Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Sunday Ishmael: 02/02/2025

 Yvette Wood, former Ice Pixie, now Home Secretary,
has caught the Starmerism. It seems to be horribly contagious. People who could previously speak English with a fair degree of inflection, animation and likeability, now speak from their noses with deadened affect, monotony edged with repetition, and, of course contempt. I noticed last week that Rachel Wood, Chancellor of the Exchequer, had succumbed. This week the Home Secretary revealed her estuary english for the benefit of Laura Kuenssberg on the Sunday politics show. Must be proximity to the Great Sir Keir Wood as they all scramble tonsils to Get the London Look. There are some people, abroad people, foreigners, like, who think that London is synonymous with Britain. And that at Christmas, it snows there. 
This is almost entirely an invention of Hollywood and snow machines.
You know, impossibly beautifully people, inappropriately dressed for the weather, licking fake snow from each other's bits. Or killing each other with extreme violence. 
Did you see Black Doves? Yes, I did, too. Maybe you can explain to me why it was that the assassin who had broken into Keira Knightley's house to do bad things, tamely walked into her garden shed to be shot because Keira didn't want to disturb her husband and children. If I was the assassin I would say go on then, shoot me in your kitchen, and by the way I'm going to scream very loudly unless you let me go now this minute and then you can explain to your husband, the Defence Secretary, that you are a secret undercover mercenary spy being run by Sarah Lancashire - her off Happy Valley - and  that you kick ass, run about in high heels and stay out all night covered in blood.

Sorry, got distracted. Back to the former Ice Pixie. My word, but she loves being called Home Secretary. She sort of purred when Laura addressed her as such. Maybe its because its been a long time in the coveting. Whew, got there in the end.  Back in 2013, mr ishmael told us this about her and her hubby Ed Balls:
Yvette Cooper
Job: Chief secretary to the Treasury
Salary: £141,866
Total second home claims
2004-05: £19,428
2005-06: £14,234
2006-07: £15,995
2007-08: £12,219
Ed Balls
Job: Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families
Salary: £141,866
Total second home claims
2004-05: Not elected
2005-06: £13,618
2006-07: £15,979
2007-08: £12,219
At the time of the MPs expenses whitewash, these two cunts were also claiming £400 per month for food; Mrs Ice Pixie, the thieving fucking bastard, wants to be home secretary, whilst the fatman wants a full run - denied him by Alastair Darling - at being the banksters' friend. How dare they show their faces?
and on 4/01/2016:
 Leader of the Official MonsterRavingToryLabour party,  and commons' veteran, Mrs Ice-Pixie Balls, 
Shall I claim for lunch, doll, or shall you? 
I know, let's both claim.
said: in all my years of fiddling parliamentary expenses, flipping homes and betraying the core values of this great party, for which I have sacrificed so absolutely nothing,  I have never heard of Tories actually being in  my party, although they didn't actually need to be. Not with  us being more Tory than them.

Well, Balls didn't achieve his political ambitions - maybe his criminal record got in the way: he admitted using his mobile phone while driving during the 2010 general election campaign. In June 2013, he was fined for going through a red light. He admitted speeding in April 2013 and on 5 August 2014, he was fined £900 and given five penalty points for failing to stop after a car accident. He said he knew that the cars had touched, but did not stop to check. He now appears regularly on the telly as a genial, jovial presenter chappie on Good Morning Britain.
The expenses scandal didn't hold his lady wife back from achieving high office - well, it doesn't seem  to have done any of the troughing MPs any harm in the long run. mr ishmael wasn't exaggerating - if anything, he held back. Here's what they did, the honourable Balls-Cooper couple: In September 2007 it was revealed that they used MPs' allowances to help pay for a £655,000 home in north London. They bought a four-bedroom house in Stoke Newington, and registered this as their second home (rather than their home in Castleford, West Yorkshire) to qualify for up to £44,000 a year to subsidise a reported £438,000 mortgage under the Commons Additional Costs Allowance, of which they claimed £24,400. Both worked in London full-time and their children attended local London schools. Balls-Cooper claimed that "The whole family travel between their Yorkshire home and London each week when Parliament is sitting. As they are all in London during the week, their children have always attended the nearest school to their London house." Balls and Cooper "flipped" the designation of their second home three times within the space of two years. In June 2008, they were referred to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards over allegations that they were claiming expenses for what was effectively their main home in London. 
Get the London Look.

