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Ginger marmalade |
Mr Northern Speaker assured us that when he had uncovered the originator of the appalling, misogynist allegation against Growler Rayner there would be Consequences.
He was Egged on by Growler, who stated in the Tweetosphere that she was a victim of “sexism and misogyny”.
Now that you have uncovered the originator of the outrageous slur that Ginger Rayner displayed her Ginger Growler in a vain attempt to distract the happily married Prime Minister, what Consequences will you visit upon the Right Honorable Deputy Leader, Mr Northern Speaker?
Talk about Black Ops.
Note - not being conversant with northern factory slang, I had to consult the Urban Dictionary for the definition of growler.
I think the term "growler" was first coined by Barry Humphries; he also used the term "tarantula" in the same context. If I remember rightly, it was in a piece about Britney Spears. Just wanting to set the record straight.
PS Barry was describing how Britney alighted from a car sans knickers.
Every day a school day. I'm indebted to you, mr mike. Urban Dictionary did not mention Barry Humphries.
Supplementary ree-surch reveals that the Growler is also...
A gastropub in Ayr. (No doubt the specials are a thing to behold.)
A sports car (no leather trim/noisy ride/dirty exhaust gags, please, mr speaker)
...and best of all, the Duchess of Cornhole-in-wall's school nickname. Honest, not invent :
Well that's another night's sleep lost. Thanks, mr v.
Looks like Boris is getting his fat arse slapped, Eton style, in the elections.
And turkeys are coming home to roost. Inflation, rising interest rates, recession. And tank-girl still thinks she can drive a tank and defeat Russia. What we are seeing in Ukraine is a sideshow. Putin just issued a decree which forbids exports to unfriendlies. This will kill Europe and the West in general. It can't be over-stressed how the West has been living on borrowed time with its debt and financial engineering. Only those with real resources and who make stuff will prosper. Expect Europe to start fracturing.
The Ukraine operation is panning out just as you predicted, mr mike.Even with the somewhat one-sided news coverage we are getting, it seems clear that the Azov regiment is using civilians in the tunnels beneath Mariupol for protection. It is looking really unpleasant and the West seems intent on ratcheting up the tension and sustaining Zelenskyy in his refusal to enter into realistic peace negotiations by sending even more lethal aid. Boris pledged £300 million this week - and this at a time when our poor are getting catastrophically poorer. If the dear chap has £300 mill in his back pocket, why does Sunak persist in his massive "National Insurance" hike?
Boris has certainly misjudged the country's mood - the local elections are demonstrating that no amount of war-mongering will absolve him in the voters' eyes.
And it looks like Stormont is lost to a murderous secessionist party. With Scotland and Northern Ireland wanting out, does this put Wales in the unlikely position of being England's only partner in Team GB?
So much is wrong, Mrs I.
Ukraine has been sub-contracted to Britain by the US. MI6 rather than CIA - although both play their part. Inevitably, its all going wrong. You may notice that, subtlety, the US is distancing itself, and its the UK and Europe that will pay he price - it hopes.
Zelenskey changed his tune after Boris arrived in Kiev. Ukraine was prepared to compromise to Russian demands, But shortly after Boris's visit they back-tracked. So Ukraine is now being destroyed.
But this is not about Ukraine per se. Its the West wanting to get its evil hands on Russian resources, and trying to deny the rise of Eurasia. It will fail spectacularly. Its not just the kinetic war - which Russia and the East would always win. Its the economic war, and the outcome of that is just beginning to dawn on the West. It will get a lot worse.
For the first time ever that I can remember I did not vote.
Babies are born blue hereabouts, mrs narcolpet, and you have to register with the police if you intend to vote for anyone but the approved candidate. (It's bit like Twitter, actually.) But even here, the rumbles started some time ago - the green bollocks, the tranny bollocks, the price of fuel for the 4 by 4... The Blue Ones are not happy with yer man at all.
That said, I thought the results could have been worse for BloJo. Ok so the hell hole whohc is the Peoples Republic of London got a bit uppity but the almighty hammering that some forewaw came not to pass.
Matters Ukrainian, mr mike, continue as foreseen. Plenty of folk pretending not to understand that the attacker's tax in terms of men and materiel expended is at least 3:1 over the defender's. MBV doesn't seem to have moved for Odessa yet? Perhaps he needs something else before he can get that properly started. Or is it happenig but the telly just isn't telling me?
