We don't know if what this lady says is accurate and truthful. What we do know is that we have seen thousands of people unlawfully storm border crossings, refuse to co-operate with lawful requests for identification and attempt to illegally board a British vessel.
We have seen thousands of people attempt to enter the UK illegally. We have seen tens of thousands of people who have cynically used their notional refugee status not to claim refuge in the first country they visit but to insist that they travel without let, hindrance or documentation to wherever they chose. Even without Mme, Hericourt's revelations, the so-called Jungle is an affront to law-abiding citizens across Europe; its raison d'etre is the determined pursuit of illegality and yet the authorities'- the miserable Frankie Hollande's and our own - response is to support and resource it, instead of dismantling it, breaking-up its gangs and dispersing its population.

We have seen thousands of people attempt to enter the UK illegally. We have seen tens of thousands of people who have cynically used their notional refugee status not to claim refuge in the first country they visit but to insist that they travel without let, hindrance or documentation to wherever they chose. Even without Mme, Hericourt's revelations, the so-called Jungle is an affront to law-abiding citizens across Europe; its raison d'etre is the determined pursuit of illegality and yet the authorities'- the miserable Frankie Hollande's and our own - response is to support and resource it, instead of dismantling it, breaking-up its gangs and dispersing its population.
Our own witless pigfucker, Cameron, depite taxing us billions for the Ruperts and the Navy, whimpers, Oh, fuck me, matron, HM Armed Forces simply cannot defend the Chunnel and the Channel against a few thousand angry Muslim civilians, better vote as I tell you or we'll be invaded,

yes, the fuckers'll overrun us completely, just look at how organised they are with their phones'n'scarves'n'stubbly chins,

a professional modern army's got no chance against them, none whatsoever; yes, I know Winston didn't think like that, but I'm not Winston. We will have tents one the beaches, tents on the landing grounds, we will always surrender. Give us the job and we'll break the tools.
There was a time when a Tory PM, speaking as Cameron has, recently, would have been visited by his senior colleagues and fucked-off to the Lords, sharpish.
I mean, there is something very wrong here, isn't there, when the prime minister admits he cannot defend a single point of entry to the United Kingdom, unless we vote to stay in the European Union? Just when you think he can't be more of a cunt than he is, he can. I know that the Americans made Blair pardon the Irish Torturing Army and bring them into government but by then Blair wan't even pretending to be British prime minister, more of a, you know, Messiah, for all the people.
Mme. Hericourt lists, also, the failures of French police and politicians and when we compare them with similar behaviours here, at home, there is nothing extraordinary or unbelieveable in her claims. Northern cops and filthy councillorts and MPs have conspired in a far more grievous fashion against indigenous communities than have les flics and le parlement Francais.
It may be that Mme. Hericourt is another Diane Wotsit, of the Poundlanders, another Suzy UKIP, a tub-thumping chancer, looking for a seat in some incoming le Pen senat or assemblie, maybe even a gig with the dwarf, Sarkozy, should he win, let's face it, if he employed crooked old Chrissie la Vache, he'll employ anyone. We cannot know, save that she was produced by an organisation called Counter-Jihadi, a group to which, on the face of it, no-one should object, although apparently they do.
I present her, here, thanks to mr sg, because at the very worst she is a counterblast to the listeners of Any Questions who insist - or used to - that we should open not only our borders but our homes to a hostile and alien culture. If her account of life in Calais is true then her view that this is the end of our civilisation seems less racist hyperbole, more a message from an approaching storm, a warning
from someone who's been there, done that,
got the burka.
This shit is accelerating at a pace which would have been unbelievable 12 months ago.
Powell was accurate in his prediction, so was Sid Farage. 40,000 Bulgarians now looks like a bargain.
When ham face says that there will be a 50,000 Syrian tent city in Kent if you don't vote Remain, well this makes me want to kill the cunt - and I'm an Aussie 13000 miles away, so god knows how you buggers feel.
There are only 2 logical outcomes to this, and I'm talking short term, not distant future: either the return of the gas chambers, or the end of the white Anglo-Saxon Christian race. Multicultural harmony will not happen.
Well, that's a bold and uncomfortable suggestion, mr mike, and I think both outcomes amount to much the same thing. Hard to see a peaceful remedy.
Wasn"t it Blind Boy Blunkett, going out to Sangatte, to see things for himself, who signed-off the Jungle? Wouldn't be right, to punch a blind man in the gob but if anyone ever deserved one, he does.
When this started, some months ago, I was enraged by les biens pensants in my own population, all chorussing Do me a favour, Open the door and let 'em in and, Let's have them live in our houses, like they were abandoned puppiee, and we could say to them all, Whoosa Good Boy, Then? Ahmed's a good boy. And Fatima's a good girl, too, yes she is. This distorted, liberal impulse, was and remains a foolish, patronising racism in itself, and what is worse is that the supposed refugees, fleeing Syria, amount to about only a third of those arriving, and the Jungle camp at Calais, in any event, predates the Syrian war, by decades.
As I said, no peaceful remedy presents itself. Expulsion is not practicable or desirable, integration and absorption untenable without the migrants' abandonment of a strident and contrary religious agenda. Fucked if I know.
