The Ambassador told us, rather unconvincingly, that the Russian troops and weaponry amassed on the Ukraine border over the last month is only because Russia is a very big country and they want to practice moving troops about. He added that “If the Ukrainian government decide to move troops into the Donbass - to make a bloodbath there and to kill Russians - then of course we are going to respond.” When asked if he believed that Russia and Ukraine are on the verge of war, he said: “I don’t think so”. He explained he's a bit uncertain because he is just the ambassador to London and he doesn't know what is going on in Moscow and he hasn't been home in a while. At least he's not in trouble and hasn't had to sleep in his car, unlike Kyaw Zwar Min.
Myanmar's ambassador to London was forced to sleep in his car after being 'locked out' of his embassy for opposing the military coup in the country. That one isn't going to end well.
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
“Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!” he said.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
Forward, the Light Brigade!”
Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
The loss of life in the Crimean War (October 1853 to February 1856) was prodigious, resulting in the death of some 750,000 military service personnel on all sides. Russian diplomat Pyotr Petrovich Troubetzkoy wrote: “Few wars in history reveal greater confusion of purpose or richer unintended consequences than the Crimean War. "
The balance of power was threatened in July 1853, when Russia occupied the Danubian Principalities (Moldavia and Walachia) to pressure Istanbul. Austria, Britain and France favoured a diplomatic settlement, but Turkey declared war in October 1853 and attacked the Russians. In late November, the Russian Black Sea fleet annihilated a Turkish squadron at Sinope. Britain, anxious to secure her trade with Turkey and access to India by maintaining the Turkish/Ottoman regime, saw this as an insult and popular opinion was for war. The new French empire was desperate for military glory and revenge for its defeat at the hands of Russia in 1812. For them, the Ottoman-Turkish empire was incidental.
The Battle of Balaclava opened shortly after 5:00 am, when a squadron of Russian Cossack Cavalry advanced under cover of darkness. The Cossacks were followed by a host of Uhlans, their Polish light cavalry allies, against several dug-in positions occupied by Ottoman Turks. The Turks fought stubbornly, sustaining 25% casualties before finally being forced to withdraw. For a time, the Russian advance was held only by the 93rd Highland Regiment, a desperate defense recorded in history as the Thin Red Line. Finally, the Russians were driven back by the British Heavy Brigade, led by George Bingham, 3rd Earl of Lucan, a man otherwise known to history for the brutality inflicted on tenants in Mayo, during the Irish potato famine.
The light cavalry consisted of lightly armed and armored troops mounted on small, fast horses, usually wielding cutlass or spear. The “Heavies”, by contrast, were mounted on huge, powerful chargers, both rider and horse heavily armored. Lucan’s subordinate was James Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan, in command of the Light Brigade. They were prideful, mean spirited and petty men, who were brothers-in-law, and thoroughly hated each other.
Field Marshal Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan, was in overall command of the allied armies. Raglan occupied a high spot from which he could see the battle, but did not realize that his subordinates below couldn’t see what he could see. Spotting a small Russian detachment trying to get away with captured cannon, Raglan issued an order to Lucan who was in overall command of his Cavalry. “Lord Raglan wishes the Cavalry to advance rapidly to the front, follow the enemy, and try to prevent the enemy carrying away the guns.” As Staff Officer Louis Nolan left to deliver the message, Raglan shouted “Tell Lord Lucan the cavalry is to attack immediately“.
The Light Brigade was well suited to such a task, but the men below had no idea what Raglan meant by such a poorly worded order. The only guns they could see were dug-in Russian artillery a mile away, at the other end of the valley. When Nolan brought the order, Lucan demanded to know what guns were meant. With a contemptuous sweep of his arm, Nolan pointed down the valley. “There, sir, are your guns“.
That order amounted to a suicide mission, even had heavy cavalry been used. The “Lights” were being ordered to ride a mile down an open valley, with enemy cannon and riflemen lining both sides, into the muzzles of dug-in, well sighted, heavy artillery. Nose to nose and glaring, neither man blinked in the contest of wills. In the end, Cardigan did as ordered. 674 horsemen of the Light Brigade mounted up, drew their swords, and rode into the valley of death.
Nolan should have gone back to Raglan, but rode out instead, in front
of the Light Brigade. He was almost certainly trying to redirect the
charge and could have saved the day, but he was the first casualty of
the raid. Raglan
must have looked on in horror at the scene unfolding below. Instead
of turning right and climbing the Causeway slopes, almost 700 horsemen
first walked, then trotted and finally charged, straight down the
valley, into the Russian guns. Captain Thomas Hutton of the 4th Light
Dragoons said "A child might have seen the trap that was laid for us. Every private dragoon did".

Easy to digress, once one starts on GlobaCorp and its agents but I suppose my point is that a presence does not reflect either an intrinsic value or a statistical relevance; we must not conflate marketing with reality. And that's why I came to talk about the Jews - or Judaism.
