Nestling almost unseen among the coarse, quivering, hate-filled rantings of the Great Purple-faced Heffer, the barrow boy Told-Ya-Sos of Jeff Wot a Marf, wot a Marf, Wot a Norf and’ Sarf Randall and the layers of skriking complaint from assorted mistresses and nieces the Bizarrograph published, surely mistakenly, in its misleader column, 19th. June

Mown and poisoned into conformity, almost like the one-party state of Snot, Snooty and that other gabshite, the money-launderer.
Please be sure to inform us when the last "weed" is finally killed off. We shall return, if not here, then elsewhere - and there is nothing you can do about it. We will not be brow beaten nor conformist.
It has indeed been a good year for the Daisys. Carpets of them :-) Daisys are how I know winter is over.
"...children's conservative, custom-honoured lives..."
A writer from another age.
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