D'you know, sometimes I cannot believe that the Prime Minister of Great Britain is Sir Keir Wood, the Chancellor of the Exchequer is Rachel Wood and that the Home Secretary is Yvette Wood. Have we all slipped through some portal into a wholly improbable universe?
Doing her best to impersonate a serious politician, Mrs. Yvette Balls, proud Londoner (she was born in Scotland, you know), tried to answer Laura Kuenssberg's questions about what she was doing as Home Secretary. I did nod off a bit, but the gist went like this: 
Laura: How are you going to keep our children safe from online child abuse?
Mrs Yvette: Its a moral question you know. There's an online safety bill.
Laura: But what will you do?
Miss Yvette: We will ask the platforms to take down inappropriate content. It is a moral question.
Laura: And what will you do if they don't?
Ms Yvette: How the fuck should I know? I'm only the pretend Home Secretary. Ask me something about flipping houses.
Laura: The Southport killer had the Al Quaeda training manual on his computer.
Mz Yvette: Well, that's bad. We're going to ask the bad people to stop doing bad things.
Panel: Boo, Hiss. We want a Special Department to catch bad people. Bad People don't care about moral questions. They care about profit. Take their money away. Have a Review. Stop the illegal migrants. Have another Review. 
The Panel were great. Fraser Nelson (he's from Scotland, you know), formerly editor of the Spectator, before he was given the heave-ho to allow
 Michael Gove (he's from Scotland, too) a jobwas on it. There were also a White millionaire and a Black woman of colour. Neither of them was from Scotland, but Laura Kuenssberg certainly is.

Following Laura, Martin Geissler on his Sunday Politics show, told us that Scotland's NHS was given £618 million for health and social care. They didn't advertise this, but the Institute of Fiscal Studies discovered it. The SNP refused to appear on the show to admit they had this money and say what they would do with it, so Dr Sandesh Gulhane, a Conservative MSP and Doctor, appeared instead to tell us that the SNP would fritter it away, waiting lists wouldn't reduce, and there are too many managers and too many vacancies and that as fast as Scotland trains new doctors and nurses, they bugger off to England. Not just doctors and nurses, Sandesh - so far in today's post, we've noted that Yvette Cooper, Laura Kuenssberg, Fraser Nelson and Michael Gove are from Scotland. In the week we admired Tony Blair and Gordon Brown Memorialising Baron Punch Prescott. They are from Scotland too. In fact, there's very few people left in Scotland, as they've all gone to London to avoid the snow.

Does nobody care that the Russians have been cutting the undersea cables again? The Silver Dania, with a wholly Russian crew, was detained in Tromso and boarded by Norwegian police on Thursday. This is the second ship named by investigators as involved in cable cutting  - Finland separately seized a Russian-linked oil tanker after a cable connecting Finland and Estonia was cut. There has been a series of power and telecom cables damaged, but suspiciously little reporting of it in the British press. It is almost as if there has been a news embargo - no, surely not? 
NATO has deployed a small flotilla off the coast of Estonia to guard  undersea cables. The operation is called Baltic Sentry and the flotilla consists of  a Dutch frigate, a naval research ship, and a German minesweeper.  Commander Erik Kockx, the Belgian head of a mine countermeasures task force that is joining the Baltic Sentry, said the flotilla will only grow in the future. Could we ask nice President Trump to help? 
Well, there's your news round-up, ishmaelites. I don't have to mention the Oaf Andrew, because we're out of space.

