The chronicles of Ruin, continued.
Call me Ishmael said....intelligence is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do.
Anonymous said... When I don't know what to do,I come here.
10 September 2009 22:59
Sunday, 15 May 2022
The Sunday Ishmael 15/05/2022
I don't know why they bother with the appalling pop songs and the sparkly outfits. Each entry might as well be a reading of the local telephone directory set to a hand bell chorus for all the difference it makes to the voting. Did I tell you about the time I watched Eurovision with Olga, the sturdy blonde Estonian whose hobby was dressing in medieval armour and swashbuckling with chums of a similar propensity whilst photographing themselves? Well, Olga, who was staying with us at the time, insisted on watching Eurovision. Mr ishmael went and sat in the conservatory whilst Olga carefully explained to me the alliances and likely voting patterns of the various nations, particularly the Eastern European ones. So, the fact that we haven't won Eurovision since God was a boy has nothing to do with our dire taste in music, but the fact that the Europeans never liked us. Null pointes. Now that we have come second - does this mean that we are liked because we have supported plucky little Ukraine or because we have started the crumbling apart of Europe? Ukraine won, by the way. Quelle surprise!
Scotland, the Racist Part of England
Sheku Bayou died on the 3rd May 2015, in Kirkcaldy. Two police officers responded to 999 calls that a man was seen, drunk or high and carrying a knife. It's the usual high drama, sirens, shouting, vehicles skidding to a halt. The man no longer has a knife and is walking away but the police do not let this deter them from their public duty. Two more officers arrive, batons and pepper spray are wielded, Sheku is knocked to the ground, more officers arrive - nine in total. A witness sees six officers kneeling and lying across Sheku, 31 years old and the father of two children. His feet and hands are bound as he lies dying on the pavement. He is pronounced dead in hospital ninety minutes later. He had sustained 23 separate injuries.
Sheku with his sons
Kirkcaldy, population approx 60,000, is in Fife, on Scotland's east coast. The 2011 census shows that 97% of Kirkcaldy's residents were white and 1% were black. Later that day, Sheku's sister, Kadi, was visited by police to inform her of her brother's death.She said: "At first they told me he'd been found on the ground. Then they said they were looking for two men. Eventually, after talking to their boss, they told me there had been a forceful arrest, and he'd died on the way to hospital. We just couldn't get a straight answer out of them."
No police officers have been charged. Kadi has led a relentless campaign which has finally, seven years after Sheku's death, resulted in a public inquiry, chaired by Lord Bracadale.
Bracadale, in his working clothes.
Bracadale's remit is to examine the circumstances leading up to the incident, the following management process and investigation into the death and the role that Sheku's ethnicity played in his death.
Interviewed by Martin Geissler this morning, Kadi stated that she considers Scotland to be racist and that she does not feel safe. The police kill your brother, then lie about it and cover it up - of course you won't feel safe. Best keep those Kirkcaldy police away from Kirkwall's harbour-front pubs of a Saturday night - all the blokes are staggering-pished. No, wait - they are all white, so they'll be fine.
Aamer Anwar is representing the family. “Over the years, it has become clear to the family that the police, the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner, and the Crown Office has operated an unholy trinity of dishonesty, racism and incompetence, betraying the word justice,” he told a press conference.
Sounds about right. Thing is, the institutions of a country reflect the attitudes and prejudices of that country. Statista Research Department reported that there were just under 1.8 thousand racist crime offences recorded by the police in Scotland in the 2020/21 reporting year. And that doesn't include the crimes they commit themselves. Or the crimes that aren't reported. Smart, Successful, Racist Scotland, population 5,466,000.Is Scotland racist? Hell, yes. They don't like the English, either.
mr ishmael harboured no illusions about the police, as you know. Here's a little piece from the drafts:
Police used CS spray on protesters at an
anti-tax avoidance demo today after an activist was arrested while
pushing leaflets into an outlet of Boots. Officers detained a woman on
suspicion of causing criminal damage during a sit-in demonstration at
the store in Oxford Street, central London. Demonstrators said she
simply bent the rubber seal between the doors of the premises as she
attempted to force leaflets through. As officers arrested her, a
confrontation took place during which a member of the police deployed CS
spray against a small group. Three people were taken to hospital for
treatment following the incident, London Ambulance Service said.