One possible small step would be entirely secular education and an effort to divert discussion of Islam away from its rancid manifestation in the jihadi morons and towards its richer, more mystical and life-loving forms. As you have said, the role and perception of women in the religion is also crucial. Beyond any of that, I share your despair; the overriding problem is indeed one of demographics; old Europe doesn't want to breed, new Islamic Europe does and sees its ultimate victory secured in that difference.
Ham Face is shitting himself because there`s a good chance the bone idle dummy might lose the referendum and have to deal with the fall out; not an enticing prospect for a thick lazy bastard like him. He`s realised that his usual approach of saying ' I went to Eton, born to rule, so fall in line peasants ' is not working so he`s babbling any old nonsense. For fucks sake, Ted Heath would have driven a harder bargain.
Mr Plod and Mr Squaddie can watch one fuckin` tunnel. They could use those CCTV things used to watch us all over the place, even unto the shithouse. And Mr Jack Tar and Mr Bomber Boy can patrol the Channel, with radio, radar, satellite surveillance. Piece of cake, old boy.
Blockade and raid were what the Royal Navy specialised in, more so than set piece battles like Jutland. In then nineteenth century Mr Jack Tar was all over the place, putting down slavery and piracy. A landing party of bootnecks and cutlass wielding matelots would have cleared out the jungle like the proverbial through a goose. Always been at a loss to understand why those raggedy arse bastards in Somalia weren't dealt with in such a fashion, especially given the advantages of modern technology.
And if nonce gangs like those in Rotherham were targeting the daughters of the Kensington and Chelsea set, or if the New Years celebration of Rebekkah Brooks and Samantha Cameron were interrupted by Cologne style gropers then Johnny Migrant would feel like his fucking mosque had fallen in on him.
Remember the riots of 2011 ? Mr Rioting Pleb was put firmly in his place, courts sitting all night and weekends, people jailed for nicking stuff like bottles of water which Plod wouldn`t normally raise an eyebrow at. The Establishment, in the grip of fear can move fast indeed. Ditto the creation of Magic Money for the banksters.
As for the virtue signallers who would open their houses to Mr Migrant, on the way to work in Exeter I see lots of booze sodden, drug addled, mumbling or shouting bums in shop doorways. Would they take in those distressed souls ? The fuck they would.
It would proabbaly take the murder of a cCabinet Minister, say Gideon or Duncan Smith, sent to Satan in a Lee Rigby style street headchopping to galvanise Top Hat Boy into some kind of action.
There are, of course, mr bungalow bill, literary, scriptural and I daresay musical - although I am deaf to them - strande of Islam which are interchangeable with the Christian-Quaker-Socialist tradition from which so many of us spring, even if we consider ourselves Rightist, just as there are examples in both of cruel, Mosaic, patriarchal, wimmin-hating sonofabitchism; the latter, of course seems to dominate the hearts and minds of our urgent, demanding visitors, Allah Akbarring their arses off all over my grren and pleasant land, and they would piss all over your suggestion, call you infidel and cut your head off. You could read to them The Way Of The Sufi until your lips bleed and,,praising Allah they would put you in a cage and burn you alive. You and I are probably more muslim than these stubbly gangbangers.
It is all so very simple, as you say, mr yardarm, British forces and British attitude deterred both Napoleon and Hitler, never mind this riff-raff and I cannot for the life of me understand Cameron's defeatist utterance, if Corbyn said this there would be calls of Treason! It is beyond belief.
And if we cannot or choose not to assist the local, living haphazardly, but instead make the cityscape hostile to him, how on Earth might we succour and redeem those raised to practice hatred towards us. Radio Four, I'd shut it down in an instant.
Thanks for posting that up Mr I. I gather that Mme. Hericourt's testimony has gone 'viral' and even reached the mainstream media in places causing, no doubt, much hand wringing amongst the 'do-gooding - let 'em all in - Guardianista' types (in my view these types are no different to the animal liberation mob who go around releasing American mink and the like into our environment whereupon they proceed to replace local native species and cut a swathe through the small game and free range poultry populations...).
On, reflection, her story did seem a little flakey in one or two places, especially the bit about her son fighting off three assailants after being struck across the face with a iron bar but maybe there was a little something lost in translation and I agree that the general drift of what she had to say correlates with what we can see with our own eyes.
A little piece I came across from Mr Yardarm's part of the world on how similar insurgencies were dealt with in times past (it reminded me that I must make the trip across to Lundy sometime soon, before it is claimed for the Caliphate:
I don't intend to kick-off or anything but my instincts are always with the animal libbers, rather than, say, the movement to stamp-out trans-phobia, or the movement to plant noisy, useless windmills in the nation's every beauty spot. I know nothing specific, just that I would feel more comfortable with a hunt saboteur than a huntsman, with an animal libber than a slaughterman, in a donkey sanctuary rather than a vivisection lab. Your analogy, though, about the alien over-running the native is perfectly sound and I believe that will happen in the case of the current Muslim Insurrection.
It was mr mongoose, years back, who alerted me to the idea of the Islamic Reformation, although he will probably deny it, like he does, and however it pans out it should not be a battle fought here, let them fuck off back to wherever it is and fight there among Sunni and Shia and the rest of their bloody sects. There are too many who have a reformatory zeal for the institutions of my country, fucked-up as it is, and not all of which are bad. Given a black flag flying over Downing Street, its occupants would be the first to close the borders to non-Islamic entrants.
