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Scotland, best part of England. Photo sourced by mr ishmael 4/12/2011 |

And now mrs Fish can begin to make good on the manifesto promises:
- Freeze income tax and remove council tax for under 22 yr olds
- Increase NHS spending by 20%, abolish NHS dentistry charges and maintain free prescriptions, invest £10 billion to replace & refurbish health facilities over the next 10 years.
- Establish a National Care Service. Increase investment in care by 25%
- Invest £250 million over 5 years in drug intervention
- Invest £33 billion over 5 years to support 45,000 jobs
- Invest £33 million in an energy transition fund to support the oil industry to diversify
- Set up a £10 million fund to allow companies to explore & pilot the 4 day working week.
- Provide 100 grants of £50 grand to young people or families to stay or work on the isles
- Invest £30 million in island infrastructure
- Increase the Scottish Child payment to £20 per eligible youngster.
- Provide free school breakfasts, lunches and a computer device with internet connectivity to all primary school children and a free bike if their parents don't get them one
- Provide £1billion to close the educational attainment gap and create a National Digital Academy
- Build 100,000 affordable homes by 2032. Spend £3.5 billion on supporting an estimated 14,000 jobs in the building industry
- Decarbonise heating in 1 million homes by 2030, using £1.6 billion in climate change funds
And how much the fuck does one of these wind turbines cost?
This one's sixty-three grand. Plus the VAT.
How much?
But you can get a loan for that. At five per cent. And so after
about eight years, or nine, it'll all be paid for and the
seven-and-a-half grand a year'll be yours.
If I live that long. And what happens if I want to sell the house?
Well, you're liable for the loan.
And what about the feed-in tariff?
Oh, that stays with the house.
He was an oily bastard. Teeth too white, hair too just-so. Far too work-out fit for a man of his age. A smile that flashed out Would I lie to you? Too fucking right you would. And he drove one of those obsidian, half SUV-half lorry vehicles with blacked-out windows, like he was a gangsta rapper and not a ten-thousand year, stone age DNA-ed, far Northern webfoot inbred. They do actually exist, the webfingered and footed, I know somebody who knows one.

And was it fair to sack Rayner just because she may - or may not - have one of these:

Respectable Hartlepool matrons were aghast at the ways of the fancy London Lawyer Labour Leader, flaunting his dietary predilections in their honest, god fearing constituency, as they flooded into the polling station in their massed, handbagged battalions to kick him in the nuts. “Coming round here, eating fish and chips and drinking pints of beer, the very idea!" Didn’t work in Plymouth, either. Eating Fish and Chips in public.

Ofkent is 50th in line of succession to the throne, but started out in seventh place when born in 1942. There really are an awful lot of them.
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imagined and created by mr verge - chapeau. |
The "Chilean mining accident", began on Thursday, 5 August 2010, with a cave-in at the San José copper–gold mine, northern Chile. Chile's President, Sebastián Piñera, cut short an official trip and returned to Chile in order to visit the mine.Thirty-three men were trapped 2,300 ft underground and 3 miles from the mine's entrance via spiraling underground ramps. After the state-owned mining company, Codelco, took over rescue efforts from the mine's owners, exploratory boreholes were drilled. Seventeen days after the accident, a note was found taped to a drill bit pulled back to the surface: "Estamos bien en el refugio los 33" (We are well in the shelter, the 33 of us). Three separate drilling rig teams, nearly every Chilean government ministry, the United States's space agency, NASA, and a dozen corporations from around the world cooperated in completing the rescue. On 13 October 2010 the men were winched to the surface one at a time, in a specially built capsule, as an estimated 5.3 million people watched via video stream worldwide.
