Tuesday 4 June 2019


Down with stuff!
 Power to the shouty people!
 Right on!

If only he'd promised to renationalise the railways; to restore trade union rights and the rights of ordinary citizens to the Courts;  if only he'd promised to hound the criminals out of the City of London and jail the thieving fucking bastards; to abolish, at a stroke, the House of Lords and wherever practicable to halt and reverse  the theft of national resources by smirking, noncing parasites like Sir Richard Beardy.  If only Corbyn had had some balls, he could've offered a proper alternative to decades of Thatcher/Blair/Cameron/Clegg/May spivvery and warmongering. If only he'd  told gangster Benjy Netanyahu and his stooges to fuck off and stop behaving like Nazis. If only he, a Brexiteer, had  respected the national vote. If only he'd said that he'd fine Sinn  Fein and the Ulster Undertakers for every day that they did not go to work, as they're paid handsomely so to do by the rest of us. If only he'd thrown-out the likes of Cooper and Umuna sent them into Blairite oblivion, where they belong, instead of waiting for them to flounce off self righteously, like the spiv Heseltine did.  Instead, the worthless worm has  fucked about, squirming on Cowardice's hook, gutless and craven.

Socialism, the love that dare not speak its name,
 Are we all agreed? 
The working classes, be they here or in the US, are vile.
 Vile, I say! Vile! 
And working class people  have no place in this great movement of ours.

He should, by rights, have been in power by now, Jerry, talk about an open goal, he had the momentum, literally and figuratively and he's squandered it. 
Alright, MediaMinster is unfair to him but as Trump showed, there are other ways; who gives a fuck, these days, what Toilets Maguire says or Adam Lard or the BBC,  these people are all talking to themselves, dinnerpartyistes;  
Trump went over their heads - that's why they hate him at the Washington Post - and Corbyn could've done the same; instead, today, he's at a kiddies demo, when with a bit of adroit footwork he could've got Trump onside for the next election, if we ever have one, he couod've outlied the lying classes. 
 On top of the three or four million he's trousered over the past decades we now  pay Jerry a hundred and fifty grand  a year to lead the Opposition. And just look what he does.

 Yes, of course, Diane, anyone who disagrees with you simply must be a deplorable ignorant Islamaophobie and genderphobic homophobic racistophobe.
 How could they not be?
How'd your son get on at public school?
Be joining the family business, I expect.

Donald Trump is a cheat, a bully and a sex pest, just like nearly everyone in MediaMinster; unlike them he's not a child molester or a friend and protector of child molesters; unlike our politicians Trump hasn't waged and earned shitloads of money from an illegal war; it's not saying a great deal but in many ways Trump is a better human being than Obama, the bankers' house nigger, shitting all over those he called his own people, 
Yeah, keep on having that I have a dream dream, niggers.

 better than the murderous, larcenous and deeply criminal Clintons;  unlike the Bushes Trump is not in hock to the House of Saud and unlike, particularly, George Dubya, Trump has not shit all over the Constitution. 

Unlike many visitors accorded a State visit here Trump was elected by a majority of his fellow citizens and may be removed by them in 18 months or so;  he may have groped women but as far as I know he has not whipped them through the streets, stoned them to death or chopped their heads off;  those who have, oddly, are always welcome in Buckingham Palace and Downing Street with scarce a murmur from the demophobes.  Trump, notably, unlike Corbyn's party, hasn't  immolated and eviscerated tens of thousand of Iraqi working class children and told their mothers they should be grateful, that was  Corbyn's Labour colleague, Geoff Hoon.

....... it was put to Hoon in a Radio 4 interview that an Iraqi mother of a child killed by these cluster bombs would not thank the British Army. He replied "One day they might." Hoon continued, "I accept that in the short term the consequences are terrible. No one minimises those and I'm not seeking to do so," he said. "But what I am saying is that this is a country that has been brutalised for decades by this appalling regime and that the restoration of that country to its own people, the possibility of their deciding for themselves their future ... and indeed the way in which they go about their lives, ultimately, yes, that will be a better place for people in Iraq."[13] 

Di and Jerry and Emily have never taken  to the streets about Labour's real war crimes, just about Trumps imaginary ones. 

Cowards and tub-thumping hypocrites, they'll never be in government and don't deserve to be.
Colleagues of the World Unite!
Join me and be Against Stuff! 


mongoose said...