It was mr tdg and mr bungalow bill who mentioned the immensely disproportionate contribution to human progress of - I don't know what you call them, people, I suppose, with some Jewish blood - those connected somehow to an iron age religion, those who may or may not follow its tenets but feel themselves, nevertheless, embraced by, enfolded in its exclusivity. Probably the oldest form of racism, Judaism except that it's all moot, are they members of a race or a faith? it is a faith obviously, but a good deal more, too. It is something which I have been raised to accept as - forgive me - Gospel Truth, whilst simultaneously, if furtively, being told, whispered to, that You can't trust them, the Tribe. Is it true, though? I think the latter is axiomatically demonstrated, one cannot trust any zealous religionist, be he Jehovah's Witness or Jehovah's Chosen, for he will serve a purpose alien to the commonwealth of man, be he Muslim, Mormon, Sikh or B'hai, he - and it is normally he - will rule his home according to myth and superstition, Ahmed and Isaac, alike, will brainwash their families into obedience, into separatism and bogus superiority. The family and its faith, the roots of racism and bigotry. We need not travel to Tel Aviv, we can see it in Glasgow, Belfast or Enniskillen, there are religions of peace causing shit and havoc everywhere you look. Why should Judaism be any different? Ah but mr ishmael, it is a religion of peace, it's adherents only wanting to be left alone. 'Snot what it says in the Torah, which is nothing but fire and brimstone, flood and slaughter, not just in the past but forever more. Judaism, like Islam, is a state of war; it is engaged in an unwinnable war with its god, with its historical tormentors and with its neighbours, whom, constitutionally and scripturally, it must cleanse from the land. UN rulings which Israel does not like - As of 2013, Israel had been condemned in 45 resolutions by the United Nations Human Rights Council since its creation in 2006, the Council had resolved almost more resolutions condemning Israel than on the rest of the world combined. The 45 resolutions comprised almost half (45.9%) of all country-specific resolutions passed by the Council, - it does not honour, whilst piously damning its neighbours' lawlessness. Those who ignore Israel's criminality do so on the basis that they are Jews, themselves, or that Jewish suffering in the Holocaust and other pogroms was so great that she is beyond the law. Israeli is not alone, of course, in her criminality, all major Western powers flout international laws and conventions, Uncle Sam's war and espionage machine is the great Satan, he is the global torturer; France, her relics of empire still a casus bellum, meddle brutally wherever she can and under the cock-waving nincompoop, Hollande, has begged to be allowed to jump on the faces of their enemies, once Uncle Sam has got 'em on the ground.
Religion (2011) | Eng. | Wales | Scotland | Northern Ireland | U. K. | |||||||||
% | % | % | % | % | ||||||||||
Christianity | 59.4 | 57.6 | 53.8 | 82.3 | 59.5 | |||||||||
Islam | 5.0 | 1.5 | 1.4 | 0.21 | 4.4 | |||||||||
Hinduism | 1.5 | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.13 | 1.3 | |||||||||
Sikhism | 0.8 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.01 | 0.7 | |||||||||
Judaism | 0.5 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.02 | 0.4 | |||||||||
Buddhism | 0.5 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.06 | 0.4 | |||||||||
Other religion | 0.4 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.39 | 0.4 | |||||||||
Total non-Christian religion | 8.7 | 2.7 | 2.6 | 0.8 | 7.7 | |||||||||
No religion | 24.7 | 32.1 | 36.7 | 10.1 | 25.7 | |||||||||
Religion not stated | 7.2 | 7.6 | 7.0 | 6.8 | 7.2 | |||||||||
No religion and Religion not stated | 31.9 | 39.7 | 43.6 | 16.9 | 32.8 | |||||||||
The band is playing “Dixie,” a man got his hand outstretched
Could be the Führer
Could be the local priest
You know sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace
Link for Hard Back :
Link for Paper Back :
![]() |
Sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace. |

I wonder if Andrew Porchester climbed into his Admiral's uniform when putting Jeff's teens in their place?
The Ukraine panto will come to its seasonal end. Good piece by Hitchens in the Mail today about the "Russian menace".
Love and consequential humility, Mrs I, are the enduring answer - wherever they may come from. For my part, I am increasingly in need of a God who will stand up to the Devil.
Let us pray.
The Royal dressing-up box seems bottomless, mr bungalow bill. The feathered cockade is particularly repellent.
I hope you're right about the Ukrainian maneuverings, but it seems that a state of perpetual warfare is the lot of mankind. Religion is used to excuse the mass early death of young warriors on the specious premise that this life is just a rehearsal for the real life awaiting the true believer. These blood-thirsty gods lap the blood of the gullible. Can they be distinguished from the Devil?
i await, with utmost trepidation, the imminent announcement, by prime minister boris bollock-brain, that the mass-vaccination-programme has unfortunately failed to vanquish the manically mutating coronavirus, but that - according to the cia-led science of witch-doctor whitty ba phys, bm bch med, dtm&h trop med & hyg, msc epid, llm med law, mba bus ad, dipecon econ, dsc juju - we should fear not, because mandatory male-circumcision will offer life-long protection against the dreaded lab-born lurgy and induce in our population the level of herd-immunity required to kill absolutely all known sarson's-coven-2 stains dead.