They could have been from anywhere, the miners, didn't matter a fuck, the heart went out and the stomach turned over,. Now, the whole thing is like a nationalist party political broadcast, Chile this and Chile that and that pimp bandit, El Presidente, waltzing or is it tango-ing, Berluscone-ing his way around the world, as though he, himself, was down on his hands and knees for two months, digging like a bastard with his bare hands, rather like Comrade Snot, now of the Kirkcaldy Oxfam Shop, and all his shit about saving the world and it being the right thing to do for the country, and only he could have thought of it because he was a son of the fucking manse and the cleverest boy in the school and heard voices in his mad, snot-gobbling head and no, he wasn't gay, how could he be, hadn't he married enthusiastically, in his early fifties, couldn't wait, and Sarah-George was his best thing ever, especially now that he was working in the charity shop, because nobody wanted to pay to hear his crap, his nailbitten Claw of Doom metronoming on the lectern, his jaw doing that drywank jawdrop thing Dah-Dah-Dah and bits of snot all over his tie; El Presidente was gobbing away, just like Snotty did, only in better English, surreptitiously, obliquely, taking the credit for the rescue, even though the State had fucked things up in the first place, deregulating the mines and letting the el-Mafia run them.
Not happy with that shameless tub-thumping, he was giving people lumps of rock, well, giving 'em to Queens and unelected prime ministers. And how does anybody know that they're genuine rescue rocks? Not like they're from the Sea of Tranquility, brought back by NASA. Coulda just been picked up off the ground. You know what politicians are like, especially Dago ones, probably kept all the real rocks and are flogging them on eBay - are they Dagos, the Chileans, don't know anything about Chileans, are they Christians, for instance? Could be head-shrinking cannibals for all I know, like we have in the wilder parts of Scotland, best part of England. I know they make Cabernet Sauvignon and have dangerous mining operations, proper businesses, see, like Zombie George Spunkface wants us to have, none of that regulation bollocks, health and safety and all that.
Betcha anything that those number-crunching folk over at the Taxpayers Alliance* have something to say about health and safety, eh, waste of their taxpayers' taxes which, as we all know, are different, more important, than any old ordinary taxes that other people, not in The Taxpayers Alliance pay, well, other people, everybody, actually, everybody pays taxes, apart from rich people. Don't hear the TPA going on about rich people not paying any taxes at all. And you don't have to be in an alliance, to be a taxpayer; some of us actually don't mind paying taxes, me and mr mongoose, for instance; the social wage, is what taxation brings, roads and stuff, I can get in my SmartCar, here in the far North and just drive straight down, largely without let or hindrance, to Land's End, the roads are signposted, driveable, drained and illuminated, the vast majority of people drive more or less safely, millions and millions of cars don't collide. OK, it can all be better, much better, but that is dependent upon a radical, revolutionary change in the way we order our lives and in the people whom we pay to decide on things; the elimination of career politicians and the selection, for limited terms, of non-careerist, independent, non-party public servants is the only sensible goal if we would reverse the Ruin which twentieth century parliaments have wrought. The TPA's incessant whining about taxes, as with the output of most self-selecting ThinkTanks, is cheap, populist, redneck horseshit. They should shut up and fuck off, the TPA, go and look after their parents, or their greedy bastard illiterate fuckpig thirty-something children, maybe tell them that No, Toby, you can't have everything you want, not even if we shoot all the benefit scroungers, actually, Darling, Mummy and Daddy won't be able to leave you every penny they ever made, with interest, it's because of all those nasty taxy-waxys that the nasty govament makes us pay. Yes, Darling, Clearly, it's frightfully unfair.
They have a mission statement, the TPA, dunno what it is, anytime I hear the word Mission, misapplied so, I think: Drunk, Nonce or Non-Specific Arsehole. Missions are what soldiers have, airmen, and the other ones, the ones with no air cover, they do missions, too; ordinary people have aims and objectives. Anybody come near my house, talking about fucking missions, not that they would, not even the fucking Jovas, impudent fucking bastards, most likely being deterred by the sign: Presbyterians Will Be Hanged, but if anybody does, come here talking about his fucking mission, I'm gonna kick his fucking missioning arse up an down the lane marked Private. It is part of the colonisation of the language, this mission shit, MDA doggerel, by the largely illiterate, the infuriating gabshite, who says Clearly before his every pack of stupid, cliche-bound, Devil-As-Ever-Is-In-The-Detail shitbrain lies. I read the word mission and that was all I needed to know about the TPA. Mission statements are what those awful fuckpigs at Marks and Spencer have. And Tesco. Save More By Spending More. Easy.