I am acutely conscious of the Tebbitry which dictates that British Muslims should prove a negative, prove that they are not terrorists by performing some public ritual of self-abasement and I think that in his Cricket Test nostrum the filthy old spiv presaged Trumpism All ust be equal before the law or none are and to expect British Muslims to consider themselves beyond the jurisprudence pale is a disturbing suggestion. It is also disturbing, however, that so many who would storm our gates seem confident of a welcome and a protective integration to an extant, faith-based underworld of accommodation, employment in a black economy and fellowship in a seeming infinity of mosques. I am curious about the fact that I have yet to hear a Muslim voice dissuading the insurgents, by word or deed, from comimg here illegally and instead, being filibustered by so-called community leaders insisting that we have it all wrong, that their Islam is a religion of peace, although it appears, globally, to be as peace-loving as was Richard Couer de Lion, the late Godlessheathenbastard.
I am not entirely out of sympathy with your leanings in relation to the treatment of animals Mr I and abhor what looks like, and often is, gratuitous cruelty. However, 'liberating' non-native fauna into our environment is, in my book, also cruel and indeed thoroughly irresponsible, either because the animals in question are unable to survive or because they have adverse effects on local fauna and flora, if the impact of Muntjac Deer (a native of Southern China and Taiwan) around here and in other parts of the country is anything to go by. Some hunting, or rather culling, of such species has become necessary given that most of the predators that would have preserved the ecological balance are long extinct in this country thanks to the interventions of man. Our 'natural', rural environment is actually nothing of the sort and is as artificial and 'man-made' as any townscape. I am told that venison is an extremely 'healthy' form of meat, though I confess I find it a little dry and best consumed in a stew - give me a nice juicy Orcadian steak anyday (non-Halal - of course)! Rant over!
Yes, Mr SG. Read a bit about Barbary Corsairs some years back. Lundy is the only part of the UK to have been occupied by an Islamic and African power, Algiers, for about ten days in 1625, I think. In the 1`630`s, 40`s and 50`s many sailors and fishermen were taken to a life of slavery in north Africa. The cheeky bastards even raided ashore, around Mousehole and other places. Often they were lead by Europeans and English renegades who ' turned Turk '. Mr Jack Tar ground them down but not, finally until the nineteenth century.
It's the grass what does it, the Orcadian beef, and the fact that the beasts are not transported any distance to be slaughtered. I knew a butcher, once, in Worcestershire, a small business, reared his own cattle and he was adamant that it was all in the killing, an unstressed animal producing a more tender corpse and certainly his roast beef was like butter. When just arrived here I bought half a beast, for the freezer, and it seemed to me that the shin was as tender as the fillet, just throw it in a skillet, any part of it, and it'd be done and mouthwatering in a few minutes, so I'm sure you enjoy your Orkney steaks. Funny thing is that I don't miss it at all, struggle now, even to eat a rare piece of haddock. I feel a bit easier in myself, with myself, although I fully appreciate the sensuality of flesh eating. Enjoy it while you still can, you'll be on locust burgers before you know it.
I was thinking the same Mr I, about the locust burgers. Maybe not locust but more likely genetically engineered meat and fish grown in a petri dish. Maybe no bad thing in the long run, in the world to be of 10, maybe 15 billion people. The mass of humanity, inhabiting dense, veritical cities powered by fusion reactors, fed from food factories and hydroponic urban farms. Real meat would be a rare treat, perhaps only consumed by the rich and 'well to do'. Perhaps in this way be can strike a balance between ourselves and the rest of 'nature' - returning farmed and suburban land to wilderness. A brave new world for brave new people...
It looks like a large amount of shit is about to hit a very large fan in Syria now Vlad and Iran are on the verge of victory, and Turkey and Saudi have no option but to support the remnants of their rebels.
Russia will vaporise any Turkey/Saudi incursion. If the US is then mad enough to get involved...well I'm glad I'm down here. If the UK sends its 2 clapped-out Tornados as a token for the US, about as much use as a pair of Sopwith Camels, then this will be ham face's biggest error by far, amongst many.
Good job we have such a capable war minister as Mick Fallon, then, a blowhard pipsqueak, he'd die happy, if he could contibute to World War Three. Are you wise, travelling to Laos with all this shit going on? I sometimes think twice about visiting the mainland, in these lunatic days.
The Dutch have trialled locust burgers and people like them, although the Quorn products, some of them, are hard to distinguish from the real, dead thing, if it's the sensation of chewing flesh one is after, they do a bacon rasher which, cooked just-so, makes an acceptable sandwich, and a white roasting thing which, depending on the accompanimemts, could be chicken or pork, although I find the faking of flesh to be a bit weird, a bit creepy, may as well stay with the real thing, seeing as how you still want it.
