
The Official Assembly Commissioner's Investigation and Report completely cleared Robinson of any wrongdoing.
This writer is of these people and knows too well their tight-lipped, rictus smile, judgemental, tut-tutting hypocrisy, their sense of historic entitlement, their Masonic carve-ups and vendettas, their bent cops and judges, their apartheid wrapped in a Union Jack.
Robinson and his clan, in my lifetime, argued that one person one vote had no place in Northern Ireland; that businessmen, like themselves, should continue to have a vote in every constituency in which they had premises - democracy minus zero, no limits.
They argued that a special, armed, sectarian police force, the B Specials, composed of their most loutish cousins and nephews and uncles, should exist to control the Catholics by means of beatings and shootings and framings-up in the courts.
The Orangemen, flushed still, from their (Dutch) victory in a minor military skirmish nearly three hundred years previous, insisted on their right to annually terrorise their Catholic neighbours by marching, pissed-up and belligerent, through their neighbourhoods, insisted on the legitimacy of their control of housing, policing and employment - which worked to the advantage only of themselves and to the active disadvantage of the Catholics. A shower of fucking bastards, supported by a Westminster Tory shower of fucking bastards and a vicious Orange hoodlum regiment in Glasgow; it was a civil rights movement as legitimate as that in the United States which was hijacked by the Provisional IRA and which led to a bloodbath so gross that the current Northern Ireland Police Service has just announced the abandonment of investigations into three thousand deaths in that benighted province.
I'm not a violent man, never have been,
never had to be, I was always, from about eleven, over six feet tall.
I've had the odd incident, was charged, once, with attempted murder but
that was just Old Bill, doing what he does, lying his arse off; it was
self-defence and the judge threw it out, laughing. I hit this guy - who
was attacking me with a deadly weapon - as hard as I could, just the
once, broke his face in bits - teeth, jaw, cheekbone. 'Salways made me
think twice about that stuff, And the other thing is that the older
I've become the more I realise how utterly miraculous is Life, Creation,
how our self-repairing systems are hard-wired, clever beyond belief and
how a punch in the gob is potentially an act of heinous vandalism.
That's not to say that some people don't deserve to have their beings
vandalised; we can all think of six-hundred and fifty of them,
immediately - thieves, ponces, slags, war criminals, Earth criminals,
blackmailers, extortionists and child molesters; there's a giant-sized
A&E department's worth just sitting there, lying and bragging and
guffawing on the green benches.

But some people, the nerve of some people, they really need singling-out for special treatment, for cruel and unusual punishment. If I was ever alone in a room with this guy, I would gouge his eyes out, cut his tongue out, smash every bone in his body and bury him alive:
Fianna Fail Micheal Martin leader also told the Dail: "Nobody except Deputy Adams believes he wasn't in the IRA."
Before her death, IRA bomber Dolours Price publicly alleged that Mr Adams ordered Ms McConville's kidnapping and killing.
Mr Adams has consistently rejected the accusations.
It comes just days after recordings of secret interviews with the late IRA bomber Dolours Price were handed over to police in Northern Ireland investigating the disappearance of Ms McConville.
Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) officers travelled to the US to collect the tapes from the US Justice Department, after they had been secured by subpoena from Boston College.
The Taoiseach has urged anyone with information about those abducted, murdered and secretly buried during the Troubles to help end the decades-long suffering of their families.
Relatives of the victims, known as the Disappeared, met Mr Kenny and presented him with a copy of a recently published book setting out some of their stories.
Afterwards, in a statement, Mr Kenny said he expressed his sympathy to the families and supported their ongoing fight to have the remains of their loved ones located and returned for burial.
"I am glad to have the opportunity this evening to meet with and to hear the stories of those families whose loved ones were taken, killed and then hidden from them in such a callous and tragic way," he said.
"Information from the public is absolutely essential to help to bring an end to their pain."
Mr Kenny called on anyone with information about any of the cases to contact the Victims' Remains Commission in strict confidence.
"I also call on anyone who knows anyone else who may have relevant information to use their influence to encourage them to make it available to the commission," he said.
Both anthologies of the work of mr ishmael and his young Polish friend, Stanislav, Plumb Cheap for You: Honest Not Invent and Vent Stack - are available to purchase for mere money at Lulu or Amazon. It is cheaper to buy from Lulu. Here's how to buy your own copies:
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Just like the fascination with Scotland (no offense intended Mrs I) I cannot for the life of me see the lure of N Ireland. Its alright saying that these people have fought wars with us, on our side, but so too has almost every country in Europe and beyond at some stage in English history, and they are not part of The Union, and many are now enemies or adversaries. England would be far better off just being England - fuck the others. Albeit England is no longer England.
The maritime strategic significance of Jockland is also pretty much gone, mr mike. Apart from oil and gas. Oh, oops. Ssshhh!
The G7 was good fun, I thought. Let's get the Red Arrows out and they can do their delta formation thing like it's still 1966. And plenty of social distancing not going on. Sleepy Joe did alright. They must have had more juice in him than Air Force One.
Speaking of light entertainment, I was at Edgbaston last week and 18,000 of us were crammed in there. The Barmy Army were up to their beer snake antics from before midday. I saw one pair of lads taking their seats at 11am with four pints each. Now I like beer but not in the morning, and I've never felt the urge to buy myself four pints at a time. They were sunburnt and yelling by the end of lunch. Knowing what cricket grounds are like regarding separation and hygiene, I think that we may have been an experiment.
Well, well who would believe it, that far, far right of centre blog,/sarc, run by mr Swiss bob, Going Postal no one reads the comments, have done a book review of Honest not Invent. And it would seem that even far, far right Nazis,/sarc, enjoy the acerbic wit, sarcasm, beautiful writing and even the occasionally used sweary words of stanislav and mr I.
Who da thought it?
I've enjoyed the cricket, Mr mongoose. NZ were good. Looking forward to the India game. On the other hand.....England must be having nightmares.
Hi, mr inmate,
mr swiss bob used to be a regular, much valued member of the commentariat here, back in the day. It's a tremendous review that he's posted - I hope that it brings the great work to the attention of the wider readership that mr ishmael deserves.
I do understand why you find the Celtic countries that surround England to be irritating, mr mike, and downright dangerous at times. But what is to be done? Cede the Six Counties to Eire, to be sure, right enough, but what about the Protestant Unionists? Can't just go giving their country away, not after all the blood that has been spilled. Kind of disrespectful, innit? A bit like the Falklands. If ever there was an anomaly, it's the Falklands. Other side of the world. Maintaining it as a part of the Motherland is expensive, to say the least. But what about all the British people that live there? Damn it, we fought a war not so long ago, to retain the Falklands. I know someone who worked out there for a couple of years. Just like a cold, windswept corner of England, he said, with red post boxes and everything.
The United Kingdom is a bit of an inaccurate name. Of the countries that are united under that name, isn't England the only one to have a monarch, and isn't she a woman? The United Queendom might be more pertinent these days.
Mrs I: prompted by the recent death of de Bono, here's a lateral thought. Its time to re-colonise Eire and re-unite it with NI. A confident England would do this. Ditto Jockland.
Now that's thinking outside the box, mr mike. A truly Elizabethan thought, but I don't think there's sufficient in our military capability to do it successfully. Unless, of course, you are thinking of re-colonising by surreptitious New Plantations of woke young people from Lahndun?
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