They seem just like Tories without parliamentary seats, the TPA, small govament, private sector is best; shit a fucking red-white-and-blue brick they would, jumping up and down on the toilet screeching, the greedy, grasping jumped-up pseudo middle class imbecile wankers, if any of their services were withdrawn before they can engineer some exclusive alternative, like that insufferable git, Toby Young, of the private school alliance.**

Prick's writing in the Filth-O-Graph, today, that Barack Obama isn't quite black enough, needs to be a bit blacker, says Whitey Young, the braying, racist cocksucker; mixed race, you see, doesn't quite tick Toby's boxes, wants Barack to be a full-on buck nigger. Jesus fucking wept, only in the Filth-O-Graph. Or the Times. Or the Sun. Or the Mail. Or any of them, nasty racist poison disguised as commentary. Toby fucking Young - why is anyone called Toby? - wants to run schools for his wretched, ghastly spawn and probably to rub shoulders with the spit-spraying misfit, Gove, the gobby, apologising idiot; giving parents a choice, giving himself a choice, is what he means.
Oh, yes, much easier for Jemima and I to have all of our delightful and gifted children privately, in very special and suprisingly cost effective private hospitals, yes, especially if something goes wrong, requiring intensive lifetime care, it'll only cost us pennies, you see, because we take the money from the riff-raff, who aren't as well equipped as us to work the system, we need to have a private health visitor, pay privately, but only a little bit, for all the inoculations, drive them to private schools on private roads, pay for our very own private police constables, yes, and courts and prisons, too; drink private water from private taps; have private libraries, and parks and private, yes, private public transport and best of all privately care for our elderly demented parents who might spend decades farting and dribbling and not knowing who the fuck they are, or us, tubes up their noses and pipes coming from their dicks, stinking of piss. Think of all the taxes we'd save, if only we could get away from this dreadful notion of society, and people pooling risk, working together so that all can be cared for. Well, Clearly, it's simply not good enough.
Can't think why anyone pays them any mind, meself, the TPA. Anybody with a hole in his arse knows that local govament, taking its cue from MediaMinster, is corrupt and useless; fucking Rotarians and fucking Masons buying-up fucking councillors by the coachload; counting the TPA pennies isn't going to shame them from office. Just look at the so-called parliamentary expenses scandal, last year, business as fucking usual, every last fucking bastard of them guilty of at the very least guilt by association, of turning a blind eye. And them supposed to be lawmakers. Oh, fuck me, was I thieving, well, of course, it wasn't my fault, I'm an honourable fucking member and look, I paid the money back; just as soon as I was caught out, I said to Mrs Cameron, Samantha, Darling, we have to pay a few quid back, but don't worry, we'll get it all back again when I'm prime minister, no, don't worry, you won't have to touch your millions, or mine.
But anyway, rescue celebrities, it's a bit much, innit. Get down on their hands and knees and thank God, or Whoever, and never go down underground again; that's the ticket. Not as though they did anything brave, is it, just sitting there, underground, any bastard can do that. And many of us might have to, as the Pig Society kicks us all into reverse gear, onwards, to the Thirties.
*The TaxPayers' Alliance (TPA) is a libertarian pressure group in the United Kingdom which was formed in 2004 to campaign for a low-tax society. The group had about 18,000 registered supporters as of 2008 and claimed to have 55,000 by September 2010. However, it has been suggested that a vast majority of these supporters - who do not contribute financially or engage in campaigning - were simply signed up to a mailing list.
Questions have been raised about the funding of the organisation and there is speculation that significant contributions are received from overseas. The TPA was given the lowest possible grade for financial transparency by Who Funds You, a British project that seeks to rate and promote transparency of funding sources of think tanks.
** Wiki tells us that Young has continued to be at the centre of controversy. In 2015, he wrote an article in advocacy of genetically engineered intelligence, which he described as "progressive eugenics". In early January 2018, he was briefly a non-executive director on the board of the Office for Students, an appointment from which he resigned within a few days after Twitter posts described as "misogynistic and homophobic" were uncovered. In 2020, he promoted misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link for Hard Back :
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Pig Society, oh yes. I see we’re being tuned up for the variants which will require continuing Nonsense, because of because.
