The chronicles of Ruin, continued.
Call me Ishmael said....intelligence is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do.
Anonymous said... When I don't know what to do,I come here.
10 September 2009 22:59
A century isn't bad going. Especially when the average life expectancy of a male born in Georgia, USA, in 1924 was 59. Just shows to go you what a life of wealth, privilege, being a president of America and doing good deeds will do for you.
As presidents go, Jimmy Carter was ok. (granted, the competition for goodblokepresident is limited) Even mr ishmael rated him. Here's his encomium:
"I have a soft spot for Jimmy Carter. In many ways he was probably better than most of them, the odious Clintons, the race-card poseur, Obama, the bought and paid for Reagan and his mad witch, Nancy, and the unspeakable Bushes. Although the inept Jimmy Carter, Mr President, even in retirement, was sent off abroad grinning like a loony, on business for the current President, he mostly spent and spends his retirement doing genuinely good works.
Always a bogus illusion foisted by elites upon greedy, gullible morons, the US political system has yet to produce a president of any merit and it never will, now; crooks and cheats and worse, most of them, and if one shows a hint of Decency, say, Jimmy Carter, he is rubbished by his colleagues, knee-capped by the press and a proper dummy installed, in that case the fuckwit, Reagan, and his star-gazing Mummy-Wife, Nancy.
Imagine, Jimmy Carter in the White House when Manhattan sky-scrapers fall inexplicably to the ground in their own footprints, and there’s a ban on US air travel, apart from Saudi Arabians fleeing homeward; imagine that relatives of the dead are beaten by lawnforcement for disputing the facts; imagine that the very steel from the most blatantly deceptive building collapse is immediately shipped to India for re-cycling; imagine that the Constitution is ripped up and the state empowered to read your every written word, to listen to your every conversation; imagine that Torture and Sadism are sanctified at home and abroad by the White House; they’d have ripped poor Jimmy’s guts out.
George Dubya Chimp, however, stupid and compliant as a penniless, drunken whore, was licensed to commit kleptomaniacal genocide and nobody said Boo!
I dunno about you but if I was on an aircraft hijacked by a handful of screeching, hysterical Muslim nancyboys, armed only with tiny little blades, I'd fucking kill the bastards. Even if they held Kalashnikovs, I would stab the fuckers in the eye with anything that came to hand - pen, spoon, rolled-up magazine, anything; you can make a sharp, eye-penetrating splinter from a plastic coffee cup - I'd grab them by the bollocks and twist as hard as I could, that'd make them cry-out and pray to Allah in their hour of need, alright, peace and blessings be upon His name, as we should now all say, lest we offend those who want to kill us, out of respect; I'd kick them, punch them, strangle them, I'd bite their fucking faces off. But no, even though they outnumbered the unarmed arabs by ten or twenty or thirty to one, September 11's Americans sat still, doing as they were told, probably expecting Superman to fly alongside, or Bruce Willis to emerge, bloody and in his vest, from the baggage hold; tossers, too stupid even to fight for their lives, too cowed; too fucking special."
It has never been suggested that Decent Jimmy had worms.
The Hell you say?
What, worms in ole Spunky Bill's shit?
An' we journalists're still falling over ourselves to lick his asshole clean, like he was still president?
How'd he get worms in his doo-doos?
Them critters crawl up his asshole, or what?
No, Joe,
it's widely rumoured that he has some horrible disease,
and that he,
well, he just sort of manufactures the worms,
inside of himself.
Inside of himself?
Just like that?
Like he was a walkin'-talkin' wormery?
Some kinda two-legged compost heap?
And what, they eatin' his ass up, from inside?
That's some heavy shit, that.
It's like somethin' from the Old fuckin' Testament.
Is it all down to his lifetime of fornicating with every woman he meets, 'n'every girl, too, from what I hear?
Is that what it is?
Like syphillis, some shit like that?
I betcha that's what it is.
Worms eatin' ya up from inside, an' you ain't even dead yet.
That's fuckin' mediaeval, that, Jonboy.
