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The Floating Heads installation by Sophie Cave at the Kelvingrove, Glasgow |
It's getting to be a bit of a worry. Glasgow.
Rangers won a football match against Aberdeen last week and their fans got quite excited. They did in March, so this is the second time this year that the celebrations looked like a scene from Hell.
Or civil insurrection: thousands of Rangers fans descended on George Square in Glasgow, cheering and chanting for hours, damaging property, assaulting people and firing missiles and flares at police officers attempting to control the riot - sorry, celebration. Three officers injured and 20 celebrants arrested. Police Scotland said it was disgraceful, and Humza Yousaf condemned it as a life threatening display of selfish and irresponsible behaviour.
Somewhat inadequately, Tattooed Chief
Superintendent Mark Sutherland, commander for Greater Glasgow division,
said: "Under the current restrictions no one should be gathering in
numbers of more than six at the stadium or any other location." The virus, he added, "has not gone away". There were definitely more than six in George Square, Chief Super.
Then there's this business:
In Kenmure Street, Glasgow, following sustained protest by Glaswegian citizens, Police Scotland released two men lawfully detained by UK Immigration Enforcement officials. Nicola Sturgeon took the opportunity, of course, to criticise UK immigration policy and its procedures in detaining migrants who have exhausted all legal routes to remain in this country and are scheduled for deportation to their own country, having failed to satisfy the criteria for becoming citizens of this country. Aamer Anwar, scary smug lawyer bastard, has been all over the media with his rabble-rousing soundbite: "no human being is illegal". Heaven only knows what he thinks he means by that, nor, indeed, how it applies in the situation of two would-be migrants, disappointed in their bid to stay in this country. Anwar,

Neither of these two matters that have taken Glasgow into the national debate this week would be a surprise to mr ishmael, who wrote in 2013:
BTW I had heard that Glasgee pubs could be a bit rough, but a helicopter in the heed is just taking the piss. Vincent
It is a strange, beautiful, eery sort of place, Glasgow. I first visited shortly after the Year of Culture in 1990 and was knocked-out; as a Victorian city it made Birmingham look like a slum, yet the grand, 19th century civic and commercial buildings, classical and gothic, were cheek by jowl with turn of the century Glasgow School* creations

and with elegant, soaring, modern - post-modern? -
almost futuristic structures;

if you haven't been, do go and have a look,

the drive through the city on the M8 could be a Computer Generated Image from a Hollywood blockbuster, so dramatic, it looks as though it can't possibly be real.
and with elegant, soaring, modern - post-modern? -
almost futuristic structures;

if you haven't been, do go and have a look,

the drive through the city on the M8 could be a Computer Generated Image from a Hollywood blockbuster, so dramatic, it looks as though it can't possibly be real.
On other occasions and in other parts of the city, as I've mentioned before, I have been too fearful to leave the dogs unaccompanied in the car, lest they be stolen by the shuffling groups of shell-suited, tomazepamed NEDS,
wasted and wounded, pale, skeletal, the walking dead, with tattooed faces and lips, lest my little warm, brown friends be stolen and tortured. It's just my imagination, running away with me. I recognise an infinity of paranoid possibilities only because it exists; this skin-prickling, hair-standing, premonitory uneasiness, this para-awareness is a sixth, seventh and eighth sense, the detection and anticipation of Danger, it explains how we have survived to run the world, despite it's other inhabitants being lethal to us. By the pricking of my thumbs, something Glasgow this way comes.
For pressure on my spinal cord, my secondary GP, Dr Rolex - he wears a gaudy one - has just prescribed Gabapentin, an anti-convulsant used as an analgesic. I'm not mad or anything, don't have fits. Not a nutter. The 300mg ones are very popular on the Glasgow Street, Doc attested, like a potent form of cannabis. Don't know what he meant, I always though any kind of cannabis pretty potent.
So maybe my caution does not relate to a race-memorised, imaginary beast, to a subconsciously lurking Beowulf; maybe these ersatz zombies, off their heads on unemployment, Buckfast tonic wine and cocktails of prescription drugs really are a real life nightmare menace; the pallid, emaciated grandsons of Rab C Nesbitt,
lacking even a flicker of his wit, his pathos, his tumultuous, runaway, strangled, furious eloquence; just half-alive werewolves prowling, with intent. To know, know, know them, is to fear, fear, fear them; these are the children of darkness
I think it's widespread, classless, this guzzling of pharmaceuticals; some local social workerettes of my passing acquaintance, on a Friday night swapping prescription anti-depressants, analgesics, sedatives and anything else they could come by legally and washing them down with - I think - a JaegerBlaster, a shot glass filled with some Devil's liqueur, set inside a glass of white wine or cider and knocked back in one, on top of the pills. Give proper junkies the horrors, they would, and on Monday morning they're back in charge of the vulnerable. These are desperate times; people don't even know how to do drugs any more.
I don't know the city at all well, I can just about find my way around it; stops there have generally been overnighters, heading South or homeward bound but there have been a few weekends during which I have always found it to be a fantastical sort of place, foreign, an abroad sort of place, Scotland is another country, as are Wales and Northern Ireland. Glasgow, with its tenements and temples, bawdy drinking dens, arborealised college campuses

and it's re-invented riversides, creates a vague sense of Greatness dormant. If only the tribesmen would celebrate, re-awaken this slumbering potential, you'd have to love them for it; instead, their bitter sermon is one of rank, fathomless Grievance, Nicola Sturgeon

and it's re-invented riversides, creates a vague sense of Greatness dormant. If only the tribesmen would celebrate, re-awaken this slumbering potential, you'd have to love them for it; instead, their bitter sermon is one of rank, fathomless Grievance, Nicola Sturgeon
gibbering an unstoppable cascade of contemptuous complaint; the bogus statesman, Salmond, generally tucked-in behind her,
out of his cheesy soundbiting depth,
Aye, city states, too, maybe it's the way to go. It's the way of the future, more borders, more bureaucrats and best of all, more o' they politicians.
netting himself in his own lies,
the greasy, fat oaf hooked on his own, risible distortions and blustering misrepresentations, his parliamentary opponents
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Labour capo, Johann Lamont, I-Know-Besting. Would you just look at her? |
lacking the grubby, bullying skills he learnt over decades in the bars and knocking shops of Westminster,
all too stupid, too tongue-tied, too cack-handed to even land a blow on him.
