Tuesday 22 September 2009


In the home of Thompson comics,
Dundonians have erected a statue to Desperate Gordon Brown.
The inscription, unshown, reads Fuck Off, Ya Mad, Gimpy, Snot-eatin' Eejit.

Gordon is seen with his dog, Sarah-George and his young companion, Ed Balls,
all striding towards victory in the general election.
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caesars wife said...

Dear Stanislav
should you find your self in a witty frame of mind i was wondering if we could coax you into a conference summary for general consumption of von fawkes or Old holborn .

special nostalgic stanislav spot !!

yours boiling nettles for luch

caesars wife

A young Lithuanian, back from Maroc, innit? said...


It strikes me that the one thing Brown doesn't eat is cow pie......

Anonymous said...

He doesn't eat no humble pie, neither, Mr innit.

T' old 'un said...

"It strikes me that the one thing Brown doesn't eat is cow pie....."

He may get the taste of humble pie before long. But, I do not think he will eat it.

Has there ever been a British PM who topped himself?

mongoose said...

Mr T'old'un

Castlereagh topped himself, like Dr David Kelly, with a penknife.

I would be quite happy in Bonkers did the same.

PT Barnum said...

Ah, but Castlereagh, led astray to a house of ill repute by a "lady" of the night, was doubly damned when said lady turned out to be a young gentleman.

Can one imagine - in this universe or any other - the headline which reads "Gordon Brown in sex scandal"? To me he has "virgin" written large across his jowly countenance.

Mothers Ruin said...

I agree Mr Barnum,he has the persona of a man who follows the dictum of "Sex can be good or bad,but a wank is a wank"

Beefy said...

"It strikes me that the one thing Brown doesn't eat is cow pie.."
If you call Sarah a cow, perhaps he does?