Scotland Yard confirmed that CS spray had been used to disperse
protesters during the arrest, which took place shortly after 2.30pm.
After the incident, nearby shop Ben's Cookies handed out milk for those
affected to douse their eyes with. Activists from campaign group Uncut
added that staff from Boots - the focus of the demo - gave them free eye
sir, I was proceeding in an orderly fashion down Oxford Street with a
patrol of heavily armoured friendly neighborhood beat officers when,
acting upon intelligence, we noticed some young people - and we know how
dangerous young people are to the govament, don't we, sir - we noticed
some young people pushing paper leaflets under the door of Messrs Boots
the Chemists, sir. Quickly perceiving that these were paper leaflets and
that these people were protesters, legally protesting about the
taxation arrangements of some very respectable business gents I had no
alternative but to order my men to gas them and if necessary set about
them with items of security apparatus. Yes, sir, big sticks, and boots
and fists. Some of them we arrested for causing criminal damage with the
paper leaflets and removed them to the police station for further beatings, I
mean interrogation. One and the same thing, sir? Oh, I don't think so,
sir, not now that we have the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, which
stipulates quite clearly that when we are beating people or crushing
their testicles the cameras must be clearly switched off. I mean, sir,
we can't have people going around protesting about things, can we now,
sir? So I think, sir, what with the upsurge in so-called protest, we
might all come to call CS gas Democracy's truest friend, the rubber
bullets, too.
Egypt, sir? yes I believe it s what they do in Egypt but we are a long
way from Egypt here. Move along now, please, or I shall have to call in
the army.
On the Sophie Show today, Jeremy Cunt (Charterhouse and Magdalen College, Oxford) impressed with his determination to avoid all Sophe's questions and to single-mindedly promote his book, with the catchy title: Zero: Eliminating Unnecessary Deaths in a Post-Pandemic NHS.
Jeremy was Health Secretary from 2012-2018, during which time he made a right cock-up of the NHS. In February 2016 he was polled as the most disliked frontline British politician.
Sophe: Are you in the running for the Prime Minister's job, Mr. Cunt?
Jeremy: I would not rule out a return to Front-Bench Politics, but I'm here to talk about my book. In which I say none of that was my fault. “It was not about rogue staff or a rogue hospital. It was about a rogue
system. A rogue system that I, as health secretary, sat at the top of.”
Jeremy is the current chair of the Commons Health and Social Care Committee - certainly not one of the great offices of state - and a pro-European. Arse-licker in chief to Call Me Dave Cameron according to mr ishmael. Cunt's book seeks to explain how and why he was not able to turn the NHS into an efficient, transparent, affordable health care system. It was everyone else's fault, of course. I particularly liked this quotation: “Too often managers who had failed were recycled to jobs in a different
part of the country, where they continued to make the same mistakes. ” That probably explains the phenomenon of Ministers of State fucking up one job after another, as they flit about, hither and yon, in each Cabinet re-shuffle.
Obituary Corner:
Dennis WATERMAN (24 February 1948 – 8 May 2022)
Dennis Waterman died of lung cancer in Spain on the 8th May 2022. He had been married four times:
Penny Dixon (1967–1976)
Patricia Maynard(1977–1987),
Rula Lenska(1987–1998)
Pam Flint (November 2011–2022
Waterman's marriage to Rula Lenska ended because of his violent behaviour towards her. In March 2012, he commented: "It's not difficult for a woman to make a man hit her. She certainly wasn't a beaten wife, she was hit and that's different."
From the Filth-O-Graph clickbait section
Lenska flipped car with grandson, three, in back after shot of vodka
with builders. Actress banned for 16 months after admitting
drink-driving when she hit parked car after downing spirit with Polish
builders to celebrate new fence.
(that's right, to celebrate a new fence; she'd be drunk for months should a new carpet arrive)
Rula Lenska!
My Pussy-Mummy!
My Comrade!
My Co-Star!
One of my many co-stars on the long march to Celebrity.
And Freedom, of course.
I salute your indefatigability!
I salute your revolutionary pisshead-granny drunken driving with a kid in the back heroism.
