Thursday 10 July 2014



Norman Tebbit is now an old man, his wife disabled by the doings of noted conflict resolution expert and statesman, Mr Marty Kneecaps, deputy first minister of the house of horrors which is the Northern Ireland Assembly. 

Ever since he was forced to return the Range Rover donated to he and his wife  by Mohammed al Fayed - of whose bribes his Lordship of course knew nothing - Tebbit has grown more unpleasant, his incessant Why-Oh-Whying sometimes like a national rash,  the answer to his querulous, whining  enquiries is,  obviously, Because of you, you cunt, and your fellow spivs, flogging-off the national silver and holding Greed's coat for him, that's Why-Oh-fucking-Why,  Lord fucking Telecom.

One can understand there being bitterness in his daily round but his own wounds do not warm his snide cold-bloodedness;  he was a ghastly reptile before the Brighton bombing and he remains hissing, scaly,  untrustworthy and venomous.

He is adored, yet, by followers of his Filth-O-Graph blog, by other sclerotic old men who delight in addressing him, in their comments, as my Lord or your Lordship, as though he was a noble warrior king and they his sturdy yeomanry; not for them the notion  that he is a  cruelly disgraceful old bandit and they a bunch of cranks clinging in their dotage to their illusions of Whisky Maggie is a shiny armoured delusion,  unoxidised by the rainfall of Time's realism but  burnished, instead,   by Lord Snide's undimmed hatreds and resentments, by  his readers' fretful, aged alienation.

It may well be the case that his recent - customarily veiled - references to the Great Noncing Cover-Up by his government are an attempt to get his own retaliation in first, as we now say, blaming others for his own actions.

Tebbit was close to Savile, not a crime but surely a huge misjudgement, perhaps worse than a misjudgement;  what ordinary person could not be repelled by Sir Jim's bespoke bestiality, his monstrous, bullying ego, who could admire him?  Well, Tebbit did.
And who would not sue the ghastly trollop, Currie, for her remarks, below, regarding Tebbit's acceptance of another nonce into the inner sanctum.  If I was him  I would have had the lawyerly mr umbungo all over the case.

Tebbit  often whines that he is misquoted, misrepresented over his On yer bike remarks, he never meant it quite like that or didn't say it but few would doubt that his thinlipped, cadaverous,  greedy soul meant exactly that, and worse. Wasn't his gang of bent spivs determined that (someone else's)  employment was a price worth paying, and do we not see, all around us,  the generational consequences of their filthy cynicism? 

The sneer is Tebbit's default expression and as he sneered at those dashed on the rocks of his vicious policies so he licked the arses of the City gangsteriste noueveau, begging for his crumbs.  It is easy to see him sneering, too, at the fate of worthless social services rentboys, what were they, compared to Greed's Crusade.

Somebody should ask his fucking Lordship about this Morrison business.  And be quick about it, before he, like his mate, Jim, is feeling Satan's poker up his arse.

Well, of course,  if I had known that the kiddybuggering and killing were fact and not rumour, I'd have privatised them.  And yes, probably taken on a non-executive directorship after retirement, but not for the money, just to protect the taxpayers' interests.

Old friends.
Jolly nice chap, Jimmy Savile, and rather sharp.
Self-made man, just like me. 

 In 1986, Edwina Currie wrote in her diary: 

‘One appointment in the recent reshuffle has attracted a lot of gossip and could be very dangerous: Peter Morrison has become the PM’s PPS [Parliamentary Private Secretary]. Now he’s what they call a ‘noted pederast’, with a liking for young boys; he admitted as much to Norman Tebbit when he became deputy chairman of the party but added ‘However, I’m very discreet’ – and he must be! She [Thatcher] either knows and is taking a chance, or doesn’t; either way, it’s a really dumb move.

The lady's not for turning.


Mike said...

I suspect Tebbit is putting out a coded warning to a certain ex-minister who "disappeared" one evening at a crucial moment when he was needed, much to Maggies great displeasure.

Bungalow Bill said...

Currie's diary says it all - the weakness for young boys is like an overindulgence in claret, regrettable maybe but nothing a spot of discretion can't manage. No awareness at all as you say of the human exploitation and ruination. So indeed it was with the systematic dismantling of our industries, manufacturing traditions and the degradation of civic life. They never cared to look at the human face while they fucked us.

call me ishmael said...

Can you tell us any more, mr mike?

call me ishmael said...

It's a heartache, mr bungalow bill, nothing but a heartache; Norman Tebbit, vileness ennobled.