I'm inclined to agree with you about that Mr Mike, there's nothing left worth fighting for there, if there ever was in the first place (apart from some ancient Christian communities and beautiful churches and 4,000 years worth of antiquities - God knows what has become of them...). Pull back the Sopwiths (by the way, I am not so sure that the Tornado GR4 is quite as 'clapped out' as you may think. You see it is equipped with a Storm Shadow Cruise missile with mounts a Broach warhead - this thing can clear its way into a bunker or tunnel using a penetrating charge then detonate the main munition - where do you think the Rag Heads hide themselves? That's why they are there... but I'd still get them the fuck out of there and leave the job to Assad, the Iranians and the Ruskies - I think they will assist our Jihadi compatriots, rather painfully, with their desire for martydom whilst avoiding any unnecessary expense to the British tax-payer). Pull the SAS folks out of Yemen too - I fear that there may soon be more important work for them to do closer to home...
al jazeera has an interesting piece, comparing the aircraft available to the principals and some informed, regional comment.
Ain't spotted that Mr I, but then again, Al Jazeera, whilst worthy, sadly proves too dull for me so can only watch in small doses (RT the same but for the opposite reasons...). If you are referring to the KSA (fourth largest 'defence' budget in the world - which is why our Royals and politicians of all varities, when in office, are all over them like flies round shit...) then yes, they and the other Gulf States are tooled up with high end military equipment of all kinds - especially aircraft. However, if you took away all the American, British, Australian et al 'contractors' that train them, provide the logistical and C3I support, or whatever it's called these days, the whole lot would be inoperable within a few weeks and they'd be back to muskets and camels. The Saudis, of course, are fighting what they perceive to be the real war against the Iranians. Let them slug it out... Now that the Iranians have been let in from the cold maybe we could supply both sides...
The Saudi airforce, manned by Philippinos, doesn't quite strike the same fear as the Russian airforce. Vlad will win easily against the Saudis and Turks, unless the US gets involved, then we move onto a whole different level.
Mr I: I feel safe going to SE Asia, but in May I'm due off to France to start 6 weeks walking of the Camino. I'm not a shrinking violet, but I'm starting to wonder. The Memshaib was going to meet me in Lisbon afterwards, but as of this morning she's canned that.
On the subject of meat, and notwithstanding Mme Palin's wry observation on the subject, I do think we eat way too much of it. For much of the world it is a luxury and perhaps that is how it should be. I have just noticed that Mr Mike is off to Laos - I was there twenty years ago so will return to that subject in due course but not now for it is way past my bedtime!
PS I can't repeat her exact words on the geopolitical scene for fear of upsetting the more gentile present; suffice to say it was robust, and her chosen way forward would lead to a swift resolution.
Do try, old son, will you, to not let your irritation that we do not always agree lead you into senseless error and spiteful subclause. It is fucking irritating and not worthy of you.
The term "Islamic reformation" here, yes, came from me - it is far from an original idea. I do not deny it. If you paid closer attention you might find, and think upon, that I tend to deny very little. I get a bit bored by slack bastards adding their own tuppence and shouting "Aha! The mongoose twat wants us hip-deep in head-choppers!" See, as a for instance, immediately passim re the NHS. A junior doctor's shift pattern has little to do with the overall strategy for the funding of such an irredeemably complex organisation. One pebble upon a mighty fucking beach of rocks. Thought fodder. And so, and so, a muslim baby drowning in the Med is not the same problem as a muslim dickhead throwing rocks in Calais. I thought that we understood this. This, I had hoped, was not the Daily "Wogs Out" Express.
For the avoidance of fruther casual doubt, the migrations of peoples about the place has many causes - beyond my power to keep up with them all. My original observation was that a body wot takes its infants out onto the ocean in a crappy little boat is likely desperate. The reason, the desperation and the parent being all as nothing to the potential drowning of an infant on an ocean - or, as we do ever strive for rigour, in it. Frankly if we do not have a liberal feeling towards this last, I cannot the fuck help any further. And that is where that matter rested.
It is, if I may say, busy as you may be building some Orcadian seashore defences to keep out the Barbarian horde, a question of ruinous mission creep and muddle. If we all stood back a few paces what would we see? I think we see some of Europe and much of the Mid-East up for grabs again, and the power structures therein in the midst of collapse. But not in the old colour-it-red British Empire way but the trade-with-it-and-exploit-it new British Empire way. At least three major wars - and many several minor - since this time 100 years ago, which is but the day before yesterday in history's diary. The Ottoman, the British, the USSR, the EU, OPEC, all power structures of thereabouts, and all of them fucked for sure. Fuck me, throw the western religious empires on the fire while we're here. Is it any wonder that the poor people of the lands where all this is taking place are looking for something better and/or safer? I do not think that it is at all surprising even that the odd one hides neath a hood, like a dog on a chain. (Assad Junior looks civilised? Complete bollocks. I would hang the vile bastard today. As a start. To encourage the rest.) And if we took just a few seconds more, we'd find that all of the influxes of the past, even here, even in Orkney, have been assimilated and will be assimilated again. Maybe not this week and maybe not next. But the Irish horde isn't still staking out Whitmore Park, is it? For every black-swathed poor young woman now kept in cultural chains behind Holbrook Lane there is another at secondary school somewhere in that city, and it is to be hoped reading a history book. Perhaps she might like to share with her kaffir brethren across the desk because they are likely going to end up the more ignorant unless she does.
Now how does an Islamic Reformation fit into European retreat? The Old World is becoming even older. Why aren't they trying this shit to the East and the North, instead of always, always to the West? It's a question worth an answer.