Jolly good, mr ultrapox, I'm glad that you've found the remedy. And that it doesn't involve surgical attack on female bits.
That's some impressive list of credentials that Witch-Doctor Whitty possesses. I'm particularly taken by by the MBA bus ad. That's a useful one. Kind of reminds me of the useful occupations and qualifications enjoyed by the intrepid adventurers of Douglas Adams' Golgafrinchan Arc Fleet Ship B as they prepared the way for the colonization of their new planetary home by sanitising the telephones and filming documentaries about themselves. Hmmm - what does that remind me of?
And why isn't India on the Red List?
There is no need to feel left out, mrs i. It is quite acceptable to identify as having had your little fellow trimmed. Get a stick-on orange beard and have a psychosomatic waddle around the Co-Op. It'll do you the world of good and will also entertain the natives.
Porchester Fils looked proper grumpy at the do, I thought. He has had to cheer himself up by having us buy him a new Bentley.
Thank you for the suggestion, mr mongoose, but I think I'll give that one a miss. We're a conservative lot in the archipelago. And we don't want Harris distressed.
There'll be no Bentleys in prison. He should Enjoy while he can.
I see India is to be on the Red List from Friday after all.
There some football news dominating the telly, but I have no opinion on the matter. Mainly because I don't understand it. No, don't explain.
Mrs I: slight historical correction on "Russia annexed Crimea". Crimea has been Russian for centuries, until the drunk Yeltsin handed it to Ukraine. But part of the deal was that Russia retained its Black Sea port Sevastopol, which is its gateway to the Med. Well, the US wanted that port and they orchestrated that coup in Ukraine in 2014 whereby the elected Govt was overthrown and right wing Nazis were installed run by the CIA.. The majority of Crimeans are Russian, Russian speakers and passport holders, but after the coup they were forbidden to use the Russian language and similarly persecuted. They held a referendum and overwhelmingly voted to join the Russian Federation, and Russia welcomed them in (incidentally building the massive Kerch bridge to the Crimea in record time).
Similar story with the Donbass in eastern Ukraine. When Ukraine forces last attacked the Donbass they got their arses handed to them, and there has been a standoff ever since.
The latest unrest is again US organised, but something much bigger is afoot. Russia moved 2 armies (200,000 men, thousands of tanks, artillery and missiles) to the border. Also chillingly they have set up a large military hospital there. Also 4 divisions of paratroops and aviation squadrons have been sent to the Crimea. This is massive overkill; a fraction of this force would destroy the Ukrainian armed forces within 48 hours.
An interesting development pointing to the larger picture was revealed on Saturday with the revelation and unravelling of a US orchestrated coup, plus assassination of the Belarus president Lukashenko. Belarus is a Russian ally and holds a strategic position on the northern border of Ukraine, and borders Russia.
Unbelievable incompetence by the CIA (and no doubt UK involvement as well). This is well worth a read:
Putin is giving a major speech on April 21. Things may be a lot clearer then.
PS I should emphasise that those 2 armies are elite troops and were shipped to the border in 3 weeks - which speaks volumes of itself. All railway transport across Russia was requisitioned. Plus there are reports that all Russian armed forces were put on combat alert - the last time that happened was the Cuban missile crisis.
Meanwhile, in other news the UK inexplicably has sent 2 destroyers into the Black Sea - AFTER the yanks decided, wisely, against sending in their 2 ships. Talk about stupidity of the highest level. FFS. Nothing of this being reported in UK or western media, just the usual propaganda. This is a very dangerous time.
the world has become so indoctrinated, sick, and twisted, mrs ishmael, that, were magic johnson actually to mandate male-circumcision as a proven prophylactic against the corona-lurgy, feminists - backed up by good-for-nothing ehrcestablishment-guardians - would probably begin banging on downing street's door for equal treatment.
meanwhile, in the midst of a supposed russian invasion of 'western' europe, not-to-mention the greatest global crisis since the black bloody death and the fucking flood, why-on-earth is our prattling prime minister now worrying about fucking football for fuck's sake?
has not football always been capable of taking care of itself?
in fact - rather like the current commercial breakaway by top clubs - wasn't the world-beating billion-dollar-spinning premier league once rather frowned upon by the fuddy-duddy establishment of fa-use?
according to wikipedia:
"the premier league is the most-watched sports league in the world, broadcast in 212 territories to 643 million homes and a potential tv audience of 4.7 billion people."
ah, if only our puffed-up politicians could see themselves in the horizontal mirror from which, in the paranoia-punctuating performance of a ridiculous self-assurance-ritual, they pathetically snort their authority-reinforcing lines of cia-supplied coke.
of course, maybe the football-fiasco's just designed as a deliberate distraction from the criminal war which our deranged leaders are busy brewing in ukraine...
