Scottish political commentators are crowing over the forthcoming disintegration of England, hailing gorgeous, pouting Andy Burnham

as the new leader of the North, successor to Edgar Atheling and Harry Hotspur and gleefully anticipating a Harrying of the North by Boris to subjugate northern England; which can only further stir up anti-southern sentiment, already fuelled by the gaping economic and attainment gap between North and South. Boris says the situation is grave. Andy says he's exaggerating. Boris says Sir Keir should give Andy a good metaphorical slapping. Michael-can't-stay-out-of-a-good-fight Gove says Andy is posturing and must bend over to Tier Three restrictions.

Andy says he will take legal action as the current furlough system is not fair to low paid workers. Boris says he will intervene if an agreement cannot be reached. Sounds like a Harrying brewing.
Boris Johnson visited Orkney in July this year, as you will remember.

It was not his first visit. Some years previously, before our Gnasher was mistress of all she surveyed, and before she was First Minister of the Scottish Government (honest, not invent, that's what they call themselves - not surprising that 25% of Scots believe that they are already independent of the United Kingdom), back when Scotland had a mere Scottish Executive, mr ishmael was privileged to attend a meeting of the Orkney Tourist Board at which the Executive Director of Visit Scotland, Willy McCloud, and his chum, Boris Johnson, assured the local tourist industry that they were working flat-out to promote tourism to Orkney.
Here's mr ishmael's report to the local paper on the event:
Head Line: Jive Talking at the AGM
By-line: Jimmy Olsen, cub reporter and Superman's friend:
Mr. Willy McCloud is acclaimed by all in the multi-trillion dollar global tourist industry, most of which he, personally, is going to bring to Scotland. A former accommodation provider and a man of such immense personal charm and warmth it is easy to see how his customers would have felt about a repeat taste of his hospitality. A higher calling, however, diverted young Willy's stellar talents to the world of tourism consultancy, management and promotion. His many talents were showcased last night to the primitive fisher folk and cave dwellers who make up Orkney's miniscule, faltering tourist business.
His facility with his sometimes discernible magic lantern show was dazzling; that it was disordered, uninstructive and flashed before us in a second or two was neither here nor there: who needs a professional approach to presentation when addressing savages dressed in sealskins? If Willy's department organises similarly smooth presentations for potential tourists to Scotland then those engaged here in tourism will really have to reappraise their approach to making a living; if it answers genuine questions with Willy's forthright courtesy and mastery of numbers and if it displays Willy's approach to alternative suggestions it is difficult to see how, in partnership with the Scottish Executive, VisitWilly'sScotland can fail to emulate the success of, for instance, the Holyrood parliament building - only a couple of years late and just under one thousand percent over budget.
Orkney tourism providers were also, at last night's AGM, thrilled to see Boris Johnson wearing one of his many hats - this time as the proprietor of something called
Boris treated us to a revised, motivational version of the Eton Rowing song: rah! rah! rah! money! money! money!go!go!go! or words to that effect. That he had come here with no expense spared to so inspire us brought further ecstatic applause from an audience now whipped to a frenzy known only to Orkney hillbillys enraptured by their suited visiters from Sooth.
So much applause was there for Willy and Boris that some present felt that a hat should be passed round at this juncture without more ado; instead, displaying a uniquely sensitive approach to its employees, Orkney Tourist Board insisted that, despite their embarassment, they stand up to be inspected like a bunch of heifers and take a bow. Truly, there is no business like show business.
Willy said that he could guarantee the quite satisfactory status quo at least until he was on the flight back to his executive suite in Edinburgh. The Chair invited those present to dig deep into their pockets to fund a fictional and powerless status quo to run in tandem with Willy's Brave New World status quo-to-come and soothingly told us that we could sleep safely in our caves for she would be deserting neither us nor her salary, we would always be able to come and be talked-to by her. Thus reassured, we trudged off in the northern night to our chilly caves there to watch, on our car-battery-powered televisions, a restorative episode of the more mundane, less fanciful reality portrayed in Little Britain.
