Friday 22 March 2024

Evensong: Daffodils

 We are labouring under another gale here in the Bracing Isles. Today we've had cancelled ferries, rain, hail, high winds and flying plantpots. My daffodils were looking good, but they've all been cut off by the icy winds, so here are some daffodils to compensate:

Speaking of which, did you notice that Princess Kate chose to record the heart-breaking video announcement of her cancer with a bank of daffodils behind her?
The daffodil is the emblem of the Marie Curie charity, which provides hospice care and support for anyone with a terminal illness and their carers and campaigns for better support for dying people. It was established in 1948, the same year as the National Health Service (NHS).
Thoughts and prayers to everyone facing their final illness and to those who support them through their last big adventure.


ultrapox said...


may i wish charles and kate a full and lasting recovery.

when the rather dim royals finally realize that it woz the 'covid'-vaccine wot dunnit - and that it done queen elizabeth and prince philip too - heads will surely roll down whitehall.

if the 'best doctors money can buy' have committed such serious malpractice against the british aristocracy, it makes one wonder who is actually paying these bloody quacks...

the clintons, perhaps?

the smirking assassin, hillary, now holds a royal flush, methinks.

best the royals consult angus dalgleish, professor of oncology at st george's hospital medical school, before boosting their disease with johnson's killer junk-jab.

best too that the royals stop supporting the biden-johnson nazi-axis in ukraine, if they truly want god on their side...

Mike said...

Mr ultrapox: I second what you say. I have long lost all monarchist leanings, but I hope she gets over this.

Like you, I do wonder about her (and Charles etc) vaccination record. There is now mounting expert opinion that the mRNA "vaccines" (not vaccines, but gene therapy drugs) compromise the immune system and have given rise to the big increases in excess deaths, cancers included.

ultrapox said...

the trouble is, mr mike, that the increases in excess-death are not easily evinced from the general mortality-statistics: you first have to filter out older age-groups from the results, and then break down those remaining results by country in order to notice the concerning signal otherwise concealed within the figures; try, for example, focussing on the european mortality-statistics for children - 0-14 - or for younger adults - 15-44 - and you will begin to receive a clearer picture of the problem - then for an even sharper snapshot, zoom-in further on the mrna-vaccine-mad countries, such as neo-liberal france, germany, uk, spain, portugal, and perhaps even relatively sane denmark.

the only truly evident 'vaccine'-related mortality-spike was that caused by the devastating bivalent mrna-booster-jab in autumn 2022, and thus to find evidence for 'covid'-'vaccine'-death it is, as you indicate, necessary to scan the mortality-graphs for small percentage increases since introduction of the 'covid'-'vaccination' in 2021...

nevertheless, as the daily snail at last reports, the oncologists are now absolutely unequivocal in their identification of a cancer-epidemic:

how only 10% of all cancers are in adults under 50 but experts warn of an 'epidemic' of disease in young adults after kate middleton's shock diagnosis

dr shivan sivakumar, an oncologist at the university of birmingham, said: 'there is an epidemic currently of young people getting cancer — under 50s.

'it is unknown the cause of this.'

professor andrew beggs, a consultant colorectal surgeon based at the university of birmingham, said: 'young onset cancer is by no means rare.

'i run a clinic for early-onset cancer in adults and we are seeing more and more people in their 40s with cancer.'

mongoose said...

Well you wouldn't wish chemo on your worst enemy - let alone wish it on a mother with three little kids. Poor woman. Whatever happens she won't be young ever gain.

And is it just me? The news feeds seem to have a much increased level of ordinary young folk falling off their perches? If this is happeneing to the rich, sporting and notable types how many unremarkable folk just like us are slipping away?

Bungalow Bill said...

The Hospice movement is another operation against the age, Mrs I, being engaged in careful compassion.

Here's some more light from the beautiful John Clare. A dream, perhaps, but a lovely one.

