Thursday 3 December 2020

The Crown - not Netflix

 Apparently, the Firm has been a little disconcerted by its depiction in The Crown.


Look, Netflix can't begin to approach the full horror show of the Family. 
Nice shiny blue sashes, gentlemen. Sets the right example.
how did he get in here?

Anyway, this little video contains some historic footage from The Firm's greatest  moments and marriages: tip - put it on full screen

The Beautiful South: Don't Marry Her, Fuck Me.



Mike said...

As Mr I correctly diagnosed: its show-business, only we (ie you) pay for it. Couldn't watch all the video - too much Fergie. I was informed by former City chums that her nickname was GoldenBush in the 80s. I can't offer any first hand evidence or opinion.

Bungalow Bill said...

This is one of the little lunacies: the Monarchy, Brexit, Shelebriddies etc. None of them matters, indeed they evoke nostalgic pangs.

A proper dark madness is upon us now, though many do not see it yet. And it is not absurd; and there is nothing to laugh about, after all. And we have welcomed it in.

mongoose said...

It is indeed the strangest of times, mr bb.

Have y'all had the misfortune to hear the many-bathroomed one prattling about his raindrops. I thought that one of the urchins had slipped a tab of acid into me Horlicks, so I did. I couldn't quite understand the words as they came out and I kept seeing worms coming out of his nostrils. Now of them all, he used to be perhaps the soundest of decent lads, and a more or less proper soldier, he put himself in hamr's way when he need not have. But FFS son! Pls, pls stop it.

Mike said...

Exciting times we live in: Boris's and the Govt's future hangs on fish (for which there is no British fishing fleet to harvest at present); the US is on the verge of civil war; and next year we we will all be coerced into taking a vaccine which has not been properly tested (and I clearly remember the outcome of the polio vaccine). 2021 - I just can't wait.

mongoose said...

All joking aside, mr mike, take nothing but the Oxford vaccine. The others are mRNA immune response modifiers. They might be brilliant and wonderful but it is far too early to be sure of that. We're old and it will probably be OK but young folk should not go near that stuff until a decade hs passed. NB I just declined my flu jab. Not for antivax reasons but for blood O-ve reasons. We lucky 1 in 8 don't get serious bouts of seasonal ick and it is best not to fuck with one's natural protection.

The EU is dying before our very eyes. I don't really understand why anyone is surprised. Once you turn around on the bully, square your shoulders and say "And so?", it is over. That's why they're cross.

mongoose said...

Oh, and there will soon be plenty of cheap fishing boats for sale in France, Sir.

Mike said...

I'm leaning towards the Russian vaccine, Mr mongoose, which is a conventional vaccine based on their successful Ebola vaccine, not a mRNA, DNA bending. vaccine.. I'm only considering a vaccine because I want to travel, but I doubt Sputnik V will be offered down here or be acceptable in Europe, which is where I want to go. I have 2 last objectives: to walk the last main Camino route I haven't yet done (Camino del Norte); and, to see the completion of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (due 2026 but likely delayed). I'm feeling a little depressed right now.

Bungalow Bill said...

I remember your account of walking the Camino, Mr Mike, and very fine it was. Lovely objectives, both of them. I must find some of my own. Thanks for the vaccine tips from you and Mr Mongoose. My invasion of the Bodysnatchers instincts tell me to run for the hills. Though the hills themselves will need Proof of Virtue very soon.

mongoose said...

Yes, quite, mr mike. By "others" I had meant the other 2 uk-available ones (Pfizer and Moderna) which are the mRNA modifiers. I had neglected the Russsian candidate which as you say is a conventional vaccine. I am not joking about the new ones. Young people and especially intending-to-breed young women should steer clear for many years until matters are clearer. It does however look like the plot from a dystopian novel.

I am sure that your trips will come to pass. Although it is less clear that Sagrada Familia will be finished by 2026. Bon Camino, when the day dawns.

mrs ishmael said...

I'm still veering towards John Wyndham as the scriptwriter for this particular dystopia. mr mongoose. The Chrysalids, where extreme eugenic tactics are adopted to ensure the human race breeds true to form after a cataclysmic disaster - Sacred is the Norm, and the only safe haven is Australia, mr mike, combined with the Triffids (substitute Covid for triffids and the strange meteorite shower that renders 90% of the human race blind for vaccine), and we have the background for a rattling good, Wyndham novel.