but this tetchy tectonic tinder-basket, will it blow, mr mike...?
for whilst the 1854 crimean parallel - here drawn with the currently deteriorating donbass-situation - is disturbingly poignant, and whilst i admit that, in the optical toilet of today's political shambles, the historical precedent of russia protecting middle-eastern minorities certainly exudes an ominously pungent odour...
can you really imagine the poles kissing and making up with the russians - to become allies again, as in 1853...?
or can you truly envisage the turks taking on the russians?
well, although it might be welcome, i doubt this first scenario to be a probability...
and i hope and pray that the second is an absolute impossibility.
dear me, if only, in the current conflict-ripe context of crimean instability, the british and eu-nations favoured a diplomatic solution - just as they did back in 1853.
frankly, it seems suicidal for the uknot to seek peace, because, having utilized cia-orchestration to stage a false flag chemical attack against syrian civilians in idlib - and having then maliciously blamed the consequent carnage upon president assad - the americans will soon be poised to pull the trigger on syria, with the russians ruffled-and-ready to invade ukraine in retaliatory counter-poise...
bear in mind too that, from the crimea, mr putin could easily transfer troops south to protect the syrian government in damascus.
yes, how fantastic...
not only have the dear demented democrats staged a military coup in their own country, the united states, but for reasons of pure arrogance and egotism, this seedily supremacist élite now imperiously wishes to ignite world war.
now, why was it again that we had to get rid of "dangerman" don trump?
dodgy tweets, wunnit?
I think that what will happen, mr mike, is that Bad Vlad will do as he wants - with or without violence - and the rest of the world will tut-tut disapprovingly before carrying on as before. As you say, the notion that the Russians would give up their access to the Mediterranean is nonsense at any price.
I expect that some US cities are going to go up in flames this evening. What the hell Sleepy Joe thought he was doing ringing up George Floyd's family during a criminal trial is beyond me. Apart from the crudest of all possible virtue signalling.
Gentlemen, thank you - the knowledge and information displayed here puts to shame the BBC, obsessed as it is with Covid and Football, the opium of the masses. I remember from my A level History, back in the Dark Ages, the intense importance for Russia of retaining a Black Sea port and access to the Med.
Please continue to keep us informed of the political maneuverings at work, as we surely won't get a balanced view from the British media.
And in the stables, four horses have been saddled up - Pestilence is here, Famine won't be far behind, and it looks like War is mounting up. The Pale Rider is never far away, of course. Private Eye's M.D. (edition 1544) tells us that that globally, nearly 3 million people have died from Covid, but 57 million have died from other causes. To be born is to die, of course, but M.D. is talking about premature deaths. Add to that the deaths that would be inflicted in the sort of conflict that seems to be under preparation - wealthy old leaders have always been negligent with the lives of the poor, deeming them cannon fodder - and it looks like the planet's over- population crisis will be solved, together with the global warming that is caused by there being too many humans.
Footie, mrs i, is a tax on the daft. Give it not another thought.
The Chauvin business is a murky, sordid mess. As we here know - all copper are bastards. (BTW it distresses me beyond measure that the vermin of the wokerati have hijacked our little phrase and bent it to their perverse agenda.) All the same I cannot feel just a tad that the poor bugger is being sacrificed as a useful and expendable robocop in the Detrumpifying of America. How many lawyers versus one, was it? Must have been a dozen or more. And how many dollars? Oh well. I suppose that it all keeps eyes averted from the elephant in the voting booth.
i can't pretend to know much about history or military matters, mrs ishmael, but i know when to fear the worst - and just hope and pray that, by expressing those fears, we might somehow achieve a less worse outcome.
now, given that the cameras were rolling throughout the floyd-arrest, i find fairly unconvincing the intent-reliant verdict of second degree murder which has been returned against the most senior officer involved, however, given the dangerous over-reaction of policemen which is all too predictably precipitated by the task of apprehending a black suspect, i consider the separate verdicts of second-degree manslaughter - through negligence - and third-degree-murder - as a consequence of assault - to be much more reasonably argued.
ultimately, since the former law-enforcer convicted in this trial - derek chauvin - had, during his police-career, been involved in several controversial shootings - one of which resulted in a suspect's death - it is highly doubtful - despite justice in this case not having been strictly served - that many tears will be shed in minneapolis for this dismissed cop - especially since the impending, though arduous, appeal-process will probably reduce any prison-sentence handed down to him.
Take away the robocop uniform, the weapons, the bullyboy handcuffs, like pulling a snail from its shell or seeing the ancient wrinkled vulnerable neck and feet of the tortoise emerge from its shell, and there stands another pitiful human being, blinking in horror and disbelief as his hands are cuffed, as he is forcibly removed from the court to begin one of those monstrous prison sentences the Americans love so much, in one of those monstrous prisons they love so much. What sort of life will he have inside? How will they protect him, a disgraced former cop with form for deadly violence?
