As they said on the radio this morning, (honest, not invent) he was handsome in a handsome way that the ordinary man could relate to, was sexy in an intelligent way - indeed he invented the intellectual sex scene with Julie Christie in Don't Look Now, he was just that guy - laid back, funny, approachable, long-limbed and louche in a thoroughly nice way, could play second banana, heroes and villains, everyone adored him, even when they spent 9 months on the steppes filming Kelly's Heroes and he was just like his character, or the character from Mash, did I mention that everyone adored him and would do anything for him but he never took advantage and he was such a workaholic, his vocation meant everything to him, he was just going to work forever, because he enjoyed acting and the travel and the people he met.
Donald Sutherland, 17 July 1935 – 20 June 2024, entertainer.
Yes, he was very sexy, but he caused me great grief in my teens by saying in an interview that he only liked girls with flat chests, which ruled me out.
I suspect he was just being droll mrs narcolept and in a distinct minority if my memories of the page 3 girls serve me correctly.
When I was in my teens, mrs. narcolept, it was compulsory to have no boobage at all. Think Twiggy, think heroin chic. Having always been cursed by amplitude in the busty substances department, I tried every diet available. There was even one called AYDS, which required one to eat some special fudge 20 minutes before a meal, claiming it would reduce your appetite for the meal itself. The active ingredient was originally benzocaine, presumably to reduce the sense of taste to reduce eating, but was later changed to phenylpropanolamine, which is used to reduce urinary incontinence in dogs. After a brief tussle with the disease AIDS, which was so much more effective at creating weight loss, the Ayds product, now horribly stigmatised by association with the killer disease AIDS, was withdrawn in 1988.
Now that I'm old and mellow, I have realised that anorexia chic was imposed on women by misogynistic purveyors of frociaggine, as Pope Francis would put it. So much easier to design frocks for bodies without bumps and lumps, and cheaper on the fabric costs. I've discovered that most heterosexual blokes, as mr cascadian implies, actually prefer some boobage. If I'd known that in my teens, I would have saved a fortune on slimming preparations.
Oh yes, mrs ishmael, Ayds, I remember, like pieces of fudge. And Limmits biscuits, about 500 calories each, the size of Wagon Wheels, to be eaten instead of a meal. Except at school we all ate them at first break and then at lunchtime it was the usual stodge. No one was fat, we just thought we ought to be on a diet.
Despite mr cascadian’s kind words, I think he meant it; his girlfriends were very much a type. Funny how a breath of criticism always touches a deeper nerve than admiration.
Limmits!! I'd forgotten about them. Yes, of course I had Limmits - there was a nice savoury one with a sort of cheese filling. When I was in the Sixth Form, none of us ate the school dinners, because of the stodge. We would take it in turns to climb the hill to the nearest shop, with our order, which we fondly imagined would make us thin. My favourite was the exotic new delicacy of chocolate topped yoghurt. It came in a little tub, like nowadays, but had a hard topping of chocolate, which you had to break through to get at the sweet goo inside.
As for dead Donald, inevitable he would like thin girls with no boobs - I think men tend to go for women with the same body type as themselves, and letsfaceit, dead Donald was no Arnie. To put it kindly, he was rangy.
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