Mr mongoose - best to turn the sound off when you watch the news on the telly.
Here is a good summary by ex US army guy of where we are.
Thanks for the link, mr mike. Your man leads one to understand what a failure of real politik we have in this Eastern European war, and how it could have been averted had there been any will by the West to avoid suffering, bloodshed and death. And instead there is, essentially, a civil war - in which the Russian Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea are being targeted by the Western Ukrainians. The roots of this run deep - but it could have been resolved had NATO not armed and encouraged Zelenskyy to fight instead of brokering a mediation. It is going to happen anyway, so sooner rather than later would save massive death and destruction.
I understand your despair at the political process, mrs narcolept, that leaves one with no-one to vote for. What's the point? Whoever you vote for, the politicians always get in.
Here in Orkney, we have a largely independent council. This time around, it contains a couple of Greens amongst the Independents. In my ward there were five candidates for 4 Council seats. The one who didn't get in was the one who might have challenged the cabals and chumocracy. So it will be same old, same old, business as usual, nothing to see here, move along.
The whole thing is gruesome, mr mike. I find the eagerness chilling. We used to josh each other here about the Irish. Win an independence almost total and then have a civil war about the small print? Yesterday Sinn Fein took the lead in NI. A sensible non-violent outcome looms in the years to come. It brings a tear to me orb, so it does, to think that I might still be alive when a united island of Ireland gets to hoist its flag by the consent of all its people. But I digress. Not for the first time, I fear.
Your video link was to a sensible calm chap. I had not known the economic irrelavance of Kiev itself. That is interesting. He also sort of just assumed that Odessa would fall. What a black, evil business it all is.
Roe v Wade, eh? What about them exploding heads!
Sorry, mr mongoose - exploding heads?
The ability to think clearly has been lost across the water, mrs i. Every other country in the world (damn near) has looked at the question of abortion and gone one of two ways. Either the government has asked the people directly whether abortion should be legally and safely available, or they've passed laws onto the statute book to provide for it. This seems to work reasonably well for the most part. But in the US? No, they can't be having that. So they have invented a whole new category of constitutional "right" based an absurd reading of their original document and foisted it upon everyone via a 50-y-o diktat from judges long dead. Even the Saintly President Biden is on record as saying that it was a beastly bit of law-making avoidance magic that should have been done properly. So you either think that women should have access to safe and legal abortion, and pretty much every modern person does, in which case vote for politicians who will provide it (or who will provide you with a direct say on it), or you don't, in which case vote for the other geezer.
And that is what will happen should Roe v Wade be done away with. And the mad buggers down South in mediaeval Mississippi and such will vote to ban it, and they will be one step nearer the knacker's yard. It's 2022 not 1822. The people will not stand for such nonsense and the religious loons will lose yet another finger's worth of grip on the lives of ordinary sensible people.
But let us look the Devil in the face and make an argument. Heck, ten minutes ago not one of these people was willing to tell what a woman actually was, ten minutes before that everyone - man and woman alike - was being blackmailed by them to suffer highly dubious "vaccinations" against covid. And now the bodily autonomy of women is top of the pile for yelling about in the streets. And the yelling is coming from the same brain-dead bastards. And y'all have to remember that in this brave new world men can now have abortions too.
Further on the term "growler" - maybe in a different context, but I recall me old dad referring to a meat pie as a growler. Maybe as a young kid I didn't make the connection? This would pre-date Barry Humphries - although Barry is still the first recollection I have in the Sharon context. Clearly further research required.
I've consulted the weighty Partridge Dictionary of Slang, mr mike - he has "growl-biter" as - how shall we put it - an enthusiastic consumer of meat-pies, and derives this particular avenue of meaning from rhyming slang, "grumble and grunt" having been a version of the better-known Berkeley Hunt, which led to "growl and grunt", thence (we may assume) Angela's provocative growler.
here endeth...
Amen, Mr verge, amen.
Scholarly, editor mr verge. And then, via the transportation of Cockney convicts, it became embedded in Australian, and was colourfully appropriated by Barry Humphries.
Well summarised, mr mongoose - exploding heads indeed.
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