As mr ultrapox says, the issue of intent goes to the heart of this conviction. In Britain we have murder or manslaughter. In both these crimes, a person is killed. That is the actus reus. To prove murder, it is necessary to show intent to kill, recklessness as to whether death might result, or criminal negligence - that is, the reasonable person would realise that death would result. Manslaughter is the appropriate charge when an unlawful killing occurred, but there was no deliberation, premeditation, or malice by the perpetrator. In Britain, a charge of murder could have been proven against Chauvin, as I'm pretty sure that a reasonable person would have realised that if you sustain pressure on a person's neck by kneeling on it for nine and a half minutes then death would result. At the very least, Chauvin was reckless as to whether death might result.
The United States has different definitions and different degrees of murder. And these are different in different states. As are the penalties. The charge of First degree murder is a bit similar to the British charge, in that mens rea is required, which is formed by the perpetrator having premeditated killing with malice aforethought. There is no equivalent of the British formulation of mens rea by recklessness or criminal negligence.
George Floyd died in consequence of the actions of Chauvin. The appeal process will, doubtless, further probe how far Chauvin's intentions render him guilty of an unlawful act according to the legal definitions in the state in which Floyd died in consequence of a botched arrest in front of a handful of people who were horrified and had the presence of mind to film the event. The other issue, of course, is how far he had a fair trial, when those same films have been circulated world wide, and when the President of the United States declared that the jury should bring in a guilty verdict.
@ultrapox - 21 april 2021 at 19:16
sorry, in the first paragraph, i meant to say "less bad outcome".
yes, mrs ishamael, but in fact, with respect to mr chauvin's conviction, i misunderstood that the second-degree unintentional murder verdict relied upon intentional assault, rather than intentional murder.
cnn explains minnesota's state-law thus:
the second-degree unintentional murder charge alleged chauvin caused floyd's death "without intent" while committing or attempting to commit felony third-degree assault. in turn, third-degree assault is defined as the intentional infliction of substantial bodily harm.
the third-degree murder charge alleged chauvin caused floyd's death by "perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life."
the second-degree manslaughter charge alleged chauvin caused floyd's death by "culpable negligence whereby the person creates an unreasonable risk, and consciously takes chances of causing death or great bodily harm."
given that, through the long-term and pre-mortem ingestion of dangerous narcotics, george floyd had already inflicted upon himself substantial bodily harm...
given that, despite his suspicions of mr floyd's drug-use, the arresting officer could never have predicted the extent of the pre-existing physical damage caused by such drug-use...
given that the arrest was completed in front of recording video-cameras...
given that the arresting officer did not even exert enough pressure upon george floyd's neck to leave a mark...
and given that the second arresting officer, who sat upon george floyd's torso, could well have inflicted the injury which decisively contributed to mr floyd's death...
i would submit that...
whilst he was criminally and recklessly negligent in failing to call for immediate medical assistance...
and whilst, in effecting excessive restraint, he perpetrated a dangerous act and evinced a depraved mind, without regard for human life...
the arresting officer in fact had no intention of inflicting substantial bodily harm upon mr floyd in front of video-recording witnesses...
and i must therefore further submit that, with respect to the charge of second-degree unintentional murder, the defence-lawyer failed dismally to make his case.
in summary, i conclude that the arresting officer, mr chauvin, should have been found not guilty of the second-degree unintentional murder charge - especially were consideration duly afforded to the numerous pre-existing medical factors, and defendant-unconnected restraint-related factors, which clearly co-contributed to mr floyd's death.
The officers had him in a police car and restrained. They could have left him there where nobody could have known anything nor have filmed anything. They surely think now that they would have been better off leaving Mr Floyd to die in the back of that police car instead of taking him out and - so 'tid said - trying to help him. It is too polluted a political shit heap to make sense of now.
It is interesting that the defence called only two or three witnesses and seemed to mount almost no proper defence at all. Was the lawyer preparing a defence in preparation for the appeal? He put his markers out there to open the avenues of enquiry at a later more analytical time. We shall see.
One would als think that two senior members of the government openly requiring the "right" verdict on TV makes a mistrial almost automatic. Likewise the paying of 27 million in compo during jury selection. It is all deeply corrupt and disgusting.
However, Chauvin is a robocop just like all the rest we have seen all our lives. They may not all start out bastards but they do surely all end up that way.
having committed his entire career to the destruction of black lives - and proudly delivered the memorial service eulogy for a former kkk "kleagle"-cum-“exalted cyclops” - it's hardly surprising that a president, sordidly insatiable in his greed for cheap political capital, has now, through a cleverly white house contrived breach of natural justice, all but ensured the overturn-upon-appeal of the murder-and-manslaughter-convictions accruing to his afro-aggressing aryan blood-brother - disgraced negro-killing cop derek chauvin.
indeed, in this same respect, i consider that, since her lawless intervention in the chauvin-case, one must also seriously suspect congresswoman maxine waters of kkk-membership, albeit to a lesser degree than one might presidents obama and clinton, of course, who, alongside snapdragon biden, both spoke at that notorious memorial service for former klansman and hillary-mentor - the senator, segregationist, and civil rights opposer - bob byrd-shyte.
