In the last thread, mr mike said: "As normal men in the street, enjoying a game of cricket and a pint, one
could take the view that politics and Westminster is far removed and
irrelevant to us, way out in the West country. However, I've seen
Government on the inside, and its clear to me that sooner rather than
later it has a fundamental effect on our way of life....."
I'm currently reading A State of Fear, by Laura Dodsworth, which sets out to demonstrate how Government weaponised fear, supposedly in our best interests, until we were the most frightened country in Europe.
blurb says: "In one of the most extraordinary documents ever revealed
to the British public, the behavioural scientists advising the
government said that a substantial number of people did not feel
threatened enough by Covid-19 to follow the rules. They advised the
government to increase our sense of "personal threat" to scare us into
As a strategy to keep the population safe, it misfired - it increased the fear of those who were already afraid, and slid off the backs of the refuseniks. I think I've mentioned George Square in Glasgow and the Tartan Army at Wembley. Will the British addiction to sport be the death of us?
As a strategy to create the climate to increase legal powers to control and coerce the population, it was amazingly successful. I've mentioned the Coronavirus Act 2020 Coronavirus Act 2020 ( which was swiftly passed, at pace, as they say nowadays, without let, hindrance or demur - the most sweeping removal of civil liberties ever in this country.
Good to know that the 57 year old GrandFather of our Nation has been at it again, and another little Ho-Ho will be bred up on the playing fields of Eton. Did you know that one of his middle names is de Pfeffel? Mrs Johnson (33 years old and already a miscarriage survivor) is a strong competitor in the brood mare voting stakes previously graced by Mrs. Blair, Mrs Hague, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs Brown - their husbands, all compromised by age or other difficulties, all clinging to the belief that this will prove their masculinity, their ability to lead the nation by virtue of their thrusting priapism, that this will increase their vote worthiness. Bo Jo is intent on out-babying his predecessors - where will it end? Does the man not realise there's a population crisis - or there is until his covid-cull yields substantial rewards? Why isn't he getting on with saving the Nation? If you would like to remind yourself of stanislav's views on this undignified prime ministerial procreative Olympics, glance at More Dead Baby Shit, posthumously published in the Sunday Ishmael 29/11/20. Speculating on the viability of the latest Primeministerial foetus, he concluded with the withering indictment: "Is
very nasty business, politics. Dead baby or no dead baby. But dead baby
is probably worse. Best thing is that old blokes don't bother."
mr ishmael, as you might imagine, held very similar views:
It’s the new craze and it’s sweeping the political
capitals of the world, well, London anyway; it’s called the Dead Baby Jive. You
just go on telly with some grinning prat and jive-talk about your dead baby.
Y’know, milk it for all it’s worth and all the time keep on saying I keep my
private life private and wouldn’t dream of mentioning family shit but did I
tell you about the time my baby died? In my arms?
Well, readers, once upon a time, a young
married couple, Kirk and Sally - he talented and kind and handsome, and she,
well, athletic and forthright - fell in love and had a fairytale Presbyterian
wedding, which means a very long sermon and no dancing and some
miserable-bastard least-you-can-get-away-with wedding gifts. Oh, fuck me, says
hubby, look, now that I’m over fifty, maybe now’s the time I should think about
having a family. And you, too, darling, if you like. Oooh, yes, please, says
Sally, let’s be bright, young parents, like everyone else our age. (Most people
Kirk’s age are having grandchildren and some of them, Mr Prescott’s Underclass,
living on his sink estates and not, like him, in vulgar Jacobethan palaces, are
even having great grandchildren but Kirk’s a slow starter with normal things.)
Okay, then, darling, says Kirk, how do we
do it? Do we send someone out to get them, to a baby shop? Young Milipond gets
his in America, or Mexico, I believe, and I like America, I go there every year
for my holidays. What? No, of course you can’t come, you wouldn’t like it.