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Salmond with one of his many paymasters, the great Scot, Donald Trump. |
If you take a mooch around Glasgow, it's mysteries, its stolidness, its bulging past, you are bound to think, as I do, that Scotland deserves better than the despicable riff-raff in Holyrood - bandits, drunks, thieves, bullies, Masons, ponces, green fairies, hard-faced, jive-talking, lesbian ghouls and blustering bigboy liars.
There are Glasgow corners of despair, it is true, and decay. Have mercy, I cry, City. This is the way cities are, the way they have become; the rich live in the country, the poor and the plutocrooks live in the town, up in the air. The Kelvingrove Museum,

on the other hand,
with Dali's St. John of the Cross,

is a series of dreams, glimpses - artistic, mechanical,

scientific, architectural - of what we all could be.

on the other hand,
with Dali's St. John of the Cross,

is a series of dreams, glimpses - artistic, mechanical,

scientific, architectural - of what we all could be.
The shockingly low life expectancy in parts of Glasgow - that aspect of the city which fuels so many acerbic and derogatory comments - reveals the sustained, selfish, preening, malevolence of Scottish Labour. No use blaming Whisky Maggie, she spread her poison all over the UK not just over Scotland. But as with Diane Abbott in Tower Hamlets, Jock Labour has had not decades but over a century to help make its constituents prosperous and healthy; would they do that? Would they fuck. They operate to mr jgm2's theorem, throwing down to their victims enough crumbs to persuade them to continue voting Labour, yet never providing them with a hand-up.
The betrayal of labour by Labour is not unique to Scotland, fuck, no, but it has been more entrenched, its bitter jigs and reels of deceit more compellingly danced, reinforced by the hand-clapping rhetoric of scoundrels. Scotland, short-sightedly, if understandably, used to love Labour but it's all over now, Labour's operatives scarecrow men and women, stuffed into cheap suits, fitted with a repetitive, useless bird scarer whose batteries flatten further with leader, Johann Lamont's, every dismal, contradictory utterance, an opposition more ornamental, more ceremonial than challenging. If Salmond and Sturgeon simply did what for them is unthinkable and for the next year shut the fuck up, Labour's Lamont and her band of sweaty, stuttering idiots would deliver them an overwhelming vote for independence.
Glasgow, anyway, is a different place. Edinburgh is a fine, big posh place, but its like a tart's boudoir, crawling with MacMediaMinster pimps, hacks, writers and upper crust, estate agent and banker type crooks; crawling with snooty whores in Crombie overcoats, their gross, Kirsty Wark noses in the air. Not for me, although the Royal Mile is well worth an open topped 'bus ride. Glasgow seems honest by comparison and seems much more.
The betrayal of labour by Labour is not unique to Scotland, fuck, no, but it has been more entrenched, its bitter jigs and reels of deceit more compellingly danced, reinforced by the hand-clapping rhetoric of scoundrels. Scotland, short-sightedly, if understandably, used to love Labour but it's all over now, Labour's operatives scarecrow men and women, stuffed into cheap suits, fitted with a repetitive, useless bird scarer whose batteries flatten further with leader, Johann Lamont's, every dismal, contradictory utterance, an opposition more ornamental, more ceremonial than challenging. If Salmond and Sturgeon simply did what for them is unthinkable and for the next year shut the fuck up, Labour's Lamont and her band of sweaty, stuttering idiots would deliver them an overwhelming vote for independence.
Glasgow, anyway, is a different place. Edinburgh is a fine, big posh place, but its like a tart's boudoir, crawling with MacMediaMinster pimps, hacks, writers and upper crust, estate agent and banker type crooks; crawling with snooty whores in Crombie overcoats, their gross, Kirsty Wark noses in the air. Not for me, although the Royal Mile is well worth an open topped 'bus ride. Glasgow seems honest by comparison and seems much more.
* Editor's note: Glasgow School of Art has burned down twice since mr ishmael wrote this essay - the first time in 2014 and the second time in 2018 due to careless workmen attempting the restoration after the first fire
Glasgow, more than many such places, grew wealthy on the slave trade, building ships for the Confederacy during the American Civil War, vigorously owning and trading her own chained niggers; Glasgow's mercantile class was as vile as any other, as bad, worse than to-day's banksters; oh, some of them endowed museums and galleries and parks but that's the equivalent of that cunt, Geldof and his filthy crew, re-colonising Africa for their own reputations and record sales. Living conditions in Glasgow were - and remain - so poor that the city spawned the Labour party to write its wrongs. That Glasgow may soon headbutt Jock Labour into oblivion seems quite poetic.
Glasgow is like any other post-industrial, Victorian Hellhole, a shopping and leisure centre, flogging consumer tat and bogus culture. It has a few shipyards but most are gone and unlike as has happened in Aberdeen, old industries have not been replaced by the fossil fuel jamboree in the North Sea - I sometimes travel through Aberdeen airport when a shift is changing, riggers and such, going home to Manchester and the South East, gross and vulgar men, snaking in a queue, looking and sounding like tarmackers-in-Transits, rejected from Big Fat Gipsy Wedding as being too vile even for that horror show. I couldn't care less if they all lost their jobs and never worked again. But that's in passing, many in Glasgow have never worked at all, Labour spent generations keeping them beholden and now the Tribesmen are doing the same thing.
The City State: Municipal Darwinism
"It was a dark, blustery afternoon in spring, and the city of London was chasing a small mining town across the dried-out bed of the old North Sea."