when will african-americans finally realize that they are being used as expendable vote-fodder by the demon-democrats, and that blm-activists just serve as running-dog racial camouflage for antifa - the ku klux klan's contemporary re-incarnation - whose deep-state-dixiecraft-agents have developed the egregiously hateful habit of emerging trojan-like from blm's inner-city shadows to trash black neighbourhoods - leaving wrecked properties reduced in value and ripe-for-the-picking of globalist speculators?
don't believe me?
well, when black conservative commentator candace owens can, without the slightest media-outrage, be maliciously targeted by an hysterical all white antifa-mob - simply because she chooses to breakfast in a philadelphia-café with a white male conservative colleague - you know damn well that something is seriously wrong in the ideologically twisted state of radical 'socialism' - particularly given that the antifa-thugs were shouting "fuck the racist police" at the black and hispanic cops who intervened to protect ms owens.
i-spy the anti-racists' pretextual outlet for their own repressed and repurposed racism...
a blue-collar-kid-made-good, senator robert byrd was, to his credit, "a lone voice against the iraq war", but a fanatic cheerleader for the vietnam war.
writing about the senator in the takeaway, celeste headlee kindly provides the following byrd-quotes:
"i shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side...rather i should die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds."
"be sure you avoid the ku klux klan. don't get that albatross around your neck. once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena"
"i thought, well now suppose i were black, and my grandson and i were on the highways in the mid-hours of the morning or midnight, and i stopped at a place to get that little grandson a glass of water or to have it go to the restroom, and there's a sign 'whites only' people love their grandsons as much as i love mine, and that's not right."
yes, mr mongoose...
by rights, chauvin should have pled guilty to the two lesser indictments and only fought the charge of second-degree unintentional murder - however, paradoxically, biden's brazen political intervention could now see all three of chauvin's convictions quashed upon appeal.
it's a funny old world...
but just not for those stuck in the cunt.
@ultrapox - 23 april 2021 at 02:00
i wish to apologize, since, upon reflection, maybe the word "but" - contained in the final sentence of the above comment - could be regarded by some as superfluous, or unnecessary - and god forbid, might even be considered excessive.
meanwhile, the indians are blaming their alleged coronavirus-surge upon the 'uk-variant'...
well, why not, eh?
@ultrapox - 23 april 2021 at 16:37
i of course meant to write "...since i feel that...".
Thank you, mr ultrapox, I'm indebted to you for your knowledge of US law and politics - I'm wondering if you are based in our former colony? My knowledge of criminal law is limited to that of England and Wales where I studied and worked in the criminal justice system - I can't even pretend to be authoritative on Scottish law, which is unreformed, uncodified, thickly bristling with Latin legal terms and deeply obscure - deliberately, I suspect, to confuse the layman and justify the continuing existence of an overpaid, patronising and corrupt legal system. mr ishmael used to subscribe to the SACL ( movement) and, amateurish as its productions are, if only the half of its revelations are true, it paints a picture of a self-serving and corrupt profession.
The issue of George Floyd's drug use was made much of in the trial. In itself, apparently, his drug use was not fatal. Did it render him more susceptible to his brutal arrest? In England, that would not be a deciding factor. We have the concept of "the eggshell skull" rule, derived from the law of Tort and adopted by the criminal law as the concept of "you must take your victim as you find him."
This rule holds that a tortfeasor is liable for all consequences resulting from their tortious activities leading to an injury to another person, even if the victim suffers an unusually high level of damage. The eggshell skull rule takes into account the physical, social, and economic attributes of the plaintiff which might make them more susceptible to injury. It may also take into account the family and cultural environment. The term implies that if a person had a skull as delicate as that of the shell of an egg, and a tortfeasor who was unaware of the condition injured that person's head, causing the skull unexpectedly to break, the defendant would be held liable for all damages resulting from the wrongful contact, even if the tortfeasor did not intend to cause such a severe injury.
I don't know if you have such a principle in US law? But then, of course, the law varies from state to state. It must be hugely confusing. It's bad enough in the United Kingdom. Side-bar - we used to call our country "Great Britain" - has that name been abandoned because of colonialist, triumphalist connotations?
So, when I moved to Scotland and started work within the criminal justice system here, my manager suggested I have an interview with the Procurator Fiscal - a snooty, pinstriped Edinburgh lawyer, so that he could put me right about the differences between the English and Scottish systems. The difference is seen in many, many ways - why do they "continue" cases instead of "adjourning" them, for example? You can be charged here with Breach of the Peace by doing something heinous or something lawful - one chap found himself in Court for Breaching the Peace by dancing naked, alone, in his own living room.
