If there's any looting to be done it'll be done by families like mine and Mr Osborne's and Mr BoJo's and by honourable and right honourable members of this house, Mr Tiny Speaker; it's the way we've always done things, as a look at our expenses will reveal, even today. And as unelected prime minister I will not sit still for a load of niggers and benefit cheats muscling-in on my act, and that of very decent international financiers who are, at this very moment, wrestling with weighty matters as they seek to find new ways to rob working people of such advances as they have made this last sixty years. We will arrest and lock-up anyone who tries to do inappropriate looting, even if there's nowhere to put the little bastards; that will be a matter for my fat friend, the Justice Minister, Smoky Ken Clarke, if he can be prised out of some seedy jazz club. We can always build some of those, whatchamaycallems, concentration camps, that's it, only temporary, of course, until I'm properly re-elected without any of this Coalition nonsense - and did you see the barracking that old Gimpy got in Birmingham, I bet he wishes he'd stayed at home in Madrid or wherever the fuck it is - or we can house them in some of the many hospitals which are insufficiently profitable for the private sector to take over and destroy, like it does everything else; train fares going up, energy prices going up, British Telecom a laughing stock, inflation going up, unemployment going up, stock market fucked, London on fire. Glad none of it's my fault. And isn't it time, Mr Tiny Speaker, that the former unelected prime minister, the member for the Kirkcaldy Oxfam shop, came to this house and apologised for all my secret meetings with NewsCorpse which unfortunately did not result in Mr Murdoch taking over BskyB and then the BBC. All of which, of course, is now forgotten about as honourable and right honourable members vie with one another to find new ways to punish the very poorest, most hopeless members of society, or the enemy within, or the sick section of a broken society, only not in Chipping Norton obviously, where we can swim in champagne if we want to, robbing fucking bastards. No, I mean them, not us.