Shall we buy an American baby, preferably a Ken-nedy one? But Sally bashfully
whispered in Kirk’s ear…You fucking what, exploded Kirk, you fucking put what where? That’s the most
disgusting thing I ever heard…almost, anyway, I mean there was that thing about
George Robertson. Oh, never mind…but I’m not doing any of that shit, you can
forget that. Isn’t there some other way?
And so it came to pass that a consignment
of tartan turkey basters arrived from John Lewis in plain brown paper at the
young couple’s home in London, where the Queen lives and all the Russian
gangsters who don’t pay any tax and are friends of Lord Crabs, and in due
course the happy young couple had three children, one of whom died, another of
whom was born with a cruel disability and one of whom was alright, at least so
far. And Kirk and Sally felt that, to all the world and his brother, they had
demonstrated their love and, most importantly, that they were normal, just like
the people they wanted to vote for them, even though everybody knew that Kirk
was a frightened, angry, thuggish, pasty old creep, terrified of being thought
a member of the Greville Janner fanclub - but Kirk thought that having
children, even if most of them proved he shouldna, not at his age, would put
the matter, so to speak, straight; the stream of true self- love, however,
seldom runs clear, and in Kirk’s case it’s always been murky.
It’s not as though Sally was gay, herself;
how could she be, married to Kirk, the sportsman, who had been the most
eligible bachelor since Cliff Richard? It’s just that she was a keen supporter
of the Gay Pride rallies, where aggressive bald men with iron bars in their
foreskins dress up as nuns and wave dildos around and, therefore, need, no, deserve, proper respect
from us all and, come to think of it, she was a bit on the manly side herself;
no reason, of course, for her not to love her big messy man. But not everybody
loved Kirk as Sally loved him. As a matter of fact, people were either
indifferent to the brusque manly charms which swept Sally quite off her flat
shoes or they hated his fucking
guts with a passion unrivalled anywhere, anytime, since we spluttered out from
the sea and up the shores, to the caves, the trees, the plains and eventually
the cities. No one was ever so detested as was Kirk, the incompetent, shouty
Things were getting so bad, in fact, on the
We Hate Kirk And Want Him Gone front that it was time to play the dead baby
card. And that’s just what he did. Look, he said, I may look like a revolting,
stuttering mutant, a filthy degenerate who pours shit on his cornflakes, the
sort of person who if he said he was going to take your children camping you’d
rather put them to death and a man you wouldn’t trust to blow out a fucking
candle for fear he’d burn the house down but actually, look, I’m just like you,
my babies drop like flies. And that was the nigger in the ointment, the baby in
the woodpile, because most people don’t lose their children - well, not yet
anyway; give this lot another five years in charge of the NHS and we’ll get
there…I can see him, flailing at the dispatch box with his bloody,
snot-encrusted fingers : And so I say, Mr Speaker, a record, a record, a record number
of still-births, across-the-board rises in miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies,
post-parturition spontaneous infant combustion, all across the board, Mr
Speaker, across the board, only under a Labour government can this happen…
Everybody squirmed when he did the dead
baby thing. And the more arch and contrived were he and his happy bride, the
worse it looked. And as for the Dead-Eye Dick dimension, a sporting accident,
well, fuck me, half the people in Iraq are wandering around eyeless, legless,
armless, speechless, skin burned off. And if you don’t have a dead baby, it’s easy, just contact a couple of
smart young doctors and they’ll disappear your baby for you and blame the
police and get you lotsa lovely money into the bargain. You’ll be a hero and
people will pay off your mortgage while you develop a career lecturing in
Disappearing Baby Studies.
Olympic News
I'm sports-averse. Maybe even allergic. The commentator's artificial triumphalist inflection, rising to the screamed "It's a GOAL!" has me running for the off switch, as it physically hurts, tearing through my head, down my Eustachian tubes into my brain, firing off fear synapses.