Anonymous said...

Norman greasy Lamont it was, Mr Ishmael, thought turfing miners and dockers and steel workers and otherr assorted scum, as he sees them, out of their jobs was a price worth paying, for his various life-long sinecures and a brisk upturn in busines in London. A fooking Baron, he is. Another nasty Rothschild piece of shit with his hands all over everybody elses money.

Friends with Leon, went to Yooni with him, as they say nowadays. I believe it was he (LB) who went astray one very early morning. Some scene had been caused and a young lad was seen in the street, semi naked, or perhaps closer to hemi-semi naked, bleeding too, alllegedy, near to LBs 'guest house'. Got buggered off to Brussels, pdq after that.

Perhaps it is he Mr Mike alludes too, although there seems to be no shortage of Thatcher era spivs to choose from where child abuse is concerned.

The bombing did buy him some sympathy, with me too, rightly so, too. But it's worn out now. My sympathy supply is in low reserve, and I'll not waste too much on Tebbit. I can't think of him without, in my mind's eye, seeing that Spitting Image puppet in a leather jacket, with a flick knife, threatening someone.


Mike said...

It was the night the Westland affair blew up and an emergency cabinet meeting was called. Ministers were always supposed to be contactable.

callmeishmael said...

Ah, I thought, at the time, that he was shipped-out over his hissy fit with Tarzan but this makes more sense, mr vincent. What with Robertson going to NATO and Mandelstein going to Brussels, the continent is just the thing, eh?

More incompetent than Snotty, wasn't he, Lamont?

callmeishmael said...

And was it Brittan who was otherwise illicitly engaged, mr mike ?

Mike said...

Mr I - you may think that, but I couldn't possibly comment.

Mike said...

PS wasn't Tebbit in the whips office - so he knows all the dirty secrets.

Anonymous said...

Snotty vs Lamont.

Both Jock inadequates with delusions of mediocrity, Mr Ishmael, looks like a photo finish.

Perhaps Gordo just pips him on the line. I mean, announcing you're going to flog the gold, a shed-load of it, a week before you do it, thus crashing the price, that's gotta take the biscuit, no?

Unless, of course, some of Gordos mates had short options on gold, mmm?


DtP said...

Ha ha. Cheers for the thread Mr Smith and many thanks for the comments guys. It's almost like cunt top trumps.

Woman on a Raft said...

The dates are relevant too.

In 1983 there was a disastrously confusing ruling known as the Gillick case. This established that a 13 year old girl could give reliable consent to contraception, although that was not the question which Mrs Gillick asked. Twenty years later, in 2002, she eventually won a libel case against the Brook Advisory Centre. Mrs Gillick, like Mary Whitehouse, was ridiculed for decades although it appears now that all they were saying is that people who try to have sex with children are not harmless.

Campaigners were at that time determined to get the heterosexual AoC reduced back to that of the previous century. And plenty of them still are, such as barrister Barbara Hewson.

PIE was able to sail along in the wake of both this and the Gay Rights movement. Then, as now, people like Barbara Hewson think they are being clever in offering them intellectual support, having been brought up on a diet of Donald J West's sly normalization of paedophilia.

call me ishmael said...

I remember, mrs woar, being one of those who scoffed at Mrs Gillick and her improbably large family without actually thinking about what she was saying, although I did warm to her as time went by. I am still ambivalent about Mary Whitehouse; she was opposing the sexualisation of children, true, but she was also quite unpleasantly censorious about Sex'n'Art, Sex'n'Literature and about erotica generally, of which I approve and would defend, along with mr verge's transgressive literature; she could have done with a better editor, I think, been more tightly focused. And the term National Viewers And Listeners Association was as bogus and bumptious as is The Taxpayers' Alliance - I'm a taxpayer, I'm not part of it, how dare they presume to speak for me? Some Taxpayers Alliance would be more like it but since everybody pays tax of some sort it is invidious to prefix this band of self-important gripers with the definite article; cheeky fucking bastards, (the.) There is so much of this democracy brigandage, fucking rail users, telephone users, the PBC's fucking MoneyBox show, how to squeeze another farthing over five years out of your fucking ISA, Christ, it's no wonder that Filth and Ruin laugh at us, fucking about, atomised, bands of headless chickens. Molatov Cocktails, that's what we need, not consumer pressure groups.

I think I have mentioned previously that although I admire his personal courage, Peter Tatchell, in calling for the lowering of the age of homosexual consent - so that gay men of twelve and thirteen can love one another fully - is either terribly wrong-headed or actually quite unpleasant.