And we do, too. And
Granny Rula is the real victim here. I mean let's face it, who hasn't,
at one time or another, got pissed and taken an unsecured infant for a
drunken spin and turned the car over. It's actually the sign of an
excellent grandparent. And maybe the Metropolitan Police should be
tasked with investigating the Wimbledon Magistrates Court, sounds like
they've developed some very Portuguese practices down there.
Goddamn you, Wimbledon Magistrates Court!
I love you, my flame-haired Polish princess!
Goddamn you Dennis Waterman!
Cor, take it easy, George, me ole china,
me driving pissed, I carn't even see over the bleedin' steerin'wheel,
can I, that's why me an' my guvnor, Jack Reagan, always 'ad drivers, in
the Sweeney, like, for the chases. An' any road, she ain't achelly me
trouble'n'strife no more. So you 'ave 'er, if you fink yer man enough. I
know I fuckin' weren't. Mad Polack dipso.
You can't sing! You can't act. You are a worthless. unmusical hatless, beardless dwarf!
Goddamn you, Dennis Waterman!
I'll sue you, that's what I'll do.
I'll sue your worthless dwarf arse.
Everybody knows I am the most artistic ex-parliamentarian, the heir to John Lennon, the revolutionary thinkers' Bob Dylan.
(sings, in guttural, hostile Glaswegian)
.........Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
phrase: I'm not the only one, is registered as being the intellectual
property of Mr George the Hat. Although he very probably is.
The only one.)
But you, you are just shit, Dennis Waterman.
You were unfit to be married to my fiery Polish Princess and co-star. I would marry her myself,
if I wasn't already several times married.
And Goddamn you, Coronation Street.
chuck, howsabout we neck a few more large vodkas, load't gran'kids in't
back't motor, like, and go fer a spin, down't smoke, like, round
people at Coronation Street, you're all women-hating homosexualists. It
was you lot, Goddamn you, who led my Rula into the ways of the Infidel. I, I, Imam George Mohamed el Hat, I have never taken a drop of alcohol in my entire blameless life.
Goddamn you, David Cameron, I call on you, from here, from the true
People's Parliament, here, in Studio Sputnik of the Democratic Russia
Today TeeVee Network,
call on you to end these show trials, to close these kangaroo courts,
and without delay, Goddamn you, to appoint me to sit as Allah's
Stipendiary Magistrate with two or three of my eminent Muslim brethren.
We'll show you what true justice means.
tell me, brother, are there enough stones lying around the streets of
London for us to administer proper justice to the filthy adulterous
whore bitches?
The third anthology of essays by ishmael smith, thinker, writer, contrarian and originator of this blog, is approaching completion.
mr verge's selection ranges from 2009-2019 and has an auto-biographical
theme. We hear about young ishmael running away to sea: "I remember
standing on her (the SS Ramore Head) plunging and soaring stern a
thousand miles from anywhere, thinking, terrified and awestruck as I was
- Fuck me, this is good." And the drinking years: Red, Red Wine. And the other substances years: The Carpet Horrors. And the time he worked in the library: "Some
of the nicest people I have ever met worked in public libraries; when I
worked in one of them, for a while, I felt that I became nicer.....I
felt then and I feel now that going to the library makes everybody a bit
nicer." And who but Ishmael pauses to question the ethics of the Orkney Stoat Eradication Plan:
"No mate, yer fucked, its Zyklon B for you. It's the birds, they need
Lebensraum. Wossat? No, mate, you don't need it just as much as they
We are at the proof-reading stage - the blue cover as above will probably not be the final choice - after all, the blog dog usually graces the covers of the Ishmael canon.
Editor mr. verge has done his usual brilliant job of tidying, juxtaposing, contextualising and formatting the text. I'm very impressed, actually.
If you still haven't bought your copies of Honest Not Invent or Vent Stack, Amazon will help you out.
...erm, "campaign group Uncut" - is that a radical collective of the proudly prepuced? Dirty bastards.
Amazon are (for now - nothing to do with us) discounting the hardback of Vent Stack, so it's cheaper than the PB.
Hoping to get Ishmael's Blues ready for mid-June. mrs ishmael is too kind and plays down (by failing altogether to mention) her unfailing patience and support. Very much a joint effort.
