And so charming, I hardly can believe I'm real.

Sir Philip Rutnam, who quit as the Home Office's permanent secretary after accusing Ms Patel of a 'vicious and orchestrated briefing campaign' against him, disputes her claim that no-one gave her feedback on her Tuckerish behaviour. He said she was advised not to shout and swear at staff the month after her appointment in 2019 and that he told her to treat staff with respect 'on a number of further occasions'. Apparently,
she 'dressed down' staff in front of their colleagues and asked: 'Why is everyone so fucking useless? Sir Philip has launched a constructive dismissal claim at an Employment Tribunal.
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Blingity-bling-bling-bling. |
The Big Boys have been out to get Pritti from the start, mrs i. She is a proxy. But I am sure that the mandarins of the Home Office ahve dragged their feet at every turn, obfuscated and obstructed. If they cannot stand a bit of comprehensively-schooled language, the poor dears need to get out more.
As far as scalps go, Pritti currently leads 2-nil. She has even managed soemhow to avoid any blame for these most ruinous and despotic policies. One would have expected the Home Secretary to be front and centre. So she is even having a good crisis in political terms. That must be really galling to the boys behind the bike-sheds.
She's a woman of colour Mr mongoose, therefore a more difficult target. That said, if she's upsetting them then good on her. I read in the Filthograph that she is now making the senior ones work from home at weekends, and subjecting them to performance reviews. Sacre Bleu! What next, no automatic knighthood?
And she looks to be about five-feet-and-not-a-lot-more tall too, mr mike. Honestly if you are feeling bullied by such a creature - however harsh her tongue - you should stay away from most of the places I have worked in my life.
Gosh, you're right, mr mongoose my dear - it hadn't occurred to me - of course she should be there in the firing line for the removal of our human rights and civil liberties in this increasingly futile attempt to limit the spread of Covid 19: but no, it is Boris this and Boris that and kick hom out, the brute. However, I'm not with you on the issue of a small woman being unable to bully - she holds the second most powerful office of state in the land, a vast amount of positional power in consequence and she's quite clearly a fighting terrier.
oh, dear...PP scrabbles out to "lap ripe tit".
Seriously, though, degrees taken at Keele & Essex - so I can't help wondering if a lack of Oxbridge polish (irony intended) rubbed the mandarins up the wrong way.
OT - Mr Mike, is the stuff about Putin's poor health BS, do you think?
Thank you, mr verge, for your high minded contribution from Anagram Towers. Moving rapidly on ... Sir Humphrey Appleby and his ilke, gently spoken, silkily Machiavellian, expensively and exclusively educated, trained in politesse and diplomacy, simply cannot have the experience to deal with a foul-mouthed street-fighting she-devil. I suppose I have to agree with Dominic Cummings that the old order needs changing, the Civil Service needs reform, that an egalitarian wind needs to blow through those silken corridors of power, but I do have immense sympathy for the victims of a bully, particularly one supported by those who supposedly should be opposed to bullying. And it takes some guts to pack your job in and throw yourself on the mercy of the Employment Tribunal, claiming constructive dismissal. Have to be at the end of your tether to do that, I guess.
Its BS Mr Verge. He's not getting any younger, but compared to Biden or Trump he's an Olympic athlete. His spokesman, Peskov, immediately said it was false and he is in excellent health. The original comment came from one of the Moscow "liberals", and was latched onto by western MSM.
Thanks, Mr Mike, thought as much. Speaking of presidential health I was surprised Trump made it through his term in good order. Maybe all the stuff we're fed about cardiac risk is another pinch of salt job - KFC and a golf buggy will see you right, eh?
Well, the shrinking violet in question, Sir Philip MacDougall Rutnam KCB (Dulwich, Trinity Hall Cambridge, and Harvard, also Morgan Stanley) resigned. Mounting an action for constructive and unfair dismissal will be a long shot for a chap of his background and experience but the Establishment will throw everything at it for him. And, of course, the rigours of life will on the scrapheap must be weighed not only against his platinum-plated pension and but also against the inevitable advisory jobs for the boys that, natch, will only surface after the suit has run its course, and his paper "losses" have remained maximised, the poor wee lamb.
There is an article by the otherwise vile Ms Vine this morning that essentially says that if Pritti had been a wee BAME Labour Home Secretary, they would be tarring and feathering her accusers in the name of race and the sisterhood, and I think that we all know that that is very much more likely than a s simple odds-on.
now as far as i'm concerned buttman, you can go ram yer equal opportunities policy, because i'm gonna deport every wog, frog, nig-nog, paki, aki, blackie, ringo, dingo, gringo, gook, spook, nanook, polack, wet-back, cossack, ruskie, husky, duskie, spic, spiv, div, bulga, bangla, mzunga, hobo, grebo, oyibo, chink, chank, yank, kraut, sprout, lager-lout, bat-gobbler, curry-chomper, bratwurst-schlurper...
an' bug-eyed border-lite fish-filchin' bastard brie-bruncher...
until i make britain blaadclart white again...
even if i 'ave ter repatriate dear ol' ma-'n-pa an' do a disappearing act up me own fuckin' arsehole...
do you understand me, you eu-nob-sucking batty-spanking public school poofter?
@prickli spatelle
wow, now that's my kinda woman.
is she being groomed to be the uk's next prime minister...?
got more balls than boris, that's for sure.
goddammit, don't ya just hate all that pesky political correctness and those namby-pamby equal opportunities policies?
@the man with no custom-control
ooh là là...
et non, non, non: please to not visit upon us la redoutée prickli spatrelle...
et certainement pas la pm prickli...
for wizout any questions she would be spittingz in our exquisitely cooked fishy-soups françaises.
vill zees dreaded putain de brexit-night-woke never be endingz?
oh, please to come back, our dearest frère boris...
bisou bisou...
all iz now forgivens:
we vill be agreeing to anythinkz, hunny-hunkz - includingz getting indéfiniment roget'd up ze botty on ze fishing-boats.
@prickli spatelle
as the man with no custom-control hinted, i'm sure that "namby-pamby" would have made a welcome insertion before "equal opportunities policy" - and for my own part i certainly feel that "bratwurst-muncher" would have chimed more humorously with "brie-bruncher"...
but anyhow, best not to rankle the british domestic secretary, lest i find myself being frog-marched onto a plane bound for ascension island, or perhaps st helena - or god-forbid, even the isle-of-flippin'-wight.
now, here's a thought: d'you reckon that mrs splatelle and mr jobsgone actually appreciate that the fundamental trigger for all this mass-immigration consists in the british government's historic pugilistic penchant for bombing these brown people's homelands to kingdom bally come...?
not-to-mention the industrial scale resource-rape and economic oppression to which - through the neo-colonial agency of eu-import-restriction and eu-licenced blood-mineral trade - the uk remotely, yet routinely, subjects a sorry swathe of beleaguered states through the middle-east, africa, and asia?
i wonder, therefore, when these two senior ministers in the conservative government will follow the lead of far more mature british politicians - such as jeremy corbyn and nigel farage - by taking a principled stand against neo-imperialist war - and also against neo-colonialism's ultimate objective of bleeding the black man's homeland dry of all natural wealth?
@skid row flo
style's not yer strong suit, is it flo?
why not knock out the first "that" in the third paragraph...
then knock out the second "through" in the fourth paragraph - so it can be replaced by "across"...
an' finally, please kindly knock yerself out you moronic miseducated moo...
oh yeah, an' if you can't learn to write proper english, i probably will 'ave you slung out to more exotic climes, raaaaass.
@prickli p
she always has to have the last word, doesn't she...?
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