The Luckiest Man No Longer Alive.
I wasn't going to do this. The Phillipine Broadcasting Company are doing it in spades (that's a term from a card-game, BLM-ites, don't denounce me. At the very least, give me chance to apologise, on my belly, before shooting me). The PBC has been
rolling out a load of old Huffington-Puffingtons, Brigadiers Golightly
Jockstraps and former Gaiety Girl and Speaker of the House of Commons, Betty
Boothroyd, telling us just how wonderful he is, was and ever shall be, world
without end amen. And, apparently, he
undertook royal duties alone, abroad, because the Queen, God Bless you, Ma'am,
was busy with maternal duties. Not a word about being sent out of the country
because the swordsmanship was becoming notorious. The Queen can have children by any old swordsman and they'll still be royal, I suppose - the royalty flowing through the Royal Womb, so to speak, but the PBC is still doggedly trotting out the wisdom that Phil the Greek fathered four children upon Her Gracious Majesty.
Even Andrew Marr, who we can usually rely on to stick the boot in, is doing it. The veneration thing. I had to turn it off to avoid Joanna Lumley gushing.
Even Andrew Marr, who we can usually rely on to stick the boot in, is doing it. The veneration thing. I had to turn it off to avoid Joanna Lumley gushing.
I did consider a headline:
Another Incredibly Old Bastard Dies

Then I thought of the grief that might cause God Bless You Ma'am, so I was going to preserve a decent silence on the subject of a nonagenarian dying after a lifetime in the lap of luxury, who, after a rocky start in life, identified a 13 year old who could elevate him back into the royal privilege that the Greek Revolution of 1922 had denied him. In Bradford, Social Services might describe this behaviour by a foreign adult as grooming. Which, of course, it wasn't. It was the love story of the century, even though, as it turns out, they are cousins; Queen Victoria having populated Europe with her progeny, which, as we know, caused the First World War. You just have to look at the two eldest kids to see what horrors that level of in-breeding can produce. By the way, should someone arrest the surgeons who perpetrated that pro-ceed-ure upon a 99 year old that led to his death some three weeks later? Or should we shut up about that?
Anyway, mr verge insisted that we should commemorate this passing of a God, cos it doesn't happen everyday that a nation mourns the death of its deity. Our Fawts and Prares are with the devout (if misguided) Kastom people of the Yaohnanen village of Tanna in Vanuatu. Gather around the shit-fire, children, and hear the ancient tale of the Kastom people. In olden times, the son of a mountain spirit traveled over the seas to a distant land. There, he married a powerful woman and in time would return to them. Vanuatu is an archipelago in the south-western Pacific, population 265,000 (more than Orkney); administered jointly by Britain and France as the New Hebrides. Vanuatu became an independent republic within the Commonwealth of Nations in 1980. So back in the 1950's and '60's, it formed part of Queen Brenda's royal burden, pictures and colonial officials all over the place. The people of the Yaohnanen area observed the respect accorded to Queen Elizabeth II and concluded that her husband, Prince Philip, must be the son referred to in their legends. Well, you would think that, wouldn't you? The facts fitted.The royal couple's official visit to Vanuatu in 1974, afforded a few
villagers the opportunity to actually see Prince Philip from a
distance. Tall and white, walking two paces behind, it was clear that the son of the mountain spirit had returned to them.
Unaware of his Deification until the British Resident Commissioner enlightened him a few years later, Phil decided to play along and sent his worshipers a signed photo. Overwhelmed by this condescension by their God, they sent him a traditional pig-killing club called a nal-nal. In compliance with their request, Philippos Andreou of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderberg-Glucksburg, Prince of Greece and Denmark, Duke of Edinburgh, sent a photograph of himself posing with the club.

You may laugh, and I have to admit, it is pretty damn funny, but explain to me how, and in what way, is the behaviour of the Kastom people any different to that of the British nation?
Having had our revolution and beheaded our King, back in 1649, there was the opportunity to forge a modern nation upon democratic principles. So what happens? They invite any old monarch from the scaff and raff of Europe to take on the job - because the ancient aristocratic system of privilege needs a monarch to pin the whole degenerate structure in place. For heaven's sake, England, just what is the matter with you?
I daresay the pig-killing stick came in handy on the Windsor Estate, where more than 7,000 wild animals were killed during 2013 according to a Freedom of Information request by Animal Aid. There's no reason to believe that 2013 was an exceptional year.