I never viewed Dennis Waterman as a good actor, he was sullen and lumpen, but he was nevertheless the perfect foil for John Thaw in the Sweeney and George Cole in Minder. Two classics of the British genre of the 80s.
George Cole was, IMHO, a great actor. I saw him live in the mid 80s as the Major General in Pirates of Penzance (I forget which theatre, but it was near Covent Garden). When he did the "I am the very model of a modern major general" song the audience (it was a packed house) were ecstatic. Then he taunted the audience: "what, you want it faster?", then proceeded to do just that, faultlessly. He received a 5 minute standing ovation. Simply brilliant.
When you think what television is capable of - and does produce, from time to time, then compare it with the great steaming pile of ordure that fills the majority of the schedules, the majority of the time, you realise that the public is being fed what most delights it - dating shows, cooking shows, competitions, sex, singing, freak shows and infantilised news and analysis. The great actors have to pick up work where they can, even in utter rubbish like Minder. "nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people". Or British, in this case
I re-watched a couple of Minder episodes today. I'm not sure if its nostalgia for the 80s, or I'm over-thinking all this, but it still seems to me that whilst it was Jack the Lad stuff that appealed at the time, each episode had a little message - or commentary on the time. I don't think it can just be resigned to the rubbish bin. It was definitely part of 80s culture, although from the lofty heights of the 2020s we can look down on that.
I have to admit that I never actually watched an entire episode of Minder, mr mike. I really am the most dreadful snob and even back in the Eighties I had an antipathy to Lahndon matters. What TV did I like in the Eighties? I'm struggling to remember - I suspect I wasn't watching much TV in that decade. The Beiderbecke Affair is the outstanding one in my memory, and all the American series I liked turn out to have been Nineties productions, to my great surprise ( Wiki is my external brain) - Northern Exposure, Ally McBeal and NYPD Blue.
Madly, I last night watched by accident the first episode of Morse. Set right here, just up the road in the capital of Bandit Country. The Bookbinders Arms, Jericho, walking the non-gf back through the streets of Oxford - nothing in the right place but very Gown rather than Town. It wasn't half bad either with no violence to be seen despite the trail of corpses. Proper actors too acting out the lives of proper and somewhat ordinary people until the events of their lives brought the extraordinary to the tale.
We do not partake of the euro-warbling, mrs i. Nothing is more injurious to the ease and tranquility of one's thoughts than all that bollocks. That Sharon and Damian jabbed feverishly at their phones and and selected the great heroes of the Ukraine as winners does not astonish me but FFS is there nothing that cannot be corralled and angled for political effect?
Likewise unshocked was I that McRobocop is as brutish as his southern cousins. Your wee judges up there, mrs i, they seem to be channelling some Knights Templar thing with their cozzies. What's that all about?
I also see that the remnants of the Azov battallion has surrendered to the Rooskies. They're rough bastards, I know, and I wouldn't invite them mto tea with the vicar but God help them. Will we ever see any of them ever again, mr mike?
Knights Templar! Yes! That's what it is. And very preposterous it is, too. I don't suppose it is any odder than the English judicial outfits, just more colourful.
Mr mongoose: the Azov people will be building roads in Siberia for the rest of their lives - those are the lucky ones. The War Crimes trials will begin in June/July in Donetsk - which has the death penalty (Russia does not). The big fish are already in Moscow. More reports of UK involvement in all this are emerging. Mark my words, the UK will pay a very heavy price for this. Meanwhile the destruction of the Ukie military in Donbass is accelerating. We are close to a tipping point where it could all suddenly collapse.
Those Scottish cozzies looked a little Klu-Klux to my eye?
PS: just read a report that Russia's Supreme Court is considering the designation of the Azov as "terrorists". This means they can be executed if found guilty. This may be preferable to life in a max security prison in Siberia. This could also include what the Russians call "foreign mercenaries" - but this term I think covers all foreigners including NATO (incl British) "advisors", of which many have been captured. This will not end well for these people.
