mr mongoose, who was a chorister





mongoose said...

We sang this bit of Tallis one day, mrs i, with me and 2 others switching up a couple of gears to provide the descant line that comes in - or did in our arrangement - about 3/4 of the way through. Mad Billy Hudson, our music teacher, had us trilling like wee songbirds. In 1972, if you're counting.

Anonymous said...

We had a Hudson, mr mongoose, known as Noddy on account of a tendency to nod off in class. The classes he was teaching, that is.



mrs ishmael said...

That was exquisite, mr mongoose - thank you for the link - just shows to go you that humans have some redemptive qualities.

Mike said...


mongoose said...

Hadn't dropped yet, mr mike.

mongoose said...

We were so very obviously not as good as that, mrs i, and we were school choir mob-handed but Mad Billy loved his music and wanted us to love it too whatever it was. In exchange for all this, he let us every now and then, bring in the Devil's music and play it in music lessons. I remember that he liked Elkie Brookes but didn't we all? he wibbled on about the classsical structure of the song and maybe some of us listenied to that a tad. The sadness is that this doesn't happen now because "reasons". You will understand the mystery of Chopin, the mastery of Bach, and after Elkie, we'll have a crack at Beethoven. All lost to cowardice and cant.

No, mrs i, I cannot play a non-discordant note on any instrument whatsoever.

Mike said...

Great innings by Pant, mr mongoose. A pleasure to watch.

Bungalow Bill said...

Beautiful. I trust your pipes continue to delight Mr Mongoose.

mongoose said...

Pant has always had a good eye, mr mike, but he is starting to think and play properly too. I think he'll make lots more runs in his time.