Never heartd of this Hewson dame, I'll take a look.

Anonymous said...

All this (necessarily) squalid 80's looking-back-in-anguish reminds me of the line in John Cooper Clarke's "Beasley Street":

Keith Joseph smiles and a baby dies
In a box on Beasley Street.

In fact the whole thing is well worth revisiting:

There's a click to hear JCC's own delivery, 5 minutes well spent.


Bungalow Bill said...

By way of relief The Sixteen are on radio 3 now live from York Minster if you get the chance to listen.

callmeishmael said...

Yes, have it on, now,thanks, mr bungalow bill, festival of early music, mr verge should be ther, could be there; only ever heard an Easter Sunday choir in YorkMinster, would love to see Christophers and his mob. If I had wings and I could fly

I will do that, mr verge, the noo, wasn't he married to that ghastly Nico woman, in her time of dying?

Rosevidney Rustic said...

IF you could fly MrI? Old Norm could in his younger days. (So could I all those years ago)....
I must say from my own personal experience I have never met an evil pilot - so I'm inclined to give Lord T the benefit of the doubt here. And NO! I am not a Tory or Socialist or Lib Dem.

Anonymous said...

Don't know much about the JCC biography, and didn't know that. Brodik's Notes say "She shared an apartment in Brixton, London, for a few months in the mid-80s with punk poet John Cooper Clarke." Skag makes odd bedfellows of its congregation. Happen he wasn't writing much at the time, eh?


callmeishmael said...

I read, somewhere, that he had nursed her unto death, strange, but he always had that New York cool about him, you know, Lou Reed, Bob Dylan, maybe he was starfucking, as I believe they call it. Thanks for the prompt, I watched Beasley Street, Chickentown and a few more.

callmeishmael said...

I can only think, mr rr, of Herman Goering, for now, he was pretty bad, and there must be others but you are broadly right, I guess. Tebbit, though, were he personal pilot to the Almighty, Himself, I would still reckon a bad egg. I saw him on a programme about early British jet airliners, I think he was talking about the BAC 111, which most who flew it adored, and all he could do was sneer, knowingly, in that sneery, know-it-all way of his, about the politics of the time, US Boeing, UK Dept of Trade politics, he looked and sounded like a rat, to me, he always looked and sounded like a rat.

It was a song line, If I had wings and I could fly, I know where I would go, but right now I'll just sit here so contentedly, and watch the river flow......

callmeishmael said...

It was a nice concert, mr bungalow bill, even though, apart from the Handel in the intermission, I had never heard of any of those composers. I love York, if I'd known I might've gone.

Anonymous said...

The Drone Crone copped it on Ibiza, fell off her bike and brain-bled - died a few hours after the fall.


callmeishmael said...

Ah, how very uncool, falling off a bike, I musta misunderstood.

Bungalow Bill said...

No they were unknown to me too. Not in truth the best I've heard from them but I suppose it can't always be Monteverdi, Palestrina and the other giants. Still cleansing though.

callmeishmael said...

I only discovered them, Oh, about ten years back, those early composers; our masterly elite, however, at public school and Oxbridge, must at least have been exposed to them, heard their works in concert, maybe, in chapels; how is it that they are all, nevertheless, so vile? Some, it seems, are deaf to Song's passion, beyond the reach of Art's uplifting grace; too soiled for the cleansing harmonies of Time; these Bullingdon fuckers'd smear shit on the walls of Heaven.

Woman on a Raft said...

JCC has been ignoring age and dodgy knees etc to go touring this year.

Bungalow Bill said...

They used to play Schubert in Auschwitz Mr I. But as far as our rulers go, I suspect they are all philistines. It's another horrible legacy of Thatcher (a proud ignoramus in matters of wider culture) and her subversion of our better instincts. They are all two dimensional spivs and frauds. Even those who have some knowledge, don't mean it. You look at the preening Wagnerian, Portillo, or that condescending shithead Mellor with his classical music claptrap and you know that for them High Art, as they'd call it, is a matter of showing off. I suppose Gove has read some books but he's another patronising ass - did you ever see him on that review programme in his open necked shirt and critic's chinos ? Dear God.

call me ishmael said...

Yes, Auschwitz and I often quote George Steiner, here, about the Holocaust happening because the Berlin intelligentsia were deafened by the string quartet in the salon to the cry in the street.