Just as well he ain't President no more,
or even First Gennulman.
Imagine that shit.
Imagine President Trousers, in her mad, scarlet pants suit and her brain-tumour faintin' fits, needing to be held-up by a secret service man and her plastic surgery bruises hidin' under her dark glasses, looking like she's escaped from some old lady funny farm and First Genullman Spunky Bill, all whey-faced, like he was having a heart attack, and them both gibberin an' fuckin' droolin' as they're welcoming some foreign fuckin' dig-nit-erry to the White House and a bucket of fucking worms comes cascading down outa his trouser legs an' starts wrigglin' and writhin' all over the fuckin' carpet.
Hundreds of the slimy bastards,
all glistening with former presidential shit an' blood
an' that oitment, wossitcalled, Anusol, is that it, the stuff they give folks with piles?
You're bound to have piles, aincha, passing hundreds of fucking worms every half hour?
If you don't get piles in a poxed-up asshole infested with an unlimited supply of worms, when the more worms you shit, the more worms you grow inside of you, then you ain't never gonna have piles, not ever.
That's some heavy shit.
Ya cooden make that shit up, Jon.
Not even in Time magazine.
I tell ya what, boy, you'n'me, we better think twice,
'fore we eat any more PROTUS doo-doo,
ain't that the trooth, boy?
And, pardon me, isn't it, look you, for intruding; I know this isn't my bulletin, but just a thought,
thinking out-loud, as it were, isn't it,
but it wouldn't do Wall Street and the Stock Exchange much good, would it? The First Gentleman being worm-incontinent, as the broadsheets would put it, or Spunky Bill Shits Worms in White House! as some of Mr Kelvin McFilth's colleagues might headline it.
I should think the dollar would hit an all time low, probably never come back up again,
I shouldn't wonder;
be a bit of a laughing stock, look you, America, wouldn't it, having elected a pair of gibbering, geriatric, poxed-up, worm-shitting lunatics to the highest office in the world, eh, isn't it?"
Former President (1993–2001): Bill Clinton, aged 78, was admitted to the MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in December 2024, where he underwent testing and observation after developing a fever. He was released the following day in a stable condition.
President Trousers: the President that never was: Hilary Rodham Clinton, aged 77 - what can I say? Multiply-cuckolded by hubby Spunky Bill, she set the stage for her future career when as a teenager she lost the election for class president for her senior year against two boys, one of whom told her that "you are really stupid if you think a girl can be elected president". Starring in the Whitewater controversy, Travelgate, Filegate, Hillary Clinton cattle futures controversy, the removal of furniture from the White House when Spunky Bill was not re-elected - and don't forget the deletion of 30,000 Government -related emails.
English media executive and former editor of trash newspaper The Sun (1981- 1994): Kelvin McFilth: aged 78, entirely fictitious recurring character in the Chronicles of Ishmael.
Channel 4 presenter (1989-2021): Jon Socks, aged 77, entirely fictitious recurring character in the Chronicles of Ishmael.
BBC news presenter (2003-2023): Huw Welshman, aged 63, unfortunately not fictitious, a recurring character in the Chronicles of Ishmael. A disgraced sex offender, Welshman was paid £550,000–£599,999 per annum by the BBC for several years, dropping to £520,000–£529,999 in July 2018, due to the scandal of gender inequality pay within the BBC, further reduced to £465,000 as of May 2019, and had to rub along on £435,000–£439,999 in July 2023, but pricked up by £40,000 between April 2023 and April 2024, when he resigned from the BBC "on medical advice". He is currently serving a sentence of imprisonment of 6 months imposed on the 16th September 2024, suspended for two years on the condition that he does not commit any more offences until September 2026. He has been entered onto the sex offenders' register for seven years, is required to attend a sex offender treatment programme and pay £3,128 costs and victim surcharge. The BBC has been editing him out of its archived programmes. No longer will you hear his hushed "Huw Welshman yere" on the late Queen's funeral gig or King Brian's coronation. A mural of him in his hometown of Llangennech has been painted over and his plaque removed from Cardiff Castle.