Now, not for the first time, lunchtime is over and I have work to do. I hope this muddled download helps your ruminations. (4096 character limit? WTF? Never met tat bastard before.)
You must be rich in friends, mr mongoose, or else poor, to so readily conflate affection with spite; I will abandon it.
"It" being the contention, I hope, and not the blog. Short odds I won't be alone in hoping that.
Seconded Mr V!
I'm hoping it's an echo of a Dylan lyric. We can always rely on Sir Stephen Fry to amuse in difficult times. His umpteenth departure from the twitter nonsense, on the basis that it has become an arena for 'sanctimonious self-righteousness", is quite superb and puts Lady Elton's tantrums way back in the field.
I am unTwittered, outwith the gates of Heavenly Pleasure, like a sinner unshriven, a maiden unsoiled, and so I do not know how Steve Younghusband entertains his followers, may God shine a light on their chill darkness, although I understand that, like Brother Tatchell, he is befouled by weeds of the New Puritanism. I would venture that anyone showing the slightest interest in the BAFTAS, as participant or observer, deserves everything they get. Awards for ghastly, retarded playactors, whilst plumbers and carpenters, menders and growers, lifters and carers go unsung, underpaid and maligned. Fry is mascot to Decline and Fall, right that he be torn by dogs he bred and set loose.
I am boarding one of LoganAir's clapped-out, flying Triumph Heralds shortly, for Aberdeen, and will return this evening. Like me on Facebook, friend me on Twitter, now and at the hour of my death. In the name of the Zucker, the Gates and the holy Jobs.
"Let them in" is Paul McCartney / Wings - describing a family get-together.
Mongoose - not come across you before. Do you have a blog? Don't say you're right but you're making me reconsider.
Excuse my Arabic, but bollox to an islamic reformation.
Never gonna happen. Even if it started today, it would take several centuries to catch up to today's standards of decency (even the most basic one's, like not shagging your cousins or cutting your [one of many] wife's nose off for showing her ankles) from it's firmly established foundation of the 7th century, a foundation upon which has been placed not one, single, solitary brick, unless you count the replacement of the scimitar with the Kalishnikov.
It's backward. It quite literally retards people. It's time to stop relativising this shitty pseudo-religion, stop pretending it is in some way a force for good, call it what it is, a shitty death-cult, and its followers what they are; shitty, whiney, rude, aggressive, dictatorial dross who, for the most part, couldn't really give a toss about peaceful, inner-jihad; they want what they have not, what we have, and are too stupid to realise that the reason we have it is because we are not interested in the ravings of paedophile war-lords.
We need, desperately, to recognise this cult for what it is, an existential threat to the entire western world, and bang the message home, loud and clear - 'Piss off, you're not welcome here'.
There is no doubt in my mind as to the outcome of failing to act now. I am always amazed at how prescient people consider Orwell and even Enoch Powell to have been. I do not dispute that they were able to read the signs of the times, that their predictions were accurate - some, dreadfully, are yet to be fulfilled. What I cannot understand is how anyone could NOT see what they saw. It is as plain as the nose on your face (so long as you are not a disobedient muslim wife) that if you allow crooks to take power, you will have crooked government with perverts, slags, morons and thieves running the shop, as is evident every day now. It is also quite dazzlingly obvious that if you allow a foreign religion, followed almost entirely by foreign races, to become as dominating as the mohammedans have, you are in for one of two outcomes. You will ether have an exceedingly violent power struggle leading to an islamic republic, or you will have an exceedingly violent power struggle leading to the expulsion of the muslims. There is no middle ground, there is no room or point in compromise, Within 50 years at the very most Great Britain will either be an Islamic country or it will have been the victor in an horrific 'purge' of both the muslims and the fifth columnist, quisling facilitators.
At this point, in my opinion, we're fecked, as is Europe and the traditional European peoples.
Yes, mr fred, it was a conscious reference to the great fabster, the Beatles, Shakespeare, Dr Bob and the KJB, to name but a few; sometimes I think scarce a word of it mine own.
Well, mr vincent, you return like rolling thunder. Happy New Year. I have heen thinking a good deal about the myth of assimilation, our apparent need to believe it, despite all the evidence debunking it but it will take a post, y'know, the way President Trousers says, It Takes A Village.
Mr Vincent: I'm with you on your analysis. I think the thing about Powell - as he said himself in Rivers of Blood he was raising concerns put to him by his constituents - was that he dared to voice the anti-establishment line. And public opinion was 70% in Powell's favour at the time. So he wasn't attempting a prophesy.
No, I think the real reason that Powell was shafted by Heath, and subsequently black-balled, was because he was very strongly against the Common Market - this time very correctly prophesying the loss of sovereignty and democracy. He was even touring Europe giving speeches in French/German/Italian.
This is why the establishment branded him racist and marginalised him.
Mr Vincent and Mr Mike, you beat me to it!
I spotted this back up the road somewhere - You may find it interesting:
I was greatly surprised to see it carried by the BBC and for it still to be there. I fully expected it to have been discreetly disappeared by now given their usual stance on matters pertaining to the 'Religion of Peace'.
