Sunday 3 January 2016


 The executioners and their whores, 
our public servants.  
Are the employees and shareholders of British Aerospace really so important that we suck Satan's cock on their behalf?


inmate said...

My answer would be NO. The employees could be employed to fashion something less deadly than the missiles they currently make, but the shareholders Fuck'em; it's bad enough that Govament steal our hard earned to pay for weapons to kill sandniggers, there should be no profit in death and destruction.
I like the idea of yours Mr I just back down the road; The Windsor Regime, the Sax Coburg Gotha Regime. I shall use these all the time in reference to the Virus that is Brenda and her family of parasites.
Happy New year to you and yours.

yardarm said...

Nauseating, watching the snot ponces, Charles Ruritania and Top Hat Dave, grovelling spinelessly before rubbish like the House of Saud. Although our politicians, diplomats and royals have been grovelling to these medieval barbarians for decades, fawning like the Quislings they are, as they do to everyone; banksters, Eurofilth, whatever imbecile occupies the Oval Office and now the Chinese. The only people the filthsters, human trash Quislings the fucking lot get tough with are the poor.

But maybe the half wit Oxbridge snit school layabout ponce snotters have chosen the wrong side in what seems to be a Great Islamic Civil War boiling up ?

call me ishmael said...

In the recent furore about Trident, the local unions were hopping mad about local Labour not supporting it, expected more from their party, would have to review its links, all that stuff. AS though their jobs were the main issue.

Mike said...

My Dad went through all those middle east countries during WW2. Hated the wogs with a passion, particularly for their cruelty towards animals.

I went on a camel in the Tuniasian/Libyan desert about 35 years ago. The thing was a wretched animal smelling of piss and shit and was constantly trying to bite me. When I went on a camel in the outback a few years ago (apparently we have more camels in the outback than Saudi Arabia) it was a furry, unsmelly, docile thing.

Anonymous said...

Jesus tittyfucking christ - what kind of country makes Gordon Brown Miss World? And they don't even have the excuse of beer-goggles...(also it looks like someone couldn't spell "University", unless the last "i" is hidden by the camera-angle.)


Caratacus said...

These are indeed uncertain times with ref. to our bearded brethren in the ME. Forgive me if I relate a tale told to me by an old cousin (now sadly deceased) who - as a knock-kneed 18yo - was sent by a fearless UK government to Suez in the '50s to assist in a small local difficulty. He tells of a Major at the Egypt British Military Hospital who, on one occasion, received a road traffic accident report from one of his ambulance drivers who was involved in a minor collision. The other vehicle was a Rolls Royce with none other than King Farouk as the passenger. It read something like this, "(date, time, place etc.) 'and inside were two wogs whose names were King Farouk and Ali Ishmael". The Major sent it back to the driver advising him stiffly that this was an official document and that he should re-submit his report not referring to King Farouk as a wog. Back it came, amended to read, 'I asked their names, they were King Farouk and another wog called Ali Ishmael".

call me ishmael said...

I can well believe it, mr mike. It was a Palestinian beating his overburdened donkey that sent me vegetarian, a while back, a couple of summers, I think, albeit that the shot was very obviousy staged by the PBC and pulled from later bulletins. The Jewish arabs are none too cool on that subject, either. I suppose that if you're scratching sand for a living then animal welfare is not front and centre but as we see, so many in that region seem to celebrate cruelty.

Maybe these executions are pure provocation, though, a la Franz Ferdinand.

I can understand Winston, sucking the Saud Knob, and people like Hague and Fallon, they'd blow anyone for a few quid; it's Brenda who really annoys. You can take this constitutional powerlessness thing a bit too far; she doesn't need any more money or racehorses, and she could show a bit of disapproval now and again, otherwise, what's the point of her, if her job is to rubberstamp copwardice and villainy. Sooner she's dead and buried the better, Brian can't be any worse and he might be a bit better, aslthough not with the Sauds, of course.

call me ishmael said...

Give him his due, mr verge, he didn't look too happy about it, unlike the Man of Peace.

call me ishmael said...

