The DPP, happy to frame you or I for a lifetime, generally finds that either there is insufficient evidence or no public interest in prosecuting Power or its stooges in high places. It will be extraordinary if anything punitively meaningful happens to any of these bastards and even if it does it will be in the nature of scapegoating a tiny minority to protect the whole rotten caucus.
This one, pure Blairism, deserves a mention. This baggage, a multi-millionairess, felt that we should shell-out in order to maintain and secure the distance between she and us which she feels, as a public servant, is her entitlement. Up against the wall, motherfuckers, up against the wall.

This from the Mail.
Claim: £42,458
Payback: £42,458
The multi-millionairess local government minister was crowned Parliament's 'Expenses Queen' last night after being found to have wrongly claimed nearly £35,000 of public money for private security patrols because she felt unsafe after being mugged and followed by a stalker.
These covered weekly patrols at her exclusive four-storey Soho property, upkeep of closed-circuit TV cameras and a burglar alarm system.
Sir Thomas Legg said the claim went beyond allowances for 'basic security measures'.
The wife of bestselling author Ken Follett was also ordered to hand back nearly £2,8123 which she claimed to take out extra insurance on her 'fine art' collection.
She has also had to repay nearly £4,454 towards the cost of an 'excessive' six telephone lines at the property.
Sir Thomas found that she was also paid £221 twice for boiler insurance, as well as £193.78 for pest control at an address which was not her second home.
Mrs Follett last night finally issued a full apology for her expenses claims, telling the BBC she was 'very very sorry'.
That's OK, then. Just as long as the next time some poorcow, lone-parenting wretch is nicked for no TV license or fiddling a pittance from the lowest social security payments in Europe she can say "very, very sorry, your worships." Y'know, like the greedy shitbag, Follett, can do.
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Well said.
Fuck me, New Labour and metropolitan liberal elite. We owe them a livin' 'cos they're so much wiser and better than us, innit?
We have now descended to the level of paid informers on "welfare cheats" - aka poor people scratching a living. It is like the sniffers out of Boys from the Blackstuff. McBroon has become Thatcher in his desperation to hang on to power.
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