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Boris in the Highlands - summer hols, August 2020 |
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Boris' tent in the Highlands, August 2020 |
Dramatis Personae:
3. Jimmy Olsen cub reporter on the Daily Planet November 1938 to the present, also known as Ishmael Smith.
Stanislav on pandemic viruses:
Fuck me, bird 'flu now, as well as Alan Johnson's disease. Good
job we have hereditary Plagues minister Rosemary Benn at the helm, as we
slide back into Middle fucking Ages. Maybe Lady Sir Iain MachineGun
Blair send merry men out, blast birds from sky with Hoekkler and Koch.
At least do something useful with mad gunslinger psycho-cops. Maybe Tony
Benn wrap-up warm in cardy, go out in field with flask of tea and shout
at naughty bird, go away, I am old Labour. And vegetarian. Maybe Foetus
Hague go and point finger.
On the bright side, though, a good
outbreak of plague would clear out the old and the sick and the poor -
although, thankfully, none of the establishment who will be inoculated
up to their bollocks - and leave so much more money for houses of
parliament pensions.
Leicester Royal Infirmary, flagship
NewLabour disease pit, and employer of mad ventriloquist McCann, has a
mission statement which says: Doesn't matter if our incompetent actions
result in your death as you would have died eventually anyway. Honest.
Stanislav not invent. The government could display real vision by
adapting this to any outbreak of plague. Hard choices. Not come in
Downing Street to be popular (just as fucking well, really,
considering.)Trust me I am son of fucking Manse. Many must die in order
that few remain rich. More joy in heaven over poor bastards flung in
plague pit and cover-up with lime and forget about. May as well go now
as hang around with arthritis, dribbling. Only die in hospital anyway,
lungs fill up limbs drop off from AJD. Better off fucking dead, really.
Not like us who is left behind to grow old and spend pension. At going
down of sun and in morning will remember bird flu death millions. Age
shall not wither. Maybe dig-up Bernard Matthews and give peerage for
solve pension crisis. Lord Levy negotiate price with family, oi vay.
Have Nagilah. Don't work Saturdays.
Stanislav go now in Tesco,
buy whole stock of own brand Beechams Powder, come home, seal-up doors
and window, not go out, not do plumbing job. Kill budgie.
In house of
reptile last week is opposition debate on cuntus johnsonitis fatalis,
named after singing postmistress and head of National Death Service, Mrs
Johnson. This is epidemic of mildly sick people go in hospital and come
out in box dead as fucking mackerel. Thousands of people is already
dead, killed by useless private cleaning firm, Germs&Corpse U Like,
lazy foreign nurse terrorist, greedy dirty doctor bastard and
pension-mad chief executive of hospital. Is most serious health problem
in country. Thousands more destined for slow, dirty extermination. Even
fucking dogs catch cuntus johnsonitis fatalis from owners. Is worse,
much worse than evilest evil ever committed on nine-eleven, is murder on
a grand scale and yet, yet……in the debate is hardly no fucker to be
seen. Handful of sleeping drunks; mad pizza saleswoman, maybe twenty,
out of over six hundred MP, is lying about in chamber, farting. No Lib
Dem at all. No Paisleys. No Jock Nazi Party. All must be in restaurant,
knocking shop or public toilet with Michael White and Kevin Maguire,
proprietors of Gay Toilet Sex Is Us.
Speaker Gorbals Mick is
absent probably queuing up outside toilet - because is nobody on Labour
benches need protecting from tricky question, his only purpose on
Earth. Health minister “Cocaine Carol” Flint is off doing worthy relief
work in streets of Kings Cross and singing postmistress, Alan Johnson,
herself, is busy putting finishing touch to new album, Songs from a
Mortuary. Department of Extermination is represented only by grey-haired
old biddy, used to be dinner lady in Rowley Regis, now, fuck me,
minister of state.
Madam Deputy Speaker, says veteran Tory
nobody, Is fucking shit, all this, get letter all day long from
constituent, father go in local hospital, Madam Deputy Speaker, share
fucking bed with two other people, roll around in shit, get some slap
from nurse, get no food, starve and then fucking die, Madam Deputy
Speaker; yes I will give way to the Honourable Drunk opposite…
thank the honourable gentleman, said Barry Knuckles (New Lab, West
Bromwich) and wish to tell House that I get these fucking letters, too,
all fucking day long, Madam Deputy Speaker. Fucking constituents
pestering fucking life out of me. I mean, Madam Deputy Speaker, what the
fuck do they expect me to do about it? Work in fucking warehouse before
I came here. Do I look like a fucking doctor? Is very real problem for
honourable and right honourable members. Need pay rise, Madam Deputy
Speaker, need more staff, need less hours and more holiday, Madam Deputy
Speaker. Otherwise attract wrong type of person in House. Put people
off voting for me.