The great traction city London has been skulking in the hills to avoid the bigger, faster, hungrier cities loose in the Great Hunting Ground. Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve
The great traction city London has been skulking in the hills to avoid the bigger, faster, hungrier cities loose in the Great Hunting Ground. Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve
Covid Latest Advice
On balance, with hindsight (captain), the devil, as ever, being in the detail, despite mr ultrapox' reservations on the last thread, and taking under advisement everything we need to take under advisement, indeed, did I say on balance?, our considered advice is that it remains the case that it is better not to catch covid-19. In pursuit of this goal, have your vaccinations and keep away from people. Not even to save the British pub industry. Indeed, on balance, taking under due consideration and advisement as heretofor, it would be better for Britain and the rest of the world, if the British pub industry joined Woolworths and Debenham's as a dim and distant memory of drunken horror.
Matt Hancock, on the Andrew Marr show this morning, joined in with the Captain Hindsight abuse under intense pressure from Marr to admit that the Indian variant is in the UK because people flooded in from India carrying the virus and then refused to self-isolate. And he "pinged" an email without reading it. And he's Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. So there.
mr ishmael's essays today are:
Scotland, Best Part of England -
Glasgow, a Tale of Two Cities posted 8/12/2013
Glasgow is an interesting city drafted 25/12/14
Both anthologies of the work of mr ishmael and his young Polish friend,
Stanislav, Plumb Cheap for You: Honest Not Invent and Vent Stack -
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on the subject of the coronavirus-vaccination, mrs ishmael, you appear to speak as one reliably informed, by close establishment-contacts, that the 'covid-19' virus is something very nasty which has been allowed to silently seep out of a western bio-warfare-lab, and whilst i do not doubt for a single moment that the killer-corona-virus did in fact creep out of one of our bio-warfare labs, was then deliberately dispersed from as early as spring 2019 in locations such as london, and that i and others were selectively targeted with it, i simply cannot - in the knowledge that the general danger posed by the 'covid-19' virus has been phenomenally exaggerated and the harmful nature of the 'covid-19' vaccination criminally trivialized - put my blind trust in a nasty cure developed by the selfsame evil bastards who created the original nasty disease.
in summary, how can people - when so seriously and systematically disinformed as to the relative dangers posed by a virus and the vaccine designed to protect against it - ever hope to make an informed decision as to whether to take such a vaccination against such a virus?
should i jump overboard because the cruise-liner on which i am sailing is reported to be plagued with a deadly illness?
should i run for the theatre-exit because someone has screamed "fire"?
should i jump into a filthy canal in order to avoid being trampled by an african, or indian, elephant which is supposedly charging my way...?
or should i rather pop the recommended prophylactic dose of ivermectin, or hydroxychloroquine - combined with zinc - and keep my fingers crossed in the profound hope that the elephant has not previously tested postive for 'covid-19'?
Ah, mr ultrapox, I see that you are of the same view as my colleague who believes that the virus was genetically modified, manufactured and released from some bio-warfare lab, in order to solve the world's over-population problem by culling the elderly, the sick and the poor. If that was the case, it has succeeded beyond the wildest expectations. A sort of Imposed Darwinism. I personally do not subscribe to that view. And at this point in the game, it hardly matters. Hand-in-hand with the Imposed Darwinism belief is the concept that vaccines against the virus were designed at the same time as the virus was developed, but not released until a year down the line, so that the cull could run before the remaining population could be rendered immune. I personally do not subscribe to that view, either. But if it were the case, it would make sense to be vaccinated.
My personal view is as I stated in the post - this is a nasty illness that causes a protracted and very uncomfortable death by drowning in one's own fluids, and it is best to practice infection-control measures to reduce your risk of catching it. And take the vaccine. A beneficial side-effect of the covid-crisis may be that folk start living a quiet and modest life, stop getting drunk in public and eat at home. I doubt it though - look at Glasgow on Saturday - it is now estimated that 15,000 Weegies converged on George Square, having marched there from the Ibrox, chanting and singing anti-Catholic insults (Scotland - land of tolerance, anti-racism and acceptance of multi-cultural faiths?) - and only 28 arrests have been made. 28 out of 15,000? The cities can no longer be policed - as I have been banging on since I prophesied the summer of riots a year ago.
Just as a sidebar on modesty - isn't it fun to see Boris, perpetrator of the "letterbox" slur against Moslem women, all letter-boxed up himself, with his mask on?
And if you are interested, despite living in just about the lowest covid-incidence place in the UK (the tourists are coming, trailing clouds of covid in their wake)I have had both my covid vaccinations, they were AstraZenica, and I had an unpleasant reaction to both of them. I thought, balancing all the information I had, it was the most safe and sensible thing to do in the circumstances.
Can you get triplets with two identical and one spare? Mrs Nesbitt (Merry Hen, was it?) and Gnasher are interchangeable, with Lamont making up the set. Something in the watter? (No, not batter, I'm keeping this clean.) I think we should be told, but probably won't - another murky Monday in Ishmaelia.
8000 million of us; life expectancy 80; equals 100 million deaths per year.
1% population growth; equals 80 million.
3m extra covid deaths; does not equal "Logan's Run".
No. It's not that but it could very easily be a CCP dry run. Supported and abetted by the Long March simpletons of SAGE, the WHO, and Fauci et al.
Then again. Everybody thinks that everything always lasts forever and history shows us only too well that it does not. None of it.
Dear Mrs Ishmael
My HUGEST hugs. Seems like you're campaigning and i've got your back. I have stopped campaigning, got some work done. Good 9 years has helped.
Nowt wrong with a bit of politics amongst friends
He owned comedy xx
Welcome back, mr dick the prick -we've been worrying about you. Where have you been, you shameless rascal?
You've heard of the London Look, mr verge? skinny ripped jeans, rent boy suits, girls in whore make-up? Well, Gnasher and her lookalikes epitomize the Glasgow Look. Short, stocky little bodies encased, sausage-like, in unpleasant suits, bogbrush hair in belligerent cuts, and impenetrable accents. The blokes all sound pissed - prolly 'cos they are, and the females all sound angry - prolly 'cos they are. If the London Look says Fuck Me, the Glasgow Look says Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
I know that the Chinese Communist Party are capable of just about anything, mr mongoose, and the Who had lots of hits, although not my cup of tea - I particularly disliked Pinball Wizard; but I have yet to be convinced by any sinister explanations for the origin of the covid virus. I think it stands in a long line of viruses, plagues and disease that have fed on human beings and other mammals since long, long before recorded time. Even comparatively recently,(1665/6) the entire population of the village of Eyam, in Derbyshire died of the Black Death, after it was introduced by plague-carrying fleas in a bolt of cloth. They voluntarily put themselves into lockdown, knowing they would die, but choosing to confine the disease to their village, for the greater good.