Bungalow Bill said...

Come to think of it, Omar Sharif was a a source of light too: a fine thing to behold for females, a lover of fine food, a top class bridge player, played in a couple of stunning Lean films and smoked like a fiend. Philippians 4:8.

mongoose said...

From today's ST:

"Dr Shivan Sivakumar, an associate professor in oncology at the University of Birmingham, said: “There is an ­epidemic currently of young people getting cancer [under fifties]. The cause of this is unknown, but we are seeing more patients with abdominal cancers.”"

Mike said...

This discussion relates to a Therapeutic Drugs Administration report into the mRNA vaccines released under FOI here in Australia, with Prof Clancy (Immunologist) in Australia.

This may well shock you, as well as give some direction to issues raised above.

ultrapox said...

precisely mr mongoose, what chance do us plebs have of surviving this 'covid'-carnage if the monarchy is being subjected to total wipe-out?

of course, despite being ultra-royal-sceptic, the simple reason we identify with, and feel such sympathy for, the silly old buzzards is that there's not a damn fucking family in the kingdom which has not been equally affected.

unfortunately, due to it's length, i've not had time to view your tucker-carlson love-in, but on the recommendation of mr mike, i will certainly look forward to another salutary dose of prof clancy - as administered by dr john campbell.

mongoose said...

Tucker gets stick because he adopts Interrogation Technique Number 1 - get the bugger talking and then shut up. Everyone wants to tell their story. So let them.

Meanwhile who the hell re Isis-K?

inmate said...

Meanwhile who the hell re Isis-K?
Created, funded and armed originally by Barry O’bummer, directed by the Pentagon/CIA and of course bequeathed more than a billion dollars of the latest armaments left behind in Afghan by Joe O’biden.

ultrapox said...

full marks for asking the 6 billion-dollar question, mr mongoose...

and full marks for answering the 6 billion-dollar question, mr inmate:

islamic state and al qaeda have always been cia-controlled - much like the ira, antifa etc.

the russians will not be fooled by the proxy-crocus-massacre of its citizens in moscow - and will not let the attack's true western orchestrators go unpunished.

interestingly, it is the presence of so many extremist-groups within the uk, and europe, which makes conscription for military-service an absolute non-starter.

conscription is also precluded in this country by the simple fact that most of our population now hates parliamentarians with a vengeance - especially since our establishment's self-serving 'covid'-'vaccine' and lockdown genocides.

ultrapox said...

re: therapeutic drugs administration report into the mrna-vaccines - released under foi in australia

blimey, mr mike, you're absolutely right: there were no proper safety-tests performed on the 'covid'-'vaccine' at all.

it seems that the medical establishment has at last found a cure for the common cold: you just play russian roulette...

much like nato's now doing, i suppose.

given the huge number of deaths caused by lockdowns and 'covid'-'vaccines', who's going to vote for the labour party, the conservative party, the liberal party, or the scottish national party, when the reform party exposes, and promises to investigate this self-serving politically-motivated genocide against the british people.

was it really so imperative to undermine the presidency of donald hump and subsequently start a suicidal neo-conservative war against russia?

ultrapox said...

re: therapeutic drugs administration report into the mrna-vaccines - released under foi in australia

sorry, i forgot to repost mr mike's link to the whistle-blowing scientific discussion between prof clancy and doc john campbell.

ultrapox said...

i seriously suggest that no-one receive this junk-shit-coronavirus-jab before they have read, digested, and fully comprehended the following research-paper on the malevolent minefield which we have come to know as the mrna-'covid'-'vaccine':

adverse effects of covid-19 mrna vaccines: the spike hypothesis

mrs ishmael said...

