I'll fuckin' hang the bastards.
I'll fuckin' hang the bastards.
The state 'avin the power to kill its citizens,
it's like the 'allmark of democracy.
Stranglin' people at eight o'clock in the mornin'.
It's what sets us apart from the animals.
And other foreigners.
it's like the 'allmark of democracy.
Stranglin' people at eight o'clock in the mornin'.
It's what sets us apart from the animals.
And other foreigners.
And so Mr Paul Scouse-Nutter set out his plan for government. Capital punishment for tabloid-driven popular causes.
And the smack of firm leadership.
An' any fuckin' bastard what disagrees with me, like, well they can sling their fuckin' hook, big time.
'Sno room in my UKIP for any fuckin' scally what doesn't do worrIsay.
Nor what Nigel says, cos, lessfaceit, at the end of the day, without Nigel, I wooden even be the great statesman worrIam today.
An' just to prove, like, that I'm not a bleedin' no-mark on the make, ridin' a wave of discontent, 'ere's me,' 'oldin a buke, a real bleedin' buke, like,
what statesmen and them 'uns read.
what statesmen and them 'uns read.
Gosh, what a disappointment.
Four million people voted Poundland and yet only thirty thousand are party members, and of them only half could be arsed to vote in the leadership election,
The hard man, Nuttall, then, was elected with less than ten thousand votes. More than Mrs Askey reeived in the great prime ministerial Remainers' stitch-up but not signifying the herald horns of a New Populist Dawn.
Four million people voted Poundland and yet only thirty thousand are party members, and of them only half could be arsed to vote in the leadership election,
The hard man, Nuttall, then, was elected with less than ten thousand votes. More than Mrs Askey reeived in the great prime ministerial Remainers' stitch-up but not signifying the herald horns of a New Populist Dawn.
They all do it, exaggerate their own importance, the inconsequential Susan Farron,
leader of seven discredited Liberal Child Molesters,
believes himself leader of the official opposition;
fifty-odd hate-filled Jock shoplifters, drunks and degenerates
believe themselves to be the official opposition and the official opposition itself
hates its democratically elected leadership, longs to join the Tory Govament of National Remaining Unity
believe themselves to be the official opposition and the official opposition itself
hates its democratically elected leadership, longs to join the Tory Govament of National Remaining Unity
Mr Nuttal, therefore, shooting his neanderthal mouth off, is an unsurprising consequence of MediaMinster's consistently contemptuous, corrupt and wholly anti-democratic conduct,
Nuttall, a stuttering, thinly mandated vox-pop,
is their own creation.
No, no, listen, because this is very important, no, no, let me finish, because I am speaking for decent people everywhere when I say that Brexit reveals the nation to be no more than bigots and racists and transphobic xenophobes, especially those former Labour voters who voted for fascism.
And that is why we must have massive immigration, in order that we swiftly replace worthless so-called Labour Britons with grateful foreigners who will vote as they are told, by their betters. Yes, if you will, by people like me.
Abbott or Nuttall,
two cheeks of Ambition's scabby arse.
My own belief is that UKIP - and unltimately the nation - would have been better served by either of the other two leadership candidates, both of whom would have greatly broadened its appeal and more adroitly surfed the global wave of resentment; as it is Dog will still have his day, some Labour seats will fall to the Poundlanders but then given the state of things they would fall to my dog, Harris, were he to stand.
Any meaningful UKIP presence in Parliament will depend on how much of an act of Brexit betrayal Mrs Askey feels able to commit. Thus far Tracey looks neither well nor capable; too skinny, too uncertaim for the high-heeled tightrope walk she has chosen.
The only certainty is uncertaintly; globalisation has taken on a whole new meaning, the futures of many so-called democracies now linked more tightly to the actions of formerly risible politicians like le Pen, Trump and Farage than ever they were to mere sticky-fingered Commerce.
Nuttall, a stuttering, thinly mandated vox-pop,
is their own creation.
No, no, listen, because this is very important, no, no, let me finish, because I am speaking for decent people everywhere when I say that Brexit reveals the nation to be no more than bigots and racists and transphobic xenophobes, especially those former Labour voters who voted for fascism.
And that is why we must have massive immigration, in order that we swiftly replace worthless so-called Labour Britons with grateful foreigners who will vote as they are told, by their betters. Yes, if you will, by people like me.
Abbott or Nuttall,
two cheeks of Ambition's scabby arse.
My own belief is that UKIP - and unltimately the nation - would have been better served by either of the other two leadership candidates, both of whom would have greatly broadened its appeal and more adroitly surfed the global wave of resentment; as it is Dog will still have his day, some Labour seats will fall to the Poundlanders but then given the state of things they would fall to my dog, Harris, were he to stand.
Any meaningful UKIP presence in Parliament will depend on how much of an act of Brexit betrayal Mrs Askey feels able to commit. Thus far Tracey looks neither well nor capable; too skinny, too uncertaim for the high-heeled tightrope walk she has chosen.
The only certainty is uncertaintly; globalisation has taken on a whole new meaning, the futures of many so-called democracies now linked more tightly to the actions of formerly risible politicians like le Pen, Trump and Farage than ever they were to mere sticky-fingered Commerce.