I thank the honourable member for his
intervention but back, Madam Deputy Speaker, to this old bastard in my
constituency….Yes I will give way to the right honourable lady…
am grateful to the honourable wotsisname and might I just say Madam
Deputy Speaker that my pizzas are on sale in the lobby of this house and
outside the other place, too, at an introductory price of three for two
and they are, if I may say so, like yourself, Madam Deputy Speaker, and
myself, hot stuff…
The House rang to shouts of Siddown; Tory
Slag; You must be fucking joking and Show us yer tits then, this last
from Mr Knuckles of New Labour.
Order, order, the right honourable lady must be heard.
you Madam deputy Speaker and as I was saying to my friend His Holiness
Pope Nazi only the other day over lunch in the Vatican, these pizzas of
mine really do, Your Holiness, represent outstanding value and maybe you
would consider a bulk order for your Paedophile Escape Committee
Working Lunches. I know you have a lot of hungry mouths to feed on these
occasions and I could get you one fucking Hail Mary of a deal on a
lorry load of the five-cheese variety. The Lunch is a-over, fuck off in
a-peace, was the Holy Father’s strange response. Got enough-a on-a my
gold-a salver with those-a fucking McCann nutters a-coming around here
every five minutes with a fucking film crew, saying darling you were
lovely but can we do that again, just-a one more take, darling, Capiche ?
Shower of a-fucking heathen cunts. Go on, fuck off back to the nutter
house before I-a fucking excommunicate you, you-a mad old bitch. Take
your fucking pizzas a-with you. This is-a fucking Italy. We don’t-a
want-a pizza made in-a fucking Milton Keynes. Anyway, thought-a you was a
fucking M-a fucking P, eh ? Not-a fucking fast-a food-a salesgirl. What
next-a happen? Is-a whole fucking house of commons go on-a fucking
Tesco advert, every fucking little help-a. Fuck-a me, great Catholic,
Napoleon, was-a right, is a nation of-a fucking shopkeeper, go-a
straight in-a fucking Purgatory or my-a name-a is-a not Joseph Mengele,
Butcher of-a fucking Poles, Scourge of-a fucking Jews and-a Protector-a
General of-a sacred brotherhood of-a Nonce U Like. These geezers,
blessed be the name of the Lord, is as much-a sin against as-a sinning,
these kiddies is all tarts, always asking for it. Not fucking grateful.
So what if holy man of God fuck up arse of few altar boys in otherwise
life of service to one true religion. Issa perk of fucking job. Little
bastard get used to have insertion of Holy Ghost. Don’t get fucking manse
to live in like heretic fucking Presbyterian. Dominus Vobiscum and
suffer the little children to-a come unto me. O sole mio, arrivederci
Roma, issa Walls-a Cornetto, give-a it to me.
Anyway Madam Deputy
Speaker it occurred to me in my lunch with il Papa that prayer might be
the solution to this cuntus johnsonitis fatalis business. If only
people in hospital were to pray to the Lord God who made them all, only
not of course those beardy cunts and carpet munching vicars in the
C-of-E, then our hospitals would be much better places. Prayer is the
answer, Madam Deputy Speaker; prayer and pizza; a few Our Fathers and a
warmish slice of Widdecombe’s Fair Pizza can ease an old person’s
unnecessary passing no end. And I commend them both to the House.
Fuck off you mad old bat. Shove yer pizzas up yer arse. Show us yer tits. (hon. Mr Knuckles) Resign.
