O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not harassed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.
— Sura 33 (Al-Ahzab), ayah 59, Qur'an[5]
Well, that's all very well, peace and wossanames be on wodevver and all the rest of it.
But lessbeclear,
“I think in our country people should be free to wear what they like, within limits live how they like, and all the rest of it,”
O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them. That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not harassed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.
— Sura 33 (Al-Ahzab), ayah 59, Qur'an[5]
Well, that's all very well, peace and wossanames be on wodevver and all the rest of it.
But lessbeclear,
“I think in our country people should be free to wear what they like, within limits live how they like, and all the rest of it,”
“What does matter is if, for instance, a school has a uniform policy, sensitively put in place and all the rest of it, and people want to flout that uniform policy, often for reasons that aren't connected to religion, you should always come down on the side of the school.”

Mr Cameron added: “When you are coming into contact with an institution or you're in court, for benefit fraud, for instance, or if you need to be able to see someone's face at the border, then I will always back the authority and institution that have put in place proper and sensible rules."
Translation: from
The Way of the Prophet Oliver.
Can't stop, I'm on Darky Watch.

If you fat greasy bitches and yout fatbitch daughters with hairy upper lips don't bare your faces to the authorities you'll be getting a visit from G4 or Securicor or some other branch of Her Majesty's Deportation, Asphyxiation and Murder Service. Quicker than you can say Salaam Eleikum and all the rest of it.
Now, put that in your naan bread and dip it goatmeat curry.

"I am not saying there is some
sort of causal connection between not speaking English and becoming an
extremist, of course not, even though there is"
if you are not able to speak English, not able to integrate, you may
find therefore you have challenges understanding what your identity is
and therefore you could be more susceptible to the extremist message."
from The Way of the Prophet Oliver Brownshirt.
peace and blessing be upon him and all Rothschilds.
Yes, Whiskey Oscar Golfs, dozens of them
send a snatch squad
and some dogs.

from The Way of the Prophet Oliver Brownshirt.
peace and blessing be upon him and all Rothschilds.

Yes, Whiskey Oscar Golfs, dozens of them
send a snatch squad
and some dogs.

If you lazy sluts can't be arsed to learn English, like fucking immediately you arrive, you'll be in fucking Belmarsh, hanging yourself from the bars by your hijabs. Is that clear, Balti-Mama? Comprendi?
It's karma. When so many existential threats face the UK, up pops Dave. Its as if mother nature was saying "you're fucked". I truly thought Major was the scrapings of the barrel, but Dave set the bar higher. If ever there was a proof of Darwin's theorem, its the UK. It doesn't deserve to exist any longer. The past is no indicator of the future.
mr ish an interesting book for you too read
I'm off to bed now, can't take any more, I've given up:
I can see why, mr mike, it makes me want to go to bed and I've just got up. How did this happen? You know how I say we should level these places with a bulldozer?
I'd put that headmaster to shelf-stacking in Lidl.
I have just read a review of Mr Rushton's book, on Wikipedia, and I honestly do not know if he was correct or not but in any event I think that the tensions experienced between the WASP culture and recent immigrant groups are not, in Rushton's framework, racial but cultural and political, the most culpable for these tensions being our own native politicians and administrators who have allowed the development of separatist faith-based communities and - by offering unlimited translation services - encouraged that separatism. The idea of mulitiple and equal cultural, linguistic and religious micro communities co-existing in harmony seems doomed from the start, especially when these differences, particularly with regard to expected gender stereotyping, are so diametrically opposed, js palpable nonsense Islam and secular Christianity iccupy contradictory positions with respect to the roles and rights of half of the population and simply cannot, therefore, co-exist, especially when the faithful are driven by superstitious nonsense and the infidels largely by lust and consumerism. The tensions arose not from racism or from perceived inherent racial differences but from the imposition, for electoral gain, largely Labour's, of an alien, hostile, contradictory and iften criminal belief system upon a generally tolerant native society. It is a bit late, now, to be insisting on people learning English as their very first priority, after decades of rubbish like Roy Hattersle dressing in a sari, rubbing soot on his forehead and stuffing his fat face with Baltis. If the useless, greedy buffoon had cared tuppence fior his Sparkbrook constituents he would have urged on them dispersal and assimilation, by supporting their entrenchment he has put them at the mercy, now, of proto-fascists like Oliver Letwin.
It is those who have made a career out if calling racism that have encouraged and enabled it. Obviously people need to learn the language, why has it taken a redneck nincompoop like Cameron to finally say so?