Don't forget your copy of one of the four splendid anthologies of the writings of mr ishmael and stanislav, the young Polish Plumber. Or buy the set as a luxurious indulgence for yourself or as a gift for a broad-minded friend. The anthologies have been compiled and produced by editor mr verge, the house filthster, in answer to the appalled and bereft reaction of ishmaelites to the passing of mr ishmael in January 2020.  
You can buy the Quartet from Amazon or Lulu. Here's how:
Honest Not Invent, Vent Stack, Ishmael’s Blues, and the latest, Flush Test (with a nice picture of the late, much lamented, Mr Harris of Lanarkshire taking a piss on a totem pole) are available from Lulu and Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, it would be nice if you could give a review on their website.
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Anonymous said...

Its becoming a bit of a horror story, the UK, Mrs I.

Trump will soon be tariffing the EU - does he know or care if the UK is in the EU? As the UK is currently trying to cozy up to the EU, it will soon have to decide to take a harsh line on the EU to avoid the tariffs - though I have no idea what or if the UK exports anything to the US. Damned if the UK does, and damned if it doesn't.

I keep seeing reports about the UK guaranteeing loans by the World Bank/IMF and sundry other lender to Ukraine. With Ukraine likely soon to cease to exist, what happens when those loans become due? Has this ever been mentioned in the UK MSM?

Then there is the unmentioned underwriting of the Bank of England's losses (200Billion last time I read about it) by HMG.

This will not end well.
Are Honorable Member flipping expenses senior to all the other outstanding debts?

Anonymous said...

Mike above, apologies.

mrs ishmael said...

Whisky, mr mike, we export whisky to the States. We should have an undersea pipeline to facilitate the trade. Whisky is one of the SNP's multiple grievances against England - they reckon the English are taxing and taking and impoverishing the puir wee Scoats. They should remember that big bung they just got for NHS Scotland - straight up the yellow brick road from Westminster.
I didn't know our Masters have been fucking us over with this loan guarantee nonsense to Ukraine. I object to that. Not that it will make any difference. I don't think Ukraine will cease to exist in its entirety, more's the pity. They will lose the east to Russia, of course, and the Dwarf Zelensky will have to dust off his clown's costume and look for a job in the circus, and Ukraine will have to surrender its ambitions to join NATO and Europe - but I can't see even Trumpo the Great being able to broker a deal that wipes Ukraine out of existence.

inmate said...

“but I can't see even Trumpo the Great being able to broker a deal that wipes Ukraine out of existence.” It won’t be down to ‘the greatest ever president’ /sarc. It will be down to the wandering tribe of international bankers, who already own most of western Ukraine, ‘twill be the new Israel; that ‘loan’ that Kieth Stalin promised for the next 100 years is for what? Zelenskyy n Kieth ‘ll be long dead, no, it’s for the underwriting of the BoE losses Mr Mike mentions. Ukraine don’t need to be in NATO if it’s owned by the Hebes.
By the way, has anyone, anywhere, ever seen Pixie BallsCooper smile, what a miserable fuckin cow she is.

Mike said...

Mr inmate: there are recently and currently big moves in what was the well established gold market viz-a-viz London and New York.

Its long been established thought that neither the US nor the UK has the gold that the respective countries supposedly hold, not the gold they were holding for other countries. Of course, the depositories in the UK or US have never been independently audited.

A recent case was when Germany several years ago asked for the repatriation of its gold from both the US and UK, only to be met by silence then promises of partial repatriation of a number of years. And the gold bars Germany eventually received were not the ones deposited for storage (presumably no swastikas).

There has recently been a switch of trade from the UK to the US, and many countries' central banks are now buying gold as a hedge against global instability. The report I read speculated that the US, having either (or both) sold its gold or leased it out was now having to buy physical to repay depositors of physical.

You will recall that Brown announced he was selling the gold the UK owned and then sold at bargain basement prices, but I'm just wondering if its the BoE selling gold to cover its losses, because as sure as eggs are eggs the UK Govt can't cover the Bank of England losses. When I said it was 200B owed to BoE by HMG that was from a report a year ago and this can only have increased with further issuance of gilts with higher yield (meaning old Gilts with lower nominal yields loose value).

BTW, anyone know who actually owns the BoE?

inmate said...