Thank you for the link, mr ultrapox - it was a hard read, and the extensive footnotes indicate a very scholarly approach by the authors of this April 2022 review article. The Abstract provides a quick overview of the author's conclusions. As someone who has had multiple administrations of the MRNA vaccine (four, I think), and has also had Covid-19, I was relieved to read that the incidence of adverse effects of the vaccine is rare. The adverse effects seem to be the consequence of the vaccine over-stimulating the immune system, therefore inducing a range of inflammatory consequences in susceptible individuals. The authors conclude that a risk-benefit analysis should be conducted before a decision to vaccinate - the risks being the consequences of catching the disease, the possibility of the disease inducing serious illness or death - a risk increased by age and/or underlying conditions versus the benefit to the population and individual of increased immunity to the disease. The rare adverse effects associated with the vaccine are a part of the risk calculation - and that, at the time of the authorship of the report, was fairly unknowable, as occurrence seems to be idiopathic. The article calls for more research, which has doubtless been conducted over the subsequent two years to the present day.
Thank you for making me think! Not having had the benefit of a scientific education, and possessing only an 'O' level in Biology, I have to work at this stuff!

ultrapox said...

mrs ishmael, i was serious about folks not submitting to the disproportionately dangerous 'covid'-'vaccination' until they'd first read the above-linked research-paper, however i confess that not only did i never actually expect anyone to attempt its entire digestion, but that i myself simply read 'the abstract' and parts of the conclusion - then skimmed through the meat of the study.

to be honest, if you merely had biology o-level at the outset of your mrna-odyssey today, then you must now possess a phd in vaccinology - very well done; i of course, did not even take o-level biology, yet since the panic-medic hit, have been reluctantly forced to comprehend the substance of many such professionally-intricate dissertations, simply in order to safeguard - often alas in vain - both my own health and that of my wider family.

now, what i have in fact ascertained from my perusal of the aforesaid remarkably prescient text is that this commendably thorough paper contains proper science performed by proper experts in the dizzily complex discipline of vaccine-technology - which as an academic subject, frankly makes rocket-science appear more akin to child's play.

as you mention, this almost two year-old research highlights an horrific array of historic problems associated with hitherto-unperfected mrna-'vaccine'-technology - every one of which should have been officially investigated, but tragically has not, and you go straight to the nub-of-the-matter when you raise the important point about performing a pre-'vaccination' patient-specific risk-benefit-analysis - since generic risk-benefit-calculation is imperative before embarking upon any form of medical intervention...

however herein lies the rub, because the quality of all such risk-benefit-analysis necessarily depends upon the integrity of available data, and hence, given the politically-motivated exaggeration of 'covid'-mortality-figures, in corrupt conjunction with the politically-motivated suppression of investigation into adverse 'vaccine'-reaction and 'vaccine'-related death, it has proved well nigh impossible, for medical professionals and lay-persons alike, to undertake any proper evaluation either of the 'covid'-disease's inherent severity or the 'covid'-'vaccine's intrinsic safety - and ultimately also therefore of any potential benefit which might, allegedly, be derived from 'covid'-'vaccination'.

in summary, in the absence of proper, empirically-established, data - as opposed to fabricated ad hoc evidence provided by dodgily-designed pcr-testing, cuntish cobbled-together conservative pie-charts, and contractually gagged nhs-doctors - there can be no meaningful assessment of the 'covid'-mrna-'vaccination's clinical safety, ever.

and boris johnson, chris whitty, jonathan van-tam, and matt hancock are all evil self-serving corrupt neo-con cock-sucking cunts who need to be put on trial for crimes-against-humanity and common-fucking-decency without further-fucking-democratic-delay.

i rest my case milord

mrs ishmael said...

Totally agree with your penultimate sentence, mr ultrapox my dear- but if Tony Blair avoided prosecution for war crimes, there's little hope of calling the current crop of Tories to account.

ultrapox said...

oh well, mrs ishmael, we'll have to leave the job to vlad the inshallah - he'll chew their heads off...

if 'isis' don't get'em first.

mrs ishmael said...

Yes indeed, mr ultrapox, interesting times.