Wednesday 31 July 2024

Good Evening, Huw Welshman Yere


Oh, Do Fuck Off.


Mike said...

As a kid (street urchin) I remember the BBC in black & white: Bill and Ben, Andy Pandy etc. All harmless stuff (I think?). When did it all go wrong. Can anyone put a finger on the time or key event? Is the BBC a cause or merely a reflection of the decline?

inmate said...

I would guess after the ‘summer of love’ Mr Mike, late sixties, Top of the pops. Any number of Radio 1 DJs were suspected drug addled child fondlers, not least Sa vile. It seems to be a culture of only employing nonces and abusers, much like westminster. Perhaps power n influence attract sick fuckers, self perpetuating, jobs for their mates and fellow kiddie fiddlers.
Apparently Huw Welshman has already done a deal for a suspended sentence, knows too many of the great and good in his WhatsApp group.

mrs ishmael said...

mr mike said: "Is the BBC a cause or merely a reflection of the decline?" Like the snake eating its tail, I suspect. Self-perpetuating, as mr inmate said.
It was always there, aberrational sexual interest in children, but the internet has given access and a sense of privacy to men who would not have risked the public exposure of a visit to a sex shop. I worked with one man on a sex offender programme, who told me how he had obtained his masturbatory material before the internet - it involved a journey to a distant video shop, and sizing up the proprietor to determine if he would be compliant or call the police when asked for something more extreme, under the counter, from the backroom, willing to pay a bit extra. The sex offender told me he could almost smell men like him.
Its a miserable life, though, being a whited sepulchre, like Huw Welshman, showering up nice, expensive haircut and suit, solemn face for bad news, pretending to be a happy family man, whilst inside writhe the corpse worms of loveless, degrading lust.

Bungalow Bill said...

Esther Rancid, Mr Mike, with her dire vox pops and toxic consumer rights gobshitery. The old hag is still at it, ushering us to death.

Bungalow Bill said...

Esther Rancid, Mr Mike, with her dire vox pops and toxic consumer rights gobshitery. The old hag is still at it, ushering us to death.

mrs ishmael said...

Sorry, mr bungalow bill - you were detained in custody by the spam bot, and I've only just noticed - don't let it deter you from future commenting. Interesting to note just how sensitive the bot has become.