I used to watch Mickey Gove on a regular late-night show with Dame Toynbee, Ministering Angel to The Poor, they would discuss the ishooes of the day and so excited would Mickey grow at the sound of his own voice that, unable to stop, he would literally froth at the mouth, hence Michael Spit.

I was trying not to be snobbish - I think Bat Out of Hell is, in its fashioning and execution, genius and I do love both folk/world music and three-chord rock'n'roll. Nobody, I knew no-one, rather, who led me to Pallestrina or Tallis or Monteverdi and I resent those who did, and yet, by their words and actions, remain uncouth, stupid and cruel, divorced fron the main.

Christ, Portillo, you're not telling me that he's half-Spannish, half-Scottish, half-American, half-railwayman, half-swaggering caballero AND half-German.

Love that thought, Thatcher at home, binning the Gilbert and Sullivan, in favour of Two Little Boys and Jake the Peg.

call me ishmael said...

He sets an aexample which we should all follow, mrs woar; you with your restoration and me with my gardens, my floors, my fireplaces, my staircases. The Devil finds work for idle hands, whilst tugging them, gentle, into that Goodnight.

blackholesunset said...

Curry's off-hand revelation is a truly odious brew of calculation and indifference. A dark conspiracy finally staggering into the light only because Curry is a traitor to everything and everyone except an imagined handful of extra book sales.

There are a few zerohedge posts on the subject of who might've benefitted from (see orchestrated) Brown's colossally ill-judged gold sale. The list of likely culprits will raise no eyebrows.

What thief wouldn't want the village idiot in charge of the local store.

call me ishmael said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
call me ishmael said...

call me ishmael said...

It is interesting stuff, that zerohedge, although you need a head for figures and a glossary of financiers' language to properly understand it. It does and did seem bizarre that even Snotty would sell-off the gold so cheaply unless there were nefarious forces at work. He has gone quiet again, up here, in the best part of England, but his interventions in the Neverendum are also suspicious, unless he thinks that we really love him and appreciate him, here, despite having unequivocally sacked JockNewlabour in the last election. I can think of little more likely to reinforce a flagging Yes vote than the growling bullyvoice of Snotty, his clunking, nailbitten Fist of Ruin and Doom, his lunatic prophecies of what is the right thing for the country, its hard-working families. Horrible fucking bastard.

yardarm said...

I stand to be corrected but isn`t there a Joint something in law, where you can be charged with a crime even if you`re only indirectly involved. These Beastminster cunts, for so long so smug, so secure in their entitlement, austerity for us, exxies and directorships; rewards for their bankster cock sucking, these fucking bastards, as you`ve shown in this thread, Mr Ishmael, if they weren`t nonces they fucking knew and did nothing.

That Bullingdon cunt has done his best to kick it into the next Parliament, appointing some old bag of an ambulance chaser who`s been dead ten years and whose brother was Nonce Protector General under Baroness Margaret Corpse of Nonceharbour.

She`ll be the figure head; the imps and demons who dwell in the shadows`ll have their work cut out over this one. Still, Lockerbie, phone hacking, Iraq War, Dunblane, Bankster Crime; burying it is what they do best.

Anonymous said...

For some reason the words of Colonel Walter E. Kurtz often spring to mind as I read this blog: "They lie. They lie, and we have to be merciful, for those who lie. Those nabobs. I hate them. I do hate them". SG

call me ishmael said...

Aye, Apocalypse. Now and forever, mr sg.

call me ishmael said...

You pre-empt the next post, mr yardarm, rather too accurately.

Yes, there is Joint Enterprise or is it Endeavour, but it's not for the likes of them, it's for the likes of us.

James said...

Peter Tatchell has never advocated adults having sex with children. He does not support this. He says adults should NOT have sex with children. He has never advocated the abolition of ages of consent. He has said that if young people of similar ages have sex below the age of 16 they should not be prosecuted, providing they both consent and there is no coercion, manipulation or exploitation. Treating these young people as criminals is wrong. They need counselling, not prosecution. Read here:

callmeishmael said...

I am sorry, mr james, if I have misrepresented Mr Tatchell, I try not to, as I said, I have some admiration for him. I do recall, however, that my considered understanding of his remarks regarding ages of consent was that inter alia he considered what he called young gay men of twelve and thirteen to be capable of making judgements which the law says they should not. I know of course that some behaviours simply cannot be constrained, but that does knot mean they should be encouraged, GlobaCorp would sexualise our infants from birth if it could, in the interests of their own, smaller, agenda minority group activists should not assist in this process. I will look at your link, thanks.