Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Campbell, the pornograpers' pornographer;  
real live snuff movies to order.
Pontificating on the fallen Dead Kennedy, Oh, sure, we disagreed, said the pig, Campbell, dismissively, about the Iraq thing. But we were the best of pisshead friends. The Iraq thing. And only now that it will never win another does FilthyLabour wonder why it lost the election.

If there is a God of democratic socialism, He will cause a bomb to fall on Campbell's home and roast his children alive; a squad of marines to gangrape his wife, sorry, partner and deliver the pig, himself,  to decades of torture in a foreign land; then  we can all mutter, contemptuously, Oh, that Campbell thing, yeah, water under the bridge.


Doug Shoulders said...

I do hope that the Iraq abomination was the real reason labour lost the election. It might indicate that the good folks that are left in this country have realised that that invasion and others past and in the offing are manufactured spuriously and purely to line the pockets of warmongers.

inmate said...

Why do they keep on draggin this cunt out on TeeVee, never had a real job, never elected to any position, what gives him any authority to comment on anything?
Why do the PBC think we givafuck what the cunt thinks?
You are right Mr I, the world would be a less dark place without the cunt.
Apologies, cunt is about the most polite word I have for Campbell.

Anonymous said...

I am a cunt and I'm offended

call me ishmael said...

Not everybody wanders the Cyberstreets of Complaint, mr doug and it is wrong to think that those of us who do speak for a majority but I feel, neverthless, that the Iraq invasion, Holocaust and Awe, Guantanamo and Tony and Imelda's vulgarity have become a Shorthand of Dismissal, used, among many, to describe the filthy host of NewLabour - Straw, Blunkett, Schmidt, Campbell, Milburn, Hoon, Ainsworth, Mandelstein, Reid, the Ballses, the Alexanders, the Milibands, not to mention Tory ghouls like Frank Field and Tessa Jowell, whose legacy is not only mass murder, torture, kidnap and rape, at home as well as abroad, this last, but also the destruction of the party they claimed, laughingly, to serve.

It may not have been uppermost in many minds, the atrocity of Iraq and the emergence of ISIL, but it fed a watertable of contempt and loathing which nurtured the zombie economics of so-called austetity, irrigated the flowers of ruinous nationalism and ceded the moral highground to Spivvery.

That the PBC, mr inmate, ttansfers my money and yours to the filthy slag, Campbell, should be a matter for incendiaries, across the piece but most assuredly up the arse of the snivelling little tart, Evan Davies, a squalid, squirming groupie, a million times more useless even than the rancid confection which is Jeremy Paxman.

inmate said...

Not my money, not anymore Mr I. I considered stopping paying after their coverage of 911; reporting the falling of building 7 twenty minutes before it fell and the fact they never asked why it fell when no planes hit it.
As government spend our taxes on illegal wars I stopped paying the TeeVee licence in 2003, after the Iraq invasion, due in no small part to Campbell's lies. I now make it as difficult as lawfully possible for the government to get my hard earned, dealing in cash wherever possible.

call me ishmael said...

The Wilderness of Mirrors, the lies so huge that confronting them invites charges of conspiracy-theorist, the new heretic, what does Colonel von Fawkes call us, Troofers, the fat fascist.

yardarm said...

As Mr Inmate says: since when did this rancid war criminal become the go to guy for stuff like alcoholism and depression ? Particularly from the PBC which Alky Al did his best to ruin ? I`ve always hoped the horrible cunt falls off the wagon and becomes obsessed with the shade of David Kelly: Campbell, pissed out of his head, on Channel Four, hallucinates when he sees Jon Snows socks, (silly cunt) and imagines Snows head replaced by Kelly`s intoning " Join me in my rest, Alastair ". Campbell shrieks and shits himself live on national television.

As Mr Ishmael says: I think maybe our defeat in Iraq did rebound on us. In the US oil prices rose, interests rates rose, lots of people couldn`t repay their mortgages, panic hits Globacorp, no one knows where the debt actually is, its been chopped up and flogged on so many times, the musical chairs game resting on a tiny amount of money stops, banksters stop lending to each other. The system becomes self aware, all of a sudden debt is bad and most of the money is Mickey Mouse. So the system seizes up, what all the rocket scientists didn`t envisage happening then did happen, The Great Tits Up occurred, the filthsters bail out the banksters. The collateral damage was called deficit and that's the pretext for class war and social engineering, or austerity as MediaMinster call it.

If the fucking bastards were capable of planning I`d say they planned it.

lilith said...

The more disgracefully the Labour/lefties behave the more the BBC endorse them. This creep particularly. Then we have Russell Brand, Blind Boy Blunkett, Old Ma McLaren and your list above. Why do they think we should listen to what they have to say?

Oldrightie said...

Lilith, because rubber necking is human nature.

call me ishmael said...

My instincts have always leant me leftwards, all the more distressing that I find myself in agreement with ms lilith and mr oldrightie - except that none of those of whom we speak are of the left but claim, instead, to be centre-left, which is as florid a contradiction in terms as a nation has ever so enthusiastically swallowed; Zombie-lite, that's more like it.

We must listen to them because that is the function of MediaMinster, mediating between we, the people, and our parasite tormentors, lest we get too close, ourselves, and smell the spermy breath of the Beast and see his fingers pick our pockets. it is Adam Smith's hapoy coincidence of wants, Westminster filled with sluts and slags, the media filled with eager pimps. Pre-arranged interviews, anonymous sources, confidential briefings, knowing whispers and secret handshakes. I believe, ms lilith, they call it the Lobby System.

call me ishmael said...