The differences between all the historic death-dealing viruses and our current battle to contain and eradicate covid, is that we know how the virus is transmitted, how it replicates, how likely it is to throw out mutations, we have instant mass communication so that the pattern of transmission can be charted and the people kept informed, and, importantly, we have a vaccination programme. I think that, eventually, the human race will win and the coronavirus super-parasite will lose.
Our societies will and should, change. Until March 2000 we behaved in the West as though we were the most successful life form on the planet, despite AIDS, SARS, MERS and MRSA giving us pretty clear clues to the contrary. The most successful planetary lifeform is too small to be seen with the naked eye, ubiquitous and eats us. We are food to viruses and bacteria. We really need to clean up our act, live quietly and modestly, as Einstein advised, avoid large gatherings, be sexually continent and cherish our lives as though it is the only life we have (it is.)
The Black Death was a pandemic of bubonic plague that first struck Europe and Asia in the mid-1300s, with recurrences through to recent historic times. The plague arrived in Europe in October 1347, when 12 ships from the Black Sea docked at the Sicilian port of Messina. Most sailors aboard the ships were dead, and those still alive were dying and covered in black boils that oozed blood and pus. Sicilian authorities hastily ordered the fleet of “death ships” out of the harbor, but it was too late: Over the next five years, the Black Death killed more than 20 million people in Europe — almost one-third of the continent’s population.
The societal changes wrought by this massive reduction of the population were pretty good (from a socialist perspective) as labour, being suddenly scarce, became valued.
We've got a much better chance of winning this battle, but complacency may defeat us - that, together with a nostalgic yearning for the "old ways" of doing things - reference George Square, Glasgow, on Saturday; and a pig headed determination to keep the bloated "hospitality industry" in business. When I were a lad, we holidayed in Blackpool or Brighton, ate our dinners at 'ome, and only men and loose women went to t'pub, and that was between very limited opening hours, where they drank beers so mild they'd be regarded as low-alcohol these days.
‘zacly mrs I, we have learnt (learned)? over the centuries to act as the unfortunate people of Eyam. We keep ourselves isolated when we are ill, we keep our children off school when ill. We look after the old and vulnerable when they need help. However, how often have we closed down society, industry, schools for a flu virus? How many lives will be ‘lost,’ as Theresa May likes to call death, due to r heroic nhs closing its doors to the most needy? How many livelihoods ruined by the job losses that will inevitably follow?
The govaments reaction to the virus has been shameful. By all means people can take these ‘vaccines’ if they wish, if they’ve weighed up the risks, for and against, their body, their choice.
But now my betters, politicians, celebrities an the media are telling me that I don’t have that same choice. Well fuck em, I will consider whether to take the jab when the trials end and the numbers are in, 2023 isn’t it?
An another thing, didn’t vaccines in the past prime our immune systems to fight off any nasties we might come across and also prevent us from infecting anyone else? It seems the new ‘vaccines’ are but liquid ibuprofen or lemsip max, that’ll need top ups.
Sorry rant over
@ultrapox - 17 may 2021 at 05:34
the first three paragraphs of the above comment would better read thus:
"on the subject of the coronavirus-vaccination, mrs ishmael, you appear to speak as one reliably informed, by close establishment-contacts, that 'covid-19' is something very nasty which has been allowed to silently seep out of a western bio-warfare-lab, and whilst i do not doubt for a single moment that the 'killer'-corona-virus did in fact creep out from one of our bio-warfare labs, was then deliberately dispersed as early as spring 2019 in locations such as hackney, london, and that i and other political dissidents were targeted with it, i just cannot blindly put my trust in a nasty cure developed by the selfsame evil bastards who concocted the original nasty disease - especially given my knowledge that the general danger posed by the 'covid-19' virus has been phenomenally exaggerated and the harmful side-effects of the 'covid-19' vaccination criminally trivialized.
indeed, when they have been so seriously and systematically disinformed as to the relative dangers posed by a virus and the vaccine designed to protect against it - how can people ever hope to make an informed judgment as to the relative benefits, and safety, of undergoing such a vaccination?
should i jump overboard because the cruise-liner on which i am sailing is reported to be plagued by a deadly illness?"
of course, in the sad eventuality that, as a collaterally acceptable consequence of mass-vaccination, you should croak, mrs ishamael, we here can all plough on, consoled by the knowledge that mr verge will be ready, happy, and more than able to fill your literary shoes.
for your information, mrs ishmael - and treading in the trail-blazing footsteps of the burning platform - may i quote kary mullis - nobel prize winner and inventor of pcr-testing:
“guys like fauci get up there and start talking, you know, he doesn’t know anything really about anything and i’d say that to his face. nothing. the man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there you’ll know it. he doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine and he should not be in a position like he’s in. most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don’t know anything about what’s going on in the body. you know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. they’ve got a personal kind of agenda. they make up their own rules as they go. they change them when they want to. and they smugly, like tony fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.”
the above quote was taken from video-footage entitled flashback: kary mullis nobel prize winning scientists who developed the pcr test unloads on fauci.
yes, no wonder kary mullis - december 28, 1944 – august 7, 2019 - had to die - and had to do so conveniently in advance of the 'covid'-pandemic-fraud, which was ruthlessly rolled out by the neo-liberal establishment in order to fatally undermine trump's election-chances, frustrate brexit, and ultimately camouflage the criminal origination of the financial crises rapidly unfolding in europe and america.
just as he trashed the bogus-interpretation of pcr-test-results - which cold-blooded careerists, such as dr antony fauci, shamelessly used to demonstrate a causative correlation between hiv and aids - kary mullis - had he been allowed to live - would undoubtedly have likewise trashed the malicious misinterpretation of pcr-test-results which has been deliberately deployed as the bogus-scientific basis for the 'covid'-pandemic-fraud.
