I spent 3 hours on Monday watching the inauguration. The Merkins aren't nearly as good at ceremony as us, but then, we've had thousands of years practise, and they did their best, for colonials. They rigged up some impressive blue curtaining, which swished open to the accompaniment of jolly circus music with the arrival of each new dignitary, or, as we like to call them, thieves, pimps and gangstas, whilst a sonorous Ring Master’s voice announced the Honourable this, that and the other. 'Twas all very Big
Top, and all that patriotism was not subtle, but at least Trump wasn’t required
to take his clothes off and kneel down in his shirt in front of the disgraced
Archbishop Welby, unlike poor old sausage-fingers King Charles.

Shame they
didn’t book a gospel choir.

But the parade of the ex Presidents made up for it. They are not
looking good – especially Clinton, who looked as if he hasn't really recovered from the glistening cascading anus worms,

And the gossip about Obama’s
lonely attendance was that he and his missus are splitting up.

Maybe he's decided that he likes girls after all.

who took a deep breath and said, well, that's a difficult opinion. Not an opinion, Bob, it's law.

In contrast, Mrs Trump looked absolutely lovely, dignified, graceful and stylish, as ever. The weird thing is that her stepdaughter, Ivanka, looks very like her. How did that happen?

My Democrat relative (I know, don't judge), tells me that when she was a teenager, Donald Trump ordered Ivanka to have plastic surgery. I am sooo jealous. I just got driving lessons.
But didn't the old chap do well? On his feet all day, speechifying, signing all those Executive Orders, then dancing all night. He must be on some very good drugs. And, like me, he’s a TERF. Believes the human race just has two sexes. I don't mind if you want to dress up like a woman, Michelle, but you don't fool me. Who'd have thought? This hasn't gone down too well with lots of people, including Robert Peston,

I refer you to the founder of Call Me Ishmael, who can tell us what to think now that America has led the way:
Donald Trump more or less epitomises the (white) American spirit; now Trump is the bete noir of luvvies everywhere and what Trumpophobia illustrates is the threadbare, translucent illusion of our own democracy.
In striking similarity to their behaviour after our recent plebiscite, the liberal fascists now shriek that voting is all very well, a sacred right and duty, of course it is, but only as long as people vote as they are instructed by their betters; the Guardian seeks a new, national rotten borough, in which Organised Crime, celebrities, MediaMinster and pitiable, howling mutant Transexuals set and maintain the national agenda, and in which the Worthless Normal do as they are told; a sunny privileged upland, where the smug, braying children of smug, braying parents - who luv'em2bits, me, mykidz - can, equipped with a degree in illiteracy, innumeracy and physical incompetence, gap-year around Europe without let or hindrance, as though they were re-embodied 18th Century gentlemen, instead of pampered, useless fuckwits, GrandTouring, horrid little fucking bastards; national service is what they need, dry stone-walling, caring for the elderly and never mind non-judgemental gender options. Cunts is what they are, the New People and their brats, and Donald Trump lights a fire up their arses, how very dare he say these things, and how very dare tens of millions of Americans listen to him and find him Good ? This is not why we discriminate so very studiously and ethically between our coffee beans, making informed consumer choices which leave as small a footprint as possible, this is not why we bare our arses in a frank and open - as long as people don't swear or question our integrity - frank and open and very serious dialogue on Twitter, so's Americans can vote for who they feel represents them. I mean, what would the world be like, if people just voted for whom- or what-soever they chose? That's simply not what democracy's about, not in my book.
Four million people voted for Farage, last year, and the liberal fascists, instead of hearing a voice other than their own, mocked the fact that the Kippers managed only one seat in parliament, this mockery occurring despite the fact that the screechers had, during the last Coalition government, demanded proportional representation; must've meant proportional representation for metrosexual, dog-shooting, gender-spectruming liberals, but FPTP for those dwelling in Northern.
Meantime, we call Donald Trump names. Sure, he is a completely loathsome human being but he has never, unlike our own politicians, sat at the United Nations,
lying his ugly face off, promoting a holocaustal, profiteering war, entirely on manufactured grounds, largely invented by a worthless, drunken pornographer.