I'm sorry to report that our mr mongoose has succumbed to the flu and is unable to provide us with the time-honoured Christmas Crossword. editor mr verge, the House Filthster, has stepped nobly into the breach and provided us with our Christmas sport in the form of an undemanding series of (mostly) political anagrams. Please print them off if you intend working them whilst toiletting.
Anagrams as devised by mr verge, the House Filthster
1. I wag at cnut declares timey-wimey seasonal queen.
2. Will reedy divas sing his praises at the
Lubedems Xmas party?
3. Tartan nihilists
admire Ruin's cool agent, whilstTartan buttplug spokesman denies tainted grandee comes with
face fit to make an anus-tool cringe. And still they cry
"she's stealing our con!"
4. Bossmarries
striker? 5. Moreknob-ache,
Demi? 6. Hear
demagogue finagle rage? Watch pond-pervert finger algae? Call
old queen a leering fag? (Free anal gig for lucky milkshake
fetishist.) 7. Pity
litter-pickers’ damp old runt? 8. “I need
job”, bleats
downsized coot. 9. Starmeradds
repellent moronto Embassy roster. (Always good tohave a droll serpent
demon in the snakepit.) 10. Prancer
wined alone –
the Windsor sleigh moves on without him. (His rancid new repdid
him no favours.)
11. Power’s lever
reaches no.11. 12. Eery
anal gran promises house-building bonanza.
Caption Contest
The twelve captions of Christmas
Anagram answers in the next Sunday Ishmael. Caption entries in the Comments, please.
Have yourselves a merry little Christmas, ishmaelites.
Seated idly at my keyboard the other day I was hijacked by an incoming email from a well-known purveyor of on-line greetings cards. mrs. ishmael, it hailed me, just as all your Christmas cards have been dispatched, there is another December celebration to add to the festive frenzy: Kwanzaa! And, of course, another colourful card, filled to the brim with gorgeous depictions of celebratory symbols with Kinara front and centre.
What the fuck, I thought? Who do I need to send a Kwanzaa card to? And what is it? Kwanzaa? Have I been inadvertently insulting my many friends who have been fruitlessly expecting a Kwanzaa card from me all these years?
So I looked it up.
And guess what - it is another made-up religion. By this character called Maulana Ndabezitha Karenga. Born on the 14th July 1941in Parsonsburg, Maryland, America, in the name of Ronald McKinley Everett, before he decided it wasn't Black enough, Ron Everett was convicted in 1971 of felony assault, torture and false imprisonment of women. Deborah Jones, who was once given the Swahili title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis' mouth and placed against Miss Davis' face and that one of her own big toes was tightened in a vice. She said that Karenga, (née Ron Everett) also put detergent and running hoses in their mouths and hit them on their heads with toasters.
Deborah Jones and Brenda Karenga, Everett's estranged wife, testified that Karenga believed his victims were conspiring to poison him, a false belief caused by his drug abuse. He was found guilty and sentenced to a term of one to ten years, of which he served four years in the California State Prison, until his parole in 1975. He's done alright for himself since his release, and, since 2023, has been chair of the Africana Studies Department at California State University. The nearest he comes to discussing his conviction for imprisoning and torturing women is to describe himself as a former political prisoner.
So what of this religion of his, Kwanzaa? Karenga said it was meant to be an alternative to Christmas. He believed Jesus was psychotic and Christianity was a "White" religion that Black people should shun.
Well, that bit didn't gain much traction, but it is estimated that between 500,000 and 2,000,000 Americans celebrate Kwanzaa these days. It is a celebration of African-American culture from December 26th to January 1st, derived from African harvest festival traditions and culminating in a communal feed on the sixth day.