I may, for the Government, Madam Deputy Speaker, reassure the House,
said the dinner lady from Rowley Regis, the right honourable Madge
Atkins, minister of death, that in conjunction with my right honourable
friend, the hereditary minister for plagues, Mrs Rosemary Benn, we have
carried out reee-surch into this whole matter and rather than bring in
the bulldozers and waste public money on culling these patients and
having huge funeral pyres darkening the fucking skies and feeding the
frenzied, if diminutive literary skills of Mr Toilets Maguire - skies
black with the smoke of infected old age pensioners being burned alive,
and so on; cull of infected elderly spreads to Northampton, fire pits
smoulder for days as government appeals to UN for airdrop of
firelighters and lighter fluid, Nazi doctors roasted my sick father
alive - we all know what the press would make of such a solution. So
instead, members and right honourable members, we have decided to enlist
the services of New York demolition expert, Mr Rudolf Fire-In-The-Hole
Giuliani, who assures me that he can demolish all the hospitals with the
patients still in them: we’ll put explosives in every floor and they’ll
all come down sweet as a nut, right in their own footprints. Just be
like mincing everybody up. It’s all quite humane, they don’t feel much
and its better than the daily beatings and torture from the Sri Lankan
nurses. I mean, I wouldn’t shit you, lady, its not nice or anything, but
they were all probably going to die at some point, so fuck ‘em. We
hoover up all the debris and ship it out to India to be turned into
curry powder or whatever the fuck they do with it. And if the relatives
complain you just say it was the ragheads did it and then invade
Pakistan. It worked for us. That’ll be ten billion dollars, please.
would further advise members that I spoke, through the door of the
Michael White Exclusive Toilet Suite in Downing Street, to my right
honourable friend, the prime minister, who, whilst terribly busy, found
time to approve this visionary measure in order to deliver on the
aspirations and values of the British people. Well, those British people
not clogging-up the hospitals, anyway. Doctor Nutter McCann has offered
to lend his expertise, too, as he became familiar with barbecue
techniques during his recent sabbatical in Portugal. All he needs in
return for doing his act is a donation to he and his wife, Myra’s,
personal mortgage charity, from every grateful citizen. This, therefore
is the government’s solution to the cuntus johnsonitis fatalis epidemic;
never mind killing the sick old bastards slowly, by thirst and
starvation and beatings and infection, lets just blow them, Madam Deputy
Speaker, all to fuck. Rally round the flag, y’all
hear-hear. Three cheers for Uncle Sam. Peerages all round. The House
will rise. ( and go in search of joyful relief from Michael White and
Strict David Aaronobitch.)
Stanislav advise only go in hospital
with body armour and AK 47. (Most Reverend Bishop Jonathan Spank-Me
Aitken can get cheap from friend down Turkish bathhouse)
Professor Quatermass - not really professor, well, maybe of advanced cheese studies or history of mobile telephone ring tones at University of Ashby de la Zouch, but not of politics; said:“Take country from this moment to next....?” Is shit, right, bollocks. Country and all things else take self from one moment etc. Happen anyway. Is no “moment.” Show Stanislav where is “moment.” Tell Stanislav when is next “moment.” Professor Q talk like any number of cunts on Today programme. At this moment in time. Devil, as ever, is in details. In very real sense. Is bottom line. At end of day. Prof Q is:“Desperate to see people works in offices...” God fucking help us all. Is height of ambition, eh? Everybody work in fucking office, be optimistic, be faintly artistic, listen to PotatoMan Mark Lawson blether and whine about Japanese cinema, like expert; watch Paul Morley on hundred best whatever programmes. Every fucking day. Is little known connection between punk rock and Medici Rennaisance. Oh yes. Make BBC cheque to Paul Morley RentAGob Ltd. Fuck me.
Great Polish painter Rembrandt is art. But Balinese people have great saying, is “We Have No Art. We Do Everything As Well As We Can.”
Professor, run away from office and moments and Mark Lawson and metropolitan conservatism; make escape from Arts phonies like skriking, speech-impaired, hunchback, transexual Kirrrsty Wonk; forget optimism, just forget it. Come in Scotland and be miserable. Sit in cave, eat porridge with fingers, drink whisky, wear skirt, beat wife, read Scotsman, memorise melancholy doggerel of shit writer Burns and hate everything. Scotland is land of fathomless, irremediable, eternal grievance. Come in Scotland and dream of Vengeance. Stanislav McLeodski October 09, 2007
Medical Bulletin
Harris, the Blog Dog, has been hospitalised with acute pancreatitis, which is as painful as having your leg cut off without anaesthetic, according to the vet. Humans with this condition scream, but dogs hide their pain - an evolutionary characteristic developed to prevent the pack turning on them and ripping their throats out. Harris was on
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Here's where my leg was shaved for my drip. I was very brave. |
a fluid drip and intravenous morphine every 6 hours and
lots of meds to calm everything down. Anyway, he's home now, on
paracetomol syrup, probiotics, omeprazole, four meals of chicken and rice a day, and his bed
next to the radiator. He glares at me a lot. Clearly blaming me.