While the figures for
January were not recorded due to ‘a change in both staff and regime’, the
number of animals killed throughout the rest of the year totaled 7,129.These included:
- 3901 pigeons
- 1161 rabbits
- 772 jackdaws
- 325 squirrels
- 191 crows
- 159 foxes
- 56 roe deer
- 28 hares
- 9 moles
So here's to you, Man Belong Mrs Queen, luckiest man no longer alive, we're now expecting a few miracles, Sir.
One good thing to come out of this grief-fest is that Scotland has stopped electioneering for the duration. This means, though, that there are few opportunities to see this magnificent SNP party political broadcast.
I do hope it back fires all over them.

Nothing from mr ishmael, this week, as we had the venerating and grieving to do. If you are feeling the absence of mr ishmael and his young Polish friend, Stanislav, Plumb Cheap for You, both anthologies of their work - Honest Not Invent and Vent Stack - are available to purchase for mere money at Lulu or Amazon. It is cheaper to buy from Lulu. Here's how to buy your own copies:
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Reach Pipe With Lice
Prince Philip
was hung like a whip :
long and thin
and mean as sin.
(the title's an innocent anagram)
Among other bits of that, mrs i, quite so - who the hell does heart surgery on a 99-year-old? Ludicrous nonsense.
As to paternity and non-paternity, alleged cuckoos in nests, and the gallivanting of the PLU classes, when you are that inbred, spreading it about a bit isn't spreading it very far.
although not a lover of figures - nor their manipulation for nefarious political purposes - i consider it worth noting that, whilst engaged on her majesty's public service, the dead baron completed 22219 missions - which resulted in 5493 confirmed kills.
Puke inducing stuff Down Here as well. Wasn't Ms Lumley one of his "friends".
Really, mr mike? A Friend of the Sword? That casts a certain light on his advice to young Harry when he was contemplating matrimony to Ms Markle: one can befriend actresses, one does not marry them. Bet Harry is wishing he'd followed grandad's advice.
And here in Scotland, the mourning and venerating and grieving is ramping up. Holyrood has been recalled, so that the MSPs can do their m,v,g-ing. Odd, that. Do they think they can still have the Royal Family God Bless you Ma'am once they have achieved independence?
Gosh, mr ultrapox, 5493 kills? He sure could put that nal nal about. We must express the pious hope that the souls of the departed are not waiting for him in the Happy Hunting Grounds.
You'd think that a drop of fresh blood would have improved the genetic mix - but it really didn't, did it, mr mongoose?
Right -that anagram - I got
Philip whiter ace
but I had an e left over.
"Needing an extra E" is awfully 80's, Mrs I - probably hip as hell again by now but I wouldn't know.
It's not a terribly good one - "epitaphic clerihew".
I could see some Phils in there too but couldn't get a good one - "I whip erectile chap" does emerge, though; sounds like a 50's chorus-girl speciality.
Good heavens, mr verge, how do you do it?
I saw Pip and race and cheer, all of which would be pertinent to the topic in hand, but nothing to use up all the letters. Solving your own anagram does rather challenge the commentariat to produce their own solutions. I doubt, though, that your chorus-girl specialty could be outdone.
Thanks. Free online software helps a fair bit, though.
given, mrs ishmael, that the 5493 speeches delivered by the prince of political incorrectness almost certainly resulted in multiple casualties, then it is probably safe to assume that the tally of 5493 'kills' actually represents an egregious underestimate of the scale of collateral damage verbally inflicted upon the commonwealth...
meanwhile, back in the ripping realm of reality-tv, there is still the slowly mouldering and miscegenating mystery of the phantom-skin-tone-predictor to be solved - my personal hunch being either that chat-crappy camzilla innocently put her foot in the mixed-face minefield during a doomed attempt at making socio-racially friendly small-talk with frau manacull, or that prime suspect princess michael von auschwitz deliberately stuck the boot in.
yes, the mounties did rather put their batons around a bit, especially rear-admiral louis mount-python, the military "master of disaster", who, i am given to understand, sunk a number of old battleships - including a couple of our own - before poking his finger into every political pie imaginable.
indeed, amongst many imperial achievements, louis "the lecher" is credited with making a bloody mess in partitioned india, with press-ganging africans and indians into the campaign against the japs in the jungles of burma, with sacrificing nearly a thousand canadian lives on the highly reckless altar of the doomed dieppe-raid, and with getting himself embroiled in mi5's notorious cia-choreographed plot to overthrow the subversively socialist government of harold wilson.
