mr inmate and I have been having a chat, over on the comments on Evensong: The Chair about Scottish traditional music, and I thought you might like to have mr ishmael's views on the subject, bearing in mind that he was a bit of a musicologist, possessed of an elephantine musical memory and was an accomplished guitar and piano player. The first document was a letter to a Scottish newspaper, published 2004, following the news that an earnest collector of Scottish folk music was requesting Government funding to continue his work:
Aside, perhaps, from its influence on the transcendent,
eclectic virtuosity of Robin Williamson and Mike Heron’s Incredible String
Band, there is nothing exceptional about Scottish traditional music. Compared
with that of, say, Mali, Java, Madagascar, Kazakhstan, let alone the entire
Indian sub continent – all of which snatch a divine harmony from the very air –
it is a joyless discord of relentlessly repetitive, skriking fiddles, manically
flashy squeeze boxes, dull as ditchwater guitar-strumming, bitterly wailing
pipes and interminable, lamentatious doggerel howling, the whole grim cacophony
probably rendered tolerable only by the mass inebriation of its adherents.
It would be an enrichment of mankind’s musical heritage were
this caterwauling never to be heard again and it comes as no surprise that one
of your correspondents was reduced to paying
slave wages to those employed in its promotion and preservation.
Although gathered and catalogued by archivists such as Cecil
Sharpe in Britain and Alan Lomax in the United States, traditional, or folk,
music survives as a result of people’s affection for it – as performers and
audience- and not by the public funding of self-appointed cultural guardians;
it is the amateur enthusiasm in the absence of subsidy which validates a folk
tradition. If the noises venerated by Mr. M. and many others are as
meaningful as they claim, they will, like the Delta blues, survive, prosper and
gain new devotees; if they are not, they will wither and, in this manse at
least, the Lord will be praised.
Ishmael Smith,
The Manse, Scottish Isles
Response by Dr. S., 2004, Ayrshire
Dear Mr. Smith,
Bravo, sir! I greatly enjoyed your letter in The Herald recently. I thoroughly
applaud the sentiments and greatly admire your courage in going public with
such non–PC comments. Here, on the mainland and in Ayrshire in particular, one
would expect a public flogging for such remarks – which is why I haven’t
responded to you through the newspaper!
I am a calligrapher and am always on the lookout for
suitable text with which to practice my art. Please accept the enclosed token –
a far from perfect result of half-an-hour at my computer and an hour’s
embellishment – as a mark of respect. It is good to know that there are other
people out there with a firm grasp on reality.
Maybe there are other sacred cows to which you may care to
take your sacrificial sword!

some years, now, BBC2 has been running a series of Transatlantic
Session in which a basic band of vaguely traditional Scottish-Irish
musicians joins forces with some visiting American dignitaries of the
genre - some of them are quite magical but they are grown increasingly
beardy fiddlers, manic pipers and an absolutely intolerable lap slide
guitar player who, regardless of suitability or taste ladles his syrupy
tones over absolutely everything, join ensemble with some long-tressed
Kentucky singerbabe, just as doggone purty as a picture,
a guitar-flailing Tennessean loon sporting a snuffler's beard, the
whole cloying confection intercut with commercial ethnobabble about the
Music and the Roots and about NoBarriers. Fucking horseshit, really,
although it has been worth looking at just in case the late Kate
or Mad Maestro Paul Brady - surely a cousin of Marty Kneecaps -
or some such transcendent musical jewel made a brief, sparkling appearance.
redeeming feature of this long-running series is that there is never an appearance by gibbering hobgoblin Jools Holland and his assorted
headshrinkers and necromancers; that, in itself on a BBC2 music show,
is a kindness.