I think they are to stupid, mr yardarm, to be anything other than reactive but ss long as there's filth like Campbell, shit-mouthing his obeisance to money and filth, they don't need to worry too much. Je ne suis pas Charlie Kennedy, fuck him, fuck all of them.

Mike said...

We can shower them with ordure from our keyboards, but until someone starts killing these cunts they won't take any notice.

Alphons said...

Some how people have, for years, taken the word "politics" as something honourable. Roget hit it spot on in his Thesaurus.

inmate said...

I wouldn't know what Mr Fawkes has to say, I do not frequent his corner of t'internet Mr I; seems to me he has sold his Soul, as Campbell, for the Murdoch shilling.

Doug Shoulders said...

Some folks would prefer that they don’t take notice Mr Mike..s’why I pay my tv licence..keeps the bastards from my door…I don’t like the way my govment spends my tax and in a true democracy I’d have a say in that.
I’m fucked if I’m going to stop paying taxes tho’ The lesser of two evils I’d say.

call me ishmael said...

If is a moot point, mr doug, the license fee payment is enforced by private goons who have no right to enter your home and thus cannot enforce payment without your co-operation and on principle I would set the dog on anyone so bounty-hunting at my home; mrs ishmael, however, insists on paying-up. Generally, though, I have argued your position with mr richard and others and I do feel, as mr mongoose asserts, that taxation equals civilisation and we do not avoid paying. Gnasher has just imposed a higher rate of stamp duty on our house, we are not rich but the house is at the higher end of Scottish property values and represents a profit which, aside from considerable maintainance and expense, we have not technically earned, although that, too, is a moot point, when we consider bankers' bungs to themselves. Even so, just because our betters avoid contributing it doesn't follow that we should all become spivs and barrowboys. The answer to tax evasion, of course, is simple, half a dozen twenty-year sentences.

inmate said...

Mr Doug Shoulders, the bastards don't come to my door either. I wrote to them -CAPITA- as the legal occupier, informing them of my reasons for not wanting to fund government terrorism at home and abroad, they wrote back to say 'that's OK we will not bother you again.' Besides the PBC receives much of it's funding from us via the EU.
You are correct, if we had true democracy, one where the people decide and the government administer the people's wishes, 'till that day I will be as non-conformist as possible.

Doug Shoulders said...

My missus also insists it should be paid. If I lived alone like I used to they wouldn’t get my money. I’d write that letter and be done with it same as I had to do with sky. They insisted that the previous occupants sky dish would have to be paid for by me…stupid cunts.

Years ago I paid income tax, corporate tax, business rates and the rest.

Income tax to the govamant to send the army to do the work for the warmongers like blair
Corporate tax to prop up the amazons of the world who pay fuck all.
Business rates for local govment to hand out to “New incentive” businesses who start up with subsidised everything down the road from me and then undercut my business so that I can no longer operate.
Etc etc..

inmate said...

Exactly, Mr Doug Shoulders, the Gubmint remove our dosh to subsidise big GlobalCorp through 'in-work' tax credits for the low paid, rather than persuade GlobalCorp to pay reasonable wages; but that would be to the detriment of the dividend-takers, of course we can't have that can we?

mongoose said...

I was in Wales today, for my sins, and as everyone was late, conversation turned to politics. I tend to remain silent at times such because it ain't very good for business to denounce the clients as fools, knaves or heartless fuckers. One such was a LibDem. How I held my tongue as the eulogy progressed is known only unto God. The sophisticated one among the group then started, and I fucking kid you not, to applaud Blair's peace-keeping role in the ME. And to conclude that it would have been worse without him. I almost expected to hear that the Iraqi kids had at least died standing instead of on their knees but it did not get that far. We then had to hear thtat his recent home anti-anti-semitism stance was some sort of strategic and connected ploy to bring people together. "To bring Blair together with some money", thought I, but did not speak it. Fucking hell. Just what are these people smoking that they think that all this is even within touching distance of a plan, or honour or of even tactical and self-interested good sense? I despair. Honestly. We deserve whatever happens to us.

I see that Goodson Greece is last man at post tonight. Let us hope he hasn't take the Devil's Shilling by the morning.

mongoose said...

Btw I found this different Corinna evensong direction or you...

I had never heard of the guy before but perhaps that just shows how ignorant a Guinness wog can be. And so to bed.

Doug Shoulders said...

See…the problem I have with blair being appointed to the wotsit post…It makes what he did to Iraq…well ok….not such a bad thing. Nobody questioned why the genocidal maniac has been given the post of middle east envoy and nobody is LOLing at this new stipend.
Makes it ok for our current PM to do the same to the latest target for destruction…Syria.
How history is written by the victor…right there.

call me ishmael said...

It is such encounters, mr mongoose, with proud, wilful, braying Devilry, which see me in self confinement, here, on what mr tdg calls my barren isle, far from the madding crowd. I would have punched that bastard all around the room, pour les enfants rotis. As I say in my prayers, Oh, Lord, may someone bomb his house, roast his children, gangrape and mutilate his wife, kidnap, jails and torture him for a decade and then turn him loose, to wander the Earth, a sadder and a wiser man, for all his days. It is the only language these people understand, poetry.

call me ishmael said...

Were I my cousin, Cameron, I wouldn't wanna mess with Mr Putin in Syria, mr doug, not even for money.

mongoose said...

And it would not do to speculate why it is just now that the "secret" Saudi funding document re 911 has turned up and is being waved about. Though how it is thought to be a secret I cannot say.