by contrast, of course, prince flipit's historical legacy is largely restricted to an off-colour remark made to african-british veterans during a royal tour of kenya - just a harmless joke by all accounts, which, within a couple of months, had reportedly sparked the anti-colonial mau mau uprising - and had thus inadvertently acted as a carelessly crafted catalyst not only for the pan-african struggle for independence, but also the democratically oiled degeneration of british imperial rule.
the rest, as they say, is history...
hail phil the pan-african
@ultrapox - 12 april 2021 at 22:35
in the fifth paragraph of the above comment, please replace the de facto en dash with a comma.
in my post-production-paranoia, i also believed - mistakenly as-it-happens - that i'd clumsily repeated a significant verb, and would therefore be called-out, much in the manner of the game-show just-a-minute - you know, the bbc radio 4 entertainment-vehicle which, thanks to the licence-fee-extortion-racket, provides an endless stream of lolly for neo-liberal luvvies, just-so-long of course as they pray pathetically at the black altar of the european blood-mineral-emporium...
and just-so-long of course as they mindlessly leap upon any bourgeois-chartered bandwagon which, in programmed defence of genocidal globalism, knee-jerkingly attacks brexitian or trumpian populism...
and just-so-long of course as they support the criminal coronavirus-hoax - designed to demolish the anti-war presidency of donald grump and mortally punish the pesky 'uneducated' plebs for daring to champion a common-sense of morality...
and just-so-long of course as they continue ad nauseum to spout propaganda which perpetuates the spook-seeded climate-emergency-hoax - that fake jewel-in-the crown of the neo-imperialist wet-dream popularly known as project-fear.
for god's sake, what a bunch of barbarically bent establishment-bastards these slimy establishment-subsidized celebrities really are...
craven creatures of the nigger-bombing neo-liberal élite whose rank complicity in global neo-imperialist oppression makes one wanna heave, quite frankly.
"oh well, maybe just a few little white lies...
but after all, it's for the sake of our careers, darlings", they self-importantly and snobbily protest.
yes, exactly...
when as youths these budding bullies and barbarians visited their school-careers-officer, the helpful, well-meaning chap no doubt gave them the once-over and then promptly pulled out the card-file headed "nazi-nob-sucker".
@ultrapox - 12 april 2021 at 22:35
@ultrapox - 13 april 2021 at 20:29
correction of correction:
"in the fifth paragraph of the above comment, please replace the second de facto en-dash with a comma."
@ultrapox - 13 april 2021 at 20:29
in the second from last paragraph of the above comment, please delete "they self-importantly and snobbily protest" and instead insert "they so self-importantly and snobbily declare".
now that the blood-clot-bedevilled vaccination-programme is careering dangerously off the rails - and runs the serious risk of being cancelled - prime minister jabspin & jabspin is suddenly, and rather desperately, claiming that it is in fact lockdown which has decimated coronavirus-case-rates - yet this consummately corrupt con-man disingenuously omits to mention that the newly rolled-out, and far more accurate, lateral flow testing for coronavirus-infection has eliminated the absurdly high rate of false-positive results which were returned by the grossly unfit-for-purpose pcr-tests - and which thus created this phantom-pandemic in the first place.
tragically incapable of doing anything save take gestapo-orders, the curdled cream of oxbridge-educated idiots at the establishment-propaganda-spewing bbc is still incorrectly reporting lateral flow tests to be inferior to pcr-tests - and is thereby painting that neo-liberal organ of neo-imperialist genocide into a dunce's corner marked "the busted flush of british broadcasting".
meanwhile, the neo-liberal nobs who can afford to drink in soho are exuberantly hailing the end of lockdown as an experience equivalent to victory in europe day, and comparing the scenes of revelry to those depicted in hogarth-engravings - i just hope that these neo-liberal numbskulls never actually have to experience either war or poverty.
naturally, stick-in-the-mud pandemic-pusher bonnie greer point-blanc refused to join in the soho-'freedom'-celebration, citing the lack of mask-wearing and social distancing as both irresponsible and "sad" - so like her british establishment soul-mate boris jabscum, this inveterate neo-liberal cheerleader has obviously either failed to follow the real science, or is still keeping up the pathetic pretence of pandemic-induced paranoia.
you can drop the corona-act now bonnie: your fabricated health-crisis has destroyed the anti-war trump-presidency, caused millions of collateral casualties, and you've succeeded in replacing the dodgy don with a real-life racist who will do nothing for black people except bomb back into the stone-age those whom the european empire has sequestered in africa.
the genie now out of the blm-bottle, i fear that the ludicrously locked down youth - long let off the educational leash - is set to riot throughout president blithe-dim's watch, just as it did during the tail-end of mr trumpet's term-of-orifice, and therefore those shamelessly ambitious politicians - who, in order to undermine mr trumpet, originally whipped up this raw racial frenzy - will at last reap their just reward of the real rebound-whirlwind which they have so cynically sown.