Anyway, I approached this Edinburgh lawyer, who drew himself up to his full, pin-striperly height and proceeded to sneer down his nose at me. "I really do not have the faintest idea", he pridefully announced. "How do you expect me to know? I studied in Scotland: in Edinburgh. I have no idea what they do in England." He might as well have added, amongst the barbarians.
given, mrs ishmael, that mr chauvin failed to provide, or even summon, immediate medical assistance - but instead executed mr floyd's arrest by employing an excessive level of restraint - i do not dispute mr chauvin's criminal culpability for second-degree manslaughter or third degree-murder, only his culpability for second-degree unintentional murder - the establishment of which relies upon proving mr chauvin's intention to inflict substantial bodily harm upon mr floyd, and thereby commit a felony in front of witnesses who were recording video-footage of the arrest; mr floyd's drug-use and extremely poor state of physical health does not, as you expertly indicate, have any impact upon mr chauvin's culpability, or liability, for either second-degree manslaughter or third degree-murder, yet given mr chauvin's ignorance of mr floyd's precarious underlying state-of-health - and therefore his ignorance of the possibility that substantial harm to mr floyd might result from inappropriately effected restraint - i humbly contest that mr floyd's underlying drug-induced state-of-ill-health must indeed impact upon the due determination of mr chauvin's culpability for the second-degree unintentional murder of mr floyd.
my knowledge of each national variety of law and politics is in fact very much cursory and incidental, mrs ishmael, but does not in any manner deter my lifelong professional and personal efforts - as both an mi6-agent based in the united states and a patriotic citizen of great britain - to undermine and ultimately recolonize the old american foe.
as mrs ishmael hints, there still remain some evidential anomalies inherent within the conviction of derek chauvin - not least the extent to which the neck-restraint employed by mr chauvin contributed to mr floyd's death.
ironically, if the prosecution had conceded mr floyd's life to have been endangered by his own drug-use, then mr chauvin's actions to excessively restrain mr floyd - instead of to provide, or even summon, emergency medical assistance - could - given mr chauvin's prior cognizance of mr floyd's perilously drugged state - have been proven eo ipso* to constitute not only the intentional infliction of substantial bodily harm, but ipso facto** the commission of felony third-degree assault upon which a conviction of second-degree unintentional murder must, according to minnesota law, be secured...
however, death by denial of medical assistance, although probably all-too-common an occurrence in police-custody, neither creates sensational news-headlines, nor fuels the current political cause célèbre of anti-racism.
[*in themselves]
[**by virtue of this fact]
by-the-way, mrs ishmael, i consider the scottish chap, who was prosecuted for dancing naked and alone in his own living room, to have been most unlucky that, on the evening in question, nicola strangeone was out-and-about with her night-vision-goggles - and had abseiled down the tower-block until outside his window.
I don't think we want to re-colonise america, mr ultrapox - they are too far gone. Best left to themselves. The trouble is that they won't leave us alone. Cultural colonisation, and not an apology or a bent knee in sight.
So you were one of our brave band of spooks? How exotic. I suppose someone has to do the job and I think there are astonishingly large numbers of them around, attempting to blend into society after a life on the edge. When I was a young and glamorous legal student, I dated a former spy. He had been attached to our embassy in Rhodesia, and, on retirement - I think the policy is to let them go early so they can have something of a normal life - he forged a second career in the legal profession. He was 26 years older than me, deeply tanned, as you can imagine, tres tres sophisticated - or seemed so to a northern lass, and wanted to whisk me across the seas to Rhodesia, where we would live in a bungalow with a verandah and be waited on by happy smiling black fellows. Good thing I turned down that offer, eh? Five minutes later, it was Ian Smith, UDI,the monstrous Mugabe and goodbye Rhodesia, hello Zimbabwe. Educated by Jesuits, Mugabe. Just saying.
mr ishmael blogged about another former spy we knew, who, in a moment of intense insight and self-disgust, threw his revolver into a deep, swiftly-running river, renouncing his former life. mr ishmael scattered his ashes on a windy hillside on the magical Welsh-English border. Not magical in a pretty sense - magickal in a dark, Satanic, what the fuck are you messing with that stuff, sense.
Yes, the solitary naked dancer - just bad luck, I guess, that respectable women, equipped with binoculars, just happened to observe his moves. Let that be a warning to scottish ishmaelites - you can never escape the gaze of the right-thinking, god-fearing Presbyterian Woman. Wear three pairs of underpants on all occasions.
call me a conspiracy theorist - and i offer this obtuse observation further to my above juristic ponderings on the matter - but this guy chauvin had - without any criminal prosecution ever being mounted against him by the democrat-authority in minneapolis - been controversially involved in shooting non-white suspects, had been going around using vicious choke-holds on people, then, when he slipped up by accidentally killing george floyd - and the democrats required a few race-riots to undermine trump's presidency - chauvin is made a prize political scapegoat, and to cap it all - with biden safely installed in the white house and a shiny sizzling show-trial sufficing for the cosmetic democrat-purpose of augmenting anti-racist-optics - chauvin's prosecution is bungled with a badly framed second-degree murder-case - perhaps due to political complacency boosted off the back of a vengeful tide of public opinion, perhaps due to lack of legal competence, or perhaps due to courthouse-cop-corruption, who knows...?