I was confused for a while there. It became clear, didn't it, that The Tories were going to spurn the chance to unite their party forever. And they'd have stolen about half of the Labour vote for a couple of generations too. Then was the chance for Labour to have done a very similar thing. Steal the anti-EU Tories - now playing footsie pretending to be Dogshooters - and weld their own alienated working class vote back into the fold. So now that they have both flunked it, we have to ask: are they really that stupid? Do we have though to plump for conspiracy or cock-up? Or maybe the answer is that real political leadership is harder than it looks. Control is an illusion, as mr tdg has said (more eloquently than that).

The meagre, vapid triangulation of New Labour that rode in on Big Al's horse was an answer to Old Labour not even being able to beat John Major FFS. It was never an answer - never a conviction. I think that's where we are left. The old two parties are worn out and clueless in the face of a world they do not understand. They can't even make their their phones work, let alone the country.

One thing is for sure, the magic grandpa doesn't even know the questions, let alone the answers.

mongoose said...

Actually, Mr I, do you think that my mistake betrays the plan? I must think on it.

call me ishmael said...

I dunno, mr mongoose; as long as they can gather enough to unite against us then the notional party allegiance is irrelevant, there are two or thhee parties, notionally extant, presently, two or three notionally Tory teo or three notionally Labour the six dogshooters, the fifty tribe smen and the ulster undertakers make at least another two so that's six to ten different parties who all have more in common with each other than they do with us.

Earlier, I saw Annie Mine'sADouble and EmilyHere'sMyArse on Newsnight, it was like two mad old nymphomaniacs in an asylum, all it needed was Laura Skanksberg and Evan Rentboy and it would have been a full-on BBC madhouse/brothel reporting to us on serious matters of the day.

Mike said...

Mr I: you must be in a very benign frame of mind, going easy on the Orange Narcissus. OK, I know everything is relative, and he's not Hillary, but....

But this is the Trump who launched 100 cruise missiles at Syria on an obvious false flag (MI6 instigated, BTW, and now OPCW corroborated), and then boasted over bootiful chocolate cake. Who threatened to destroy North Korea for not doing a deal. Who continues to support over 800 US military bases around the world. Who is supporting war on the Yemen. Who is illegally occupying Syria. Who illegally approves arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Who is trying to destroy Venezuela and grab their oil. Who threatens Iran with destruction, when Iran is no threat to the US. Who supports the Zionist entity and recognises its land grab in Jerusalem and the Golan. I could go on, and on...

mongoose said...

I was trying last night to work out "why". WTF are labour about? What are they trying to do? Which constituency of votes are they after this time? And then, likewise, the Tories. And it doesn't make any sense. At all. And that's because it is old thinking. Nigel knows. Trump knows. Theresa doesn't and nor does Grandpa.

I got the Dogshooters' Tory votes the wrong way around last night. Here in Bandit Country - where babies are born blue - the LibDems beat the Tories last week. This is astounding. It's earth-shattering, and nobody seems to know why it happened and if it is going to happen again.

call me ishmael said...

All these things that you mention are or may be true, mr mike but are a drop in Uncle Sam's ocean of state terrorism and Trump has done nothing worse, internationally, than Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, the Bushes, the Clintons and Obama. I can only think of Jimmy Carter who hasn't joyously waded in the blood of other nations, singing Rally Round the Flag, boys. Uncle Sam IS Ike's military/industrial complex, Death and Torture its main exports and no-one could accuse me of reticence on these matters; Trump, however, receives more scrutiny than his predecessors. Were the Kennedys - all three of them -not sex beasts and warmongers, JFK using the Mafia to get elected; shit, where would you end, with US presidential crimes and atrocities at home and abroad?
No, Trump is no worse and if the madcow Hillary was doing this shit - and she would be, and worse - then Corbyn's halfwits would be linking arms and singing Isn't she Won-der-ful?

I saw what Trump did, close-up, in Aberdeen, Scotland, the best part of England and he and his then fluffer, cock-waving Al Salmond should be jailed for that alone. The post wasn't about Trump, it was about the verminous hijackers of the labour movement doing a facile community hate-in, instead of doing politics.

Mike said...

All that's true, Mr I. But Trump was elected as a break with the past, drain the swamp and all that. End to foreign wars, bring the troops home etc. He's proven to be just as bad as the rest. Hillary in drag. And should be condemned for that. Part of my anger - I know I should know better - is that its confirmation that there is no answer. And that the UK should follow all this is a disgrace. Glad I emigrated - but Australia is a lap dog as well (but secretly could switch sides).

call me ishmael said...

