I do try to respond to those gracious enough to join these commentaries, often I agree with what is said, often I do not; in either case, however, I am grateful for the discourse, the fellowship and the provocation.
I did try to respond to the later comments on the last thread, yesterday but cramming them into the accursed Blogger window, on the accursed i-thing, I lost them. The bulk of the thread initiated, I think, by ms lilith and echoed by mr jgm2,concerned private education, moved to the enquiries into historical paedophilia, sidetracking into mr richard's, non-statist perception of the NHS, in Ulster. Those repsosnes are amalgamated from memory, here, below, for those who are still interested.
The average person has fewer than two legs and although many would bridle at that information, it is clearly accurate and is a caution to us when we confuse average with normal. The average contribution, however, made by employed adults to the NHS, via their National Insurance deductions is, by the simple use of long division, easier to calculate and understand and amounts to just short of £800 per year.
Conventional cancer treatment costs £35,000 per year; dialysis costs £750 per week and a liver transplant £70,000; ante-natal appointments cost a couple a couple of hundred pounds whilst a normal delivery costs £2-3,000 and a caesarian section consideraby more; a broken leg can cost £3,000 and the long-term, twenty-four hour home care of disabled people can cost in excess of £100,000 per year, for decades; hip and knee replacements cost £6-10,00). GP appointments are variously calculated but an average cost would be around £40 per visit; many patients do not pay directly for prescriptions arising from such appointments and these can be costly and repeated. Diabetes is presently manageable but incurable and incurs life-long costs of medication, equipment, monitoring and often, even among patients with a well-controlled condition, the expensive treatment of complications. It may be the case, sometimes, that obesity, drink and indolence trigger diabetes, although in some cases, my own, for instance, it occurs spontaneously in otherwise healthy patients and/or, as in my case, where there is a genetic predisposition.
The wider costs of public health, include post-natal care, school nurses, PE and games, clean water, the dentist, clean air, a health and safety structure, a national veterinary system, a food inspectorate, widespread vaccination programmes, the safety of transport systems, vehicles and roads and the construction and policing of same; the safety of buildings generally, the integrity of sewage systems, of sports and leisure facilities and of the workplace - from which everyone alive benefits. It is clear, even to Reason's staunchest doubters, that our health and safety are contingent upon massive state investment in an encyclopaedic range of structures, measures, facilities, regulations and personnel and that, therefore, the £800 per year contribution, nominally ascribed to health care is preposterously inadequate, insufficient to pay for even our useage of the NHS, never mind all the other stuff which keeps us safe.
mr richard, in his last comment, on the previous thread, said, inter alia:
..... Round our way a four to eight hour wait in casualty is not
unusual but a private medical policy, costing less than your N.I., gets
you seen straight away. By the same doctor. ......richard on SID FARAGE TO SUCCEED CLARKSON IN TOP QUEER.
And so it may, this private medical policy, help jump a tiresome queue but it won't do anything else, certainly will not improve the health infrastructure, in fact misuses, parasitically, a resource - the trained doctor and probably premises and facilities - long ago paid for by the taxpayer and is adding-to rather than decreasng waiting times.
BigMed, in the form of the BMA and the medical colleges owns many or most in the legislature, a gathering of criminals which, itself, like many doctors, insists on the right to neglect its prime task but to use that position to facilitate the doing of private work at public expense. Jack Straw, sitting in his office, pimping his arse, is like your average, whoreson private surgeon.
A minimum condition of ishmaelia joining a coalition government would be that those practicing private medicine be immediately stripped of citizenship, of all national rights and privileges and permanently deported to any of those what we call third world countries which would accept them, there to work, unpaid, for the rest of their days; their assets nationalised and their families set to work in care homes, on the minimum wage.
See what that does to waiting lists.
The insurance trade works only on the basis that the fortunate outnumber the unfortunate, identifiable and assessable risk is pooled, in good faith, in the hope that those suffering misfortune can be compensated from just a portion of the monies derived from shared-risk premiums; this is all well and good with buildings and vehicles and aircraft and vessels but it does not and cannot apply to people. And by definition, therefore, those sickly or weak or inheritors of illness may not join in that sport; what do we do with them, the untouchables, the uninsurables? Do we let them die, put them in concentration camps, experiment upon them?