Phrase from the linked-to Telegraph piece: "Dysphoric girls". So a perfectly good, if arcane, word meaning the opposite of euphoric no longer denotes depressive gloom but is now being used to describe gender anarchy? Jesus titty-fucking Christ, as we shall surely soon be calling Him officially, I thought "homophobia" was bad enough (fear & loathing of something the same, if we must.) And I don't think this is merely a pedantic dictionary fetish, either - it connects to the piece a few posts back excoriating that slag who asserted that Britain's Christian cultural mycelium can now safely be ignored. (Housebrick, rubdown, well, etc.)
Good news to everyone, i am an one of the Agents sent by the Lord superior (Grand master) to bring as many of those who are interested in becoming a member of the great Illuminati temple, Becoming a Member of the ILLUMINATI. your qualifications are;-Only those who can provide service for themselves, like the Politicians, Musicians, Business Man/Woman, student, i do business, I own a Construction company, and i also own one of the Biggest Electronic Appliance shop,i was once like you, me & my wife were financially down to 1 square meal a day, what kind of life was that to live, I lived in poverty until i saw an opportunity to be a member of the GREAT TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATI BROTHERHOOD and i took my chances and i have been a member for close to 10 years now. The higher you get the richer you become Illuminati, it makes your business grow faster than you can ever imagine, Illuminati brings out the talent in you and make you famous, as you become a member of Illuminati order you will receive 2,000,000 US DOLLARS instantly on your Bank Account, there are many more other benefits you stand to gain, so if you are interested to be a member kindly inbox in our via Email [] JOIN US TODAY & BECOME RICH,POWERFUL AND FAMOUS ALL YOUR LIFE.
I know, I know, I know, mr verge, my mind was spluttering, too, redfaced and raging at the ease with which these wretches so piously vandalise the language and call themselves scholar. It is for them that I coined heterophobia - at least more accurate than homophobia - in relation to Steven Fry and his sperm-guzzling monster nightmare cocksucker crew.
There was one of them here, a few weeks back, on an ancient post, popped/in to homophobe me for damning Dame Portillo, my calling him Queen, seemingly far worse than Portillo's goons beating Peter Tatchell, far worse than the Dame, himself, hypocritically supporting Section 28 and vowing to destroy trade unions, the cunt.
I was going to engage him, and then I thought Fuck it, and deleted him, probably just some insomniac gay jihadi, cruising cybersoace, knocking on doors and running away.
That thing I mentioned, LibriVoc, Belloc, the Barbarian, you'd love it.
Sadly it would appear that the 'Lord superior's' powers do not extend to the English language, oh 'High Prist'. You should also note that here in the place called 'UK', we already have our own 'illuminati', in the form of Bankers and Hedge Fund Managers, and when they need money our 'Grand Master' at the Bank of England simply prints and distributes it to them. With Best Wishes.
In other news, one Crispin Hunt can be seen on the BBC news website expressing (poorly) his Out Rage at the prospect of poppers being banned for recreational use. He uses them himself, he tells us, as a gay man, so (obvs innit) restrictive legislation would be a full-on in out and shake it all about-rage. The best that can be said about this cretin is he rhymes.
Thanks for reminding me about the Belloc thing; I'll look.
Isn't it Crispin Blunt Mr V? Mind bleach needed I think...
Amyl nitrate IS potentially dangerous, but nowhere near as much as is tobacco, Ken Clarke's FlorumFreewillismus, and nowhere near as dangerous, anatomically and socially, as alcohol, we don't see gay clubbers ganging down the road, stomping on people's heads, so if people want to inhale one of the components of aviation fuel that's a matter for them but they should campaign not about its impact on the clubbing community but on the imopertinent overreach of the criminal law, generally. But I love the in-out-shake-it-all-aboutrage; why is it that the one per center activists only seem animnated about the rights of themselves?
The phrase: As a gay man I this or that is as obnoxious as is Yasmin Alibhae Muslim's stock, well, David, as a Muslim woman I this or that; by such self-imposed division does Power continue to shit in our faces.
I was just saying to some half-wit at Wikpedia that rights are only the meagrest terms and conditiions for existence wrested by the weak from the srong, and to assume their fundamentality is to misunderstand their genesis and purpose, people like Crispin don't understand that screeching about some slight or other does not extend rights for all but diminishes them.
Thank you Mr SG, Blunt it is, of course; and buckets of MB, as you prescribe.
I once caught a passing whiff of some fucker's (vernacular fucker, not in the act) amyl and almost threw up on the spot. The shit folks get used to for kicks, eh?
You are outed, mr verge, as a Crispin-Confusant-O-phobe, mr sg is corect, it is the MP, lalt seen by your correspondent yesterday, orgasming under the table as his committee pretended to grill the winsome and amusing Lord Miscarriages of Richmond, about the spectacular, criminal incursion into Libya.