And they are such a disgusting lot, sportspersons: strutting, narcissistic, arrogant, skimpily dressed, tanked up on testosterone and other substances, incapable of stringing two sensible words together, far too thin and over-sexed (160,000 condoms have been supplied to the Olympic village for the use of competitors).
They've been making a fuss about some athletes using performance-enhancing drugs. As usual. They've been making this fuss, like, forever, man. They keep testing people and disqualifying a few scapegoats and some athletes, who claim not to take performance enhancing drugs, not even a little extra toke on their Ventolin, say it is just not fair. So I had this idea. Athlete A is cross because Athlete B is not as good as him at running about, jumping over things, swimming, whatever, and yet won the heat because he took performance-enhancing drugs. So, make all the damn athletes take them. That way, everybody's performance will be enhanced, but not to the same level, as there is a difference in ability between them in the first place. Good idea, huh? What's not to like?
Here's mr ishmael on sport:
Once, before before, it was OK, sport, even if you didn't like it. It
was in the back pages of the 'papers and confined to Saturday afternoon
and a night in the week on telly- a quarter or a third of every news
bulletin being devoted to sport was unthinkable. But as Mr Murdoch
increased the channels available to skymadeupnewsandfilth, his minions,
people like Andy Neil and Kelvin McKenzie, had to raise the profile, as
we call it, of every fucking sporting activity under the sun, anything
even remotely strenuous spawned stars and championships and pundits.
It wasn't just the Dirty Digger creating more and more platforms for
more and more advertising and more and more unnecessary and unsatisfying
consumption of junk, the real corrosion kicked-off - forgive the
sporting metaphor - with the BBC's cowardly adoration of the
Babydriver, McEnroe, a spoilt prat and gabshite, a nasty, otherwise
worthless man who almost singlehandedly trashed the notion of
sportspersonship and introduced, to my generation, the maxim that it
didn't matter how you played the game, it's whether you win or lose
that counts.
Pot Black, the early and surprising televising of the mind-numbing
tedium of professional snooker, hypnotised large parts of a generation
enchanted by then-new colour television and sport - or what passes, now,
for sport; darts, for instance and for fuck's sake, became a large
section of the broadcasters' schedules. The school playing fields,
meanwhile, were sold off by and to Thatcherite spivs; PE or PT, call it
what you will, declined, in and outside of the school, obnoxious little
jerks being ferried about by stupid parents smugly doing what they
called the School Run. Fuck it, you could go on forever about how we
have a nation of idle, braindead, overweight children who can neither
read nor write and who think multiplication is something David
Attenborough talks about. Still, can't have them walking to school, the
Paedos might get 'em. LoveMyKidsToBits,Me, DoAnyfin4Em.
Lewis Hamilton, walking billboard
Stop calling it sport and call it what it is: Monetised Entertainment.
stanislav and mr ishmael's essays today are:
More Dead Baby Shit Drafted 26/3/2010
Tales from Ruin Drafted 24/2/2010
Sports News. It's all Shit Drafted 31/1/2012
Both anthologies of the work of mr ishmael and his
young Polish friend, Stanislav, Plumb Cheap for You: Honest Not Invent
and Vent Stack - are available to purchase for mere money at Lulu or
Amazon. It is cheaper to buy from Lulu. Here's how to buy your own
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Floating petri dish - Anthem of the Seas - Orkney's first cruise liner of the summer. For perspective - the tiny red and white boat nuzzling up to it is a massive car ferry.
Strange times, mrs i. If you watch the Olympics bollocks, as you probably don't, you'll notice that the stadium seating is differently coloured - a random-ish pattern - that is meant to present a background as if real people were present. And all the while too they are making announcements over the PA system as if real people were really there. They do not neglect either to make these superbly fit young people wear facemasks out in the open air. It is an incredible panto even more fake than usual.
I notice also that we now have mixed relay teams. This is quite a hoot actually. There is nothing wrong to my mind of having two fillies and two colts scampering around a track or up and down a pool and adding their times together. Alas, my jaundiced and cynical mind has sniffed out the notion of two trans-fillies running in place of the err, cis-fillies. And it will be that way around, won't it? It is only a matter of time and, of course, we will all be made to sit quietly and swallow the nonsense.