in common with the united states, civil disobedience in the uk will not be a problem confined to black and ethnic minority communities alone, for - as the ridiculously self-righteous gavin willmoansome so stupidly complained - many youngsters, having been left to their own democratically-enhanced devices all year, will have grown unduly 'indisciplined...
and yet whose fault then is that mr education secretary?
lastly, à propos the main topic, anna pasternak somewhat sensationally surmises that, due to the difficult situation in which he currently finds himself, the duke of sussex may be likened to his abdicant ancestor edward, duke of windsor, however, although some might find it far-fetched, i consider this a most fitting comparison, because, after all, the sussexes are such great buddies with the clintons - who are undoubtedly the biggest war-criminals since the nazis.
@ultrapox - 14 april 2021 at 05:07
for the sake of clarity, may i point out that, in the second paragraph of the above comment, the word "indisciplined" should be enclosed within quotation marks, and that for explanatory purposes, "nazi-sympathizing" might helpfully be inserted in the final paragraph between "his abdicant" and "ancestor edward, duke of windsor".
furthermore, given the non-coincidental nature of his family's blood-mineral-dealings in the democratic republic of congo, president brain-dim must, without question, be considered a member of the same nazi-gang as those notorious resource-pillaging profiteers-of-genocide the clintons - who, through their execrably manipulative foundation, have done so much to exploit, decimate, and destroy life on the african continent.
5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC
So let's just say that that is statistically signifcant and none of it is lies. So if you are vaccinated and you are in the USA and get a proper "case" dose of this lurgy, you have a 74/5800 = 1.27%+ chance of dying. Looking back at worldometers and giving them the same pass on statistics... 32 million cases, 579 thousand deaths = 0.99% chance of dying.
These numbers are not good enough to quibble about a quarter of a percent, nor to mention that last year's numbers contains a very great number of very greatly vulnerable folk who are not available for dying twice. Let's just say that they are the same. "Get this thing to a bad enough level to be a case and there is about a 1% chance of it carrying you away.
If we think about this, this makes sense a bit of provisional sense. The "vaccines" in all their glory are about stopping us developing a proper sickness, about minimising our symptoms. The real question then arises: who is tracking real infections now against real infections last year? Our variables are reduction of r via lockdown, reduction of r via vaccination. Proper "blind" random testing, false positives, false attirbutions and "where the fuck is the flu" will all have to wait for calmer heads. Let us hope there is an honest team somewhere doing honest work.
Are the daffs out, mrs i?
And Sweden, of course, seems to have sailed the same sea with pretty much the same covid outcome but a dramatically lower social and economic cost.
@ultrapox - 14 april 2021 at 03:02
although my gut-instinct strongly suggests that the phrase "oxbridge-educated idiots" would be constructively superseded by the designation "oxbridge-educated arseholes", i consider it potentially more important, in the above comment, to replace with a comma the incorrectly inserted de facto en dash which appears immediately before the following passage:
"yet this consummately corrupt con-man disingenuously omits to mention that the newly rolled-out, and far more accurate, lateral flow testing for coronavirus-infection has eliminated the absurdly high rate of false-positive results which were returned by the grossly unfit-for-purpose pcr-tests - and which thus created this phantom-pandemic in the first place."
and by way of clarification, i should further add that, instead of proving "far more accurate" than false-positive-plagued pcr-testing, lateral flow testing is in fact "far less inaccurate" - given its similar, but lesser, propensity to produce false-positive results upon application within populations which exhibit a very low covid-prevalence.
@mongoose - 16 april 2021 at 11:24
now, regarding the article linked in the above comment - and entitled 5,800 fully vaccinated americans have contracted covid-19, 74 dead: cdc - i cannot dispute that the experimental vaccines may well be ineffective, mr mongoose, however, since these figures are based upon results produced by the totally discredited pcr-test, they are, in common with similarly derived mortality-and-infection-data, utterly meaningless, i'm afraid.
yes, after public health authorities issued instructions to fling open windows for better ventilation, in flew corona and out flu-enza...
but how any rational person can actually believe in such pseudo-scientifically promulgated poppycock, is beyond my humble comprehension.
perhaps the winter of extreme ventilation caused pneumonia which contributed to the second wave of excess-death?
mr ultrapox, sir, the only true number that can be sensibly accepted is the number of corpses. It is possible - given the extreme accuracy with which deaths are counted in the developed world - to build a model of excess deaths against the deaths of previous years. (Guess what? Yep, I have built my own.)