If it's all the same to you, your holiness, could you just send me the money? I don't especially need two million dollars but, you know, better me than some loony.
It's a false premise wrapped in an appeal to authority guarded by a precautionary straw man - lest any fragment of truth accidentally escape the lips of one of them. "The Right Honourable Gentleman, coming as he does straight from the gilded, champagne-swilling halls of Eton would not know the pain and penniless suffering that I have endured. I, a snot-eating, son of the one true manse, in hand-me-down corduroy kecks am but a mad, shrieking loon but my father, Shoeless Joe McDoom, once actually was an African. Alive as you or me. Thus, may I remind the House, and I think I speak for 97% of the known universe, that during the long years of my unending and fucking ceaselessly tedious campaign to deliver to the hard-working families of Britain The Investment to ensure... blah, blah, blah." But you get the idea. The actual blah doesn't matter.
Thus do we have, and only as a for instance, a teenage twat in full white tie rig at the Oxford Union shouting about a statue of a bloke a hundred years dead who still left his cash to fund the very same stupid deadbeat's ability to argue the futile toss. ("Ahah! I say. Ahahahah! Not his cash but my cash. I will not be denied my very own cash stolen from me before I was even born. Ain't I fucking clever, mum? Ha!") And all the while there are more despots now in Africa than ever there have been. Anyone who argues the counter is an automatic something else. "More horrible than you have ever seen - even on the very sole of your fascist, racist, transgenderphobic jackboot." It doesn't matter what the argument is about because the argument has become the structure of it. If it was rhetoric we'd care a little less but the empty frame is now the picture. And it is all, I am sorry, not at all clever and impressive but is deeply fucking worthless and somewhat boring now.
The world being what it is, and all that jazz, we deserve better.
You always did avow, mr mongoose, that Ollie Letwin was the power behind the Great Latrine of State. Go on your way, thus, accordingly, and know you're not alone. Such is all we can offer, such is all there is.
Not all sunshine, is it, that bloke, SpunkyBill Clinton, he was a Rhodes scholar.
The world being what it is, we deserve Vengeance.
However, I think I would prefer that it were exacted upon the aforementioned 'Spunky' than the late Mr Rhodes (God! That immediately brought the name of Rhodes Boyson into my mind - from where? Fuck knows and God help me!).
Yes, Mr Muttonchops, Christ he was a freak, was Rhodes, good job he's dead, at least I hope he's dead. These we have loved. Fuck me, Jesus, Rhodes Boyson, 'snot mind bleach you need, mr sg, it's fucking caustic soda.
Yes Mr I - if only I could cleanse my mind and free myself from these burdens!
Now you're getting the hang of it, Mr I. I "always did avow", did I? Our exchange about Mr Letwin can be found here.
Gosh, your memory serves you well , mr mongoose, five and a half years, and so does mine, clearly, for you did so avow. I was thinking about that exchange when his true colours were flagged up, a little while ago and that he would probably consider most of us white nigger trash. Well spotted.
But not "always". And not "power behind" anything. Just that somebody had the idea that the Liberals would be fucked for sure and that that was 3/4 of the next victory perhaps. And it probably wasn't Cameron. It doesn't do either of us any good, old friend, to join the language game with the other fuckers.
And no memory was involved. Search "letwin mongoose mrishmael" and it will turn up at the top, or thereabouts. And the rest of the refs btw are mostly you and not me.
It's one of those hair-splitting things, the vernacular, taken as literal - Ah, mr mongoose always said that about him - not meaning always, all the time, just anciently and affectionately, as in, Yeah, my father always used to say that, even though he didn't always used to say that, just that it was memorable, the time or two that he did, or has become so, as in this case.
I wouldn't dare look back over these things, much less search them, and didn't know it was as easy as that, just a couple of words, eh, whatever next? But I do, having written them, have a necessary mmental continuum containing their b road-brush strokes, which enables me to refer-back, I don't memorise them, or examine them, to be word perfect.
What actually happened was that from among thouands of comments and exchanges I had remembered yours, broadly accurately, about Letwin, from more than five years ago and I recalled it, broadly accurately, if not in the exact words, when his name came up. It was the mention of Letwin as a player more powerful than he appeared, which mattered, and which I rightly attributed to you, even if you don't say that in those exact words. I don't see how that has ME join(ing) the language game with the other fuckers.
I might just as easily have said, that mr mongoose, always going on about cricket, without knowing how many times you have, although I would guess two or three. It's Memory, holds the door, not icy, unforgiving precision, which only closes it in Wonder's face. Oh Freunde, nicht dieser tone.