in the minds of the power-grabbing globalist psychos - who back in 2019 were in the desperate process of staging a coup against democracy - kary mullis had to go, and therefore, given that he fell fatally ill soon after the fort detrick bio-safety-breach - which acted as plausible cover for the cia's criminal release of the sars-2 coronavirus - the sudden death from pneumonia of eminent scientist kary mullis - probably following targeted infection with sars-cov-2 - comprised absolutely no coincidence.
the following quotation from questioning the hiv-aids hypothesis: 30 years of dissent - a mysteriously retracted research-paper by patricia goodson - enlightens us as to why kary mullis opposed clinical reliance upon pcr-testing as a diagnostic tool, and thus also why he eventually became the neo-liberal establishment's public enemy number one:
"pcr technology evolved quickly since it was introduced in 1983 - 25. although being employed, mostly, for assessing viral load - less for screening and diagnosis - it should give us pause to learn, however, that dr. kary mullis – the scientist who won the 1993 nobel prize for inventing the pcr test and whose quote introduced this article, table 1 – has strongly opposed using the technique for determining the amount of virus circulating in plasma. lauritsen explains:
kary mullis … is thoroughly convinced that hiv is not the cause of aids. with regard to the viral-load tests, which attempt to use pcr for counting viruses, mullis has stated: “quantitative pcr is an oxymoron.” pcr is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers. although there is a common misimpression that the viral-load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all; they can only detect proteins that are believed, in some cases wrongly, to be unique to hiv. the tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves [(29), p. 3]."
although obviously written by a "virus-denier", the following video-description-notes for the clip entitled pcr test founder kary mullis speaks out against the misinterpretation of the pcr test further inform us as to why kary mullis opposed clinical reliance upon pcr-testing as a diagnostic tool, and thus also why kary mullis subsequently became the bane of the neo-liberal establishment:
"in this video i have uploaded a clip of kary mullis speaking out against the mainstream use of the pcr test, which he himself invented!
the polymerase chain reaction - pcr - test is a standard test used in mainstream medical science for amplifying dna/rna fragments by matching them to an input genetic sequence and allowing for a quantifiable measurement. this technique has been used for diagnosis of many “viruses” including the supposed hiv and the sars-cov-2 or covid-19 “coronavirus”. while the mainstream scientific establishment and just about every mainstream media outlet pushes the significance of the pcr test results and resulting “cases”, which are used for justification of worldwide lockdowns, the founder of this test says it should not even be used for testing so-called “viruses”!
kary mullis discovered the pcr technique in 1983 and for which he won the nobel prize in chemistry in 1993, along with his colleague michael smith. kary is very clear when he says that the pcr test is only a tool for measuring the amount of an inferred genetic sequence material through constant duplication or amplification. thus with enough amplification even a single molecule can be scaled up to be measurable and which is often misused when it is to “claim that it’s meaningful”. more so, kary states that if someone “has” hiv then they likely have 10,000+ other “viruses” that they can test for and package up to “infer” the presence of a specific desired sequence. in short, this is a perspective of the pcr test that is much needed to calm the insanity of the mainstream science and media constant fear mongering of undefined “cases”."
the one man in the world - pcr-test-inventor kary mullis - who could, and would, have destroyed the fraudulent foundation for this criminal coronavirus-charade, was quite obviously done away with just prior to the phantom-pandemic being painstakingly conjured up before our very eyes.
Not a rant, mr inmate, but legitimate comment based on observation.
A couple of things have been troubling me recently. One is that we are told that the vaccine is fairly effective against the first iteration of the virus, slightly less effective against the next variant - but with each successive variation of a variant, the vaccine, presumably, becomes progressively less effective. So a vaccination passport becomes an irrelevance, but will be used to facilitate international travel - which is how the virus gets about the place. No coincidence that these global diseases that have troubled us since the 'eighties - AIDS, MERS, SARS, MRSA, are coterminous with mass international travel.
The other little worry is the issue of where the covid-infected urine and faeces go, especially in the cities. Here in the isles we have sewage systems based on single household septic tanks. In London, the splendid Victorian sewage system accommodates the expelled waste of rather a lot of people. And is home to a rather large population of rats, who swim in covid-laced waters. And we know that the virus is zoonotic, in that it leapt from bats to human, and humans have infected their pet dogs and cats. So rats will create a nice mammalian pool in which Covid can live, reproduce and mutate.
This thing is not going away quickly.
Thank you for painstakingly reproducing that article for us, mr ultrapox. Although a little heavy, it is very interesting. For the purposes of not over-loading the comments box with a massive amount of reproduced material, however, could you, in future, when you wish to draw the attention of ishmaelites to an article, simply provide the link so that folk can have a look at it if it catches their interest?
my apologies for over-feeding the comment-box, mrs ishmael - next time i'll be sure to send it for a run around the park in order to compensate for any excess-comment-calorie-intake.
unfortunately, it took me three attempts to successfully post the final video-link plus blurb, and to be honest those descriptive-notes are somewhat confused in terms of both content and style - nevertheless it's actually the video-clips of the man himself, kary mullis, which i am mainly seeking to advertize.
the los angeles times> obituary for kary mullis includes the following passage:
"acclaimed as his technique was, mullis was highly criticized for other theories, notably his suggestion that hiv did not cause aids, which he once wrote was “one hell of a mistake.” it was a notion that cost him some credibility among his scientific peers, as did his conviction that global warming was a hoax and that ozone damage was an illusion."
which only goes to prove that, unlike our modern-day establishment-charlatans, kary mullis was a very perceptive and conscious scientist indeed.
furthermore, in modern ghana's article hiv/aids: greatest medical fraud of 21st century, causing clinical genocides kary mullis is quoted as saying:
“it’s not even probable, let alone scientifically proven, that hiv causes aids. if there is evidence that hiv causes aids, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. there are no such documents.”
however, in tragi-comic contrast, the politically sweetened palaces of the western neo-liberal and globalist press remain silent as state-grafted-stones on the taboo-subject of every neo-liberal fraud ranging from hiv-induced-aids, to the climate-emergency, to the coronavirus-pandemic, to the progressive sanctity of the eu blood-mineral-emporium, and the progressive benevolence of blood-mineral-democrats the clintons bidens obamas and co.