Inshallah, Bismillah, Salaam eleikum, whatever, man, like, do your own
shit when it comes to those religious salutations, man, don't sweat the
God vibe. But no, really, man, this is heavy shit, the young
brothers and sisters trying to throw off the yoke of fifty years of
consumerist oppression - every time you open your eyes there's somecat
telling you you gotta have this shit or that shit, this car or that
phone otherwise you ain't nobody, and it don't matter a fuck if you got
no bread, you just borrow it off some thieving dog in a suit and so
whaddathey expect young cats to do, they see them dudes in the
parliament looting the public purse and bein' punished with a week
off work, and they see the so-called royal family consorting with
jetset nonces and flogging-off favours and blowjobs to gangsters, and
they see the chief of police taking bribes and just getting a
thankyouverymuchhere'sagoldenhandshakeallmenoftheworldpayoff, they see
the newspapers crawling up people's asses and bugging their every
private conversation and getting rewarded with knighthoods, course
they're gonna riot, man, the thing is, is why the whole fucking country
ain't going up in smoke? And now the dictator Cameron's police and
army is beating-up on them.
What'd be like really cool would be if NATO could just surgically
bomb the shit out of New Scotland Yard and the Palace of Westminster
and protect the young hopeless kids who've just been shat on all these
years by fat fuckers like the infidel pigdog Prescott and the NewLabour
Gang of Four and now the carrion tyranny of what they call the
Coalition. It's like really heavy, there in GeeBee, they're doing shit
that like nobody but nobody voted for, they're all like sucking on
the Man's dick dumping on the guy in the street and now they're talking
about arming themselves against their own people, for the revolution
that everybody knows is coming down the highway, right at them. NATO
gotta get the fuck off its arse and protect the citizens of the YouKay
'cos, like you know, like the Prophet said, peace and blessings be upon
His name, in sleepy London town, there's just no place for a street
fighting man.
Police clear-up rates are a source of mirth to those, like me, who have worked in the criminal justice system. Back in the day, for the price of a packet of fags a couple of officers visit a convicted prisoner, selected fairly well at random, and present him with a list of offences to sign off, to help with the clear-up rate. The same officers visit a remand prisoner and tell him that if he coughs to these 99 offences and asks for them to be taken into consideration (T.I.C.'d), he'll get a lighter sentence for being co-operative. Doesn't even cost them a packet of fags.
Then there's the tricky issue of evidence. I worked with a chap on probation who complained bitterly to me about the police methods of obtaining evidence. He was a drug dealer, right enough, in a very small way of business, before heroin and crack became ubiquitous, dealing a bit of dope to supplement his benefit giros. He heard the knock on his door, but before he could get it open, the battering ram caves it inwards - Lads, lads, he remonstrates, there was no need to do that, I was opening the door - nothing to hide, here, I haven't got any shit in the place. Not to worry, comes the reply, it's okay, we brought our own. And from round the back of the telly, one officer produces a substantial quantity of rather good resin. My probationer thought that this was just not fair. Enough to get me sent down, he grumbled. And I'll have to pay for the door.
Denning would have found the casual violence of the police to be unbelievably a part of the appalling vista. I worked with this one chap, Lionel, a rent boy, who got himself very worked up about the possibility that he had contracted AIDS - that was two or three pandemics ago. He presented himself at Selly Oak Accident and Emergency Dept, drunk and tearful, asking to be examined. He was told to go away and see his GP, they were busy and didn't deal with drunks. Lionel persisted. They called the police. Two big brutes swagger in, each of them twice the size of Lionel, one each side of him. One takes his arm, twists it behind his back. Lionel screams, you're breaking my arm. Police Officer says, no, we're not, and twists it higher, whereupon there's an audible crack. Oh look what we've done. You've broken my arm, sobs Lionel. What, like this? says Officer Thug and does it again.
Lionel presented himself in my office a couple of days later, sober, bandaged, and on heavy duty pain meds. I want to make a complaint he said.
I'm not surprised, but you'll need a good lawyer. It's not easy to complain about the police. So I phoned a criminal law legal practice that did a lot of work in the Birmingham Courts, and got him an appointment. They were very sympathetic. We've got a paralegal working with us who'll be able to really help, because he has lots of experience of these complaints.
Lionel attends for his appointment.
He came in to see me the next week. So how'd it go? I'm not proceeding, says Lionel. They put me in a room alone with this massive retired Police Officer and he explained that if I brought a police complaint, I would be stopped, searched, questioned, maybe arrested every time I went out of a night. They'd turn the flat over. In my business, I can't afford that.
Now, Selly Oak Hospital, a former workhouse, doesn't have a good reputation for kindness and patient care. Not surprising they called the police on Lionel. Some years after his miserable experience there it was reclassified as a Royal Centre for Defence Medicine and was officially opened by Princess Anne in 2001. By March, 2007, the families of injured soldiers were complaining that the hospital was not treating Iraq War veterans properly. There were reports of servicemen being verbally abused in the hospital by members of the public opposed to the war. Jeremy Clarkson wrote to the NHS complaining that injured servicemen were treated no differently from "a lad who got drunk and smashed his Citroen into a tree". (Nor even a drunken, frightened, tearful teenage rentboy) A House of Commons Defence Select Committee blamed the allegations against the hospital on a smear campaign. Of course.
This is little dog Harris, last Thursday evening, taking the air in a charming small wood in Kirkwall.
And the Willowburn stream meanders through this dear green place, crossed by a couple of bridges.
The New Orthodoxy
Black Face Morris is characterised by blacking up to disguise your identity, wearing rags and top hats and is maybe more athletic than the "England, my England" Morris of white shirts, colourful ribbons and flower-decked hats. It has its own historic tradition and is a darker thing altogether; begging with an edge of intimidation. Katie Kedward, 28, from Leeds, chanced upon Black Face Morris and immediately decided it was on a par with the Black and White Minstrel Show. So, in order to avoid spectators and chance passers by taking offence, would this do instead?

Thrust into TeeVee's mincing machine as they are one cannot help but feel, I dunno, more sorrow than irritation for the pupils in this grim show.

They are all Ruin's spawn, empty-headed, functioning only superficially,
walking cliches in scruffy school uniform. I went to one of the
so-called best grammar schools in the country and I hated almost every
second of it, relieving my misery only by acts of disobedience and
rebellion; I am not sure, even now, if that was the fault of the school
or if my unhappiness stemmed from a variety of external factors but what
I do know is that the teachers were well qualified to teach and that
the pupils were pupils and not figments of their fuckhead parents'
consumer imagination, stars in their own pathetic and corrosive and
probably life-long soap operas.
Pupils? I mean students, don't I, that's what we call them. They're
not students but Hey, who cares?

