PeepleovBritain, the best thing, the very best thing, is that the Nato allies stay in Afghanistan.
Britain has a moral obligation to stay in occupation.
I say to you that the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan was driven not by grand strategy
We didn't need to do it.
We chose to do it.
In obedience to an imbecilic political slogan about ending "the forever wars".

And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
An' go to your Gawd like a soldier.
Here's mr ishmael's thoughts on the War, in this extract from:
Remembrance Day Blues. B-y-y-y-y the left, quick Murder 9th November 2013.

What, pray, the fuck are we doing in Afghanistan, except aiding a bandit puppet regime and shoring-up the CIA's drug operations? This isn't world war in the defence of Freedom, this is fuckery, globalisation and imperialism, greed for oil and gas dressed-up as women's liberation Asiatique, as if the revolting old fairy, Gordon Snot gives a fuck about Afghani girls going to school, and as if it's any of his fucking business, ChristAlfuckingMighty didn't he make a big enough bollocks of things here, without exporting his clapped-out moral compass to the alien and unconquerable Old Silk Road. What, exactly, has this occupation achieved, other than fuck all?
Hardly surprising, then, that fighting a wholly pointless and disreputable war of occupation turns its practitioners into bigger arseholes than they already were; already lacklustre bullies transformed into repugnant, homicidal lunatics; comrades not in arms but in crime, shooting defenceless, wounded men. It truly is fucking awful, British foreign policy.
And in the following draft, Mariners 12/7/11, mr ishmael fires a round of fucks on the complicity of the Royal Family in the Afghan War (2001 - 2021)
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I think that might be the start button, Dad |
During his last shift, Flight Lieutenant William Wales and his crew had an uneventful 24 hours which ended at 9.30am on Tuesday, 10 September 2013.
During the preceding 24 hours, they conducted a routine training flight, but thankfully, there were no incidents requiring their services across North Wales or the Irish Sea.
They simply can't keep away from air borne transport, those Wales boys, even whilst telling the rest of us to save the planet: Did you notice young Harry, who has told the world that he is restricting his breeding to just the two, for climate change reasons, having a ride on a private $45 million Gulfstream aircraft belonga his chum, Marc Ganzi, 750 miles from his home in California to a polo match in Colorado and back again. But that's okay, cos he likes polo.

Caption contest - the usual suspects
The casual observer might conclude that there were many different contributors to the caption contest - but I detect the hand of the usual suspects. All the proffered captions were inventive and hilarious. One is particularly drawn to the ghastly incident of the abduction and dismemberment of the FlowerPot Men. Sir Simon Rattlesnake and mr verge both went with the astonishing reach of Monty's floriferous appendage, but for elegant simplicity, I'm going with mr mike's: "Ah, Camelia...."
And as for Her Royal Ruthlessness' plaintive complaint that she is always being picked on in these caption competitions - ahh, that's a shame.
Wots on Telly
- Former Prime Minister David Cameron personally promoted Greensill Capital to investors before its collapse, leaving the bank's clients with losses of billions of dollars.
- Mr Cameron appeared with the company's founder, Lex Greensill, at an event hosted by the Swiss bank Credit Suisse in 2019. Credit Suisse was marketing and selling Greensill investments, telling investors they were low risk.
- Greensill
lent $850 million of investor's money to Bluestone Resources, a coal
company, of which $780 million was "secured" against potential and
possible sales to companies, some of which were not and never had been
Bluestone customers.
- David Cameron says he did nothing wrong. Gavin Williamson (Education Secretary) says Cameron did nothing wrong.
- Cameron worked for the company as a part-time adviser for two-and-a-half years after stepping down as prime minister. His role earned him about $10 million before tax. His spokesman has said his remuneration was a private matter, and that it was "preposterous to suggest that he would work for any company if he was aware that it was behaving improperly, or was in any way seeking to mislead investors."

gimme plenty yen and me fuck you long time; wha' have some coke? Me? Hokay, make it chop-chop, am busy man.