I say begins; the result was never in doubt - like Barcelona FC playing Yeovil FC. But this will not be where it ends. There will be a massive price to pay, and the UK's hands are bloody - in fact, they are up to their armpits on this. The fallout from this will be epic and generational.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Thank you, mr mike, for providing an antidote to the main stream media. Things are not looking good. And, as you say, the UK is up to its armpits, being best friends with Zelensky and Biden and stuffing lethal aid into this proxy war. Unlike France and Germany, who have taken a much cooler approach.
There is an awful lot of cockwaffle being spouted about a revival of the West and a collapse of the East. My own view is that the West - the USA principally - is one more hooky set of elections at the mid-terms from a rumbling civil war starting that will break America into two or three bits. Even unofficially. And then Lord knows what happens.
Likewise drivel drivelled about the collapse of the Conservatives. Has nobody looked at what happens when the luvvies get power. They wreck the joint and beggar the nation. (My own view is that this constructive destruction is useful and part of what makes the country worth living in but I digress. And again in brackets. Sorry, Jim.)
Good to see you again, mr dtp. You get a namecheck in Ishmael's Blues (currently proto-proof copy stage) as follows:
"mr dick the prick was fulminating, recently, about his daily encounters at Leeds railway station with texting-walkers; clever multi-tasking, they’d call it, this unique form of self-enslavement, in which all are now messengers, the i-phone their herald’s horn, their wax-sealed despatch, all compressing their existences into as few characters as possible, crushing and dehydrating their imaginations into salty little stock cubes of abbreviation and acronym and firing them off, for others to glimpse for a moment and forget.
It is odd that language has been so truncated; one would think that with the arrival of Platforms4All it would develop and flower but no, language, like people, just gets uglier." (March, 2015)
...erm, "campaign group Uncut" - is that a radical collective of the proudly prepuced? Dirty bastards.
Amazon are (for now - nothing to do with us) discounting the hardback of Vent Stack, so it's cheaper than the PB.
Hoping to get Ishmael's Blues ready for mid-June. mrs ishmael is too kind and plays down (by failing altogether to mention) her unfailing patience and support. Very much a joint effort.
I never viewed Dennis Waterman as a good actor, he was sullen and lumpen, but he was nevertheless the perfect foil for John Thaw in the Sweeney and George Cole in Minder. Two classics of the British genre of the 80s.
George Cole was, IMHO, a great actor. I saw him live in the mid 80s as the Major General in Pirates of Penzance (I forget which theatre, but it was near Covent Garden). When he did the "I am the very model of a modern major general" song the audience (it was a packed house) were ecstatic. Then he taunted the audience: "what, you want it faster?", then proceeded to do just that, faultlessly. He received a 5 minute standing ovation. Simply brilliant.
When you think what television is capable of - and does produce, from time to time, then compare it with the great steaming pile of ordure that fills the majority of the schedules, the majority of the time, you realise that the public is being fed what most delights it - dating shows, cooking shows, competitions, sex, singing, freak shows and infantilised news and analysis. The great actors have to pick up work where they can, even in utter rubbish like Minder. "nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American people". Or British, in this case
I re-watched a couple of Minder episodes today. I'm not sure if its nostalgia for the 80s, or I'm over-thinking all this, but it still seems to me that whilst it was Jack the Lad stuff that appealed at the time, each episode had a little message - or commentary on the time. I don't think it can just be resigned to the rubbish bin. It was definitely part of 80s culture, although from the lofty heights of the 2020s we can look down on that.
PS - when I say the "lofty heights", of course I mean something quite different.
I have to admit that I never actually watched an entire episode of Minder, mr mike. I really am the most dreadful snob and even back in the Eighties I had an antipathy to Lahndon matters. What TV did I like in the Eighties? I'm struggling to remember - I suspect I wasn't watching much TV in that decade. The Beiderbecke Affair is the outstanding one in my memory, and all the American series I liked turn out to have been Nineties productions, to my great surprise ( Wiki is my external brain) - Northern Exposure, Ally McBeal and NYPD Blue.
Mrs I: they were parables of the time; metaphors if you wish. Like Rab C but with a cockney accent.
Madly, I last night watched by accident the first episode of Morse. Set right here, just up the road in the capital of Bandit Country. The Bookbinders Arms, Jericho, walking the non-gf back through the streets of Oxford - nothing in the right place but very Gown rather than Town. It wasn't half bad either with no violence to be seen despite the trail of corpses. Proper actors too acting out the lives of proper and somewhat ordinary people until the events of their lives brought the extraordinary to the tale.