Good story, your majesty, I lolled out loud, although mind where you tell it; certainly not at the Guardian.

call me ishmael said...

Thanks, mr inmate, you, too; seems no-one understands the swords-into-ploughshares thing, despite them praying their poxy arses off every morning in MediaMinster, Godlessheathenbastards, I tell you, that imbecile nutter, Fallon, he's enough to get us killed, all of us. He should be sectioned.

call me ishmael said...

Maybe they have, mr yardarm, chosen the wrong side, but they will suffer no penalty, it'll be, as you say, the torturable ones, the poor and the sick. I hope that Nick Clegg and that Danny Alexander and that Vince Foxtrot get an arse cancer that feels like electrified broken bottles up their jacksies, the filth they ushered-in, such cunts, those Shiteaters, not enough they gave us Thatcher, they gave us this gang, too. All for our own good. I wonder what Straight Simon Hughes is up to, these days, surprised he didn't go to the Lords but then there's over a hundred of the fuckers there, already, with, what, how many MPs, eight, is it? Ruritania, the most Northerly Banana republic in the world. Day-oh, day-a-a-oh, daylight come an' me wan' go home.

mongoose said...

I cannot for the life of me understaand why it is not clear to everyone. If the law is the law and it must do what it must do - even if that is chopping heads off - then it would happen, or not happen, as the law exhausted itself, and then the odd poor bastard would be relieved of his head, or her head, on a Friday after they have all had a good pray. This would be hideous and mediaeval lunacy and we would sigh but understand that maybe other places have other standards and rules - vile though they may be. But to set up a great big head-chopping day and do in 47 poor bastards is nothing more than theatre. It is bullying and despotism. "See how powerful I am?! You be fucking careful!" Surely though the answer must be the other one. The poor bastards are wetting themselves. The bully is punching out the smallest kid in the school to stave off his own disaster for one more lunchtime's stealing of dinner-monies. Who is with me and the fall of the House of Saud well within the decade? A cyber-tenner on it?

It is then after all that Islamic reformation we talked about. Blood will be spilled and the other sorts of Muslims will be slaughtered by their brothers but it will soon be over as education, health care and the modern world drive away the need for this subset of the organised array of sky-fairies.

Do they not know btw, that we have no idea as to the different strains of Islam? And we care less than that. Silly bastards. It is an internal conversation. Jezza is supposed to know about this too.

Mike said...

Mr Mongoose: the House of Saud will be in power as long as they serve US interests, which they do at the moment, even though by any rational measure they are evil bastards and a big part of the problem.

My take on the oil game is that they are doing the bidding of the US, even though this bankrupts US shale, because the yanks want to weaken Russia. If cheap oil was not US policy, the bombers would be over Saudi Arabia as we speak.

Anonymous said...

You've made a mistake Mr Ishmael,

I can assure you, Brian will be ten-fold the crook, thief, coward, liar and traitor his wretched mother is. I think it must be the in-breeding, he appears to be a bit thick, if you ask me.

A truly vile pervert, apparently lacking in every department in which one would expect a King to be competent.

It's the little things that grind, like not killing your wife, or banging your mate's wife for decades, silly little things like that, that spoil an otherwise revolting character.

From what I can recall of the reporting at the time, the horse-faced witch was apparently the sole object of his desire, for decades. Forbidden passions, I suppose. Then he contrived a way to marry her, and now he apparently cannot stand her, nor she him. All those years, imagining what it would be like to have her 'legitimately', then he gets her, now he does not want her.

He is a capricious moron, and just as his desire for the trollop was more about the chase than the kill (forgive the turn of phrase) it will be so with the monarchy.

Imagine that cretin on Bosworth field, full armour, leading men, being a man.

No? Neither can I.


Mike said...

Mr Vincent: but he's got loadsa medals; inverted gold scrubbing brushes on his shoulders; he even has para wings, and dons the red beret, like a real man.

He's probably still yearning for his wet nurse's tit.

mongoose said...