@ultrapox - 25 april 2021 at 09:19
sorry, i've transgressed by making a bit of a pickle of my tense-transpositions - and the centre passage of the above comment would better read as follows:
"...chauvin was made a prize political scapegoat, and to cap it all - now biden's safely installed in the white house and a shiny sizzling show-trial suffices for the cosmetic democrat-purpose of augmenting anti-racist-optics..."
dear god, mrs ishmael, bob mugobby would have been proud of this crypto-neo-colonial charade of democracy.
dear god, mrs ishmael, bob mugobby would have been proud to stage this crypto-neo-colonial charade of democracy.
Ah MI6 mr ultrapox, that explains the constant, endless corrections and corrections of corrections. Our brave security forces have gotten most things wrong over the decades, well apart from killing each other, nice to see you haven’t broken the mould.
You weren’t the author of Alky Cambell’s Iraq dossier were you?
mr chauvin previously practiced his cruel neck-restraint upon so many different people - who have evidently lived to tell the tale without suffering serious injury - that i regret to report the improbability of mr chauvin setting out to deliberately kill - or cause substantial harm to - mr floyd - and indeed, quite frankly, one is impelled to ask why ever mr chauvin would intentionally have committed such a heinous career-ending crime in front of cameras?
unfortunately, mr floyd was a very sick man, therefore the actual crime committed, by mr chauvin and his police-colleagues, was to intentionally ignore the serious medical emergency which - due to the prior ingestion of very dangerous drugs - mr floyd was already suffering, and to instead decide to sit, or kneel, upon him.
@ultrapox - 23 april 2021 at 01:52
sorry, i should of course have written "a hysterical" in the penultimate paragraph of the above comment.
you appear to be labouring under a serious misapprehension, mr inmate - namely that i belong to the neo-imperialist british spooks-club military intelligence 6, when in fact i merely belong to mentally insane 6, which, due to insoluble ideological differences, developed as a radical off-shoot from the mega-mental ministry of mad idiots 5.
now, whilst we at mentally insane 6 most sincerely sympathize with the anti-imperialist struggle of the real mi6 - whose few remaining members, not yet locked in hold-alls and left to die, continue valiantly to resist the historic and creeping cia-colonization of their hollowed organization - we nonetheless recognize that our brutish intelligence services are essentially populated by a bunch of mad imperialist bastards - at least 6 of them, i imagine - and that, since the covert cold-war-coup staged against our own british spooks by united states spies back in the nineteen-sixties, many of these mad imperialist bastards, regrettably, transpire to be mad american imperialist bastards.
astonishingly, some months after the outbreak of war with iraq, i once almost fell victim to an attempt by mi5 to sneakily recruit me...
because you see, having passed a couple of innocuous telephone-interviews for the position of admin-assistant - which were conducted by a regular employment-agency - i was rather surprised to receive the galling news that, despite the arrant rubbish i'd deliberately been spouting in the form of answers, i would be receiving forthwith a job-application-form from mi5 - however, when reaching the point in this form's completion at which i was required to state the profound and meaningful reason for my supposedly awe-struck application to join britain's world-famous snooping-service, i simply intimated that failure to complete the application-process would have automatically jeopardized my entitlement to jobseeker's allowance.
unfortunately, the high-and-mighty mi5-commissioned recruitment-agency turned out to be rather unimpressed by my non-unctuous jobseeking-response, and chivalrously taking offence upon mi5's behalf, proceeded to complain about my unbritish attitude to the jobcentre - which duly hauled me over the coals for a couple of weeks.
finally, upset by the unconscionably oppressive treatment to which i had been subjected, i wrote to mi5 by way of counter-protest - and enlightened its director as to my feelings regarding his firm's politically motivated prosecution of nob-headed neo-imperialist wars in the middle-east.
true story
on the subject of corrections, mr inmate, may i explain that - because i'm rather ring-rusty, you see - i come to this sparsely populated arse-end of the cyber-backwoods in order to indulge in a spot of metaphysical target-practice, and take a few political pot-shots, without the danger of harming innocent bystanders - however, given that there's always the outside chance that members of the more youthful generation might, out of curiosity, still stumble upon this blog, i would not wish to run the risk of contaminating their impressionable young minds with the triple polluting evils of poor syntax, grammar, and spelling, which would, if left unchecked, literally conspire to subvert the very society in which we live.
by-the-way, according to wikipedia, bobby mcgobby "argued that following the overthrow of european colonial regimes, western countries continued to keep african countries in a state of subservience because they desired the continent's natural resources while preventing it from industrialising", and he wasn't wrong. the contradiction-riddled former president also opined that "cricket civilizes people and creates good gentlemen".
@ultrapox - 27 april 2021 at 02:48
in the first paragraph of the above comment, for:
"...the very society in which we live."
please read:
"...the very fabric of our society."
thank you.
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