No, laydeezangennulmen, don't laugh, I really can sing. And I have extremely eclectic musical tastes.
loose underpinning of these jamborees is the supposed connection
between (white) United States music and Scotland, the best part of
England - y'know, nationalism. Scotland's great influence on the world,
the ethnic cleansing of the US by murderous Scots, Paddies, Germans and
all the Bible thumping riff-raff of Europe, of which Scotland and
Ireland appear to be so proud. Sioux, Arapaho, Navajo, Cherokee,
Iriqouis and Inuit, Celtic bandits have slaughtered them by the
thousand, stole their lands, desecrated their sites, raped their women
and children; Ah, but Jasus, the music. And sure the people was
starvin' at home, so they were, so why not take stuff from the Redskins,
now, dem being Godless heathen savages an all, so there are.
all this tedium there is an international marketing opportunity, or
should I say grassroots movement, as people all over the world discover
their Celtic connection and in the true spirit of traditional musicians
everywhere, sign recording contracts and hope fervently for a
cross-over, number one platinum album.
got in trouble - and a little acclaim - up here a while back for
publicly lambasting the rapacious juggernaut arts movement in
Scotland. Here, and especially so the further North you go, any
smirking wee Fiona sawing at a tuneless fiddle is a maestro-in waiting;
any sourfaced crow singing unaccompanied in Gaelic a fifteen-verse
dirge about hanging or murder or betrayal - some Fathomless Grievance
Blues - anyone, in fact, who, lacking taste or modesty, gets up and
makes a noise in front of others deserves public subsidy, because, like
the horsebeaters in BigFatPikeyWeddings, what they are doing is
traditional. Not while old people are cold, ventured I. And anyway,
most of it is shite; those awful accordions, Jesus fucking wept. And
what is good will survive and flourish without subsidy, like the Delta
Blues. Some were delighted at my heresy, others wounded deep in their
morbid souls.
shrink, therefore, from Scottish traditional music, especially
performed by professional ego-tripping ponces and slappers. And I
retreat even further from the overseas varieties, from Canucks claiming
some spurious ancestral connection to the banks and braes o' bonny
Doon; from Kentuckians to Tennesseans blethering about Wicklow and
Clare. The only good things to come from that hillbilly region were the
Everly Brothers and Dolly Parton.
Talking of Scottish music, it appears that the Fat Lady is warming up her tonsils in Crankieland.
The Holyrood committee has decided that Sturgeon has misled them. Sturgeon says she's not surprised. Douglas Ross is calling for her resignation. Sturgeon says shan't.
Nailbiting stuff for we Unionists.
And without even a hint of embarrassment the decision was described as partisan. That being when every shade of political opinion but her own found against her and her four apparatchiks toed the party line.
BTW, mrs i, hearty congratulations on google honouring you with a sensitive content warning. Even mr i never achieved that distinction. Well done.
I think I'm beginning to detect Narcissistic Personality Disorder in Sturgeon. I used to ascribe the aberrant behaviours to her being a Weegie, but there's more to it than that. I have worked with a couple of female Weegies, so I know the characteristics of the species - the stunted growth, the bogbrush hair, the hard little asexual bodies, the absence of empathy, the ability to talkandtalkandtalk - no wonder the Weegie male is always pissed. Sturgeon, however, has all that harnessed to a dubious, superficial charisma (do be careful with charismatic individuals, Ishmaelites - it is usually a symptom of a personality disorder, and you'll come to no good at their hands), an ability to spin a narrative in a weblike manner that places her, all injured innocence, at the centre of events and a hard-faced dedication to her own goals and personal benefit.
Nothing to be done with Narcissistic Personality Disorders except avoid them and keep them out of power.
Douglas Ross is looking more and more credible as the Saviour of the Union.
The sensitive content warning seems to be a function of New Blogger. Blogger is always upgrading itself and this iteration has actually got some useful features, including the ability to search Drafts - which is dead helpful, considering there remain 943 of Mr ishmael's drafts - even after over a year of trawling through and posting them.
Do you mind having to tick your consent to reading all this "sensitive" stuff?
@20 march 2021 atT 01:41
"btw, mrs i, hearty congratulations on google honouring you with a sensitive content warning. even mr i never achieved that distinction. well done."
oh dear, there goes the neighbourhood...
and it always used to be such a nice, respectable blog too.
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