There were approximately 100,000 excess deaths in this country last spring and early summer. Real dead people. I don't know what they died of but they died of something. Something extra extra happening. They were extra dead people. Mostly very old and comorbid as the saying goes. That's about ten weeks worth in a normal year and therefore equates v crudely to 1/5th extra dead people last year compared to other years.
So it was a real event. Epidemics are exponential events. So they don't get worse arithmetically, or even geometrically. They get worse tra-la "exponentially". 100,000 could easily have had another digit on the end. And so last year, it was quite acceptable to say " we are ignorant - and the politicians among us are exceptionally ignorant of science and numbers - and we are worried, and from an excess of caution, we are locking down the nation". That was then. This is now. There should be no excuse for ignorance now. The numbers can and will be being computed.
BTW for those of a mind: you don't get to die seasonally until you have achieved at least middle age. ANd other very interesting things. (Apologies if that source came from someone here; I have forgotten how I encountered it.)
@ultrapox - 16 april 2021 at 20:39
sorry, but the final sentence of the above comment would be better comprehended thus:
"perhaps the truth is that the winter of extreme ventilation caused pneumonia which contributed to the second wave of excess-death?"
now, when will the bbc dare report on the external peer review of the rtpcr-test to detect sars-cov-2 - a review which "reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level", and which demonstrates that the flaws inherent to this test's design are consequential to producing "false positive results".
yes, when will the bbc actually report that the rtpcr-test to detect sars-cov-2 has been peer-reviewed as utterly unfit-for-purpose - and that, in light of this peer-review, the world health organisation has been forced to drastically amend its guidelines for performing this test?
of course, the reality is that, comfortably corrupt in their neo-colonial establishment-coop, the cream-of-the-crud of compliant bbc-chickens will, due to their oxbridge-regimentation, never report on the external peer review of the rtpcr-test to detect sars-cov-2, because they are running shit-scared in ever-decreasing circles of intellect and influence.
as for other raw-hewn rubbish i have recently read, may i present to you:
lateral-flow tests: what are the risks and benefits?
despite the fact that the rtpcr-test for detecting sars-cov-2 has now been totally discredited, the bbc-article-of-faith - above - is founded upon the patently false assumption that rtpcr-testing constitutes the gold-standard for sars-cov-2-detection, and it comes as no great surprise therefore that the author of this article completely fails to make the deduction that, when employed to detect the sars-cov-2 virus, lateral-flow testing returns far less false-positive results than does intrinsically flawed rtpcr-testing - it should nonetheless be noted that, in comparison to false-positive-plagued pcr-testing for sars-cov-2, lateral flow testing is not in fact far more accurate, but rather far less inaccurate, given its similar, but lesser, propensity to produce false-positive results upon deployment within populations which, in the first instance, exhibit a very low prevalence of sars-cov-2.
moreover, due to being based upon the afore-mentioned false premise, this article-of-bbc-disinformation fails to draw the blindingly obvious conclusion that, regardless of the test-type used, false-positive-plagued testing of healthy people for sars-cov-2 infection is single-handedly responsible for creating the politically motivated myth of asymptomatic sars-cov-2 infection.
I tried. The numbers may be crap but science is about numbers not yatter.
vis-à-vis the definitive value of excess-corpse-counting, mr mongoose, i somewhat gruesomely find myself in absolute agreement with you.
however, in addition to the euromomo-site - to which you have so thoughtfully provided a link - i'm also fond of consulting the economist's coronavirus-excess-death-tracker in my dark pursuit of the most accurate available body count...
and well, isn't it just astonishing how many countries - such as norway, cyprus, luxembourg, denmark, estonia, greece, hungary, malta, finland, japan, the philippines, south korea, taiwan, australia, thailand, singapore, and mongolia - have suffered no significant excess-death whatsoever during this so-called deadly pandemic?
indeed, even since the politically-motivated panic-measures introduced late last year, is it not remarkable how many countries - such as austria, germany, israel, portugal, sweden and wales - have experienced only minimal-to-moderate excess-mortality during this 'killer' pandemic?
one can only presume that, unlike the united kingdom, the above-listed countries did not, during this past year, think to padlock their hospitals and generally refuse medical treatment to the elderly, sick, and vulnerable.