It is just a series of warring cabals, there is no making sense of it but anothr point of Labour view, mr mongoose, is that, unable to ditch Jerry by democratic means, his enemies encourage him to go on demos and look like an unelectable cunt, which he now is.

His actions yesterday were catastrophically misjudged, even by the standards of MediaMinster, and if Trump is re-elected there is no telling what fun he might have with the likes of Jerry and Nicola, should they still be around.

call me ishmael said...

To an extent, mr mr mike, he is draining the swamp by a few drops, the commentariat, made irrelevant, is shitting itself in impotent rage and he doesn't seem to give a fuck about the aristocrats of lawnforcement - the FBI and the CIA - he will still use them but they no longer enjoy the favoured status of a conclave of outlaw cardinals which they have since J Edgar Hoover and Alan Dulles, one murderous crook succeeding another. If only, post-election, he'd gone after Hillary, tried to get her jailed, as she has him, that would really have screwed Nancy Pelosi and her insider dealing.

Bungalow Bill said...

Corbyn is a painting by numbers, town hall simpleton. It's forever the 1970s and the bosses are to blame. As you say, he has no idea of effective radicalism, no argument for the public good and the liberation of souls which might, even this late, be found in the rediscovery of proper communal life. Foot was the last one with the intellect and some vision to go with it - alas, he was fucking hopeless in his own way.

Votes for Trump, Nige and so on are, hilariously, hopeless fumblings after some sort of truth and cleanliness.

inmate said...

Ah St Jeremy, our last great hope for civilisation and the nation, to bring an end to warring at will around the world, to end poverty and invest in public services. His only remedies, to nationalise everyfuckinthing; with funny money borrowed from the same gangsters he professes to hate, reduce the tax take from the private sector (real money) via said nationalisation, but increase the tax of the very workforce he claims to represent. The mans a cunt, only happy when in opposition, without responsibility, without answers.As Orwell noted these fuckers dislike the 'rich' but absofuckinlutely detest the working classes and their sense of community.
If fellow travellers get the opportunity, do watch Chernobyl on Sky. Truly terrifying how Jezza's heroes of the Soviet comradeship behaved in the face of potential Armageddon.

Anonymous said...

Found my way here via a link from OLDRIGHTIE. A most interesting and outspoken blog I will definitely be visiting again.

call me ishmael said...

Like Jerry, my late brother was an allotmenteer, mr bungalow bill, who thought that a good day's work consisted of memorising another chapter of the Child Poverty Action Group's welfare benefits handbook, so's he could claim his full entitlements. A brain the size of the planet but crippled for life by proto-Corbynism; never worked a day, Joseph, rather like Jerry, whose lifetime on benefits has been rather more lucrative.

call me ishmael said...

I said about Trump's election, mr inmate, that sometim.es nations had to make a turn to the Right in order to get to the Left; Corbyn's tenure on the front bench proves that the opposite is equally true.

His failure to propose practical, radical, inclusive alternatives to Greed have ceded Scotland to the fascistic tribesmen and the betrayed blue collar class to Sid Farage. As you say - and cannot be said too often - the man's a cunt.

call me ishmael said...

Thank you, mr anonymous, but hold fast on the Outspoken; we are, here, thoughtful and melancholy, only the occasional splenetic irreverence piercing our sombre chronicling of Ruin's atrocities.

Tdg said...

It seems to me his idiocy is ours, for he has been chosen by us, even if remotely. States are led by those they deserve, with the tacit compliance of their residents, just like prisons. We often blame fear for the failure to resist bad government, but it is merely an excuse. The decline in our leadership is a symptom, not the cause, of the decline of society itself. I wish I knew how to reverse it.

call me ishmael said...

Is there a decline in the quality of those thrusting for leadership or are we just more aware of their venality. I was onlyn a kid and you may not have been in the country, mr tdg, but the Wilson/Douglas-Home conspiracy, revealed only decades later, to protect parliamentarians from the revelation that they consorted with their fellow predatory homosexuals, the Kray twins, resulted in the deaths and mutilations of those who would have been spared had Boothby, Driberg and the Krays been jailed as they would have been but for cross-party conspiracy. I wouldn't stake my life on it but I would like to think that these days such criminality would be exposed on the internet of the citizen-journalist, although probably not by the lackeys of MediaMinster.