And for most, the cost, anyway, of insuring against what we now consider normal, to-be-expected illnesses is prohibitive. mr richard might find he'd get his sprained ankle treated an hour or so sooner by a moonlighting, greedybastard quack but he and his might well prove an uninsurable risk otherwise; maybe his parents' medical history, maybe his postcode, maybe, shortly, his genetic profile; they simply won't insure you economically if they think you are going to be ill in a costly way; why would they? Only the state can provide comprehensive health care for its citizens, that state which, non-existent, according to mr richard, nevertheless intitiates and provides the national health, safety, care and wellbeing structures outlined above. Gosh, even mr jgm2's children will have been publicly vaccinated, screened and nurtured, even the little mongeese; all of our children survive birth and flourish thanks, not to BigSick but to the NHS, that filthy, interfering socialist device of enslavement, devised by traitors and tyrants..
Here is what I would do to improve the national health: BigSmoke owns many or most in our legislature, so a condition of my support for a coalition government would be, at the very least, the immediate execution of all LungDeath directors, investors and parliamentary spokespersons - especially Cool Ken Clarke - the seizure of all their assets at home or abroad and the employment of all their surviving relatives in restoring the nation's dry stone walls and when that task is completed, set them to decent, arse-wiping work, on the minimum wage, in the care homes.
We are very happy to bomb, burn and strafe anyone whom Barak Obama says is a terrrorist, some blackfellow, who may have killed no-one at all, may just be going to his kid's wedding, kill the bastard, that's what we say, he might be a terrorist, so that's good enough for me, eh. But BigSmoke drug peddlers, enslaving, addicting and killing millions all over the world, costing us an incalculable fortune, well, we soiree them in Downing Street and put them in the house of lordcrooks. Stand them on the fucking gallows, that's what they need, filthy bastards, let them stand there a minute and then kill them, before they kill millions more of us. Up against the wall, motherfuckerism is too good for them, hanging, that's the thing for war criminals. And if you don't think BigSmoke is at war with us then you're in the wrong place, my friend, you better leave.
See what that does for the national health.
See what happens to cardio-vascular disease, after we kill its servants. Oh, I know, 'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go, people have the right to poison themselves, people will always find a way, civil liberties, can't stop it blah blah blah, I pay for my cancer treatment through the tax on me fags. No you fucking don't, you stupid cunt. No, people don't have a right to poison themselves, no more than they had a right to own slaves, to bait bears with dogs, to subjugate women or send children down the fucking mines.
I am sure that many of mr richard's troublesome neighbours will be overweight, unhealthy and suffering personality disorders, as are most people forced to consume poison on a daily basis.
We have kown since 1957 that refined sugar is a poison because it has been depleted of its life
forces, vitamins and minerals. "What is left consists of pure, refined
carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and
carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals are
present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities
sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant.
There is no excess for other added carbohydrates. Incomplete
carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of 'toxic metabolite'
such as pyruvic acid and abnormal sugars containing five carbon atoms.
Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the
abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites
interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient
oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die.
This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the
beginning of degenerative disease."
Dangers of Refined Sugars, Global Healing Centre. And thousands upon thousands of others.
If someone tried to bring a product like refined sugar to the market, today, food and drug administrations and licensers all over the world would laugh at them. Youwannadowhat? Put six teaspoonsful of poison in every soft drink, every tin of beans, every hamburger meal?
BigSugar, though, historically owns the legislatura, a minimum condition, therefore, for us joining a coalition government would be the immediate lengthy imprisonment of SweetDeath directors, investors and parliamentary spokespersons, the employment of their relatives in restorative landscape projects, hedgerow and tree-planting and maintainance, as well as the siezure of all assets and the immediate closure of all refineries, plants and storage facilities and an outright ban on the use of refined sugars in processed foods and drinks.
See what that does to major organ disease, eh?
It is probably unfair of me, all this talk of criminalising criminals. All they're trying to do, after all, is what's best for their children, bless, LuvEm2Bits, they do, DoAnyfin4Em, MySon'E'sMoreLikeM'BestFriend.
Those people.
They went home to their kids, every night, those people who threw babies and children over the heads of their crammed-in parents and into the gas chambers. Probably played Schubert to them, later, their own children, wanted what was best for them.
Fuck that my kids uber alles shit.
Funny, how we, in the whaddayacallit, the West, the Free World, the Developed World, the Spied-Upon Democracies, how we grow more and more obsessed with the narcissistic worship of our own children, aspirational, that's the marketing term for this phenomenon, amogst the under-employed.
Even little fat fascist, Reg, he does it.
LuvEm2BitsMe, MyOtherPeople'sKids.