Pig Society indeed, mr bungalow bill. When I trawl through the draft archive, mr ishmael's prescience is amazing - and the merry-go-around of politics and corruption is unchanged. The taking ways of the political classes, in or out of office, beggars belief - or it would, if we ever thought they were good and decent men and women with a vocation to improve the conditions of their fellows.
One of the most pathetic sights from the dreadful film clips of this current outbreak of the Israel/Palestinian conflict was the sight of people in masks, carrying their few possessions, avoiding the bombing of buildings, following their dead. In the teeth of the most dreadful thing that can happen, some poor folk still donned their masks.
Here in the Bracing Isles, we'll be at Level 1 from Monday. Moray and Glasgow have fresh clusters and high transmission of the Indian variant. They will be in Level 2, with some talk of spot lockdowns. Travel has been allowed within the UK. So that means, inevitably, that transmission will be high across the UK. But it seems that no-one cares about that anymore. The devastation of the economy, the dreadful loneliness and isolation endured by older folk in solitary confinement, the decanting of the frail or demented elderly from hospitals into care homes, where they were ministered to by any Olga, Tanya or Chardonnay who was happy to work for a minimum wage and spend her days bitching whilst the elderly in her care were not allowed to have their family with them - all justified on the grounds of Protecting the NHS. To what end? Those Nightingale Hospitals were never used.
The link that mr mongoose gave us on the other thread to the American perspective on Hartlepool and the demise of the Labour Party is well worth reading. I hope Sir Keir has a look at it.
Gentle dancing is starting regarding the nuclear submarine facilities west of Glasgow. That's interesting, isn't it? Why would that happen? Consequences, I guess.
So that would be a few tens of thousands of jobs (possibly more than that with the rest of the supply pyramid). Let's just say a very large chunk of economic activity at risk of going away. There's also the psychodrama of leaseback and the bases not actually going anywhere. And it appears - or it is said that - there is no alternative site available in the rUK to house the Devil's Boats. I do not for a second believe that BTW.
But why the talk arising now? Long game erosion of the SNP starting? Is it a proper programme of preparing for a post-Labour landscape? Is it perhaps the stealing of the jobs and tech clothes off Mrs Fish's back? Building up the reliance upon England that exists but that is denied at every turn. The long game. That's what it is.
And the Ginger Loon has flipped out again. More joke than woke, I fear. He's got "genetic pain", the poor wee lamb. Don't they have stuff at the chemist that you can put on that?
i quote hereafter excerpts from daily mail article - 16th april 2021:
"ministers once put the r rate at the heart of no10's covid response. but experts say the measure - which is based on three-week-old data and doesn't reflect lockdown relaxation measures on april 12 - has become redundant in the face of vaccines and will inevitably spike over the coming months."
"'they [r-rates] are based on low numbers of cases or deaths and/or dominated by clustered outbreaks. they should not be treated as robust enough to inform policy decisions alone.'"
and also an excerpt from daily mail article - 23rd april 2021:
"scientists say the r rate becomes 'progressively unreliable' when the country is recording low numbers of cases, which amplify relatively minor changes. so an r rate of 1.2 with 100 cases would not be as devastating as the same rate with 100,000."
furthermore, whilst the guardian has continually, and unprofessionally, failed to report the damning peer-review of official pcr-testing-protocols, it does however - in an article published on 15 april 2021 - highlight government-awareness of problems in obtaining accurate results from 'asymptomatic testing':
"in one email, ben dyson, an executive director of strategy at the health department and one of health secretary matt hancock’s advisers, stressed the “fairly urgent need for decisions” on “the point at which we stop offering asymptomatic testing”."