We do not partake of the euro-warbling, mrs i. Nothing is more injurious to the ease and tranquility of one's thoughts than all that bollocks. That Sharon and Damian jabbed feverishly at their phones and and selected the great heroes of the Ukraine as winners does not astonish me but FFS is there nothing that cannot be corralled and angled for political effect?
Likewise unshocked was I that McRobocop is as brutish as his southern cousins. Your wee judges up there, mrs i, they seem to be channelling some Knights Templar thing with their cozzies. What's that all about?
I also see that the remnants of the Azov battallion has surrendered to the Rooskies. They're rough bastards, I know, and I wouldn't invite them mto tea with the vicar but God help them. Will we ever see any of them ever again, mr mike?
Knights Templar! Yes! That's what it is. And very preposterous it is, too. I don't suppose it is any odder than the English judicial outfits, just more colourful.
Mr mongoose: the Azov people will be building roads in Siberia for the rest of their lives - those are the lucky ones. The War Crimes trials will begin in June/July in Donetsk - which has the death penalty (Russia does not). The big fish are already in Moscow. More reports of UK involvement in all this are emerging. Mark my words, the UK will pay a very heavy price for this. Meanwhile the destruction of the Ukie military in Donbass is accelerating. We are close to a tipping point where it could all suddenly collapse.
Those Scottish cozzies looked a little Klu-Klux to my eye?
PS: just read a report that Russia's Supreme Court is considering the designation of the Azov as "terrorists". This means they can be executed if found guilty. This may be preferable to life in a max security prison in Siberia. This could also include what the Russians call "foreign mercenaries" - but this term I think covers all foreigners including NATO (incl British) "advisors", of which many have been captured. This will not end well for these people.
Well, Mr mongoose, it begins:
I say begins; the result was never in doubt - like Barcelona FC playing Yeovil FC. But this will not be where it ends. There will be a massive price to pay, and the UK's hands are bloody - in fact, they are up to their armpits on this. The fallout from this will be epic and generational.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Thank you, mr mike, for providing an antidote to the main stream media. Things are not looking good. And, as you say, the UK is up to its armpits, being best friends with Zelensky and Biden and stuffing lethal aid into this proxy war. Unlike France and Germany, who have taken a much cooler approach.
There is an awful lot of cockwaffle being spouted about a revival of the West and a collapse of the East. My own view is that the West - the USA principally - is one more hooky set of elections at the mid-terms from a rumbling civil war starting that will break America into two or three bits. Even unofficially. And then Lord knows what happens.
Likewise drivel drivelled about the collapse of the Conservatives. Has nobody looked at what happens when the luvvies get power. They wreck the joint and beggar the nation. (My own view is that this constructive destruction is useful and part of what makes the country worth living in but I digress. And again in brackets. Sorry, Jim.)
If anything confirms that the West is finished, then this does (caution: have vomit bag to hand)
I know I'm in the demographic of an old fart, but how I look back on the halcyon days of the 70s and early 80s.
The Colonel reports that Ukranian forces are on the verge of collapse. (Starts 4 mins in.)
Mr mongoose: here is a good explanation of where this goes next, and who will be suffering the consequences.
Dear Mrs Ish
Just popped by to say hellox. Naff all to report xx
Dick the Prick
Good to see you again, mr dtp. You get a namecheck in Ishmael's Blues (currently proto-proof copy stage) as follows:
"mr dick the prick was fulminating, recently, about his daily encounters at Leeds railway station with texting-walkers; clever multi-tasking, they’d call it, this unique form of self-enslavement, in which all are now messengers, the i-phone their herald’s horn, their wax-sealed despatch, all compressing their existences into as few characters as possible, crushing and dehydrating their imaginations into salty little stock cubes of abbreviation and acronym and firing them off, for others to glimpse for a moment and forget.
It is odd that language has been so truncated; one would think that with the arrival of Platforms4All it would develop and flower but no, language, like people, just gets uglier."
(March, 2015)
Just want to share mr verge's welcome home, mr dick the prick.great that you stopped by. How's life treating you?
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