Mr Mongoose, perhaps, on reflection, describing Assad Jnr as 'civilised' is being overly generous (I think I may have described him thus alongside others). However, as Dr Johnson observed in 1758 "Among the calamities of war may be jointly numbered the diminution of the love of truth, by the falsehoods which interest dictates and credulity encourages". Who knows who has done what in this vicious, multi faceted civil war where one's enemy's enemy may quickly become one's enemy too. Somewhere I saw Assad Jnr described as 'the cleanest dirty shirt', I'll settle for that.
I am always in a quandry about Powell, firstly because he was adopted, fairly or not, by Alf Garnett - and although I was a child at the tme I never bought his creator's spiel that it was all just so so ironic because many were liberated by Alf's bile to speak and act similarly, as are many, today, by Rupert's snivelling cockboy, Clarkson, and his snivelling cockboys, in turn, licensed bullies, also so so ironic, totems, nevertheless, to brutish, gabshite, fucked-up pensioner laddists, von Fawkesists. Not directly Powell's fault but an IQ whizzkid as smart as he claimed to be should have made his points more forcefully, more persuasively, should have left his Roman, seeing the Tiber foaming with much blood, in the Oxbridge common room, silly cunt, bringing classics to the people of 'sixties Britain.
And secondly I am always dubious of one so convinced of his own importance to the legislature that he would sup with the Ulster Undertakers Party in order to gain a seat. If ever there was a bunch of greedy, murderous, savage, pigshit-thick anti-democrats it was, and remains, my Orange uncles and cousins. What's a purportedly nice man doing, licking Bigotry's foreskin, supporting the Spanish practices which ultimately gave Marty Kneecaps his start in showbusiness?
His observation was fair enough, but as mr vincent says, anybody could have made it, it took a double-first mind to do it so that it became so hated that even today those who voice it are damned.
...sounds like the making of a band there, Mr Ish - maybe Bukkake G & the Snivelling Cockboys. Where's Malcolm McLaren when you need the bastard?
Watch out, mr sg, lest mr fred swoop on you, reminding all that cleanest dirty shirt is a concept hymed originally by the insufferableableable Kris Kristoffersonsonson, in Sunday Morning Coming Down, I believe.
In the context civilsed is OK, compared to ISIL and i to Uncle Sam's crewcut, psychobastard mommasboy gangrapists Mr Saddam Hussein was civilised. Compared to those now in charge, Libya's late colonel was very civilised. Genghis, the Great Kahn, he was civilisation's midwife, although hus methids would trouble Amnesty International, and, indeed, myself.
Mr SG: thanks for that link, very interesting, and as you say surprising its still there.
Whatever the qualities of Assad (and Saddam and Gadaffi) there can be no doubt that the West has royally fucked up the Middle East for generations to come. And I'm fully expecting Syria to blow big any moment. Those guys are saints compared to the warmongers in the US and its vassal states.
Mr I: you beat me to it.
That's the trouble with you, mr verge, you always have to make a joke out of my decent, honest-to-goodness filth.
It's just what young stanislav used to call the shitegeis, mr mike. Doesn't make it wrong, though, Truth's parallel universe.
Their first single would be "Mr Brother's Keeper (London Zoo Mix)".
Who said anything about a joke?
A very Happy New Year to you too, Mr Ishmael.
I am here often, I have not forsaken you, I just cannot summon enough emotional energy to comment much nowadays, tired now, ground down I s'pose. I have got to the point, as I alluded to in my comment, where I just cannot understand how, seemingly, most people are blissfully ignorant of the dire peril we face as a nation, and when it is pointed out to them either don't care, don't believe me or else accuse me of various 'isms', most of which I wholeheartedly admit to being.
How can they not see? How can they not care? Even the most stupid, selfish person should, by very reason of his own selfishness, be extremely concerned at our current state of affairs, but alas, no. I am now convinced the decline is terminal, we have reached and passed the point of no return, the only measures now, that I can see at least, that would improve and repair the situation are so drastic they are unlikely in the extreme to be enacted, I imagine just thinking them is now some sort of crime. We are suffering some bizarre, national form of Stockholm syndrome.
Mr Mike,
When one compares the likes of Powell, a supremely talented and intelligent man, with the likes of the callow, chubby shit who was whining recently that he was so poor as a sitting MP on 70 grand a year plus exes that he had been forced to move back in with his parents, is it any wonder we are in so much trouble? How on Earth can a mummy's boy spendthrift, with not enough self-control to limit his intake of lard, let alone the wit and wisdom to balance a budget, be a leader, a legislator, a respected man in whom to confide and trust with the nation's problems? His name escapes me, and my seething resentment prevents me from googling, for my blood pressure's sake, but it was only a couple of days ago his stupid whining was in the news. Every single person in his constituency who voted for him should be thoroughly ashamed and firmly resolved to not repeat their grievous error, but they will. Again and again and again.
There is far, far more to this EU thing than meets the eye Mr Mike, and the destruction of the nation state, accompanied by the destruction of the races which populate them, is not the result of incompetence or graft, although there is plenty of both, it is quite deliberate. Powell recognised it, and wasattacked by the type of government that Orwell foresaw, or rather merely recounted from experience, with added poetic flourish.
Fear not Mr I, "I'm ready for Freddy". With apologies to Mr Krueger and credits to The Fat Boys...