Can we, please, not discuss the McDoom procreational activities? The poor woman has suffered enough.
That monstrous floating cattle-truck (hate to think what the total human payload would be as a percentage of Orkney's population) has a name that anagrams to "she shot enema aft", and I bet she did, ghastly creature.
The baffling open-air mask thing, mr mongoose, was also in evidence on Saturday from SithIffricker, where a sin-binned player in the Lions test could be seen sitting on the side-lines sucking down some light blue cotton-fibres while he waited.
Meantime, Kiwi trans-filly Laurel Hubbard (anag "heard a bull rub", or "lube a hard blur" if you prefer) has failed to register a lift in the weightlifting, so her day in the rising sun is done. Ah, so. Arigato gozaimasu.
It’s a stretch to simply call it irony that thing that Hamilton does... all that taking the knee, eulogising on the virtues of BLM “Movement” while being paid to advertise how much money he’s making.
By far and away one of the most privileged people on the planet.
I wonder if all this fretting about the underprivileged is to deflect. No doubt twittering from the predominantly white enclave with favourable tax conditions.
Still, his opinion is as good as the next persons since it’s all about feelings isn’t it?
You can’t criticize the likes of Brown because he lost a child. Can’t criticize the macanns either. They lost their child too. The why and wherefore doesn’t even figure anymore. Just the same nobody seems to notice a fella criticizing my privilege while wearing a watch that costs more than most people ear in a year. Fucking hypocrisy is too small a word too.
The Olympics is more bollocks than ever with the male weightlifter in the womans. …if the story is true.
Could never be bothered…only good thing I remember from any time I watched it..Was it coleman whose classic line, about some hairy arsed female weightlifter:- “I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing.”
Of course Merleen Ottey’s arse was memorable too.
Even more curious than the Kiwi lifter is Quinn (single name only) who plays in the Canadian women's football team. We are told they (yep) are (is?) biologically female but identifies as male...also described as non-binary, which is puzzling. Anyway, the question's begged; why is a player who identifies as male playing with & against women? (Rhetorical question, innit.)
I am (used to be) very keen on sport. I haven't watched a minute of the Olympics. I'm also fast losing interest in football, rugby league, and also rugby union (unless the All Blacks are playing). I still tolerate a bit of cricket - if only to see Australia get beaten, but then only with the sound turned off as I can't stand modern day commentators - particularly Shane Warne and all the token women who seem to have taken over. I still like watching squash, and in a strange way golf can be addictive, but again the commentary is fast degraded. Is it just me, or is it becoming one dimensional with the shitty intrusion of politics and marketing and the inevitable dumbing down of commentary?
It is a rum do this inclusivity at the expense of expertise. There is a fine ex-cricketer lady, Isa Guha, who commentates on cricket over here, mr mike. She is pretty good actually and understands that the game she played, and indeed I played, the game all club cricketers play, is not the game Sangakarra and Starc play. Nonetheless she is informed and knows her stuff.
Sanga btw is a superlative commentator. I watched my first Test before he was born but his technical insight and understanding is terrific. I haven't heard the like since Benaud popped his clogs. New things, even to me.
That said, the Lions game at the weekend saw a tiny wee thing flanked by three cauliflower-eared brutes and when she wittered her view of what had happened up front, none of the lads could speak.
Faced with a serious public health issue they panicked and instituted The Terror: many perfectly healthy individuals panicked and shit their pants for months; some still are, as if it was the fucking Black Death. Then the 'take back control ' brigade and the ' libertarians ' found they enjoyed governing by decree and these new Cromwells only reluctantly granted us back our ' freedoms '.
Although if something can be bestowed or withdrawn by a shitbag like Matt Hancock then it`s a privilege and if we are to enjoy them then we are to do as we are Bloody Well Told. SAGE still cluck about having to reimpose The Terror come a few sniffles in the autumn.