No-one ever comes right-out and says My Children Good, Your Children Bad, instead, they use words like clever and gifted and talented and special, they do actually say that, all squirmy and angry, I-Just-Don't-See-Why-Notting, as though their lives depended upon their children receiving special treatment, My Sasha is a really talented child, requires a place with other similarly gifted children, they really do say that, fucking Nazi bastards, mothers, generally, but fathers too. Fuck 'em, let em all fuck off to some fantasy island, down Branson way, where their talents will just magically summons an entire infrastructure from the jungle, without the employment of any nasty ordinary people, where no-one will ever have to pay any tax, and things will just be given to them, because they're, y'know, special and clever.
In the meantime, against that glorious day, we have, for the children of the special ones, the private schools.
mr jgm2, just the other day, was raging about his children's education. Well, I'm sorry but I already paid for his children's education, and their health care, as well as for that of my own child. I am sorry that while it was good enough for her, it is not good enough for them, life is full of unfairness - but then, on the other entitlement hand, I only had the one, you see, the one child, so maybe mr jgm2, having more than one, should, all things considered, send me a refund, that's the sense of it, isn't it, this idea that we deserve what we say we deserve and collective be damned. I deserve a refund from parents of multiple children. People with no children deserve a refund from me. I pay council tax for street lights, even though I live eight miles into the big dark, can I have a refund? No, of course I can't.
mr jgm2, by his own regular admission, has more, and therefore wants more, albeit just for he and his. But he shouldn't take it from me and that is what he is doing with the private school tax scam, he couldn't send his kids to a tax-exempt riding school, why should there be a favoured tax status for St Cakes?
In summary, then, the NHS is brilliant but flawed; the idea that it is funded from tiny NI contributions is risible but not as risible as the idea that, somehow, it can continue to operate without all of us accepting significant personal tax rises, without paying respectable salaries to its workers and without challenging entrenched BigDeath corporate interests which run our JackStraw parliament. Aside from smashing BigDeathCorp we should also demand, as a condition of our joining a coalition of national unity, that the businesses of those not paying tax - such as Amazon - be nationalised without compensation, their directors apprehended on international arrest warrants, tried and jailed for lengthy terms, their relatives put to arse-wiping, their personal fortunes absorbed by the NHS and any persons in government or HMRC who have facilitated the tax evasion be jailed for similar terms, their salaries and pensions forfeited and their relatives set, also, to arse-wiping duties in nationalised care homes.
See what that does for NHS funding crises, getting rich people to pay tax.
Private health care is both a drain on the NHS and an affront to Decency, there is no valid ethical or clinical argument to be made for it, and the notion that its customers use it altruistically, in order to free-up NHS beds, is contemptible, let them, too, fuck off to Fantasy private Island and fund their own health care system. See how long they survive that experiment, without labs and theatres and training funded by every other bastard.
The private education tax scam is intolerable and I am sick to fucking death of hearing some ponce headmaster ruminating that Well, actually he does, as with mr mike, for instance, take some children from poorer backgrounds, the cheeky cunt, who does he think he's talking to, fools? The private education scam is a racket whereby the undistinguished spawn of rich arseholes garner for themselves not an education but a lifetime of connection to unearned wealth and power, that would be just tolerable were these fucking spoiled idiots any good at power's exercise but they are not - see HM Governments 1900 - present.
As a minimun condition for joining a coalition of national unity we insist that all presently within the estates of them should be ejected from so-called public schools, whipped around the nearest town and set to arse-wiping duties, withour delay; their customers should be heavily fined; the properties and facilitities and grounds themselves, to be nationalised without compensation and used as educational, recreational or recuperative establishments for those in need - disdvantaged children, wounded soldiers, the terminally ill.
Finally, from the previous thread, ms lilith and I differed over the ongoing pursuit of the dead Savile, me acknowledging that he could never be other than innocent, she saying that his untriable crimes, if any, were minor, normal-for-then, groping and touching. My final point on that issue was, I think, that the Savile enquiries were necessary - not only for his victims, whom, ms lilith, I feel, disparaged unfairly and uncharacteristically, without knowing their evidence - insofar as they might lead to and corroborate evidence relating to the more serious, alleged Westminster Paedophile Murder Ring, might promote a climate in which a decent bobby or two or a decent lawyer would feel able to come forward.
PBC2 Newsnight reported that very development only last night.
This trivial little post disappeared from sight, without explanation; I had done nothing on the Blogger dashboard to make this happen and oddly the four comments remained there, after the post disappeared
About ten years too long.
There should be a "Forsyth Brotherhood" to mop up the geriatric "celebrities".