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Here's me, resting. |
Mr Ishmael and his young friend, Stanislav's essays were:

"Kill budgie." Priceless, mrs i.
It looks as if we are going to get a double-dose "vaccine" available in the Spring maybe and call it a done deal. How much, how effective etc etc. Well all that need not trouble us now.
Extremely dark things now transpiring in the US. If Joe Biden makes it to Easter I would be astonished. Maybe he'll just get the rona.
Mrs I: sorry to read about Harris. Its at times like these we are reminded that our pets' lives are totally dependent upon us. Some 6 years ago Mr Pug had a hip replacement. We are fortunate to have a world class veterinary hospital nearby in Sydney. The operation was successful, though there was a couple of months recovery whilst his muscle healed. He was confined to a children's play pen so he couldn't injure himself. He would look sad and we took it in turns to sit in the pen and sing him songs and read children's stories. He also liked to watch the national news and would bark when it was time to turn on the TV.
Mr I's piece on the horrors of the NHS reminds me that we are fortunate to have a good health system here - in my experience far superior that the NHS. One reason is that there is none of the sloppy sentimentality that surrounds the NHS. Here doctors are regarded the same as auto mechanics - somewhere you go to get fixed. And since its competitive - you can choose your GP and hospital, and GPs are payed per item of service rendered, they have to be good.
However, its been my experience also that the care pets receive from vets is even better. Mr Pug get an injection every 3 months to prevent arthritis; my wife once said to the vet she wouldn't mind having a shot. Whilst the vet did explain that it wasn't licensed for humans, she did say that some vets she knew injected themselves and swore by it.
Indeed Mr mongoose. The timing of the Biden laptop release just before the election is suspicious to say the least. I think what is happening is there is an internal civil war occurring in the FBI, CIA, DoJ etc. And whoever wins is at this point irrelevant. At least 50% will not accept it.
It's an "October Surprise", mr mike. It's just like all the other crap. It even has its own wiki page: Such is politics in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I am afraid that the simple idea that confuses us here the least but the bemuses it seems everyone else is quite simple. They are all the fucking same. It doesn't matter for whom you vote, the government gets in. Both sides fo the pond. it means nowt now.
I thought that cynical old me, even I, had foreseen it all but I had not. Here in the UK we now have "The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill 2020". I know what you're thinking! It just says that when the enemy is at the gate our good and faithful who already put their lives at risk can break the law a wee bit to keep the bad guy from winning. It'll say MI5, the army, the police perhaps can break the law just a little bit. Alas, Section 1A - the list of those who have these new exemptions:
"A1 Any police force.
B1 The National Crime Agency.
C1 The Serious Fraud Office.
The intelligence services
D1 Any of the intelligence services.
The armed forces
E1 Any of Her Majesty’s forces.
Revenue and Customs
F1 Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs.
Government departments
G1 The Department of Health and Social Care.
H1 The Home Office.
I1 The Ministry of Justice.
Other bodies
J1 The Competition and Markets Authority.
K1 The Environment Agency.
L1 The Financial Conduct Authority.
M1 The Food Standards Agency.
N1 The Gambling Commission.”
The fucking Environment Agency?! The Food Standards Agency?! The Gambling fucking Commission?! All these nee their 007 Licence to Kill drivel do they? WTF, as the young people say.
Mr mongoose: I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Likely cry, because this sort of nonsense from the UK eventually is taken up down here as a "good idea". But even without the legislation, the bastards have always got away with it. Think of the coppers beating that guy (Williamson?) to death in London in broad daylight; or Dame Dick and the Brazilian; or further up, Chilcot. Germany under Hitler is starting to look attractive.
And this is what the battle is in the USA. If Creepy Joe wins and packs the SCOTUS, it will mean violence again. Sadly, there are too many guns in the USA that something shocking will not ensue. They all play with fire.
Allegedly 300 million guns in the USanA, in private hands, mr mongoose, if it does kick off, an it will, I wouldn’t wanna be a Democrat activist. TPTB across the pond seem to be looking for trouble.
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