Although I accept the by-default, remote responsibility for Corbyn, his idiocy is not mine or yours, our failure would be to let it pass without comment and ridicule. Who knows, mr anonymous, above, may comment to others about what he reads here, and they to other others. It was such a pandemic of ridicule which sent Snotty to his bitter, brooding retirement and his scalp belongs in our lodge.

mongoose said...

mongosling 2, back from "uni", and invigilating at her old school for next year's rent money, was invited yesterday to the anti-Trump demo in Oxford. Sadly, my crazy Green lady, not two weeks elected to the district counci was rounding up waifs and strays outside the school as I picked up daughter. Another vote wasted. She'll have to be sacked too - for lack of insight more than anything else, for a pudding in a shoebox clumsiness and lazy lowest common denominator tedium. Oh well.

The Tories are almost always managerial - that is their job but the recent declineon the left, if recent it be, is to be found in the lack of a root, a reson. Not having anything left to stand for - like coalminers, they having conspired to sack them all and replace them with German windmill manufacturers. (Top two companies in the world: the best part of 20% of the cake between them but the Koreans and Chinese are coming.) Now they just stand, as you say, against things. And that is also tedious. It is why Brexit is happening too. Nobody is for the EU. There is no enthusiasm or belief. There is just being against Brexit, and with it the usual barrage of Y2k, climate, bird flu, particulates, 2 mins to save the NHS BS. Well, his bluff is being called.

Gove just blew his own foot off. They'd have had him in front of a firing squad for that in WWI. I guess he has worked out that all PMs until Brexit is acieved wil be killed in short order by the process. PM but 2 for him then. Many a possible slip betwixt that cup and lip.

Happy days.

call me ishmael said...

Those mongeese, they were children a few minutes ago and I was telling you that beating never hurt anyone, now they invigilate.

We used to have a visitor, mr mongoose, an English teacher and when, a dozen years ago, she knew us a bit she ventured, nervously, Y'know, this parliamentary democracy stuff, I don't rate it much; I mean, just look at them.....
Twelve years on it all looks even more redundant and rotten, not just here but here, there and everywhere. I saw Tracey May, this evening, in her Mad Hatter's outfit, waving from HMS Queen Elizabeth and thought for a moment that I was hallucinating.

I heard a lovely old song the other day, one which I had completely forgotten since childhood it was Nat King Cole's The Party's over, it's time to call it a day, they've burst your pretty balloon and taken the moon away; it's time to wind up the masquerade, take off your make-up, the piper must be paid...

When I was that child, hopelessly tired but - even then - unwilling to go to bed, my mother would say, Ah, poor wee ishmael, he's dead but he won't lie down; we should regard the party political shambles as similarly exhausted, the parties over.

mongoose said...

Dr John has died. Silly old bastard but great fun. Saw him when but a child on the undercard of some nobody who never turned up. He played for an hour and a half.


call me ishmael said...

Domage, cher mongoose. Only ever saw him in The Last Waltz, where he stole the show with If I Don't Do It Somebody Else Will. Part of musically blessed America's diverse and gifted, merry minstrelsy.

Here, of course, we have the ongoing, inexplicable celebration of the seedy, faux Edwardian Mr Jools Holland, his balls-aching interviews with nobodies and his dismal duettings with somebodies, ladeezangennulmen; the Bruce Forsyth of his generation.

Tdg said...

I suppose one measure of temporal change is intelligence fossilized in published writing, and there the judgment is withering (at least until you decide to contribute to the published corpus yourself...).

call me ishmael said...

I only mentioned Jools the barbarian this morning, mr mongoose, and lo, come teatime, there he is, on the telephone to Evan RentBoy, eulogising his fellow superstar, Dr John, the NightTripper; gris-gris meets Up The Junction; 'enough, as the Brummies used to say, t'break the 'eart uv a wheelbarra.

mongoose said...

It's like Pam Ayres talking about Shakespeare and his ditties, or that the Amis eegit who's not as good a writer as his dad and is going to make us pay for it our whole lives. Caught some trash on the i-thing the other week. "The literary novelist...". It cost me another telly through the window before he was even half way through his sentence, and the Bragg bastard fawning and dribbling.

call me ishmael said...

I used to work in a Birmingham library, where my duties included lunching the visiting poets in the pub opposite. I can only remember Adrian Mitchell and Wendy Cope, maybe John Cooper Clarke although that could be a remembered nightmare but there were others, too. I learned from those encounters, mr tdg, that although there are many things I don't ever want to become a writer is among the foremost. I come here to read you.

call me ishmael said...

I thought Money was a bit smart, but Amis's nauseating personality put me off any others, mr mongoose. Is Belbin Bagg still going, fuck, it's time he was dead and planted in Poets Corner, him and Mick Parkinson, the funeral cunt.

inmate said...