SAGE; fancying themselves as the biggest geek saviours since Bletchley Park. And like the national security bastards, once entrenched they are very difficult to dislodge.
And the appalling Gnasher, still mandates the use of face nappies in your part of the world, Mrs Ishmael. To keep the Boot on the Throat. Like many, she`s been enjoying every minute of this.
Apologies for not keeping up with the comments, Ishmaelites - for one thing, I know nothing about the sport, and, importantly, my laptop is in for service. Tapping one letter at a time on my Kindle is a tedious labour. And predictive text makes mince of my words.
Mr yardarm - I do recommend the State of Fear that I featured in the post - it takes your observations and doubles them.
apart from the obliteration of a few world records and the miserable time-honoured failure of british athletes on the track, you really haven't missed much at the olympics, mrs ishmael...
however, in some absolutely shocking news from the tour de toyko, it emerged that, subsequent to his reckless use of an alleged 'racial' slur 'against' arab and african competitors in the two-wheeled time-trial, the german director of cycling, herr mustard-gas, had been duly packed off home to the vaterland in decorum-busting disgrace.
apparently, in the process of animatedly encouraging his hapless team-member, herman the hamburger, to chase down an algerian and eritrean opponent - who were both pedalling like blue buggery up ahead - the kraftbier-crazed kraut-in-chief, swept up in the white heat of the moment, was inconveniently captured on microphone urging herman the aryan to "catch the camel-drivers".
in the wake of this raucous bike-race, the professionally insulted algerian victim gamely responded by explaining how, in truth, he had only resorted to entering the cycling-competition following the rather disappointing discovery that the olympics included no camel-race.
well, my best guess is that, even in european currency, it must cost a pretty penny to own a camel, and therefore that to be dubbed a "camel-driver" probably does not constitute the worst imaginable slur upon an arab or african's character - save of course in the tiny culturally-ignorant mind of the average neo-nobhead sturmbannführer.
meanwhile, camelgate seems to have drifted entirely over the head of the rider from eritrea - presumably because his country proudly displays the dromedary as its national emblem.
indeed, at the end of the day, one can only surmise the national emblem of germany to be the horse's arse...
and thank fuck we blitzed the bloody anti-semitic sausage-gobblers in the euros.
yeah, you make some most interesting socio-ethical observations, mr ultrapox, and i must confess that i myself have always found rather tiresome the continuous chants of "catch the sheep-shagger, catch the sheep-shagger" when pedalling my nuts off 'round the tour de frogs...
however, in the final analysis, i've come to the metaphysically objective realization that such unconscious racial bias is, as you mention, simply an unfortunate by-product of unintentional cultural ignorance, general high spirits, and involuntary over-exuberance precipitated by a profound unconditional passion for the sport in question...
because what these culturally unenlightened foreign cycling-fans just do not appreciate is that, here in real rustic wales, regionally-regulated sheep-shagging - conducted with all participants wearing n95-class respirators - is actually considered a highly honourable profession, see...
yes, not only is sheep-shagging a customary - and covid-aware - grass-roots activity - which is deeply embedded in the indigenous folk-tradition - but it also performs an essential social function....
i mean, let's face facts, if the fluffy flock didn't get systematically shagged, there'd be a lot of very grumpy welsh sheep about, now wouldn't there?
oh yeah, well of course, if competitive sheep-shagging were offered as an official olympic discipline - or even only included as a demonstration-sport - i certainly wouldn't arse myself biking it up-and-down great big fuck-off mountains, would i...?
likewise, it's a little known fact that the extraordinary ability of double world-champion sir colin jerkmutton* to instinctively hurdle from the gun was honed thanks to a serendipitous side-effect of serial encounters** with seriously ape-shit sheep-farmers.
