I know best.
Never mind independence, what we need in Scotland is social justice, that is to say everyone doing as I tell them.
It is the right thing for the country. No more boom and bust. Just bust. Ten million children lifted into poverty and debt. Vote Labour.
Is the Imbecile campaigning against the Little Scotlanders up in Fucking Scotland? It would be too easy for Salmond to point to the Imbecile's economic record and ask, in all honesty, would you take the word of a man whose contribution to the UK has been to bankrupt it to the point where we're reduced to printing money like some comedy African shithole.
As I've said before, the danger is not Salmond and independence. The danger is what happens when they get bored with Salmond and decide to give Labour another go in a newly independent Fucking Scotland. There'll be no 'oil fund'. There'll only be promise upon promise funded by the amount of money that they can borrow and use the oil revenue to pay interest on. Greece and Ireland's economic woes will be a stroll in the park compared to the utter fucking idiocy Brown and his fellow imbeciles will unleash. Labour are, unwittingly, the best reason not to vote for independence.
Were most Kirkcaldians ejercated under the Crossland/Williams "reforms".
If not, why do they keep re-electing this loon?
Old Timer
They keep voting Labour because their parents voted Labour. Plus, in Fucking Scotland they get free everything - prescriptions, degrees, old-aged care etc etc. They're not the ones suffering for Brown's utter incompetence. It's a cornucopia of government-funded/subsidised jobs for life up there.
They blagged 1,000 quid a head extra from the UK taxpayer and then swagger around pissing it about and declaring, po-faced, that if England wants all this free stuff then it should prioritize their spending better, the same as they do. Cheeky cunts.
Mr jgm2: I have a feeling Scotland is irrelevant in the scheme of things. (with apologies to Mr I)
Personally, I cannot wait for a bit of Scottish independence - although it will not happen. It would serve the daft tartan buggers right. Of course, the Tories would get a thousand year reich down here...
I think it might happen. Everybody knows how stupid sixteen year olds are and Wee Fat Eck has managed to get them a vote. Be a Godsend for CallHimDave, wouldn't it, Scottish Labour and LibDems out of the equation. It is, therefore, relevant, mr mike, in the not-too-distant.
There is that, true, Mr I. I thought though that the failure to swing the gig on keeping the pound has set a few cogs whirring. "You mean... cut off without a fucking penny to our names?"
It's hard to tell, it's hard to tell. Togetherists, like me, dread a post-No vote Neverendum; they will never stop, the Tribesmen, that is their raison d'etre.
They lack a personable spokesman, there just isn't one in the SNP, they're all like MediaMinster creatures, only stupider, viler and more belligerent; hags, bullies and I-Know-Besters, people from way, way down the evolutionary ladder, but maybe that's attractoive to enough Scots, for them to win the day, especially when you look at the opposition - Brown, Darling, Moore and the current, mad, lesbian leader of JockTory. You wouldn't piss on any of them, were they ablaze.
Indeed, Mr Smith, it may well happen.
Fat Eck will secretly fund celebrations in England this year of the 500th anniversary of Flodden to really put Skintland's face out.
STV then show Braveheart with Afghani and Somali subtitles, to bring out the Red Road vote, and the result's a foregone conclusion.
And spend the next generation's savings on the inappropriately named Commonwealth Games and who can say what will happen. But the odds are still agin it, methinks.
Convential wisdom says there is no appetite for separation. Westminster et al increase what appetite there is, dramatically so, the young vote is unpredictable but likely to go for the novel; Scotland is more of a welfare/state dependent nation than is England and there is, furthermore, a much more highly developed political consciousness in Scotland than in the South, a characteristic which could increase participation in the referendum, to Salmond's advantage, although the more astute grow increasingly sceptical of Salmond's achievements and ambitions - windfarms, golffarms, these things are destroying what makes Scotland special, as well as being in themselves a demonstration of planning corruption under the SNP.
We could even, strangely, wind up with a Labour-run independent Scotland, although I use the word independent with some reservations.
Time will tell who has fell and who's been left behind.
True about the kids, Mr I.
But do you really think that there is a chance of a Yes vote? The likely truth is there to hear, if you lean your head in far enough. Follow the money.
Christ, it's like Lodge Zimmerman round here sometimes.
The separatists have never polled much above 30%, but we're through the looking-glass here.
With a recently-estimated £4 trillion still under the sea, you'd be right to say follow the money Mr M, but no-one should underestimate the visceral nature of this debate.
It's just scent-marking,mr tnp, the zed stuff; could be worse, could be -Remember! All You Need Is Love. Visceral, as you say, is what Jcck does best, usually to himself or his brother. We shall return to this, if your memory serves you well.
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