@ultrapox - 14 may 2021 at 23:01
mrs ishmael, scientists have always considered the 'covid-19'-r-rate to be highly inaccurate - almost to the point of being arbitrary - due to its being controversially derived - using tortuous methodology - from the wildly inaccurate results produced by - now totally discredited - pcr-testing - which of course, through its mass-production of false-positive-results, created the phantom-coronavirus-pandemic in the first place.
moreover, the government readily admits that - in common with pcr-testing - even the more reliable, and rapid, lateral-flow-testing is prone to the production of highly inaccurate results when deployed within populations which possess low infection infection-rates - or in other words, when targeted against 'asymptomatic' individuals.
in fact, since coronavirus-infection-rates have always remained low, r-rates and positive pcr-results are, and always have been, illusory - much like the danger posed by virus-variants - and in common with the danger posed by virus-variants, r-rates and positive pcr-results are presently in the process of being systematically and cynically discounted by government.
the illusion of a pandemic - which was conjured up by bogus-science - is now conveniently being caused to vanish by bogus-science...
and never mind the one hundred thousand british citizens who died not from 'covid-19', but due to the needless - and politically expedient - denial of medical treatment by hospitals and general practitioners.
mr mongoose, given the irishman's true transatlantic love for all things american, would he not be amenable to the nominally 'british' nuclear subs being based either in northern ireland or even - under the flag of the irish naval service - in the republic of ireland itself...?
...and were the latter location indeed to be chosen, would he, in the spirit of irish tradition, perhaps consider for names of these vessels such suggestions as:
lé seamus heaney
lé george bernard shaw
lé oscar wilde
lé bono
lé bram stoker
lé shane macgowan
lé ronnie o'sullivan
lé wayne rooney
lé ted crilly
lé dougal mcguire
lé jack hackett
lé graham norton
lé spike milligan
lé dave allen
lé jimmy carr
lé terry wogan
lé agnes brown?
15 may 2021 at 01:20
lé joan doyle
there's recently been a heap-of-hype about development of the 'traditional' valneva 'covid -19' vaccine - an 'inactivated' vaccine designed to target the whole sars-cov-2 virus, including its n-protein - yet worryingly, 'inactivated'-type sars-vaccines, 'whole-virus' sars-vaccines, and sars-vaccines which target the n-protein of the sars-virus are specifically known to have caused antibody dependent enhancement or other dangerous forms of disease-enhancement.
now, whilst it is claimed that no antibody dependent enhancement has so far been observed due to immunization with 'covid-19' vaccines, it must be stressed that most 'covid-19' vaccines currently in-use are not of the inactivated-type, and in fact target the spike - s - protein, as opposed to either the nucleocapsid - n - protein or the whole sars-cov-2 virus...
nevertheless, it should also be noted that, historically, even sars-vaccines which target the spike-protein of the sars-virus have been demonstrated to induce antibody dependent enhancement - albeit to a lesser extent, it appears.
of course, bearing in mind that sub-standard 'covid-19' vaccine-trials are being recklessly rushed through and negligently granted emergency-authorization - and given that there is a criminal failure to properly investigate and record adverse reactions caused by 'covid-19' vaccination - it would actually be highly inadvisable to trust any vaccine whatsoever, let alone the new valneva-variant-vaccine, or the 'universal' kill-all 'covid-19' vaccines which are likewise being designed to riskily target the n-protein of the sars-cov-2 virus.
there's recently been a heap-of-hype about development of the 'traditional' valneva 'covid -19' vaccine - an 'inactivated' vaccine designed to target the whole sars-cov-2 virus, including its n-protein - yet worryingly, 'inactivated'-type sars-vaccines, 'whole-virus' sars-vaccines, and sars-vaccines which target the n-protein of the sars-virus are specifically known to have caused antibody dependent enhancement or other dangerous forms of disease-enhancement.
now, whilst it is claimed that no antibody dependent enhancement has so far been observed following immunization with 'covid-19' vaccines, it must be stressed that most 'covid-19' vaccines currently in-use are not of the inactivated-type, and in fact target the spike - s - protein, as opposed to either the nucleocapsid - n - protein or the whole sars-cov-2 virus...
nevertheless, it should also be noted that, historically, even sars-vaccines which target the spike-protein of the sars-virus have been demonstrated to induce antibody dependent enhancement - albeit to a lesser extent, it appears.