Mr Vincent: I totally agree with every word. Better put than I could so do.
He was a Tory Romantic, Enoch, but I always thought him rather mad. The Nietzsche worship - hence the moustache... - the tormented donnishness of his thinking and expression. Something going on there, no doubt. I am not sure he foresaw the Islamic threat at all, but Mr Belloc did many years before:
"We must remember that the subjection of the Mohammedan -a purely political subjection - was accomplished by nothing more subtle or enduring than a superiority in weapons and mechanical invention. We must further remember that this superiority dates from a very short time ago."
"A little more and there will cease that which our time has taken for granted, the physical domination of Islam by the disintegrated Christendom we know."
And more in like manner. A proper prophet both him and his mate, Chesterton. Apologies for quoting him again but the more I read of them the more remarkable they were in foreseeing and warning against so much that is deadly in our modern European and Western culture.
O/t Mr Ishmael, but your mention of Genghis reminded me of a serial I saw fairly recently, about his khanate and court. Marco Polo. Worth a look, if you find yourself at a loose end.
Mr SG,
Thanks for the link.
I noticed that the beeb would not include, but merely describe, a cartoon depicting some form of image of the false prophet Mo, a cartoon that even Soviet Russia in the '20s permitted. Indicative of the self-censorship expected nowadays, expected, and for the most part received. How can it be possible that the BBC is more repressive than the Bolsheviks, almost 100 years after them?
That is a most interesting observation Mr Vincent, though I was surprised they went as far as they did - must have really been pushing the limits - but then again, produced by what's left of the World Service, still doing its best to provide what remains of the 'Service' I think. No need for a Censor's pen when 'they' can plant one inside our heads...
No, no apologies, it is good stuff, that to which you steered us.
It was not before my birth but before my time, the Powell Incident and I do believe, hindsighting, that Grocer Heath ground one of his axes on the matter, and as I recall Powell's fears were related to the black man, rather than the Asian, there had already been race riots following a quasi-official colour bar. Was he MP. for Smethwick, which, even then had a large Sikh and Muslim presence? I must look it up but my ibstinct is that your are correct to downplay his prophecy, insofar as it relates to Islamicisation. I also think that he was a sort of a Steven Fry, superior, showy, condescending and firmly up his own arse snd that rather too much is made of his talents. As I said, a wiser voice, cooler, less faux patrician might have been more to the purpose.
I think the main difference between Fry and Powell was that Powell did actually possess some genuine talent and intelligence, however idiosyncratically displayed, whereas Fry is just a gobby pervert who tries (and succeeds) to divert his 'fans' from his own inadequacies and perversions by making them laugh, rather like that other over-rated queer, Mr Wilde, who was also fond of witty one-liners, and boys. Just another BBC produced, promoted and sustained celebrity homo. He appears to me to be quite clearly mentally ill, and also displaying the symptoms of drug addiction.
Mr Powell was indeed concerned with the Jamaican influx, along with their 'picaninnies', IIRC, though his sentiments translate equally well with regard to the current invasion of muslims, and he said as much in his later years. I dare say he would perhaps now have been more than happy to trade West Indians for the sub-continental variety, given the dreadful mess we're in thanks to multi-culturalism, which is yet another word the meaning of which is the direct opposite of the reality.
Blogger call me ishmael said...
Defining the perverse is difficult. Certainly, I do not think that homosexuality, however common can be described as normal but then many heterosexuals do things which I consider depraved, unnatural and abnormal, I mean, where do we start on that spectrum and whose business is it anyway, so long as no laws are broken? It really is a Fool's game, trying to proscribe, define, exclude. We talked about this at some length, a couple of years back, I think it was called They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
But consider, homosexual acts are legal, experts say that people are born homosexual and this appears to be widely believed. How may we reasonably object when people act upon that information and engage in homosexual activity and/or decide to mirror heterosexual society, its rites and customs? I find it irritating, that gay men demand the right to be straight, irritating and stupid, and also demand that I be compelled to endorse that view, that marriage means whatever people want it to mean, and not what it does mean.
To use the language of your comment, mr vincent, I object to many current homosexual nostrums not because they are queeer but because they are not queer. I used to like queers, got in trouble, supporting their right - everybody's right -not to be beaten and injured by the cops. Now that so many demand not just my tolerance but my capitulation to absurd and corrosive beliefs I get angry with them. While I still can.
I never know what to think about Wilde, he was by all accounts what we would now call a child sex offender but at a very different end of the scale from Saint Pope John Paul and Pope Nazi and their global army of beasts. They even control the language with which we describe their crimes - abuse, when what we speak of is rape and buggery and enforced fellatio and beatings and freezings and God only knows what else, being abusive doesn't do it justice. But that is to muddy the waters, most modern homosexuals do not engage in child sex abuse, most paedophiles are of the family, ostensibly heterosexual. And although he was known to patronise what we now call rent boys, it was for sodomy, then illegal per se and not for child abuse, that Wilde was gaoled.