Karenga is not alone in his belief that the historic Jesus was psychotic. William Hirsch, psychiatrist and neurologist, published his study in 1912: Religion and Civilisation: The Conclusions of a Psychiatrist, which listed Jesus' mentally-aberrant behaviours, considered Him to have been afflicted with hallucinations, described his paranoia as mounting ceaselessly and immeasurably and concluded on page 103: "Christ offers in every respect an absolutely typical picture of a wellknown mental disease. All that we know of him corresponds so exactly to the clinical aspect of paranoia, that it is hardly conceivable how anybody at all acquainted with mental disorders, can entertain the slightest doubt as to the correctness of the diagnosis."
American neuroendocrinology researcher Robert Sapolsky in his essay included in the book The Trouble with Testosterone: and Other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament (1997, 1998) suggests the occurrence of schizotypal ("half-crazy", p. 248) behaviour and metamagical thinking in shamans, Jesus and other charismatic religious leaders:
"Oh, sure, one can overdo it, and our history is darkly stained with abortive religious movements inspired by messianic crackpots. (...) However, if you get the metamagical thoughts and behaviors to the right extent and at the right time and place, then people might just get the day off from work on your birthday for a long time to come."
— (p. 256)
Be that as it may, I'm not going to let it spoil my Christmas.
There are four splendid anthologies of the writings of mr ishmael and stanislav, the young Polish Plumber, compiled by his friend, mr verge, the house filthster. You can buy the Quartet from Amazon or Lulu. Here's how:
Honest Not Invent, Vent Stack, Ishmael’s Blues, and the latest, Flush Test (with a nice picture of the late, much lamented, Mr Harris of Lanarkshire taking a piss on a totem pole) are available from Lulu and Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, it would be nice if you could give a review on their website.
IIshmaelites wishing to buy a copy from lulu should follow these steps
please register an account first, at This is advisable because otherwise paypal seems to think it's ok to charge in dollars, and they then apply their own conversion rate, which might put the price up slightly for a UK buyer. Once the new account is set up, follow one of the links below (to either paperback or hardback) or type "Ishmael’s Blues" into the Lulu Bookstore search box. Click on the “show explicit content” tab, give the age verification box a date of birth such as 1 January 1960, and proceed.
At checkout, try WELCOME15 in the coupon box, which (for the moment) takes 15% off the price before postage. If this code has expired by the time you reach this point, try a google search for " voucher code" and see what comes up.
With the 15% voucher, PB (including delivery to a UK address) should be £16.84; HB £27.04.
Ruritania Special: The Gi(f)t that keeps on Giving Taking
Happy days long gone when I lay content in the warmth of my brother's regard, and my mother's money; O that those days would swift return - but see me now, a beggar on the world's stage, a motley fool
the butt of every pauper's contempt, e'en the street dog lifts his leg against me,
each news reader shafts me with her rapier wit
and even now they chatter her weakness through the two bazaars
who was so strong to love me, and I, listening, found not the whispers of my girl, wanton as water,
honeyed with eagerness
but yet endured cold rejection though she was the citron breasted beloved of I, the Prince of the Cities of the Sea, crinkling the fat about my eyes, as I led her to my grim bed.
Eheu, me miseram, my friend is dead
and my honour with him, for I, I am an honourable man and my heart that cannot sweat is in the coffin there with Jeffrey. O judgment! thou art fled to brutish beasts, and all for lack of money, that which is slave to thousands - twas mine, tis his, tis trash and now my good name filchedwhich makesme poor indeed. I loved not wisely but too well and sold my country for a handful of silver and a smile -
One may smile, and smile, and be a villain; at least I'm sure it may be so in London.
I shall be dumped where the weed decays, and the rest is rust and stardust.
Harro! Mr Sam, here again, owner of the Fuk Yoo Andy lestaulant in Loyal Woking.
Plince Andy come in other day with shifty-rooking broke, say he called H6, I say no he not, lecognise him from 007 movies, but
he carr me sirry sritty eye and terr me piss off. Then he start talking with
shifty-rooking broke, and say you wirring to herrp for cash in hand, no
tlouber for tax man, get infruence with Pitch@Parrace, wink nudge. What tlaitor! What tleachelous cunt!
