How could any decent person give credence to this latest Outrageous Slur against the Deputy Labour Leader, John Prescott, Angela Rayner? How could such a thought pop into anyone's mind? What possible evidence could there be?

Just because Angie is very
difficult to take seriously as a politician – the sheer aggression, the dated
class war rhetoric, the name-calling, the refusal to dress appropriately and
have a middle-class, middle-aged helmet haircut - that's no reason to suppose that she's been flashing Boris.

- even though she'd probably think it would be a hilarious
thing to do. But, as a sleazy, leaky suggestion by one of Boris' boys, it has
given the Prime Minister the opportunity to be a parfait, gentil Knight and send kindly, avuncular and reassuring tweets and assure the House that: “I did not look up the Right Honourable Grandmother’s Fundament”
The back of Boris' neck does look a tad lurid in that snap, though - maybe just an inadvertent glimpse, mr speaker.
Its possible, but she's no Sharon Stone.
Anybody here old enough to remember Alan Bates eating that fig?
I am not sure that they has figs in Stockport, mr mike.
It is through true a lazy and stupid diversion that does benefit Bojo. Surely we arw watching the eternal endgame. Brexit kills the PM that delivers it. One more squeal, knife the NI protocol gibberishm and it is done.
Mr Northern Speaker has announced that he will look in all the cupboards, under the green benches and leave no tern unstoned including haranguing the filthy rotten dirty-minded journalists and editors in his efforts to find the sleazy slur-merchant who cast nasturtiums upon the sainted Angela's Parliamentary tactics, and, indeed, legs. And when the purveyor of nudge-nudge tittle-tattle to the press is uncovered, there will be Consequences.
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