Amis's Times Arrow I enjoyed mr I, but the rest, Money, Dead Babies etc, pure shite. The mans like St. Jeremy, a cunt.
Wants to be more famous than his dad, not in the same league of cunts. Professor of English at Manchester, not a very high bar we’ve set.

call me ishmael said...

Professors of English, eh, mr inmate, putting their own scribblings on the reading list, warping their students' appreciation and hissing and spitting behind each others' backs, sounds perfect for Marty Teeth.

If I ever met mine, from Warwick, I'd box his ears and send him back Stateside.

Bungalow Bill said...

Time's Arrow, Mr Inmate, strange that his tricksiest book should be his most achieved and heartfelt and the ending is heartbreaking. He's a fan and a critic really, and his novels are homages to his American (and Russian emigre) heroes. I think he's a rather poignant sight now, trembling and showing frailty. To think that he and Clive James and Hitchens and Julian Barnes were all swaggering demi-gods once.

Mr SG said...

Good take on things Mr I. Whatever else ‘The Donald’ may be - a war-monger he is not. Sure, he rattles the sabre, uses brinkmanship and is probably ready to engage in a game of chicken, though he hasn’t had to go that far yet (maybe with China but let’s see...). Currently the media are saying that he’s backed down over the Mexican tariffs shtick - what they don’t mention, in the same breath, is that the Mexicans have just sent 6,000 National Guardsmen down to reinforce the Guatemalan border. I’m warming to ‘The Donald’, unlike our mealy mouthed politicians, he gets shit done!

call me ishmael said...

Similarly, it is rarely rehearsed mr sg, but Kruschev accomplished exactly what he wanted by the so-called Cuban missile crisis and that was the removal of the US ring of missiles pointing at him from the then US satrapy Turkey. it was agreed that to spare the blushes of the blessed, youthful whoremonger, JFK, that the announcement of same would be delayed for six months so that the West might feel pleased with itself, but the threatening US missiles were duly removed.

Mr SG said...

With that, Mr I, you’re right in my territory, and your observation is, well, interesting... Falling short of war is generally preferable - it’s what deterrence is about - and thankfully, it plays both ways, otherwise we’d all be turned to ashes before now.

call me ishmael said...

Interesting and true, mr sg, An 'istorical fact is wot it is, chief.

Mr SG said...

Mr I, I wasn’t quibbling with your presentation of the facts, which are indeed evidenced by the historical record. Rather, I was reflecting upon your observation in relation to the now - cause and effect are often only apparent years or sometimes decades, maybe even, in some cases, centuries after the event. Also, if I have you right on this, even avowed enemies will scratch each other’s backs from time to time - especially for domestic political advantage. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if, in a few years hence, we see a Trump Towers in Pyongyang and maybe a Trump golf and beach resort on the ‘Juche’ Riviera. Nice and ready for when the money tap is switched on and the GlobaCorp, GlobaGov and GlobaGive Executives, along with their entourages, make their fully expensed appearances. Regarding Khrushchev, yes he played a clever game but a very high risk one - maximum stakes as the Grigorievitch - Arkhipov incident at the time indicated. Events can all too easily spiral out of control.

yardarm said...

Mr SG, is the Grigorievitch Arkhipov incident the one where the US destroyer dropped charges onto a Russian submarine, the skipper wanted to retaliate with a torpedo ( that had a 20 kiloton warhead) and his 2 i/c talked him out of it ?

Maybe we`ve talked about this in the past. The captains and the kings can move fleets and armies about but all it takes is one mistake, through fear, incompetence, misplaced zeal can spark more tragedies: the Curse of the Low Level Motherfucker.

There were other incidents in the Cuban Missile Crisis....the events that led to the Lockerbie bombing. Or the First World War.

Mr SG said...

Aye! You’re right on the money Mr Yardarm - not the only time an intervention from a courageous ‘Russkie’ officer saved us from the abyss - the system failed but the acts of one man saved the day and maybe the world! I wouldn’t be surprised if similar acts were performed by folk from the other side over the period in question - but that one was the full ‘Crimson Tide’! Good synopsis here:


BTW, it was a 10Kt warhead as you will see!


call me ishmael said...

As I continually say, the only reason I come here is for the comments, didn't know about all that, mr sg and mr yardarm but I do now.

Mr SG said...

Indeed Mr I, I feel much the same. It’s that old thing about ‘the more you know, the more you realise you know fuck all’. I paraphrase...