That bloke, by the way, the gabshiteing slapheaded Yorkshireman, who plays the Headmaster in Educating Yorkshire, he is an actor isn't he? Because the character he plays would not, could not, at his age, forties, whatever it is, pass the eleven plus which I passed at ten. A headteacher who simply cannot speak English brings out my inner Gove; it's not much to ask, bare minimum, really. Verbs, tenses, articles, clauses, nouns, interrogatives, comparatives - he knows nothing of them, he just slangs his way lazily through the working day, inculcating his charges with his own feely-feely, bullying stupidity, the shiny-headed, snufflers'-bearded cunting imbecile. He strikes me as not only pigshit stupid but also sinister, menacing, bestial, like he would fuck a dog, or a donkey; talk about creepy. I only have to catch a glimpse of him and I recoil. Hopefully, you ghastly jumped-up imbecile, is a fucking adverb, although you wouldn't know what a fucking adverb is. And as for filming and broadcasting this arsehole's charges,

well, this is incalculably bad for
them and the parents should hang the producers from the school
railings, except that their parents are self-evidently morons.
I will just console myself with the thought that there really cannot,
really cannot be a headteacher as stupid, as vain, as lacklustre, as
careless and as vandalistic as this character and that he must be
acting in some comedie noire. I could believe he was a cook, or a
makeover artiste, but a headteacher, responsible for children's
emotional and intellectual wellbeing, no, you're 'avin' a laff, innit. I
know you're a good kid really. But you're going out in the big world
and it's hard out there, yeah? And not everyone is as easygoing as me,
yeah? And it's my job to prepare you, yeah? So, whaddarewegonnado, yeah?
And on and on, ad nauseum.
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Wrong Mitchell. Ed. |
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Still wrong Mitchell. Ed |
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Stop it. Ed. |
mr ishmael's essays today are:
The Great Children's Rebellion of 2011 drafted 11/8/2011
The Naughty Step drafted 26/9/2013
Both anthologies of the work of mr ishmael and his young Polish friend, Stanislav, Plumb Cheap for You: Honest Not Invent and Vent Stack - are available to purchase for mere money at Lulu or Amazon. It is cheaper to buy from Lulu. Here's how to buy your own copies:
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Apologies for my absence. I've been experimenting with what life would be like without being reminded of what an endless shitstorm it is. I can only report that its impossible to disconnect, and turn off the 'puter - and therefore one needs to connect responsibly - ie get what remains of the few nuggets of truth. Today's post is a case in point: although the subject matter is a little historic - for the new people who have the attention span of a flea (apologies to fleas) - nothing changes.
I must say I'm looking forward to the Putin-Biden summit. A geriatric old fart (Biden) versus the most astute leader on the planet (Putin). We will never know what actually was said, but the readout will be fascinating.
Welcome back, mr mike - you were missed. You did give us a heads up that you were cutting back on your social media, so I assumed you had included us in your personal Bonfire of the Vanities.
Nothing changes, not even the personnel. Oh, yes, there's a little shuffling about on the Gravy Train - make room, make room, it's my turn, but all these creatures are still there, lurking in the shadows. Call Me Dave popping up with fresh financial chicanery; Bogey-man Blair telling us what to do on the Andrew Marr show on Sunday - a little greyer, deeper lines and even deeper views about what the Peepul of Brittan need to do to overcome Covid - You vill haff se Vaxine, You vill haff a Passport; Snot-Gobbler Gulping Brown springing forth to lead the Scoatisch fight back against Nationalism; Spit-Gove-Good-At-Talking, no, let me finish, here; and of course, Bo-Jo the Ho-Ho, no longer turn-again-Whittington, Lord Mayor of London, but our Glorious Ditherer - will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the Dance - turn not pale, beloved Snail, but come and join the Dance, for the further off from England, the nearer is to France....
You watch them, the holograms. All of evil is nothing. They have already lost but we must endure and resist the mirage, refuse to take it for reality.
Great is the Truth and shall prevail.
Apocalyptic, mr bungalow bill?
Yes, I think so, Mrs I. What is this if not a contest for the human soul? Perhaps I am old and mad, but look around you and smell the sulphur.
Though here is something to cheer us all up from the Lady Julian of Norwich:
"And in this he showed me a little thing, the quantity of a hazel nut, lying in the palm of my hand, as it seemed. And it was as round as any ball. I looked upon it with the eye of my understanding, and thought, ‘What may this be?’ And it was answered generally thus, ‘It is all that is made.’ I marveled how it might last, for I thought it might suddenly have fallen to nothing for littleness. And I was answered in my understanding: It lasts and ever shall, for God loves it. And so have all things their beginning by the love of God.
In this little thing I saw three properties. The first is that God made it. The second that God loves it. And the third, that God keeps it.”
Even if it isn't true, it's much better than the World of China, Gates, Whitty and Hancock. I suspect increasingly, however, that it is true.
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