Mr Wu said...That frat frucker Plinny Andy use and abuse my lestaurlant The Ligid Cock in
Loyal Woking for two lears before I kick his frat arse down the stairs two leeks
He came in with blig-haired drag queen called Salah and the frucking pigs ate
their way fru the frucking card.
He always take up offer of eat all you can for fiver. We give frat frucker
small plates but he sly and go back for seconds. He humililate his drag
queen palamour who seem very nice, bur ask me for tip. I say you give me tip. She say, no, I gerr you infruence with ex-husband so you give me tip. Big tip.
I sling out Plinny and Gingey because he sweh all over my top teenage waitless and offer me outside when I plesent bill.
I need speak to you urgently Mr Sam. We need stop greedy, frat
frucker in his tlacks.
Stanislav, Chief of Secret Interrigence Intelligence Service, known as C, because he signs letters with a "C" in gleen green ink because founder Captain Sir Mansfield Smith-Cumming used to do it 120 years ago - well, it is Britain after all (side bar - did they really use to call babies Mansfield for fuck's sake - whose a pretty Mansfield then?) - says: "Hello Mr Sam and Mr Wu and Mr H6, fuck off back to Shanghai all of you,
slope eyed, dog-eating, yellow racist bastards. Fucking bad enough live here
with fucking Jock. Never mind with cheeky bastard chink with too many fucking
teeth. Anyway stanislav never sit for dinner down with lard-eating, vomiting,
shrunken-cock, speech-deficient, meatpie monster but instead give him quick
rubdown with housebrick if opportunity ever present. Fat cunt."
Interesting Spy factoid: when the newly created Secret Service Bureau discovered that semen made a good invisible ink, Captain Sir Mansfield Smith-Cumming's agents adopted the motto "Every man his own stylo". However, the use of semen as invisible ink ceased because of the smell it produced for the eventual receiver. It also raised questions over the masturbatory habits of the agents.
Another interesting Spy factoid, which calls into question the sanity and maturity level of good old Captain Sir Mansfield: In 1914, he was involved in a serious road accident in France in which his son was killed and he invented the entirely fictitious narrative that to escape the car wreck he had to amputate his own leg using a pen knife.
Hospital records have shown, however, that while both his legs were broken, his left foot was not amputated until the day after the accident. Captain Sir then amused himself in meetings by suddenly stabbing his artificial leg with a knife, letter opener or fountain pen. Ah, yes, they don't make them like that anymore.
There are four splendid anthologies of the writings of mr ishmael and stanislav, the young Polish Plumber, compiled by his friend, mr verge, the house filthster. You can buy the Quartet from Amazon or Lulu. Here's how:
Honest Not Invent, Vent Stack, Ishmael’s Blues, and the latest, Flush Test (with a nice picture of the late, much lamented, Mr Harris of Lanarkshire taking a piss on a totem pole) are available from Lulu and Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, it would be nice if you could give a review on their website.
IIshmaelites wishing to buy a copy from lulu should follow these steps
please register an account first, at This is advisable because otherwise paypal seems to think it's ok to charge in dollars, and they then apply their own conversion rate, which might put the price up slightly for a UK buyer. Once the new account is set up, follow one of the links below (to either paperback or hardback) or type "Ishmael’s Blues" into the Lulu Bookstore search box. Click on the “show explicit content” tab, give the age verification box a date of birth such as 1 January 1960, and proceed.
At checkout, try WELCOME15 in the coupon box, which (for the moment) takes 15% off the price before postage. If this code has expired by the time you reach this point, try a google search for " voucher code" and see what comes up.
With the 15% voucher, PB (including delivery to a UK address) should be £16.84; HB £27.04.
Q said he could supply an exploding sweat band, Your Majesty
As they say, it's complicated. Are we supposed to be jubilating regarding recent events in Damascus, or be a bit concerned that the rebels - mainly Sunni Moslems, now in control of Syria may form another Terrorist state, attack the West and repress women? Whatever his faults, and we are now assured there are many more than you might expect the average English-trained ophthalmologist to exhibit, women were granted more freedoms under the Assad regime than in some other Muslim countries, including fighting in the Syrian military. Mrs. Assad's influence, perhaps. Where are Mr and Mrs Assad now? Maybe they've gone home to London. At least he's got his profession to fall back on. "Yes, Madam, these frames suit the shape of your face very nicely. Would you like varifocals?" And Mrs Assad could go back to investment banking.