Donald Trump has never, to the best of my knowledge, anyway, colluded in decades of child-raping by his constituents, just as long as they voted for his party.

Denis MacShane: "I was too much of a 'liberal leftie' and should have done more to investigate child abuse". Former Rotherham MP admits he could have done more to "burrow into" the problem in his constituency, but insists, as do they all, that he never done nothing wrong.
Donald Trump, as far as I know, has never used a government position to tout for illegal business. 
Yes, I can, quite improperly, and yes, probably illegally, interfere in the workings of foreign countries, in order to get you what you want. Yes, only five grand a half-day.

A blowjob, yes, I can do that, too.
Here, in parliament. Yes, of course.
Would you like me to keep the braces on? Yes, I am minded, myself, to say they are rather fetching.
Here, in parliament. Yes, of course.
Would you like me to keep the braces on? Yes, I am minded, myself, to say they are rather fetching.
Donald Trump has never, to my knowledge, repeatedly lied to his legislature, to the police or to the Courts of his nation, nor shifted blame to his wife for an offence which he committed.

But this cunt has.
Donald Trump has never falsely claimed taxpayer-funded expenses.

But these cunts have.
Donald Trump has never, to my knowledge, accepted huge bribes from dictators and tyrants.

But these cunts have.
Donald Trump has never, to my knowledge, waged massive and wholly illegal wars of aggression and plunder on the civilians of other nation states.

Like Iraq.

Or Libya.

But these cunts have.
Donald Trump, to the best of my knowledge, has never practised military-strength, murderous racism against his fellow citizens.

Nor maintained, offshore, throughout eight dark, cruel years, an obscene torture facility which he had promised to close.

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Yes, you can't. |
But this cunt did.
I don't know, therefore, what is so bad about Donald Trump. Sure he's a bully, an uncouth lout, a rabble rouser, possibly, like everyone in MediaMinster who voted for Iraq, a rotten racist; his behaviour in Scotland, under the auspices of Alec Fatman,
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Aye, I give him your land and he gives me my money. |
was and continues to be despicable, reprehensible, and cowardly; the man is a horrible fucking bastard, his wives are baggages and his children look and sound like mutants.
But as for him dividing America, that's already been accomplished; as for him impoverishing America, that's already been accomplished, too; as for him making America despised, worldwide, that's already been accomplished and as for him starting World War Three, well that was started years ago by these rotten fucking bastards.

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For services rendered to the shareholders in GlobaDeath. I mean, to the Merkin people. |
If Donald Trump prays to Satan five times daily, drinks sacrificed infants' blood and appoints a team to identify very, very bad things for him to do, at home and abroad, he wouldn't cause a fraction of the damage wrought by his recent criminal predecessors on both sides of the Atlantic.
Returning to the present from our foray into mr ishmael's amazingly prescient vision of our current global situation, Rachel Wood has been doing the rounds of the politics programmes.

Back from Davos, where she and her boss, Keir Wood,

failed to impress because everyone else, apart from the Dwarf Zelesky, had gone to the Inauguration; the first woman Chancellor of Britain's Exchequer has been telling everyone that she is going to grow the economy, because of the Black Hole.
Laura Nose: "But what are you actually going to do, Chancellor?"
Rachel Wood: "I'm going to grow the economy."
Laura Nose: " But you are not, are you? The increase in National Insurance and the Inheritance Tax on farmers is crashing the economy, putting up the price of food, causing the supermarkets to sack their workers and clogging up London with protesting tractors."
Rachel Wood: "Yes, I'm growing the economy. It's early days yet, I've inherited a Black Hole and I'm the first female Chancellor of the Exchequer, did I mention it?"
Laura Nose: "Fuck off and Die, Chancellor. You are giving women a bad name."

Do you think she knows what she's doing?
No, me neither.