of course, bearing in mind that sub-standard 'covid-19' vaccine-trials are being recklessly rushed through and negligently granted emergency-authorization - and given that there is a criminal failure to properly investigate and record adverse reactions caused by 'covid-19' vaccination - it would actually be highly inadvisable to trust any vaccine whatsoever, let alone the new valneva-variant-vaccine, or the 'universal' kill-all 'covid-19' vaccines which are likewise being designed to riskily target the n-protein of the sars-cov-2 virus.
contribution of antibody-dependent enhancement to the pathogenesis of coronavirus infections
"ade presents a problem when developing a vaccine against sars-cov since in some cases vaccines can aggravate rather than prevent cov infection due to the development of eosinophilic pulmonary infiltration which has been observed upon subsequent infection [47],[48]. in mice, immunization with vaccines based on both s-protein and n-protein of sars-cov-1 led to the development of immunopathological changes in the lungs (up to severe pneumonia) following infectious virus challenge. most often pulmonary complications were observed in aged mice [48]–[50].
when studying vector dan vaccine on macaques, immunoglobulins igg directed against the s proteins of sars-cov-1 stimulated pulmonary inflammatory reactions and caused acute lung damage after challenge of immune animals [51]. the pathogenic effect of igg against spike protein was due to an indirect effect on macrophages through the fcγ receptor."
vaccines, convalescent plasma, and monoclonal antibodies for covid-19
"there are further reasons for caution over covid-19 vaccines. over a decade, attempts to develop vaccines against sars and mers, caused by related coronaviruses, have been unsuccessful.6 attempts to produce vaccines against other rna viruses, such as dengue, resulted in candidates that were not protective, and some exacerbated disease through antibody dependent enhancement.7 although there is no evidence that the sars-cov-2 vaccine candidates produce antibody dependent enhancement, it remains a possibility."
one vaccine to beat covid, sars, mers and common cold – possible?
"a huge question, therefore, is whether a vaccine that exploited similarities between the cold-causing viruses and covid-19 would cause a bigger risk of ade? most covid vaccine trials are focused on the rbd region of the spike protein, which does not elicit such broadly cross-reactive antibodies and, as such, are less likely to pose a risk of ade.
another possible risk antibodies can cause is the condition known as vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease - erd. erd occurs when high levels of antibodies bind to viruses, causing clumps of virus and antibody. the clumps can cause blockages in the small airways in the lungs with potentially devastating results. this risk, although rare and unlikely, emphasises the need for caution to ensure any vaccines and new drugs are properly tested for safety before they are widely used."
why ade hasn't been a problem with covid vaccines
— even with new variants, it's unlikely antibody-dependent enhancement will be an issue
"from the early stages of covid-19 vaccine development, scientists sought to target a sars-cov-2 protein that was least likely to cause . for example, when they found out that targeting the nucleoprotein of sars-cov-2 might cause ade, they quickly abandoned that approach. the safest route seemed to be targeting the s2 subunit of the spike protein, and they ran with that, wrote derek lowe, phd, in his science translational medicine blog "in the pipeline.""
antibody-dependent enhancement and the coronavirus vaccines
"in this case, the two big take-homes were that coronavirus vaccines could indeed suffer from ade, and that this seemed to depend on which protein you chose to base your vaccine around. specifically, it was the vaccines that targeted the n - nucleoprotein - antigen of the coronavirus that had ade problems, while the ones that targeted the s - spike - protein did not. [update: this isn’t accurate. there was trouble after immunization with a nucleoprotein-directed vaccine, but ade could also be seen with some of the spike-directed vaccine candidates as well – see reviews here, here, and here.]"
evaluation of antibody-dependent enhancement of sars-cov infection in rhesus macaques immunized with an inactivated sars-cov vaccine
"... one of the challenges in developing vaccines for coronaviruses is a potential vaccine-induced immune enhancement of disease huisman et al., 2009). for example, immunization with inactivated whole-virus sars-cov vaccine was found to elicit an immune response that exaggerate disease upon viral challenges in animal models (bolles et al., 2011;luo et al., 2018;tseng et al., 2012;wang et al., 2016). results from some other studies suggest that antibodies targeting the spike protein of coronaviruses play a major role in antibody-dependent enhancement - ade - likely through increasing the binding/entry of antibody-bound virion to fc receptor - fcr - -expressing cells - corapi et al., 1992;jaume et al., 2011;liu et al., 2019;olsen et al., 1992;wan et al., 2020;wang et al., 2014;yip et al., 2014). ...