Here's a little map of Syria, showing it in relation to Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon and, most importantly, the Med. That's why Putin wanted to stay friends with Assad and previously supported him against the rebels. That bit of Mediterranean coastline. But he's been a bit busy with his Ukrainian adventure, and the Syrian rebels seized the moment.
The BBC, and, doubtless, other media, have been falling over themselves to get correspondents out there. Jeremy Bowen, their go-to Middle East man, and the most respectable of their Welsh presenters, although the competition hasn't been too great - "Good Evening, Huw Welshman yere", had to hitch-hike across from Turkey sharpish to get himself and camera crew onto the streets of Damascus to find something to film. There was footage of some angry young men hitting a lump of metal in the street and people milling about, so it was vital that Bowen was there to bring it live into our sitting rooms. Commenting on the Syrian situation and who we should be cheering on, Bowen said It's complicated. It's World War Three in miniature here, what with the U.S., the U.K., Israel, Russia, and Iran all with their fingers in the pie.
I thought that this is a good opportunity to bring a few useful Arabic phrases to your attention, just in case they come in handy in the new world order. You may have to be a little careful about when you unleash them.
Kiss oumm yally bazarak:Fuck
who gave birth to you
Aneek oummak:Fuck your
Airy be oummak:My
dick in your mother
Airy bi mafrat bazazik:My
dick between your tits (titty fuck)
Airi fee kus imak eil sharmoota: My dick in your mom's pussy, you son of a bitch
Koss ommak ala air jamal mayyet:Your mother's pussy on a dead camel's dick
Kafekom kalaman bel Arabia ya hi wah naht! Stop speaking in Arabic, you animals!
Kl zegg:Eat shit
Ya mnyakah:You
Ya jrar : You pimp
Ya gawad : You
Aneekik o aneek ummk o obook o ahlk klhm:I'll fuck you and fuck your mom, dad
and your whole family
Bkem al lailah?How
much is one night?
Musi o anti saktah:Shut
up and suck (girl)
Mus o ant sakit:Shut
up and suck (man)
Tfoo ala wishak: I spit
in your face
Yin'al mayteenak:Damn
your dead ancestors
Yin'al saleebak:Fuck
your cross
Rooh fi siteen alf dahya:Get
lost into 60,000 disasters
Kuss Ummak Bisinaan:Your mother's pussy has teeth
By their insults, so shall you know them. Seems like a thoroughly misogynistic and homophobic culture.
In other War news, it is not just me that has lost patience with Ukraine. Not that I had any in the first place. BBC video footage of the Azov Battalion terrorising and trashing the lives and livelihoods of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine was convincing evidence both of an out-of-control rogue fascist militia and a minority population that was in need of protection. Well, it convinced me. Then there were the stories of Ukrainian romance scammers fleecing unlovable British men. Seemed like a gangster state. Then they elected a diminutive comedian to be their President. Mrs. Diminutive Comedian Zelensky learned of her husband's intention to run as President when she watched her husband's New Year special comedy show. Zelensky's commitment to fighting Russia with borrowed Western weaponry - remember Ben Wallace recounting how he told the Dwarf that he was not Amazon - don't give me your weapons shopping list, Mr President - and his happy willingness to be America's pawn in its ridiculous proxy war is wearing thin with his allies and his own citizens. Only the West's pathological distrust of Putin's Russia made supporting Ukraine seem like a good idea.
Zelensky's five-year presidential term of office ended last May, but he continues in post through wartime powers that by-passed Parliament and suspended all independent broadcast media. Corruption is rumoured to be rife, with lucrative government procurement contracts going to ministerial chums (Oops, a bit like the Covid Conservative Government), and medical officials being bribed to issue fake medical certificates to men to escape the draft. Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov was sacked last year amid a scandal of huge overpayments for food and equipment for the army. Zelensky's government has been accused of blocking the release of funds and demanding bribes in connection with the construction of bunkers to protect electricity substations from bombardment.