Being tired all the time, I thought I must have an under-achieving thyroid, so I bought some stimulating supplement from t'internet, but the Doctor said no, no, no, your bloods is fine. So I guess it's just a hangover.

Storm Eowyn - it never rains but it pours.
Don't forget your copy of one of the four splendid anthologies of the writings of mr ishmael and stanislav, the young Polish Plumber. Or buy the set as a luxurious indulgence for yourself or as a gift for a broad-minded friend. The anthologies have been compiled and produced by editor mr verge, the house filthster, in answer to the appalled and bereft reaction of ishmaelites to the passing of mr ishmael in January 2020.
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Didn't watch so much as a second of the coronation of the orange one. It is true that compared to the rogues gallery in your piece, Mrs I, he's not an outlier, but for me he is the personification of everything I detest about America - I won't list the thesaurus of adjectives. He is therefore perfect, symbolically, for the job, just as Nero and Caligula were in their day.
We shall see what happens, but my prediction is he will accelerate the inevitable collapse of project America - something which is already underway, but I'm hoping for an event on the lines of Pompeii.
I'm looking forward to his meeting with President Putin, who is far too experienced and polite to tell Trump to his face what reality is, but nonetheless will kick him in the nuts.
Principle is well and fine, mr mike, but a good show is a good show, and the inauguration was sheer entertainment. I was going to eschew it, as did you, but my friend phoned before the kick off and said don't forget to turn your television on, so I did, was immediately addicted and I've felt unwell ever since. Stand-out moments included some burly military types, marching down the aisle, bouldering aside all the guests who had strayed out of their designated seating area, all the while singing about America being great or beautiful or a liberal democracy or some such nonsense. Then there was Carrie Arse Underwood, having to sing unaccompanied when her music repeatedly failed, and of course, the snarky former presidents and the bitch Hilary all grinning and chortling like third-formers at Trump's inauguration speech. Then there was a Ranting Black Preacher, who started small then really owned the space, before dancing away behind the Blue Circus Curtains of Doom.
I thought Putin and Trump were buddies from way back? Wasn't there some scuttlebutt about Putin providing some Russian ladies for Trumpian urination games during one of the Great One's visits to Moscow?
Anyway, Trump says he is a Peace-Maker and a Unifier, so let's look forward to that.
As for America's collapse - the fires seem to be speeding that along, all we need is for the San Andreas fault to rupture and that's California ficked. Topped off with a few more Storms and rain, and your wish might come true.
Just to change the subject, its 40C here in Sydney today.
it isn't here. Much as I hate the cold and gale force winds, I think 40C is too damn hot. How are your little dogs coping in the heat?
Poor little buggers are flaked out. Fortunately, we can turn the aircon on, but that gets too cold and they don't like that either.
Postcript on the weather: at around 6pm a "southerly buster" arrive. High wind and the temperature dropped about 15 degs. Then wild rain and hailstones the size of marbles.
This morning (5.30am playing golf) back to a cool 21C.
That must be a relief, mr mike, especially for the pugs. Weird weather! We never get above 22C here in Orkney, but we do have all the weather in one day, like you described. Snow, rain, hail, wind, sun and round again! The local phrase to tourists is "if you don't like the weather, don't worry, there'll be something else along in a minute."
Orange Man Bad is maybe the least worst of the last few, mr mike, but it is not saying much. At least he is rich enough = alythough that is a story in itself - not to have to enrich himself by corruption at the public teat. IMO though, anything that professional politicians hate is fine by me. Burn it all down and start again. One thing that has changed in my lifetime is te notion of service and honour. The shameless deceit, the wicked use of the media. This did not happen as brazenly when I was a lad. The calibre, the moral fibre of politicians is shocking lacking.
(Darn SL are playing Smith back into form, mr mike. We don't want that.)
Has it changed, mr mongoose, or is it that we know more about their taking little ways? The willingness of the mainstream media to tell all they can get away with, the internet, mobile phones - a serendipitous conjunction of technology and the death of deference.
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