... a major concern in developing coronavirus vaccines is the risk of vaccine-induced ade huisman et al., 2009). ade phenomenon has been observed for feline coronavirus - huisman et al., 1998;huisman et al., 2009;weiss and scott, 1981 - and forsars-cov - bolles et al., 2011;luo et al., 2018;tseng et al., 2012;wang et al., 2016. some cell culture studies suggested that anti-s antibodies mediated ade in fcr-expressing cells likely through enhancing fcr-mediated internalization/entry of antibody-bound virions - corapi et al., 1992;jaume et al., 2011;liu et al., 2019;olsen et al., 1992;wan et al., 2020;wang et al., 2014;yip et al., 2014. ..."
"... tests on mice demonstrated that the inactivated vaccine induced the production of antibodies specific to sars-cov, and an in vitro neutralization test also proved that the induced antibodies could neutralize sars-cov - tang et al., 2004. a major problem that impeded further study regarding the induction of nab production by inactivated sars-cov whole virus is that some nabs may enhance coronavirus infection - luo et al., 2018. indeed, several studies have demonstrated the occurrence of antibody-dependent enhancement - ade - of sars coronavirus infection - jaume et al., 2012;yip et al., 2014. ..."
"... most of vaccine candidates 102 developed to control sars-cov and mers-cov infections are based on the whole virus - live-attenuated or inactivated - as well as subunits or full-length viral proteins, dna and rna, frequently encompassing the use of non-replicating or replicating viral vectors, vlp or synthetic delivery systems - fig. 5. the classical inactivated or live-attenuated based vaccines raise safety concerns due to a possible induction of the disease, besides triggering a strong protective immune response, including that observed againstsars-cov infection 103 . the efficacy of viral vectors may be compromised by a potentially existing pre-immunity, as the one triggered against the adenovirus. ..."
"... for the inactivated vaccines, there are safety concerns such as incomplete inactivation of the pathogen and the need to grow large volumes of deadly pathogens [2]. on the other hand, live-attenuated vaccines have been shown to induce an antibody dependent enhancement effect worsening the clinical outcome of rhesus macaques infected with sars-cov [3]. other vaccination strategies such as subunit, rna-based, and viral vector vaccines have advantages over traditional vaccines; however, their use faces many challenges. ..."
viral-induced enhanced disease illness
"like the story with other viruses, vaccine-induced disease enhancement is also a concern with developing a sars-cov vaccine. this was reported in only small subset of sars-cov vaccine studies - de wit et al., 2016. in a mouse study that investigated the role of sars-cov vaccine in inducing disease enhancement, tseng et al. - 2012- it was revealed that vaccines were able to protect against sars-cov infection, but still induced th2 directed pulmonary immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to sars-cov components. in another study, post vaccination challenge of mice with sars-cov nucleocapsid protein induced sever pneumonia - yasui et al., 2008. likewise, double inactivated sars-cov vaccine in mice failed to provide complete protection and caused enhanced eosinophilic pro-inflammatory pulmonary response after infection - bolles et al., 2011. even with the current available data supporting the correlation between ade and sars-cov preexisting antibodies, more studies are critically needed to accurately address and understand this issue in humans."
immunization with sars coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the sars virus
"these sars-cov vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with sars-cov. however, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to sars-cov components was induced. caution in proceeding to application of a sars-cov vaccine in humans is indicated."
a double-inactivated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus vaccine provides incomplete protection in mice and induces increased eosinophilic proinflammatory pulmonary response upon challenge
prior immunization with severe acute respiratory syndrome - sars - -associated coronavirus - sars-cov - nucleocapsid protein causes severe pneumonia in mice infected with sars-cov
two different antibody-dependent enhancement - ade - risks for sars-cov-2 antibodies
"a possible case of ade was observed in a patient with a second sars-cov-2 infection - 59. early vaccine results show significant antibody responses by day 14 - 60 -which represents memory b-cell responses - i.e., original antigenic sin - with cross-reactivity antibodies from likely other coronavirus strain(s)."