The war is increasingly unpopular in Ukraine. 60,435 Ukrainians, including civilians, have been identified by name as having died as of 6 November this year. The exact number of dead is withheld, as a state secret. There are so few soldiers to fight the war that there is no leave or rotation. Soldiers have been serving at the front for the duration of the war - morale is plummeting. Particularly because it is becoming obvious that a substantial part of Ukraine's eastern citizens have no objection to living under Russian governance - 150,000 internally-displaced refugees have returned to their homes in eastern Ukraine, having faced poverty and discrimination in Western Ukraine. Because the land borders were closed, the refugees returning to their homes did so via Moscow, without harm.
To avoid being drafted into an increasingly unpopular war, many male Ukrainians have left the country. Others are in hiding, but foolish enough to attend nightclubs and concerts, where they are scooped up by armed press gangs:
Despite Biden and his permission to use ATACMS against Russian territory, Trump's day will soon come - and he has stated his intention to immediately end the war. Withdrawal of American support will force Zelensky to the negotiating table, although his personal interest has to be to keep Ukraine on a war footing - cessation of hostilities will bring elections to the war-sick Ukrainian people and the end of Zelensky's strange rule. Only 22% of Ukrainians would vote to elect Zelensky for a second term, and 60% believe he should not stand at all, according to recent polls. Maybe he will then be able to ditch the military fatigues and put on a suit.
Bald Headlines.
Aggressive Bald Bastard Makes Arse of himself. After Making Nuisance of himself.
Middle Class Women of a certain Age furious.
BBC fucks up again.
Fake Barrow-Boy Bonhomie Boils his own Goose.
Former Football Hooligan has Milwall tattoed on his chest.
Bald Old Git has 5 year old child by Fourth Wife.
Nasty Old Slap-Head Mockney's lawyers said it is entirely false that he engages in behaviour of a sexually harassing nature.
Arse-Licking Charity Ambitious about Autism sacks Wallace as Ambassador although he still has an autistic son.
Ex Barrow-boy's company, West Veg Limited Went Bust in 2013, owing £500,000+.
Two Restaurants Owned by Judge of Fucking Awful Food Competition went Bust in 2014, owing £150,000.
Polish Yer 'ead, Mister required to "Step Back" after telling sign Language Interpreter to Sign "Sexy Bum" and "Big Boobs" at NEC event.
Stupid Middle-Aged Bloke just a Man of His Time - when Blokes Could Say Just What They Wanted and Everyone Laughed and Bought Them A Pint.
HowDoes the Beeb Manage to Consistently Pay Huge Salaries to Wrong'uns?
There are four splendid anthologies of the writings of mr ishmael and stanislav, the young Polish Plumber, compiled by his friend, mr verge, the house filthster. You can buy the Quartet from Amazon or Lulu. Here's how:
Honest Not Invent, Vent Stack, Ishmael’s Blues, and the latest, Flush Test (with a nice picture of the late, much lamented, Mr Harris of Lanarkshire taking a piss on a totem pole) are available from Lulu and Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, it would be nice if you could give a review on their website.
IIshmaelites wishing to buy a copy from lulu should follow these steps
please register an account first, at This is advisable because otherwise paypal seems to think it's ok to charge in dollars, and they then apply their own conversion rate, which might put the price up slightly for a UK buyer. Once the new account is set up, follow one of the links below (to either paperback or hardback) or type "Ishmael’s Blues" into the Lulu Bookstore search box. Click on the “show explicit content” tab, give the age verification box a date of birth such as 1 January 1960, and proceed.
At checkout, try WELCOME15 in the coupon box, which (for the moment) takes 15% off the price before postage. If this code has expired by the time you reach this point, try a google search for " voucher code" and see what comes up.
With the 15% voucher, PB (including delivery to a UK address) should be £16.84; HB £27.04.