I had not remembered what I had said either but could search it out in a few seconds, and did so because I had noticed your references to me and Letwin over the last few weeks, and they did not tally with what I think but perhaps I had thought differently then.
My view, if I may tediously expand for a moment, is that we are faced with the unnerving notion that the Conservative Party is the most successful political grouping in the history of the fucking universe. This is a worry to us all, I am sure, but comes with some baggage - principally, how the fuck do they do that? How do they fuck up an election in 2010 - that was theirs to win by a landslide (reasoning already rehearsed - you and I, we've been through that) and instead of whining and electing Norman Tebbit as leader to refight 1979, they regroup, plan the evisceration of God's Own Dogshooters' Party, and arrive here and now as unchallenged victors. And 2020 is already lost, isn't it? The rosy-cheeked strategistas are now looking at how to win 2025 - that's ten years in the fucking future! - by the end of which Parliament it will have been 20 years of effective Conservative rule. Again. The European dragon is the only one that remains. And the Cameron bastard will have fought and won them all if he gets that done. And while I am not sure, I think that he will win - unless Europe burns down this Spring. Which it might. He does not do this unaided. My only real point here is that Cameron is advised by fuckers who want to win power and not just to win the argument. Blair was an exercise in tactical positioning and argument-winning. And now there is nothing left there. It may as well not have happened for all the good it is to us now.
So if we want something different we have to be a bit smarter than a grinning twat waving a little red book above his head in Parliament - like a fucking cheeky schoolboy. The traitorously stupid imbecile needs horse-whipping. Cunt. Communist power in China, you half-wit, was but a fifty year hiccough. (Maybe there is an invisible Chinese Conservative Party that has been screwing them over this last 3000 years.) That little fuck is who we are setting against people who care about power enough to win it all the fucking time. Again and again and again. Lest we forget, in my entire lifetime Wilson and Blair only have won for the Labour Party. Corbyn and his clown are going to join them? Dear me. You're supposed to be burning it down, Jezza!
I read recently about the various forms of government that we think we have and the writer's view was that however we start out we always end up over time with what passes for an aristocracy - the last half of the word being a blindingly obvious clue that everyone ignores. Membership is refreshed from time to time by blood-letting but was and is based on force of arms, then marriage and land, then just money, then industry, always schooling and marriage, and now? Eton, Oxford and Bullingdon, and the Skull'n'Bones bollocks. Or Islington faux-SWP dinner parties. Or the Glasgow Wife-beating Club. Would that we all live long enough to see what happens to young Mairi Black. Whatever the selection process, it is still just that, and we ain't in it.
"Icy precision" - not very Catholic at all, Mr I. Anyway, we will not fall out over it, and I hope this finds you well in the Frozen North. I, alas, must do some work.
Much to consder, there, thank you, mr mongoose. Off the toppa me 'ead I wouldn't dispute your broad analysis nor your scepticism about the shadow cutpurse, Wotsisname, is it McDonnel the Aged? setting alight all our wheelchairs in a lame, cack-handed joke, like he was Ken fucking Dodd, missus, tatifilaryising our services.
Where I would be less ageeable is in predicting a futurehistory. It is not just you and I and others, here, raging in impotence, Farage and LePen and Trump and others attract many such, I don't think they can be forever calmed by the bogus notions of representative parliamentary democracy, especially not with millions demanding entry to an already poorly maintained lifeboat.
The tartan worm, I believe, is turning, here, in the best part of England, much as we said it might, you'n'me.
More if that anon.
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tak ada salahnya anda coba
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saya PAK SLEMET posisi sekarang di malaysia
bekerja sebagai BURU BANGUNAN gaji tidak seberapa
setiap gajian selalu mengirimkan orang tua
sebenarnya pengen pulang tapi gak punya uang
sempat saya putus asah dan secara kebetulan
saya buka FB ada seseorng berkomentar
tentang AKI NAWE katanya perna di bantu
melalui jalan togel saya coba2 menghubungi
karna di malaysia ada pemasangan
jadi saya memberanikan diri karna sudah bingun
saya minta angka sama AKI NAWE
angka yang di berikan 6D TOTO tembus 100%
terima kasih banyak AKI
kemarin saya bingun syukur sekarang sudah senang
rencana bulan depan mau pulang untuk buka usaha
bagi penggemar togel ingin merasakan kemenangan
terutama yang punya masalah hutang lama belum lunas
jangan putus asah HUBUNGI AKI NAWE 085-218-379-259
tak ada salahnya anda coba
karna prediksi AKI tidak perna meleset
saya jamin AKI NAWE tidak akan mengecewakan
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