Hi, mr ultrapox, I tidied up your inadvertent double-posting and I followed your links. Kary Mullis had an amazing scientific brain, was the inventor of pcr, a Nobel prize winner and a strongly contrarian voice to the orthodoxies that currently surround us. Thanks for bringing him to my attention. He died aged 74 of pneumonia on August 7, 2019, before the covid crisis. Had he lived, would his lone voice have had any impact on the management of the pandemic?
But, as management-speak currently has it, it is what it is. We have to deal with what is in front of us, with the understandings and tools that are at our disposal. I certainly agree with him on his point that if everyone had good nutrition and good living circumstances, immune systems would be far better able to deal with any adventitious viral invasions and with his point that international capitalism directs scientific research.
thanks for doing the house-keeping, mrs ishmael.
@ultrapox - 20 may 2021 at 21:49
for my part, i now reckon that the final paragraph of the above comment would better read thus:
"however, in tragi-comic contrast, the politically sweetened palaces of the western neo-liberal and globalist press remain silent as state-grafted-stones on the taboo-subject of every neo-liberal fraud ranging from hiv-induced-aids, the the climate-emergency, the coronavirus-pandemic, and the progressive sanctity of the eu blood-mineral-emporium, right through to the progressive benevolence of blood-mineral-democrats the clintons bidens obamas and co."
had he lived, kary mullis would of course have detonated the 'covid'-pandemic-myth - along with the bogus-pcr-science upon which it was fraudulently based.
kary mullis died just before the 'covid'-pandemic was revealed, and just after a series of serious safety-breaches which had occurred earlier in 2019 at fort detrick bio-warfare-lab - mysteriously, these breaches of bio-safety were reported to have involved a "select [biological] agent", the identity of which remains unknown, due to its redaction, upon grounds of public health and safety, in all released documents.
in fact, by august 2019, serious safety-violations had forced the complete shut-down of the fort detrick laboratory - a military facility located conveniently near to washington dc - and there were even suspicions raised that these bio-safety-breaches could have been linked to a spate of unexplained deaths from an unidentified respiratory illness - which had apparently swept through greenspring village retirement community in the washington suburb of springfield.
according to the washington post article entitled third person has died after respiratory illness outbreak at greenspring village, fairfax officials say, the cdc had tested 17 samples taken from greenspring village residents who were infected by the respiratory disease, and yet that august federal institution had strangely failed to identify the exact cause of this illness.
furthermore, in a comment entered below the same washington post article in july 2019, smokinmike makes the following killer-observation:
"there's some really nasty lower respiratory stuff going around this area. i've had it for almost 2 1/2 week and when i went to my doc last week he said he's been seeing folks with the same thing all that week. if anyone with a compromised immune system gets this, they could be in trouble."
you see, although the first cases of 'covid' were revealed to us in january 2020, the sars-coronavirus in question could easily have been circulating the globe undetected for at least a year prior to this date - especially if targeted viral distribution was being facilitated by the cia and its usual terrorist-accomplices.
sars-cov-2 is actually sars-cov-1 minus its deadly components - and by virtue of its survivability therefore more transmissible - nevertheless, in common with all seasonal coronavirus and 'flu' bugs, a serious infection with this artificially attenuated form of sars can still prove fatal to the elderly, vulnerable, and infirm.
frankly, given the number of extremely nasty 'flu' and coronavirus bugs which have circulated in london over the past decade or so, one is left wondering exactly how many other lab-designed coronaviruses exist to which we have already been deliberately exposed?
(continued in part two below)
(continued from part one above)
cdc inspection findings reveal more about fort detrick research suspension
the moguldom nation:
fact check: was u.s. army’s bioweapons lab at ft. detrick shut down right before covid pandemic?
global times:
the fort detrick horror: a closer look at the us’ largest biochemical weapons research center
abc7 news:
army germ lab shut down by cdc in 2019 had several 'serious' protocol violations that year
the independent:
research into deadly viruses and biological weapons at us army lab shut down over fears they could escape
abc news:
'respiratory outbreak' being investigated at retirement community after 54 residents fall ill
"two have died and 18 were hospitalized in virginia, officials said."
the star:
more reports of early virus justify fair probe of origin free of scapegoating
the washington post:
third person has died after respiratory illness outbreak at greenspring village, fairfax officials say
nbc4 washington:
cause of respiratory Illness still unknown after dozens sickened at virginia retirement community
mcknight's long-term care news:
mystery grows as 3rd resident dies from still-unidentified respiratory illness
chinese disinfo hits u.s. biolab with new covid-19 conspiracy
(continued from part one above)
cdc inspection findings reveal more about fort detrick research suspension
the moguldom nation:
fact check: was u.s. army’s bioweapons lab at ft. detrick shut down right before covid pandemic?
global times:
the fort detrick horror: a closer look at the us’ largest biochemical weapons research center
abc7 news:
army germ lab shut down by cdc in 2019 had several 'serious' protocol violations that year
the independent:
research into deadly viruses and biological weapons at us army lab shut down over fears they could escape
abc news:
'respiratory outbreak' being investigated at retirement community after 54 residents fall ill
"two have died and 18 were hospitalized in virginia, officials said."
the star:
more reports of early virus justify fair probe of origin free of scapegoating
the washington post:
third person has died after respiratory illness outbreak at greenspring village, fairfax officials say
nbc4 washington:
cause of respiratory Illness still unknown after dozens sickened at virginia retirement community
mcknight's long-term care news:
mystery grows as 3rd resident dies from still-unidentified respiratory illness
chinese disinfo hits u.s. biolab with new covid-19 conspiracy
would you mind retrieving "ultrapox - part two - including functional link" from the comment-spam-filter please, mrs ishmael?