I bow to your superior knowledge regarding gold, ‘it’s not something I have looked into. However I did read, the other day, that there is an eight week wait for ‘customers’, foreign govaments, who wish to have THEIR gold returned from the BoE, hmmm.

Who owns the BoE, well that question can never be answered. Numerous freedom of information requests have been put to the BoE and previous governments, since nationalisation in 1945. Even MPs are not allowed to know, apparently the Monarch ‘owns’ a small number of shares. A private company set up in 1694, five years after the Glorious Revolution, giving it control over the monetary policy of a nation; where did the ‘owners’ originally get their money from? Maybe the Rothchilds, I don’t know.

Nationalisation eh? now there’s a rabbit hole worth venturing down.

mongoose said...

The Bank says that the Government owns it in its entirety with the treasury holding the capital. But who owns te Government, eh?

It beggars belief that idiots still vote for people who stole from them! I cannot understand it. Every occasion, every question, every TV appearance should be prefaced by "My question is to the thieving git, ABC, who famously flipped his/her/their house(s) Z times and purchased N ipads and Q TV sets... My question is - have you no fucking shame?!"

mIke said...

Something on the gold shenanigans: from minute 24 (but worth listening to it all).

Mike said...

Mr mongoose: its not quite so simple. If it were, then you are saying that the UK Govt is creating and spending its own money out of thin air, which is illegal, rather than through the arms length fiction of Gilts and the BoE. The truth is somewhere in between, but nobody knows who is really in control and benefiting. Witness the debacle of Liz Truss, who was dethroned by the BoE. Are you saying, Caesar like, that the Govt knifed its own PM - some would have liked that but under your model she had the power to stop the BoE.

inmate said...

According to Hansard mr mongoose, Marshall plan money was used to help create the NHS, welfare state and to pay off debts accumulated by coal, steel, the railways, etc. and the BoE. The owners, boards of directors, senior management were still in place, plus a representative of govament, whose sole task was to report back to parliament. The BoE was still answerable to…whoever they were answerable to before nationalisation. The bank was privatised by the incoming conservative government, then re-nationalised during the Wilson government, privatised again under Heath and has remained so ever since and, let’s not forget, the cyclops Gordon Ruin handed over responsibility for interest rates to the BoE in 1997, still in force to this day.
Why does the BoE have/need an unelected representative sitting in the House of Commons, overseeing proceedings.

inmate said...

Also the Bank for international settlements, the central banks central bank. Is the BoE answerable to the BIS?

mongoose said...

What the Bof E says today.

What the Bank wants to occur, and who controls that, are two different and further questions. OMB would say that te Deep State has the reins.

Yes, mr mike, the Bank did for Truss but I would argue that they were the mechanism and not the mechanic.

mongoose said...

This Heath "privatisation" seems to be denied by the Bank itself. How do we find out what is the truth?

mr mike, that governments are now (pretending) to make money is beyond dispute be it illegal or not. I am reminded of the JFK movie half-quote - "Treason doth never prosper for if it prosper none dare call it treason". So it is now with money. The first blighter to break the ring will be hanged. The tird will bring it all crashing down.

Mike said...

"Mechanism or Mechanic" - the BoE seems to have powers beyond the status you describe. The largest department of state (the DHSS I think by numbers) couldn't contemplate such a thing.

Mike said...

And why, Mr mongoose, does the square mile have its own laws and even police force?

inmate said...

Protected status, Mr Mike. Since Magna Carta the City has enjoyed protected status, a separate jurisdiction, a realm within a realm; same as The Vatican and Washington DC, all our needs are catered for, whether spiritually, financially or militarily.

mongoose said...

It is certainly true that English law has always been more keen on property than people.

Anonymous said...

As Mr Inmate and Mr Mike say, the City is an enclave with different rules. And the Lord Mayor is not a dusty medieval relic but a powerful and influential City figure.

Anonymous said...

The above post was Yardarm.

Mike said...

IMHO much wrong in this piece, but it confirms the big exodus of gold from the Bank of England. Smells of panic. Who owns the gold leaving??