I take your point, Mr Mike, but they run out of sons with this one, I think, and then it will be a carve-up. I think so anyway that it is aa decent bet.

call me ishmael said...

No error, mr vincent; I was not addressing his morality or decency for from them he is estranged, just his desire to meddle, to strut his phantom Goodness before the rest of us; he is as vile as man can be for all your reasons and an encyclopaedia of other ones and because of that his vanity will lead him into confrontation with parliament. For my money, any crack in Sin's united front is welcome.

call me ishmael said...

It is an interesting point, that, mr mongoose, the way we permit gabshite pundits to differentiate for us the warring sects within Islam, confirming our need to be shepherded through a reality which we are too dumb to understand, to that extent, therefore, while it is an internal Reformatory conversation, it's nuances thicken the smoke and polish the mirrors, experts and specialists feasting upon it, reading its entrails, like witchdoctors, casting spells over reality, to make it go away.

call me ishmael said...

I think that's about right, mr mike, Saudi and Bahrain are branch offices of the US State Department, which is itself a branch office of GlobaCorp.

mongoose said...

Brian, btw, the worthless prat, is today bemoaning the loss of his 14 years of gardening work - that we paid for. There is though a picture of him carryting a twig across a lawn to prove his manly credentials. What a dick!

blackholesunset said...

Mr Mike, forcibly lowering the price of oil definitely hurts Russian, and other oil producers, the U.K. included, but U.S. oil and gas will still be in the ground and no less accessible, regardless of what the Saudis do.

It'll be interesting to see how much of U.S. unconventional oil production capacity ends up in the hands of one or other of the Majors, when the dust settles.

I think the prospect of hurting Russian while simultaneously snapping up the newly discovered U.S. reserves, and those independent outfits best able to find and extract it, was tempting enough to prompt the orchestration of world oil prices to that end.

Or that's my guess, at any rate.

call me ishmael said...

There was a bit about the Brian's Trust on the box, about how he had single-handedly raised six hundred thousand poor people from the gutter into which he and his ancestors had ground them. Prince Gormless piped-up that he thought his father was just so, well, awesome, and such a role model; he must be one of the biggest prats of our times, that one. I just so can't wait for him to be king, King Gormless and Queen Waitress, maybe we could have a full house, with Kinnock's ugly brat as prime minister.

call me ishmael said...

I see that the PBC has come out in favour of the Sauds and against Iran, the former an invented, playboy dynasty, the latter, as Persia, one of the oldest civilisations on Earth. It may well all be about oil, mr bhs, but it would take a formidable intelligence to stage-manage all this carry-on, an inter-Islam war, polarising half the world, a proxy war against Russia and the implosion of Europe. Beats me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think you may be right, I'd not considered the possibility that he could trigger a constitutional crisis with parliament, not, obviously, from some moral standpoint, but because of his pettiness, vanity and childish selfishness.


Anonymous said...

Mr Mike,

Those medals, titles, uniforms. It serves merely to devalue the office and achievements they represent if they are scattered around like toffees to make worthless half-wits feel like a king. Literally.

The Paras must be shamed something rotten to be associated with such weakness and lack of self-disciplne.

Happy new year to you, btw.


Mike said...

Thank you Mr Vincent, and best wishes to you too.

yardarm said...

There`s roomfulls, COBRAfulls of would be strategic genii, London, Paris, Washington, Moscow, Riyadh, Tehran, Ankara trying to snatch financial/religious/territorial advantage from the other intellectuals.

So many highly intelligent, highly qualified, highly experienced people haven`t been concentrating on a problem since the Great Tits Up of 2008. Or the aftermath of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914.

We`d be better off getting the chimps from the zoo to sort it out.

call me ishmael said...

My dog, Harris, mr yardarm, he da man.

Roehamster said...
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Roehamster said...
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Roehamster said...

Nothing to do with the technological transformation promised for next year by Lockheed Martin, when they will start selling a 'truck-sized' nuclear fusion reactor. Shares in Saudi Aramco suddenly seem less tempting, don't they?

Roehamster said...
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