ultrapox - part two - including functional link commented on "The Sunday Ishmael 16/05/2021"
8 hours ago
(continued from part one above) military.com: cdc inspection findings reveal more about fort detrick research suspension the moguldom nation: fact check: was u.s. army’s bioweapons lab at ft. detrick shut down right before covid pandemic? global times: the fort detrick horror: a closer look at the us’ largest biochemical weapons research center abc7 news: army germ lab shut down by cdc in 2019 had several 'serious' protocol violations that year the independent: research into deadly viruses and biological weapons at us army lab shut down over fears they could escape abc news: 'respiratory outbreak' being investigated at retirement community after 54 residents fall ill "two have died and 18 were hospitalized in virginia, officials said." the star: more reports of early virus justify fair probe of origin free of scapegoating the washington post: third person has died after respiratory illness outbreak at greenspring village, fairfax officials say nbc4 washington: cause of respiratory Illness still unknown after dozens sickened at virginia retirement community mcknight's long-term care news: mystery grows as 3rd resident dies from still-unidentified respiratory illness polygraph.info: chinese disinfo hits u.s. biolab with new covid-19 conspiracy
Hi, mr ultrapox - I don't know why Blogger didn't put your comment up - it was sitting in the back room, easily found.
Thanks for the dreadfully worrying information, mr u. Given that we can do nothing about it, maybe ignorance is better than learned helplessness?
blogger blocked my comment, mrs ishmael, because the large number of neatly laid out links contained therein suggested the possibility of its being spam - and so to save you further onerous household-chores, i will in future split up any such hyperlink-extravaganzas into more blogger-digestible portions.
in order to re-instate the spammed comment, you simply have to uncheck the appropriate box on the spam-list and then the comment magically reappears in its originally intended position; unfortunately, you seem to have manually copied-and-splurged my comment, causing it to be reproduced, in a random ratatouille of raw regurgitated dyspunctuation, sans functional links and formatting - and needless-to-say, therefore, you will not be in receipt of any house-keeping money this week.
do you really not understand the de-spamming-procedure, mrs ishmael, or do i perhaps detect your inner mrs doyle throwing a repressed revolutionary fit of feminist petulance?
(continued from part one above)
cdc inspection findings reveal more about fort detrick research suspension
the moguldom nation:
fact check: was u.s. army’s bioweapons lab at ft. detrick shut down right before covid pandemic?
global times:
the fort detrick horror: a closer look at the us’ largest biochemical weapons research center
abc7 news:
army germ lab shut down by cdc in 2019 had several 'serious' protocol violations that year
the independent:
research into deadly viruses and biological weapons at us army lab shut down over fears they could escape
(continued in part three below)
(continued from part two above)
abc news:
'respiratory outbreak' being investigated at retirement community after 54 residents fall ill
"two have died and 18 were hospitalized in virginia, officials said."
the star:
more reports of early virus justify fair probe of origin free of scapegoating
the washington post:
third person has died after respiratory illness outbreak at greenspring village, fairfax officials say
nbc4 washington:
cause of respiratory illness still unknown after dozens sickened at virginia retirement community
mcknight's long-term care news:
mystery grows as 3rd resident dies from still-unidentified respiratory illness
chinese disinfo hits u.s. biolab with new covid-19 conspiracy
you vill know everyzinks, gnädige frau ishmael, und 'happy' sein.
new variant bollocks
for those that wish to understand the mystical inner-workings of the pcr-test and how it can determine viral load - for example that of new variants - then the glitch that stole christmas, published by james ferguson on lockdown sceptics, provides an extremely knowledgeable scientific breakdown of the bollux-science upon which, as our nation was preparing to enter the sacred eve of yuletide, the government based its brazenly bogus-claim that the new uk coronavirus-strain was both more transmissible and carried a far higher viral load...
load of bollocks more like.
in her article is it true that the new variants are very dangerous?, micro-biologist rosemary frei explains that the non-peer-reviewed - and expediently cursory - research into transmissibility of 'new variant' sars-cov-2 is not in fact based upon real-life experiments which use human-subjects, and that - although this research supposedly demonstrates increased binding-capability of the mutated coronavirus-strains to human cells - it thus remains at best inconclusive.
moreover, one of the research-paper-authors has previously stated that:
“the virus already has a ‘good enough’ ability to bind to ace2. there’s no reason to believe that going beyond that level will make it more pathogenic or transmissible. [and] [b]ut the rbd may be able to tolerate a number of mutations.”
in other words, therefore, an increased ability of the virus to bind to human cells does not presuppose its potential to possess greater transmissibility.
ms frei also exposes the extremely limited nature of research which, it is claimed, demonstrates the pcr-test's ability to identify the mutated coronavirus-strain in question - and indeed she reveals that even the researchers themselves cannot rule out other factors being the cause of abnormal pcr-results which, it is alleged, can indicate the presence of the mutated virus.
rosemary frei has accompanied her essay with a video likewise entitled is it true that the new variants are very dangerous?.
the mail online:
row breaks out over claim new kent strain is 30% more deadly: scientists downplay fears amid concern at 'scaremongering' press conference after sage report revealed experts are only 50% sure variant is more fatal
the conversation
concerning coronavirus mutation now found in uk variant – here’s what you need to know
sky news:
covid-19: scientists cast doubt over claim uk variant is more deadly
mutant coronavirus in the united kingdom sets off alarms, but its importance remains unclear
matt hancock challenged over 'mutant strain'
lockdown sceptics:
all the syndromic data in one place
as i have stated previously on these pages, the pcr-test designed to detect sars-cov-2 has been conclusively peer-reviewed as unfit-for-purpose - forcing the world health organisation to take official action upon these findings - and consequently, all 'covid-19' data must now be considered invalid.
in-a-nutshell, the pcr-test designed to detect sars-cov-2:
a) cannot differentiate between live and dead viral fragments.
b) is not specifically designed to evaluate viral load.
c) does not test for the whole sars-cov-2 genome - only specific proteins contained within the sars-cov-2 genome.
and therefore, due to this pcr-test being a deeply deficient tool for the purposes of clinical diagnosis, it returns a huge percentage of - phantom-pandemic-creating - false-positive results.