As to his talent, well it was considerably greater than Fry's dreary self-promotion, although the older I grow the more trivial seem his plays, his poetry - Reading Gaol being dreadful, juvenile doggerel - and his prose, even de Profundis, which oughter've been good was just whining. Like many, Wilde married and fathered; today we would not have any grounds to call him pervert, decadent, maybe, degenerate, I dunno. What's degenerate, depends where you start-off, to a Scottish presbyterian oral-genital contact might be the worst of depravities, whilst, to someone raised in, say, a Steiner school, with liberal, non-judgemental parents then Depravity's alarm might only sound with the act of murder. As I said, I dunno, except that it isn't the private act to which I object - why would I? - just the exhibitionistic insistence that I celebrate it. Fuck that shit.
No proscription called for, Mr Ishmael. No point passing bans which cannot be enforced, although criminality, violence and murder is banned, and people still do it. There are no appeals to the level of crime to normalise criminality, yet the homo appeals (lies, mostly) about the amouny of people involved in his particular pastime, as though the number of degenerates somehow excuses the degeneracy. The idea that if enough people engage in a perversion the the thing ceases to be such, and the persons cease to be perverted is, well, plainly ridiculous. If people want to stick things where there should not be stuck, that's their business, and God will judge them for it, none of my business what people do in private. But there's the rub; they are just not private about it. They bang on and on about it. That Norton freak cannot go more than two minute without a smutty innuendo. Ditto Julian Clary, the Izzard creature, Fry, Barrymore, Carr, all of these weirdos. And that is what they are, weirdos.
As you point out, 'abuse' is so anodyne. It is rape, molestation, GBH. And similarly I will not play semantics over words such as pervert and weirdo. I'm not having it that they are not weird, perverts even, and I will also not allow the redefining of words to try and normalise their behaviour. I don't care how many penguins take it up the 'arris, or gay geese gobble each other, etc, etc, it's weird, and I will not be bullied by these weirdos into changing my opinion on the matter. The same for heteros that want to do perverted things, the act is what makes them perverted. Sex is normal, healthy, fun, in the bedroom. It is not for the car-park with strangers and an audience, that is, however hetero, perverted and weird. I think it is down to the internet, this constant demanding of sources and source material for opinion, the requirement to define words that were once clearly understood, relatavising, excusing. I think it's weird, being gay. The source is myself. The meanings of the words I use are exactly as found in a dictionary, and the fact that some heterosexual people are perverted too is not an example of how human sexuality varies, more of how human nature is corrupt and will seek the lowest common denominator if left unchecked.
My own brother is a brown-hatter, and so I feel I can speak with some insight into the matter. They are, I believe, not born gay, any more than George Best was born drunk. How and why it happens is a collossal subject matter, but generally speaking I think most of it is down to a dysfunctional, overly close relationship with the mother, and a unnatural distance from the father, coupled with a supreme selfishness. This aspect is rarely touched upon, the effect of homosexuality on the rest of the family.
I have been deprived of the joys of being an uncle by blood instead of by marriage. I am deprived of a sister in law, my own children deprived of cousins on my side, and, due to the continual attention-whoring and drama-queening my brother and most of his kind revel in nowadays, I cannot even go to the pub with him. I could go on, there's more, much, much more, the effect on my father, the very strange effect on my mother and therefore her relationship with me, etc.
To recap - if people want to behave like dogs, that's their business, but I will not stop thinking it weird and I will not accept that is a normal and healthy advancement and benefit to society.
BTW The importance of being Earnest is just so very, very bad. I remeber studying it in English Lit and thinking 'I could do this, why am I wasting my time with this shit?'.
Well, I am unsure which is the paramount right, yours to have nephews and a sister in law or your brother's to deny you them; it figures nowhere in any accepted declaration of rights, nor in any scripture that man must procreate to please his brother. My own late brother was a drunk and a wastrel and his lonely, isolated death sours my every blessing, it was, however, his life, my regrets and disappointments, then and now irrelevant, maybe I contributed to his epic waywardness, maybe you helped cause your brother to be gay, who knows? All I know is that Grace and Humility and Compassion will deliver us from Evil, and from ourselves.
Your penultimate paragraph, mr vincent, is always my point, applied to gays, junkies, trannies, in fact to all who would make of their lives a showy tantrum. It is none of my business, I don't care, just don't do it in the street and don't farm children in order to aid your deception.
As for sex being normal, it is we, and perhaps the odd higher primate who, uniquely, fetishise, extend, adorn and obsess about that which, elsewhere in Creation, is over in a moment or two, I don't know which strands of those behaviours are the normal ones, chained, as our most of us, to Fantasy's constant betrayal.
No rights claimed Mr Ishmael, just observations. Would have been nice to have had nieces and nephews, perhaps. Nice for my wife to have a chat and a sherry with his wife, perhaps. Would have been nice to have had a man for a brother, instead of whatever he is now. No wonder gays seem so very lonely, most of them, trying to hide it with gregarious, brash, crude behaviour.
BTW, not that I assert a right to these things, but there are Biblical scriptures that instruct a man to raise children with his brother's wife, should said brother have died without issue, for the sake of both his brother and the woman. Kind of presupposes that there ought to be a woman and, if possible, children.
I don't know. Just sayin' what I've seen, what I've heard, how I feel. This is where the weariness I spoke of, up the page, kicks in. Running out of puff, so to speak.
I know, I know, mr vincent, it is a landscape wearying to the mind and the spirit but Spring comes, cannot be sold-off, cannot reassign itself, take heart, Creation laughs.
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