more raw rubbish reviewed:
covid testing in england may be scaled back over false positives
in common with the bbc-article to which i linked in my earlier comment, the guardian fails to reveal that the pcr-test is in no respect considered the gold-standard in sars-cov-2 detection, and that, when employed to detect the sars-cov-2 virus, such pcr-testing in fact produces even more false-positive-results than lateral-flow-testing - it should nonetheless be noted that, in comparison to false-positive-plagued pcr-testing for sars-cov-2, lateral flow testing still has a similar, if proportionally reduced, propensity to produce false-positive-results when deployed within populations which, in the first instance, exhibit only a very low prevalence of sars-cov-2 infection.
due to its production of less false positive results than the pcr-test, mass-testing with lateral-flow-kits has helped provide the impression of a reduction in the purported sars-cov-2 infection-rate, and also therefore the impression of a reduction in the illusory reproduction-number for the virus.
in low prevalence areas for sars-cov-2 infection, a halt to testing of asymptomatic people would reduce case-totals, however, assuming that false-positive-plagued pcr-testing continues in hospitals and care homes, then this policy might alternatively lead to an apparent increase in rates of sars-cov-2 infection and fatality.
here yet again, the clinical elephant in the room is that the pcr-test is not the gold-standard in sars-cov-2 detection, and that pcr-testing produces even more false-positive-results than lateral-flow testing.
@ultrapox - 17 april 2021 at 01:45
the end of the above comment's penultimate paragraph should read thus:
"...exhibit a very low prevalence of sars-cov-2 infection."
even more raw rubbish reviewed:
covid-19: young people who have already had coronavirus are not fully protected against reinfection - study
"the lancet study showed that 10% of participants who had already had the virus tested positive a second time", claims the above-linked sky-article, however these findings are highly suspect since, once again, they are completely dependent upon the results of discredited pcr-testing - which produces an extraordinarily elevated rate of false-positive-results for sars-cov-2 infection.
under tony blair, our intelligence-services produced the dodgy wmd-dossier, whilst under boris johnson, our intelligence-services have produced a treasure-trove of dodgy coronavirus-data.
meanwhile, the american intelligence services have been misinforming both trump and biden of the provenance of attacks on us military bases situated in iraq; for the purposes of strategic manipulation, both presidents appear to have been briefed that it was iranian backed shiite militias which launched rockets against us-marines and contractors, however the perpetrators of these assaults were in fact most probably members of the cia-controlled islamic state...
Interesting conversation, messrs mongoose and ultrapox - and I am left wondering, Qui Bono? If mr ultrapox' scepticism about the information made available to the British public is correct, then what is the purpose of this misinformation? The consequences seem to be universally bad, so what goal was being pursued in closing down the economy, in keeping people in solitary confinement, preventing travel, creating mass unemployment and yawning gaps in the High Street? Or was it a giant cock-up?
The daffs all came out, mr mongoose, all Doctor Zhivago-ish, as far as the eye could see, all over Orkney, in gardens, on wasteland, on road verges, little drops of sunshine, yellow-ing their heads off. But then Winter came back. Snow, frost, howling winds. Discouraged the daffs, I fear. Withered and blackened. Better luck next year.
We had a brief settle of snow, mrs i, which zapped all the early blossom. I think it may have done for this year's clematis too. It everywhere is looking a bit pinched and unhappy.
The covid numbers games is only just beginning.
NB tomorrow Mrs Fish's mad "free everything" programme to be hammered. Hold your breath for next week. I can hear footsteps!
Qui Bono, Mrs I? GloboCorp, mr Ishmael’s favourite small businessmen and bankers. ‘tis agenda 21, or should that be 2030. We little people have been enjoying us selves for far to long now, and need to learn that our betters can’t keep providing us with the good things in life so cheaply. We must stop all these leisure activities; driving around, for pleasure, taking foreign holidays, owning stuff and generally enjoying life.
It would appear that the Chinese model of social credit, knowing your whereabouts at all times and limiting ‘lifestyle’ is the preferred system, unless of course, you are one life’s more wealthy and therefore cleverer, more deserving people.
We’ve become soft, everything done for us, - ooh that’s terrible, the government should do something about that - and they know this, we are easily ‘nudged’ now, and what better way to nudge us into the new model than a deadly, well not for 99.8% of us, virus sweeping the world clean of old folks, thrown out of hospitals and back into nursing homes. Saves paying pensions too.
I see another new variant arrived today, the Indian variant, just in time to warrant a new vaccine for autumn, kerching.
We couldn’t afford the interest payments on the national debt pre Covid 1984, fuknows how it’ll be paid now, ‘oh I know, we’ll just hand over everything to GloboCorp and the bankers and pay them rent’ seems like a good deal, Herr Shwab has it all worked out.