[*cattle-prod of the british empire]
[**of the herd kind]
yes, thank fuck for traditional welsh values, sir grunt...
because i hear that not only did the boche employ a racial trope to insult african cyclists, but a female coach for the german modern pentathlon team completely lost the plot and proceeded to punch a competition-horse...
however, i think we'd probably better just leave unexamined the bizarre routine in which a german judo-coach engaged in order to warm up his female judoka, martyna trajdos.
no, really...
according to yahoo sports:
just before the match began, trajdos' coach grabbed the lapels on trajdos' uniform, violently shook trajdos and then slapped her on each side of her face. trajdos nodded and then entered the ring...
...trajdos defended her coach's actions tuesday, saying her coach is "just doing what i want him to do to fire me up"...
...trajdos — who lost the match to özbas — tried to make light of the situation by saying her coach's slaps were "not hard enough."
brexit just makes better sense every day, nicht wahr?
ultrapox - 9 august 2021 at 03:27
"a female coach for the german modern pentathlon team completely lost the plot and proceeded to punch a competition-horse"
i should be so lucky...
ottey's botty was indeed legendary on the testosterone-fuelled athletics-field, mr shoulders, but unlike flo-jo's freaky refurbished finger-nails, it was not - as has been unjustly alleged - in the slightest bit enhanced by illegal substances...
and frankly, in this enlightened age of progressive liberalism, i consider it a huge crime-against-femininity that it was never awarded an olympic gold.
if the german sieg-mentality were not appalling enough, it further transpires that, in order to deny other olympic competitors refreshment, a french marathon-runner deliberately knocked over a whole line of prepared water-bottles - save of course for the one he finally snatched up...
and given therefore this obnoxious, unsporting, and devious behaviour which has been so routinely exhibited at the tokyo games by eu-citizens, i now find myself even more ethically entrenched in the view that the european union constitutes a nasty crooked neo-imperialist club of which i would never wish to be granted membership.
don't worry brother, despite your reputation - even in the hard-left alpaca-hood - for being a dyed-in-the-wool trotskyite revolutionary, i can assure you that i'm waiting quietly in the wings to haunt the saggy arses off those murdering tory bastards and expose the insidious scientific fraud - masquerading as bovine tuberculosis testing - which - in its malevolent counter-revolutionary manifestation as an imperialist tool of political persecution - has been disingenuously used to sign your death-warrant.
strange thing tho' bro'...
why in god's name didn't those 'socially progressive' humans object when their elderly and vulnerable relatives were cruelly sequestered and then put down on the strength of a qualitative polymerase chain reaction test which is not specifically designed to calculate viral load, cannot determine whether a virus is living or dead, and - as the pcr-test's nobel-prize-winning inventor regularly re-iterated - definitely cannot therefore be deployed as a clinical tool for diagnosis of viral infection?
they're fucking crazy, those humans...
i blame it on the systematic neo-liberal suppression of dialectical materialism and the crypto-fascist promotion of corrupt free-market capitalism.
quite, mr geronimo's ghost...
it's abundantly clear to any political analyst in functional possession of half a booze-addled brain-cell that this emerging alpaca-crisis could rapidly evolve into boris the alpaca-killer's poll-tax-moment...
or even, dare-i-suggest, his alpacaloo...
i mean, who give's a flying flu-rinsed fuck about julian assange, free-speech, and upwards of one hundred-thousand old fogies murdered with midazolam in care-homes?
may i say, mr ultrapox, that, considering the huge number of german lives lost in last month's euro-inundation, i find your incessant hounding of the 'invincible' german race to have risen a fair few feet past the bad-taste mark...
however, whilst dwelling upon the subject of this summer's extremely wet euro-weather, might i add that, much as i am inclined to lay blame for the flash-floods upon the vagaries of the jet-stream-wiggling solar-minimum, i nevertheless detect there to be more than a sniff of meteorological warfare in the mix - especially given the recent economically and politically devastating release, by deep-state-democrats in collusion with cia-incited terrorists, of a lab-produced biological agent.
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