review report corman-drosten et al. eurosurveillance 2020
external peer review of the trpcr test to detect sars-cov-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
addendum: peer reviewed literature and preprints covering wet-lab experiments, in silico analysis of the corman drosten protocol-design, meta-data analysis on eurosurveillance.org and further discussion
who information notice for ivd users 2020/05
nucleic acid testing - nat - technologies that use polymerase chain reaction - pcr - for detection of sars-cov-2
as i have stated previously on these pages, the pcr-test designed to detect sars-cov-2 has been conclusively peer-reviewed as unfit-for-purpose - forcing the world health organisation to take official action upon these findings - and consequently, all 'covid-19' data must now be considered invalid.
in-a-nutshell, the pcr-test designed to detect sars-cov-2:
a) cannot differentiate between live and dead viral fragments.
b) is not specifically designed to evaluate viral load.
c) does not test for the whole sars-cov-2 genome - only specific proteins contained within the sars-cov-2 genome.
and therefore, due to this pcr-test being a deeply deficient tool for the purposes of clinical diagnosis, it returns a huge percentage of - phantom-pandemic-creating - false-positive results.
review report corman-drosten et al. eurosurveillance 2020
external peer review of the trpcr test to detect sars-cov-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
addendum: peer reviewed literature and preprints covering wet-lab experiments, in silico analysis of the corman drosten protocol-design, meta-data analysis on eurosurveillance.org and further discussion
who information notice for ivd users 2020/05
nucleic acid testing - nat - technologies that use polymerase chain reaction - pcr - for detection of sars-cov-2
there are two types of red herring which have been proliferating in the infinite cess-pool of this phantom-pandemic:
(1) the notion that herd-immunity must be developed from scratch-zero and
(2) the establishment's sly propaganda-insinuation that it was the hospital-discharge of coronavirus-infected patients into care-homes which was to blame for so many deaths amongst the elderly.
red herring nummer eins
since early on in this phantom-pandemic, the good dr gupta of oxford university has upon countless occasions explained that our population's herd-immunity to the coronavirus-infection has stood at about 60%, and is largely innate - indeed she has also estimated, from before the first lockdown, that epidemiological data most probably pointed to the end of a seasonal epidemic, rather than the onset of a very serious pandemic.
furthermore, dr clare craig, a diagnostic pathologist specializing in pandemic-testing, has similarly stated that, whilst serological testing found 7% of the british population to possess coronavirus-anti-bodies, antibody-test-levels were not eo ipso an indicator of the degree to which there existed innate prior immunity within a population - the establishment of which required a different form of testing to be carried out.
shockingly, according to dr craig, it was public health england itself which, in addition to normal antibody-testing, carried out the testing required to establish innate prior immunity-levels, and which, by employing this separate form of serological testing, duly evaluated the level of our population's prior innate immunity to be 50% - a figure which just happens to correspond closely with an estimated 50% transmission-rate for coronavirus-infection.
50% innate prior immunity plus 7% immunity acquired through coronavirus-infection equals 57% immunity - which roughly constitutes the 60% immunity required for herd-immunity within a given population.
having therefore studied the evidence presented by dr gupta and dr craig, one can only conclude that the seasonal coronavirus-epidemic was actually over-and-done-with by mid-spring 2020.
moreover, the evidence presented by dr gupta and dr craig indicates that the pcr-test for coronavirus-infection is worse than useless, and that the lateral-flow-test for coronavirus-infection is far less inaccurate.
red herring nummer zwei
it was the unethical premature discharge of very elderly, dangerously sick, and therefore extremely vulnerable patients back into the community - either to care-homes or their own private accommodation - which was actually to blame for so much excess-death amongst the elderly, sick and vulnerable in the british population - and yet, given the official excess-mortality-statistics, this establishment-orchestrated rush to return the sick, vulnerable, and elderly to their heavenly maker was patently not the case in many other european countries, such as germany.
please see graphs of national z-scores in the lower half of the euromomo graphs-and-maps-page, and weep.
to be precise, our nation's elderly, sick, and vulnerable were deliberately denied essential hospital treatment - either by general practitioners, paramedics, or hospital medics themselves - and sent home, or left at home, to die.
our nation's elderly, sick, and vulnerable did not die because of a coronavirus-pandemic, but because, having fallen seriously ill with predominantly non-coronavirus-related diseases, they were - due to nhs-management-diktat - unlawfully denied essential medical treatment in hospital.
endlösung der alterkauzfrage
isn't it just bloody marvellous to have a cast-iron government-approved excuse for gratuitous senicide?
a perfectly reasonable conspiracy-theory and a spiteful globalist hatchet-job:
exclusive: were kary mullis and jeffrey epstein contract killings for the globalist cause?
intolerable genius: berkeley’s most controversial nobel laureate
kary mullis revolutionized biology and pissed everyone off. now that he’s dead, how should we remember him?
if uk prime minister boris johnson were not so busy quaffing vintage wines and stuffing prodigious quantities of columbian coke up his nostrils, he would have had sufficient time and presence-of-mind to read, and properly comprehend, such informative scientific analysis as provided by james ferguson's the glitch that stole christmas, rosemary frei's is it true that the new variants are very dangerous?, and of course the all-important review report corman-drosten et al. eurosurveillance 2020 - external peer review of the trpcr test to detect sars-cov-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results....
however, tragically - for the hundred thousand or so faithful britons who died due to unlawful denial of nhs medical treatment - the precious playtime of the uk's biggest floating head-banger is indeed consumed by his constant servicing of a very big bad bank-draining habit, and as a consequence, he couldn't even be buggered to read the essential science - let alone follow it.
ah yes, these genocidal neo-liberal gangsters, these poncing parliamentary power-puffs can - if they wish - snuff out all those of us who have half-a-clue and half-an-ounce of common, but sadly, once rid of our tribe of truculent truth-seekers, they'll be left scrabbling 'round in the undemocratic dark - gormless as glue-sniffing garden-moles without maps - to a bouncy upbeat soundtrack by brain-dead bruce.
bostik boris: born to be boss
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