He is, however, no intellectual lightweight. I speak with authority – I was his tutor at Oxford University, where he achieved a First in Philosophy, Politics and Economics." Vernon Bogbrush, Daily Mail.
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Yes, I suppose I am rather clever - all these books, says something about a chap, being photographed in front of all these books. Read 'em? Don't be fucking stupid, this is Oxford: nothing to do with learning stuff. |
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Gosh, Prime Minister, now that you mention it in connection with a peerage I can see that you are brilliant; mind you, I always said so; pretty, too, in a chubby way. And to think: you were one of my students...... |

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And I'd just like to thank you for winning the Battle of Britain; we couldn't have done it without you, Mr President. Dave, over in LimeyLand, ain't you what they call a dickhead? |
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Tell me, your Lamaness, this reincarnation stuff, is it like Time Travel? I mean, can you tell me will I win the next election outright? All life is suffering, my son. |
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Armed Chink security goons make sure that Gordon Snot doesn't make off with the Olympic Torch |
Remembrance Day Blues. B-y-y-y-y the left, quick Murder posted 9/11/2013
Mariners drafted 12/07/2011

What to say about the twenty year nonsense which was the Fourth Afghan War? (Or was it the fifth? Ed.) I am afraid that I am not at all convinced that the original casus belli was a slam dunk truth. I think 9/11 was used to renew the project. And the project is cash.
If we really wanted to show the various factions of militant Islam that they should not be naughty, how about going to Riyadh and stringing up the entirety of the ruling family? Oh, it's not about that, you say?
(Ooh, are we going to have crosswords? Eternal war.)
Nicely done, mr mongoose. Here's one more :
Not to mention paralipsis? (9)
(I can only do - a few - clues, though. No actual grid in prospect.)
I shall give that some thought, mrv. Surely a mr ishmael grossword of rude abuse would a fine addition to the arsenal?
The Kabul disaster is going to get messy IMO. Much messier seems to be the accidental rearming of the Taliban with some proper US left over whizzbangs and even attack helicopters. What the heck do they think they are doing? Even Uncle Sam isn't that clumsy.
I'll have a go at "apophasis", mr v, but I fear that I may have disappeared up my own fundament.
(I see that the clicking traffic lights nonsense is back. Have I been naughty?)
A distinguished guess, mr mongoose, but the answer in question is "tautology".
Good one, mr v!
'Course, mr i, would have chucked the pair of us out by now.
No doubt, mr mongoose. And as for having the gall to edit his collected works, no well too deep nor brick too sharp. But on we go...
In the Pantheon of useless arseholes, Patton is high on my list. Saw him in action when I lived in Hong Kong for a year. A lump of blubber that the universe does not need.
for chrissakes, "hammer-horror" blair looks more like a b-movie-baddie with every unwanted and superfluous appearance he inadvisably makes...
however, he's no christopher bloody lee - just a cheap cardboard british broadcasting configured imitation - and for the good of the national health, i wish this neo-liberal narcissist nut-job would cease to torture the british public by showing his evil neo-imperialist mug on telly - since i, for one, really can't bear hearing either of him or his cia-subverted "wars-r-us" labour party ever again; seems to me the cunt's pr-machine has blown a fucking fuse - and maybe he'd do better hiring darth vader cosmetics as image-consultants.
now, as for fuck-all-use "fat pang" patten, mr mike, i fear you do the two-bit tub of low-grade lard a serious disservice in deeming him a lump of blubber which couldn't even cut it as household-soap, because in consummate contrast to the international running-joke "comatose" joe and his slap-dash side-salad "bombed out" boris, at least "community charge" chris, the perennial poll-tax-pillock, managed to hand over his take-away chop-stick-colony to the ting-tong-totalitarians with some passing semblance of dignity - and without anyone hanging embarrassingly onto helicopters.
indeed, given the currently unfolding fiesta of in flight fiascos, i fully anticipate a seamless transatlantic transition - from the present paralytic partnership of "running-joke" joe's asleep-at-the-wheel presidency with "snuffling-coke" johnson's under-the-influence premiership - straight to the tits-up toil-and-trouble-double-act of "mad driver" kamala hubris and white van woman priti "bat-outta-hell" patel.
yep, trapped in a towering inferno of inverse ideological irredentism, big heap boris is about to implement a hasty back to bullingdon strategy, i imagine.
Mr ultrapox: Looking at Blair, I expect we will be reading his obit in the Filth-o-graph soon. I might even sign up for a subscription.
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