as mutant covid variants multiply, the hunt is on for a ‘universal’ kill-all vaccine
"french company valneva, meanwhile, is working on an inactivated vaccine using the whole virus that might have advantages over those already approved, thomas lingelbach, the company’s chief executive officer, says. because it uses the complete virus, the valneva vaccine enables the immune system to potentially form a response to all possible epitopes—a term for the portions of the virus’s proteins that the immune system can recognize."
british scientists are developing 'universal covid jab' that would effectively beat all variants of the virus in as little as a year
"nottingham university researchers are working with oxford-based cancer vaccine firm sacncall to create the universal vaccine.
it is one of a number of us and european companies trying to make the mutation-proof jabs.
they are targeting a protein in the virus' core called the nucleocapsid, as well as the spike protein.
the scientists will launch human trials later this year following promising test results done on mice.
early signs suggest their dna-based product gives a strong antibody and t-cell response.
scancell chief medical officer dr gillies o'bryan-tear told the telegraph: 'we don't necessarily claim it will be a pan-coronavirus vaccine, but it has got the potential to be so simply because of where it is targeted.'
among the other top scientists working on similar vaccines are myneo in belgium and osivax in france.
osivax only recently finished a phase II clinical trials of a universal flu jab which also goes after the nucleocapsid in the virus.
myneo is looking into parts of covid-19 that are stable for longer, so they can create a longer-lasting vaccine."
by broadening the scope of the universal vaccine's protein-target its developers are - in common with the designers of valneva's 'inactivated' whole-virus vaccine - essentially magnifying the risk of both antibody-dependent enhancement and vaccine-induced disease-enhancement.
british scientists are developing 'universal covid jab' that would effectively beat all variants of the virus in as little as a year
"nottingham university researchers are working with oxford-based cancer vaccine firm scancell to create the universal vaccine.
it is one of a number of us and european companies trying to make the mutation-proof jabs.
they are targeting a protein in the virus' core called the nucleocapsid, as well as the spike protein.
the scientists will launch human trials later this year following promising test results done on mice.
early signs suggest their dna-based product gives a strong antibody and t-cell response.
scancell chief medical officer dr gillies o'bryan-tear told the telegraph: 'we don't necessarily claim it will be a pan-coronavirus vaccine, but it has got the potential to be so simply because of where it is targeted.'
among the other top scientists working on similar vaccines are myneo in belgium and osivax in france.
osivax only recently finished a phase ii clinical trials of a universal flu jab which also goes after the nucleocapsid in the virus.
myneo is looking into parts of covid-19 that are stable for longer, so they can create a longer-lasting vaccine."
@ultrapox - 15 may 2021 at 01:20
lé brendan o'carroll
why ade hasn't been a problem with covid vaccines
— even with new variants, it's unlikely antibody-dependent enhancement will be an issue
"from the early stages of covid-19 vaccine development, scientists sought to target a sars-cov-2 protein that was least likely to cause ade. for example, when they found out that targeting the nucleoprotein of sars-cov-2 might cause ade, they quickly abandoned that approach. the safest route seemed to be targeting the s2 subunit of the spike protein, and they ran with that, wrote derek lowe, phd, in his science translational medicine blog "in the pipeline.""
antibody-dependent enhancement and the coronavirus vaccines
"in this case, the two big take-homes were that coronavirus vaccines could indeed suffer from ade, and that this seemed to depend on which protein you chose to base your vaccine around. specifically, it was the vaccines that targeted the n - nucleoprotein - antigen of the coronavirus that had ade problems, while the ones that targeted the s - spike - protein did not. [update: this isn’t accurate. there was trouble after immunization with a nucleoprotein-directed vaccine, but ade could also be seen with some of the spike-directed vaccine candidates as well – see reviews here, here, and here.]"
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