Sunday, 12 December 2010


Operation Payback - Anonymous Message About ACTA Laws, Internet Censorsh...


Anonymous said...

The days of the State, as a contoller of technology and, through that control, as a controller of the people, may be numbered. I don't know if there ever was a good reason for the existence of national governments: if there was, then it was probably to generate a feeling of security in people in a world of superstition and uncertainty. The Age of Information is removing that uncertainty and the people are becoming ever more aware that the evils of the world are not unstructured and random, but are carefully-considered machinations of state machinery. We need Anonymous, we need Wikileaks, and we need people like you, Mr Ishamel.

Mike said...

Yes Mr Edgar.

I can see how hard it must have been, and indeed still is, for the oppressed in totalitarian countries. The State ruling elite passes laws of its choosing and re-inforces them with the full force of the pupet judges, police and armed forces.

What can the citizenry do? Ill-equiped, and probably ill-inclined for armed insurrection?

But at some point there is no other answer.

Ireland is a classic example. The poeple have been totally shafted, enslaved even. Maybe less obvious, or a little more subtle, in the UK, but the same process and end result.

PT Barnum said...

There is a really surprising element here. The default position used to be denial, denial, denial. Now it's kill, assassinate, execute. Such a naked display of contempt for the tissue paper myth of democracy is unusual, even unprecedented. China and Burma and N.Korea do that stuff as a matter of course. But Canada? The game seems to be changing. Something in there about a badly wounded rhino being the most dangerous animal on earth?

They are also missing the point. Thousands or hundreds of thousands of people across the globe, including me, have the encrypted files, which, apparently, will become readable if Mr. A is sent to meet his maker. They still need to believe in one person perpetrating the act. And that's their weakness.

lilith said...

People are planning to hand themselves in for the same crime (espionage?) if Assange is charged.

Dick the Prick said...

As Harvey Keitel said in Pulp Fiction when he'd organised the cleaning up of a murder 'let's not start sucking each others' cocks quite yet'. There are movements in Yanky politics (and, therefore, by extension over here) that the potential to shut the internet is becoming more possible.

There are 5 'gatekeepers' across the continents (believe that shit and you'll believe owt) who can simply shut it down. In truth, one would suspect it only needs the CIA or the NSA with Obamlamadingdong's signature to end all none approved ISPs. Couple that with the tax that is defo in the post and i'd be inclined to say these are halycion days for which steady degredation is but the natural course.

Albert said...

Slowly slowly catchee monkey,what one man can make another man can break,I think warming words that both sides will use in the coming years,here we have the classic build up of internet tools aka cold war style,cops and robbers ,cops and drugs,except on the interweb,all will cost the general public and taxpayers dearly in more laws and more taxes,all to stop the public knowing that the "goverment" is pissing on them and stealing their hard earned cash,life as we know it will still carry on,new toys will still come out for us to play with,the sun will still shine,we will still have rain and the "goverment" will still want terrabytes of data on each of it's citizens,now all could change if "we the people" decide to have a Roumania moment and put lamposts around the Palace of Westminster to good use,but as the "goverment" has our cash and does well at bribery then sit back and watch the fun.

yardarm said...

OT but followed your example on a previous thread, Mr Ishmael and complained to BBC re use of Jacqui Smith on one of Brillo`s shows. Came the reply that ' Jacqui ' was chosen for her ' experience and talents '.. Christ, I wouldn`t have thought that criteria would have got her a slot on Cbeebies.

call me ishmael said...

I didn't get a reply at all. I don't know which is worse, being ignored or being bullshitted.