Nah it’s all bollocks, conspiracy theories.Nothing to see here, move along now.
Oh, Vent Stack, ‘kin great.
You will own nothing, mr inmate, and be happy.
The "free everything" programme sounds wonderful, mr mongoose, but it can only be paid for by Scotland continuing to be heavily subsidised by the English taxpayer. So nationalists thinking about voting for the Gnasher party in the expectation of a National Care Service, 100,000 new houses, the abolition of dental charges, free school meals, free laptops, investment in closing the attainment gap and more money for skills and training, should pause and consider how it is to be funded. The Scottish Conservatives estimate that it would cost £95 billion to fund every manifesto pledge for just one year. So it could only be delivered by continuing to be a member nation of the United Kingdom - and surely the English taxpayer is going to get sick of keeping the Scots in a privileged position? That privilege already includes free prescriptions, free personal care and four years University education free of tuition charges.
Glad you approve of Vent Stack, mr inmate - it's a cracking little collection of stanislavian gems which will have the reader howling in approval and recognition. Open the book at random and be confronted by The Young Polish Plumber firing a round of fucks into his target of the day. How about this coruscating description of the British Parliament:
Is Rotten Parliament, or what? Is Crooked Parliament, Thieves Parliament? Is Parliament of Scumbag, or Nonce or Amazing LubeDem Copraman? Is Parliament of Peace-Loving Warmonger? Is all, of course; is biggest collection of congenital villain and nonce and arsehole outside of HMP Grendon Underwood - which is where heavy-duty criminal bloke get treated who can't tell right from wrong; no, really, place is full-up of more cunt than House of fucking Lord. Previous Prime Minister has all been arse-hole, screeching, hate-filled Mother Superior Lunatic like Thatcher; creepy-crawly, organ-basher and treacherous hypocrite like Grocerman Heath the Teeth; paranoid pussy-whipped depressive like Wilson; useless idle bastard fuckwit like SunnyJim; but New Labour have transcended all that shit not only in useless good-for-fuck-all incompetence but in bare-faced thieving, in repression and surveillance, in hypocrisy and neglect, and in the blitzing, the torture, the maiming, the blood of the innocents. Add New Bicycling Tory Party, all puffed-up, braying, empty-headed, coke-snorting Old Etonian bullyboys, and Cleggie's Co-Operative of sandal-wearing foxtrotting nitwit bisexual volunteers; add the truculent, inebriated, wife-beating Jock Tribesmen and the misbegotten sour-faced Ulster UndertakerBastards Party; add the shrill Taffy wankers - as if anybody gives a fuck about Welsh Independence, least of all the Welsh - all this, stuffed to the cross-party gunwales with self-serving filth; all the Parliament from Hell.
(page 105 Vent Stack)
Turns out David Cameron has done nothing wrong. He's broken no rules. That's alright, then. I was wrong.
Of course he’s done nothing wrong mrs I, how could he? Well connected, well rich, went to the right schools an Uni. Married into the correct family circle. Employed the right people when in office, for future employment opportunities - always play the long game- the rest of us look for instant gratification, quit rightly, we never know where the next meals coming from. Our betters look after one another, fuck the proles, they don’t matter.
Yes mr mongoose, where do the come up with all this shit, you’ll be happy, FFS. Don’t they read history? P’raps Vlad will be our white knight, he’s there for another 2 terms, at least.
@ultrapox - 17th april 2021 at 05:16
the first sentence in the final paragraph of the above comment would better read:
"meanwhile, the american intelligence services have been misinforming both trump and biden as to the provenance of attacks on us military-bases situated in iraq"
however, i am not sure why the great powers have now spookily blocked me from accessing the call me ishmael site - save when registered in the clandestine cloak of anonymity - as i neither indulge - nor have ever been secretly initiated - in the malign mysticism of espionage.
on the contrary, my deduction, in the afore-mentioned paragraph, that us military bases were attacked by cia-crafted isis-groups - rather than iranian-backed shiite-militias - was not informed by the dubious virtue of any classified intelligence-leak, but simply by evaluating the evidential entanglement of conflicting - iraqi and united states government - claims, and then drawing the reasonable conclusion that, given the cia's preponderant predisposition to describe black as white and vice versa, it was the iraqi government's - no doubt heavily 'nuanced' - version of aggressive events which in fact held more water.
indeed, it should be understood that, aside from the sophisticated subterfuge of plain murder, the cia possesses only one actual 'weapon': whoppers of mass disinformation.
now, in order to establish the reason for the current disinformation-deluge, mrs ishmael, one must, in the enlightened sense of retrospection, re-wind to the year 2008 - when president obombabastad of honolulu was shamelessly shoe-horned into the white house off the back of an epstein-engineered deep-state-precipitated financial collapse - for as in 2008, we are again witnessing, in broad daylight, the banks robbing our governments of public funds and 'democratic' politicians securing the american presidency by unconscionably underhand means - this time around utilizing a deliberately leaked and over-cooked coronavirus as convenient political cover for their crass commercial criminality.
the full financial meltdown may yet be to unfold, but be doubly assured that any ensuing bank-rescuing bail-in will cost citizens both their life-savings and stock-investments.
the consummately clever "cleaning lady", catherine austin fitts, reckons the lockdown was designed to dampen or disguise incendiary inflation, and to de-dollarize the global economy by transfiguring it into a digital currency; harry "the doom-monger" dent predicts that it is just the over-inflated stock-market-bubble which is about to burst, and not monetary supply.
continued in part two below
continued from part one above
cathy "the cleaning lady" sayeth:
"the first and most important goal is the replacement of the existing us dollar currency system used by the general population with a digital transaction system that can be combined with digital identification and tracking. the goal is to end currencies as we know them and replace them with an embedded credit card system that can be integrated with various forms of control, potentially including mind control. “de-dollarization” is threatening the dollar global reserve system. the m1 and m2 money supply have increased in the double digits over the last year as a result of a new round of quantitative easing by the fed. the reason we have not entered into hyperinflation is because of the dramatic drop in money velocity occasioned by converting covid-19 into an engineered shutdown of significant economic activity and the bankrupting of millions of small and medium-sized businesses. the managers of the dollar system are under urgent pressure to use new technology to centralize economic flows and preserve their control of the financial system."
quoth dent "the doom-monger":
"people say that if you print so much money, it turns into inflation. but we’ve been printing money nonstop at the highest rate for 12 or 13 years now — and where’s the inflation? we just get a little bit.
there’s no way in hell you can create high inflation and not even a chance in hell you can create hyperinflation in this bubbly, highly unproductive debt economy because the money has nowhere to go. it’s just going into financial assets that make stocks and real estate more overvalued until they burst...’s why we could get a little inflation now: for the first time, the majority of the last round of stimulus didn’t come from the central bank’s printing money; it came from fiscal stimulus. a lot of that [money] does go into businesses and consumers’ hands, and they turn around and spend it."
frankly, you pays yer money and you takes yer choice...
yet, if it's actually going to be worth anything in the long-term, why would our greedy governments now be throwing such unprecedented dollups of dosh at us worthless space-wasting plebs?
moreover, my own constant socio-ecological worry is that the neurotic neo-liberal élite actually believes in its own climate-emergency-bullshit - and has hence resolved to eliminate from the world every form of excess anthropogenic carbon-dioxide-emission...
@ultrapox - 18 april 2021 at 21:07
in the final paragraph, please replace "form" with "source" - that's us excess-breathers, geddit?
yikes, how soon before, ideologically infused with fashionable green-megalomania, the batty bourgeois army attempts to justify nuclear warfare as an acceptable form of global population control?
the climate-emergency-fraud must be exposed immediately; it's not us wot caused a very slight short-term temperature-rise, it's variation in type - and fluctuation in volume - of solar energetic particles wot dunnit, folks.
jesus christ, over at the bbc, those clueless inquisitorial prats probably still believe that the sun revolves obediently around the earth.
indeed, if the media, politicians, and academics actually believe in such whacky neo-liberal conspiracy-theories as anthropogenic global warming, the coronavirus-crisis, an african aids pandemic caused by hiv, the neo-imperialist benevolence of the eu blood-mineral-emporium, and the philanthropic involvement of progressive american democrats - such as the bidens and clintons - in africa's apocalyptic conflict-mineral-genocide...
then the establishment must be as thick as fucking pig-shit and - in common with the former congenitally corrupted hegemony of royal families - needs to end its neo-liberal orgy of nepotism and in-breeding if it is ever to have any hope of survival.
paradoxically, in order to refresh its rancid establishment-gene-pool, the socio-racially superior enclave of progressive neo-liberalism - also known as the globalist élite - would be obliged to mount a concerted recruitment-drive amongst blacks, browns, and plebs which proved more-than-cosmetic, or 'skin-deep' - but of course, that would never do...
and so the politically puritanical confederacy of priggish progressives will ultimately 'keep it in the family' - and thus remain as thick as historically thick things, hysterically happy in their own progressively thickening pig-shit.
rip bbc
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